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[00:38:35] <jan> > I setup coturn in my server to have xmpp calls and videcalls but it's not working, not sure why...I don't have ipv6, could that be the problem?
I dont know why, but mine xmpp + coturn don't work too for calling. I checked configs, dns - and no, no go. Previously I had it calling fine. (6m)
[01:19:01] <LPS_trashserver> I asked on Mastodon, but not sure I got a sufficient answer. Is anyone using a photo management app with yunohost that syncs with a nextcloud library?
[01:20:16] <LPS_trashserver> photoprism, lychee, piwigo etc are available, but I'd like to do auto uploads from phones to my nextcloud server, but have a better way to navigate them using a mobile app. Nextcloud is pretty insufficient in that regard.
[12:48:55] <thatoo> Hello, a group for whom I manage a yunohost with nextcloud would like a tool to know who lend/borrowed what to who?
Each user wonder who she/he lend his/her book to? 
I took an example of book but could be anything actually.
Do you know an app helping with that I can install within Nextcloud idealy or Yunohost?
[13:27:05] <lapineige> I saw something related to that recently... I can't remember if it was a Nextcloud app or another software
[17:24:12] <lapineige> I changed the default domain of my Yunohost server. How can I change the email of my user to use the new default domain ?
[17:24:46] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> by manually editing every user ? 😬
[17:26:54] <lapineige> I mean just for my user
[17:27:05] <lapineige> changing it in the web UI cancels the change
[17:29:47] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmm stupid question but are you positive the domain exists ? x_X
[17:30:30] <lapineige> yeah, it's the default one
[17:30:39] <lapineige> `Nom de domaine invalide dans contact@XXXX`
[17:31:26] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> could it be that some other alias reference a domain that doesnt exists anymore ?
[17:32:57] <lapineige> they all exist
[17:33:01] <lapineige> and are configured properly apparently
[17:34:57] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> est-ce qui se pourrait que t'as changé des trucs depuis la CLI mais maintenant tu changes les trucs de la webadmin ?
[17:35:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (= pourrait y'avoir un soucis de cache à la con derrière)
[17:36:06] <lapineige> j'ai pas touché aux comptes en CLI, je sais pas faire ça. J'allais regarder pour tester par contre…
[17:36:11] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> mais le domaine ?
[17:36:33] <lapineige> je ne pense pas, et ça date de >1an
[17:36:39] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ok
[17:37:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > `Nom de domaine invalide dans contact@XXXX`

you sure this is the real error message ? can't find it in the code
[17:38:12] <lapineige> ça marche en CLI mais c'est pas reflété en ligne…
[17:38:25] <lapineige> > <> you sure this is the real error message ? can't find it in the code

that's the red popup
[17:43:36] <lapineige> I'm trying to figure out if/how Wordpress can send emails, it doesn't seem to work…
Sending a mail with Roundcube seems to work. An automated mail from the BackupWP extension (to send a backup by email) is never received 🤔
[17:45:33] <lapineige> Sometimes it "fails" but I receive "Message non délivré renvoyé à l'expéditeur" from the mail daemon (redirection to my mail from the server contact adress), complaining about SPF and DKIM.
According to Yunohost, SPF is correct 🤔
[17:45:56] <lapineige> Maybe the mail is sent with IPV6 ? 🤔 (reverse dns is set for IPV4)
[17:51:35] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> if wordpress sends its mail in "unauthenticated" mode, it won't be signed with DKIM
[17:51:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> that's why we need the whole thing with `allow_email = true` in the user resource in the manifest
[17:51:47] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> to define a proper login / password
[17:56:52] <lapineige> simply adding it in the manifest would do it ? No other change needed ? (why didn't we already do it then 😅)
[18:02:27] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> no, just adding it to the manifest doesn't magically fix it, you have to effectively configure the part that sends email with the appropriate login/password
[18:03:58] <lapineige> So in Wordpress extension settings
[18:04:17] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> if you know how to do this, yeah
[18:06:31] <lapineige> I'll try 😂
[18:08:32] <lapineige> Uh, the extension, for sendmail option, only specify the command to use (`/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i` by default). Is that the place where I should set the email user and password ? 🤔
[18:10:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[18:10:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 😬
[18:10:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> « The capabilities of the sendmail command to send mail stopped evolving well before SMTP authentication was invented. »
[18:12:10] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> apparently maybe `mailx` can handle it
[18:16:32] <lapineige> oh ok, in Pixelfed we used sendmail 🤔
[18:16:43] <lapineige> it also allows SMTP, should I go for it then ?
[18:17:09] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 😬 dunno, i have no real experience with these
[18:20:23] <lapineige> do you know how I can get these email parameters ?
[18:20:29] <lapineige> (is that an app setting ?)
[18:22:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yup, `mail_user` and `mail_pwd`
[18:28:07] <lapineige> Uh… they don't exist 😆
[18:28:34] <lapineige> (yes I upgraded to first)
[18:29:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> how are you checking that they exists ?
[18:36:06] <lapineige> `yunohost app setting wordpress mail_user`
[18:38:06] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah my bad, `mail_pwd` should exists, `mail_user` is something that packagers can manually define if a specific mail user is needed instead of just $app
[18:38:47] <lapineige> good point ! It works 🙂
[18:44:03] <lapineige> Using the "php(mail)" option, it seems to work… 🙂
[18:56:04] <lapineige> I've got it half working, I don't know if it's better now… I'll see that later, thanks for the help 🙂