Tuesday, December 19, 2023
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[05:44:20] <aisha> :( irc bridge is down
[05:45:19] <aisha> I've just installed yunohost on a debian system `Description: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)`
[05:45:47] <aisha> when I log into the admin panel and go to install apps, I see blank boxes for all apps
[05:46:20] <aisha> I have to refresh it multilple times to get it to show
[05:47:34] <aisha> anyone encountered this before?
[05:47:40] <aisha> am trying to figure out whats happening
[05:53:00] <aisha> interesting, seems like the problem was an incorrect MTU setting on the interface
[05:53:09] <aisha> its working now
[10:27:12] <Max Jeanpierre> Hello, Anyone succeed to use the multistore function of Prestashop?
[11:10:37] <Mateusz Szymański> Wasn't SCP-030 prohibited from acquiring knowledge of post-XVII-century technology?
[14:17:53] <Max Jeanpierre> Hello I'm facing a weird problme since 2 hours. My Yunohost can't delivere the different webpages "this site can't be reached". But I'm connected in ssh, the server is up, all the services are running.
[14:18:44] <Max Jeanpierre> In order to try to understand what's happening, what logs should I check and where are they located?
[14:23:39] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> did anything specific happened right before the issue started to appear ? x_x
[14:41:34] <Westbam> Salut tout le monde
[15:36:19] <Max Jeanpierre> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> did anything specific happened right before the issue started to appear ? x_x

I changed an app configuration in the admin, PHP-FPM configuration, memory footprint low to medium and expected usage low to medium
[15:42:32] <Mateusz Szymański> > <@mxjnprr:matrix.org> I changed an app configuration in the admin, PHP-FPM configuration, memory footprint low to medium and expected usage low to medium

find the fpm config and fix php version there as it defaults to 7.4 for some stupid reason

[15:42:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> what app was it ? x_x
[15:43:32] <Max Jeanpierre> Yep, the app wans't working anymore, I found this file, renamed it to the correct php version and the app worked again
[15:43:53] <Mateusz Szymański> renamed? it typically references php_wrong-php-version.sock somewhere inside
[15:45:44] <Max Jeanpierre> yep, for this one, I had a error message "*445 connect() to unix:/var/run/php/php8.1-fpm-prestashop.sock failed (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upstream"
[15:46:21] <Max Jeanpierre> actually this file php8.1-fpm-prestashop.sock was simply missing
[15:46:43] <Max Jeanpierre> there was an empty one, php7.4-fpm-prestashop.sock
[15:47:11] <Max Jeanpierre> I just mv php7.4-fpm-prestashop.sock php8.1-fpm-prestashop.sock
[15:47:18] <Max Jeanpierre> and it was working again...
[15:47:33] <Max Jeanpierre> it was prestashop
[15:47:47] <Mateusz Szymański> whatever works I guess
[15:50:24] <Max Jeanpierre> But I'm not sure it's related to my current problem
[15:50:59] <Mateusz Szymański> > <@mxjnprr:matrix.org> But I'm not sure it's related to my current problem

ok, let's go over it once, there are random pages in Pretashop missing? All of them or some of them?
[15:51:09] <Mateusz Szymański> perhaps the memory footprint is too low, does it mention anything in PHP FPM log?
[15:51:15] <Max Jeanpierre> no, nothing related specifically to Prestashop actually
[15:51:23] <Charles P.> > <@mxjnprr:matrix.org> I just mv php7.4-fpm-prestashop.sock php8.1-fpm-prestashop.sock

Uh, you shouldn't move sock files, better changing the config that reference them
[15:51:43] <Charles P.> In that case changing Prestashop config so it calls 7.4 instead of 8.1
[15:52:23] <Charles P.> Because if you restart php now, either it won't start or it will recreate the 7.4 file
[15:53:12] <Max Jeanpierre> I rebooted my server
[15:53:12] <Mateusz Szymański> thing is Pretashop should actually be running on PHP 8.1 in the latest version
[15:53:48] <Max Jeanpierre> yep
[15:54:01] <Max Jeanpierre> actually, I uninstalled Prestashop
[15:55:34] <Charles P.> You literaly renamed PHP 7.4 to 8.1, apps that expected 8.1 to work will likely fail when executing code that do not work in 7.4, and apps that expected 7.4 won't also work since you `mv` the file elsewhere (such as PHP 7.4 no longer exists on your system, you now have PHP a 7.4 showing up as 8.2)
[15:58:03] <Max Jeanpierre> actually it's only related to Prestashop, and shouldn't have any effect on any other app
[16:02:22] <Max Jeanpierre> this file .sock used by the PHP FastCGI Process Manager (FPM) to communicate with the PrestaShop application. It allows Nginx to hand off requests to the PHP-FPM process for processing
[16:02:52] <Max Jeanpierre> and it was just missing "No such file or directory"
[16:04:14] <Max Jeanpierre> there was a file php7.4-fpm-prestashop.sock while php8.1-fpm-prestashop.sock was expected
[16:36:43] <Charles P.> > <@mxjnprr:matrix.org> this file .sock used by the PHP FastCGI Process Manager (FPM) to communicate with the PrestaShop application. It allows Nginx to hand off requests to the PHP-FPM process for processing

Yup, a sock file is a file exposed by a service to communicate localy with it without using a network port
[16:38:04] <Charles P.> But they shouldn't be renamed
[17:32:48] <Max Jeanpierre> ok :-) But it doesn't answer my first question: which log and where to find it when I got my app/sites unreachable, while everythig seems to run fine on the server side
[18:24:55] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> "stuff being unreachable" can happen for many reasons, but as a rule of thumb : check the diagnosis

In your case, it should have reported that he php service was down, and point you to the corresponding log

Also if this happens right after a specific operation, then explain it, and share the corresponding log of the operation in Tools > Logs
[19:16:37] <aisha> is sonarr still broken? is there any open tickets/bugs for sonarr on ynh?
[19:18:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> https://apps.yunohost.org/app/sonarr , https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/sonarr_ynh/issues
[19:19:58] <aisha> right, I had seen that but I didn't see any open tickets, but when I try to install sonarr on my server, it says its broken
[19:20:04] <aisha> so I'm not super sure what to do
[19:21:47] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> well it should be a pretty clear message, the app is flagged as broken, hence it may break your system, hence it's discouraged to install oit
[19:23:19] <aisha> I'm trying to find out how I can make a PR to try to fix it, it's not very clear why it's "broken"
[19:23:35] <aisha> if there is a link to any CI/CD pipeline I can try to make some contributions :)
[19:23:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> cf https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/job/20970 and https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/sonarr_ynh/pulls
[19:24:08] <aisha> thank you
[19:25:22] <aisha> oh wow, someone made some PRs just a couple minutes ago :O
[19:25:33] <aisha> talk about timing
[19:25:53] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ⚡️
[20:46:29] <poneymoon> Can a visitor register and create an account on a yunohost instance?
[20:47:18] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> no
[20:50:03] <poneymoon> I would like to create a website and allow visitors to register directly on yunohost to have access to certain applications and certain privileges that ordinary visitors will not have.
[20:50:12] <poneymoon> Is there a roundabout way to do this?
[20:51:03] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes, by storing the admin credentials in plaintext and hitting on the web API, or somehow running your service as root, which will probably end in security disaster
[20:52:46] <poneymoon> It seems very complicated to me to do it with DIY. Is this feature planned for yunohost?
[20:53:00] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> cf https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/1677
[20:54:12] <poneymoon> wow, this request has been around for a long time! ^^
[20:54:50] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> some people even say it's been around for 9 years
[20:56:19] <poneymoon> Maybe some people who were waiting for this feature are already dead 😅
[20:57:57] <poneymoon> Aleks (he/him/il/lui) Are you one of the yunohost developers?
[20:58:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> from time to time
[21:00:08] <poneymoon> Okay, do you know if this feature will be integrated into yunohost or not? Is it planned in your diary?
[21:09:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Yes, for some definition of the word planned, kind of nuclear fusion is planned 🙃
[21:22:31] <Mateusz Szymański> > <@poneymoon:matrix.org> Okay, do you know if this feature will be integrated into yunohost or not? Is it planned in your diary?

cf https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/1677
[21:22:36] <Mateusz Szymański> ah already linked :P
[21:41:06] <poneymoon> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> Yes, for some definition of the word planned, kind of nuclear fusion is planned 🙃

Nuclear fusion? How so ? 🤔