Tuesday, October 18, 2022
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[07:00:55] <wave6677[m]> https://forum.yunohost.org/t/email-stays-pending-never-sends/21722
This is my post. If anyone can help me I usually respond quicker on Matrix than I do on forums. However I understand using the forums will probably be more helpful for others if they have the same issue so I will respond on the forums if it's preferable.
I appreciate any help that is given
[07:41:52] <craigvb[m]> any idea why a website on my_webapp would have a 2MB file upload limit?
[07:56:56] <frankydaboss88> Hi
[08:00:04] <craigvb[m]> > <@_bifrost_frankydaboss882fsupport40conferenceyunohostorg[m]:libera.chat> Hi

[08:05:35] <john_livingston> I already mentioned that some days ago, but no action were taken.
[10:04:32] <craigvb[m]> wasn't in there no, but after systemctl restart nginx it didn't make any difference to the 2MB limit
[10:19:40] <craigvb[m]> ugh... this part of yunohost is so frustrating. I must've been down this rabbit hole about 4 times now and fluked it..but not this time.
[11:01:43] <OliverP> Hi all. I have a problem logging in to the matrix synapse instance on my server. I found the github issue with version 167 and the connection issue to ldap but that doesn't seem to apply to my situation as the entries were already correct (i.e. not commented out).
[11:01:44] <OliverP> slapd[894]: conn=1014 op=0 do_bind: invalid dn (synapse)
[11:01:44] <OliverP> When I click on connect in the Element Web-App hosted on the same server I can see an Error in the slapd in webadmin which states:
[11:01:45] <OliverP> Any Ideas on how to troubleshoot are very welcome = )
[11:32:21] <c014> anyone else has " There are some pending migrations waiting to be run. Please go to Tools > Migrations to run them." and when you go to see there's nothing?
[11:34:12] <Guillaume Bouzige> c014 yes you need to restart the yunohost api service via ssh
[11:34:28] <c014> Hm.. is there a simple command for that? :)
[11:34:49] <Guillaume Bouzige> `sudo service yunohost-api restart`
[11:35:40] <c014> Thanks Guillaume Bouzige
[11:47:26] <Guillaume Bouzige> You are welcome c014
[12:20:35] <Ilario> Bonjour est ce que je peut employer le logo et le nom YunoHost pour présenter le logiciel dans des conférences ? Merci.
[12:30:36] <c> sauf si c'est pour te faire passer pour responsable du projet yunohost y'a pas de raison :P
[12:31:09] <c> (de façon générale et pas que pour yunohost, même quand une marque est déposée tu peux en parler et montrer son logo sans son accord.. pour informer/critiquer/etc)
[12:31:56] <OliverP> have a nice day. bye
[12:32:24] <c> you too
[12:41:12] <Ilario> > sauf si c'est pour te faire passer pour responsable du projet yunohost y'a pas de raison :P
Je pourrais essayer...mais je craint que à la première question juste un peut technique on me démasque. Ceci dit pour l'instant je vais pas essayer de me passer pour le créateur de YH. Par contre, plus sérieusement, est ce qu'il y'a une vidéo qui explique grosso modo qu'est ce que est/fait YunoHost?
[13:37:25] <Bryant> Hello. I wish to ask how much you charge for a hosting package with Gotosocial already setup?
[13:42:19] <Bryant> Hello?
[13:43:00] <Guillaume Bouzige> Hello Bryant What do you mean ?
[13:52:55] <Guillaume Bouzige> Have you read this https://yunohost.org/en/selfhosting already ?
[16:56:28] <wave6677[m]> hello; id like to ask again about my post here⋮
[17:05:14] <jamniczek> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/cRCtRnoXlJfGlplYewhggsOe
[17:05:15] <jamniczek> Hmm... Just installed HA and it wouldn't accept any of the login credentials... Any ideas how to fix it?
[17:05:35] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> wave6677[m]: yes lets check that `ls -l /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd.db` returns
[17:06:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> jamniczek: you sure the password is just "admin" ? x_x
[17:06:34] <jamniczek> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> jamniczek: you sure the password is just "admin" ? x_x

Don't worry, I tried the correct one :P This is just what I tried as the last resort for no reason whatsoever
[17:07:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i believe you should enter your actual credentials like the yunohost user credentials (same as when logging on the yunohost portal)
[17:08:25] <jamniczek> yeah, that's what I tried already... I'll maybe try creating another user
[17:25:07] <jamniczek> weird stuff. Only one user's credentials work. I haven't messed any permissions, no new users get accepted as well.
[17:30:22] <maver> After Upgrading Applications, a warning appeared about outstanding migrations that have to be done. Following the link Tools/Migrations, the status message is: no outstanding migrations.
But under "Previous Migrations", there is a list of 4 migrations:
24. Repair Python app after bullseye migration
23. Migrieren von Datenbanken von PostgreSQL 11 nach 13
22. Migriere php7.3-fpm 'pool' Konfiguration nach php7.4
21. Upgrade des Systems auf Debian Bullseye und YunoHost 11.x

What should I do?
[17:33:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> that's a bug, sorry about that : https://forum.yunohost.org/t/after-update-from-11-0-9-15-to-11-0-10-there-are-some-pending-migrations-waiting-to-be-run/21720
[17:33:10] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> basically just restart `yunohost-api` and the message will go away
[17:34:22] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> as simple as it may seems, unfortunately there's no easy way to magically fix this for everybody, this is related to the self upgrade mechanism and this depends on the code already existing on yunohost server, not on new code we may push
[18:16:44] <craigvb[m]> still having trouble with my_webapp having a 2mb file upload limit... changing the .conf files doesn't seem to be helping with systemctl restart nginx afterwards or is there another service/reboot I need to do after editing the file? Does anyone know the actual file that needs editing? (there's 3 .conf files in the apps folder)
[20:36:54] <wave6677[m]> > <@Alekswag[m]:libera.chat> wave6677[m]: yes lets check that `ls -l /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd.db` returns

admin@yunohost:~$ ls -l /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd.db
ls: cannot access '/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd.db': No such file or directory

[20:37:12] <wave6677[m]> sorry for the late response, been a bit busy today with classes
[20:43:31] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Zblerg, gotta prefix the command with sudo
[20:53:09] <wave6677[m]> > <@Alekswag[m]:libera.chat> Zblerg, gotta prefix the command with sudo

Running it as sudo did the same thing :(

admin@yunohost:~$ sudo ls -l /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd.db
ls: cannot access '/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd.db': No such file or directory

[22:47:06] <m1k3[m]> Hello à tous•tes ! Est-ce que certain d'entre vous ont également des problèmes pour accéder à certains menus avec le mot de passe du compte admin ? Je peux sans soucis accéder à mon compte (compte principal avec les différents menus d'administration) mais il me refuse mon mot de passe pour certain menus (exemple : 2FA)... 🤔