Friday, October 20, 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[00:23:44] <retiolus>
[00:23:47] <retiolus> Je ne comprends pas...
[00:24:45] <retiolus> À cause de ça je reçois tous les matins une dizaine de mails
[00:25:52] <Chatpitaine Caverne> retiolus: ça ressemble à l'erreur que l'on a quand on vient de créer un domaine et qu'on demande un certficat alors qu'on n'a encore fait aucun diagnostique.
[00:26:35] <retiolus> que je fasse diagnostique ou pas j'ai cette errreur depuis longtemps (et ces domains ne sont pas nouveaux)
[00:27:52] <Chatpitaine Caverne> > <> que je fasse diagnostique ou pas j'ai cette errreur depuis longtemps (et ces domains ne sont pas nouveaux)

Oui, me doutais bien. D'ailleurs je n'avais pas vu que tu as mis un résultat de diag aussi.
[00:29:57] <retiolus> 🫠
[00:31:18] <Chatpitaine Caverne> ```
yunohost domain cert-renew --help
Warning: 'yunohost domain cert-renew' is deprecated and will be removed in the future
usage: yunohost domain cert-renew [domain_list ...] [-h] [--force] [--email] [--no-checks]

Renew the Let's Encrypt certificates for given domains (all by default).

positional arguments:
domain_list Domains for which to renew the certificates

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--force Ignore the validity threshold (30 days)
--email Send an email to root with logs if some renewing fails
--no-checks Does not perform any check that your domain seems correctly configured (DNS, reachability) before attempting to renew. (Not recommended)

[00:33:10] <Chatpitaine Caverne> ``yunohost domain cert renew --help``

[00:35:10] <Chatpitaine Caverne> As-tu essayé cette syntaxe, au lieu de cert-renew ?
[01:06:18] <luke> Just logged into here to say thankyou. This is a great thing you've created and I very much appreciate the ease and freedom it gives
[01:14:15] <Chatpitaine Caverne> exit
[01:48:52] <luke> exit?
[03:32:46] <luke> One Query, probably my ignorance. On my iphone I'm logged into my xmpp acount on Monal. On here Gajim. My iphone isn't showing this as a space / group, its just not on it?
[05:01:51] <Sébastien> Bonjour,
Petit appel a à l'aide....
Il m'est impossible de me connecter sur le serveur Dav de mon yunohost depuis mon PC sous Mont ou mon smartphone avec Davx5. Cela fonctionnait auparavant. Ma compagne n'a pas ce soucis avec son tel.
Curieusement ça fait quelques jour que mon mac ne trouve plus l'instance Timemachine non plus.
Je n'arrive pas a comprendre ce que je fais de travers ou ce qui ne fonctionne plus. Les log de DavX5 disent : Unable to résolve host. Ni adresse associated to résolve with hostname.
J'arrive sans soucis a me connecter de l'extérieur sur Nextcloud par exemple...
Merci d'avance
[07:31:43] <retiolus> > <> As-tu essayé cette syntaxe, au lieu de cert-renew ?

exactement même erreur
[08:54:27] <Salamandar> Hey ho
[08:54:38] <Salamandar> I can't update nextcloud… It's filling up /tmp ><'
[08:56:27] <Salamandar> This is the culprit :
[09:02:09] <Salamandar> welp i should post this in the app dev room
[12:23:39] <Salamandar> Hey, I got another issue : my nextcloud DB is 5.8GB… is it normal ? the restoration step is taking ~ 8 hours…
[12:44:34] <tituspijean> Salamandar: is your Nextcloud configured to keep the files history?
[12:45:14] <Salamandar> eeh idk, maybe
[12:45:30] <Salamandar> i'm waiting for the db restore to finish. 5.2GB on 5.8gb.
[12:46:00] <tituspijean> I'm discovering this too:

> In PostgreSQL, an UPDATE or DELETE of a row does not immediately remove the old version of the row.
[12:46:58] <tituspijean> Ah wait, Nextcloud on YunoHost does not use PSQL 😆
[12:49:56] <Salamandar> no, mysql
[12:50:10] <Salamandar> 5.3GB… ffs it's so slow
[12:50:18] <Salamandar> and cpu usage isn't that high
[12:50:28] <Salamandar> mysql cpu usage : 2%
[14:32:45] <Chatpitaine Caverne> > <> exactement même erreur

peut-être ceci (prudemment) :

[14:33:22] <retiolus> > <> peut-être ceci (prudemment) :

qu'est-ce que tu veux dire ?
[14:34:13] <Chatpitaine Caverne> retiolus:
[14:34:55] <Chatpitaine Caverne> le prudemment est peut-être de trop, mais c'est le self-signed qui me chiffonne. du coup 2ème lien peut-être mieux
[14:34:56] <retiolus> `yunohost domain cert-install mondomaine --force --no-checks`
c'est ce que je fais déjà
[14:35:39] <Chatpitaine Caverne> bah je ne vois pas pour l'instant. D'autres ont une idée ?
[14:36:20] <retiolus> C'est quoi la limite de nombre de domaines ? pour le check auto
[14:37:55] <retiolus> Il y a un quota/limite, non ?
[14:39:05] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Sais pas. Sais juste que si trop de renouvellements, Let's Encrypt te stoppe à un moment, mais ne connais pas la limite. Mais là tes renouvellements échouent, alors...
[14:47:54] <Wylel> Question: How does rDNS work with multiple domains doing email on a YunoHost server?
[14:48:14] <Wylel> Would it require another IP address on the host, and if so how can you separate the two?
[15:07:11] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Hmmm im not sure, maybe the reverse DNS doesnt have to match the destination domain and only the SMTP HELO, not sure
[15:09:24] <Wylel> I think another IP would do it, with one A record for one domain, one for the other, and then the MX should match that, and then setting the rDNS on the correct IP.
[15:10:03] <Wylel> and I am going to imagine that the server itself will just serve the applications and work as designed, just as a high level thinking of it
[16:09:25] <Salamandar> > <> Salamandar: is your Nextcloud configured to keep the files history?

OK found the issue, this stupid software indexes the thumbnails…
[16:09:57] <Salamandar>
[17:33:44] <ChriChri> > <> I think another IP would do it, with one A record for one domain, one for the other, and then the MX should match that, and then setting the rDNS on the correct IP.

This is how I did it:
* two MX for each domain
* one MX is the ynh dyndns A record
* second MX is a permanent official IP at a provider
* my router routes outgoing smtp via wireguard over the second IP
* for callbacks I routed from the second IP to my yunohost

My understanding is that your MX needs a reverse record and the helo needs to match the incoming IP. smtp server do all kind of strict DNS checking to get rid of the stupid part of the spammers and by doing so close out people who send from IPs they cannot have a reverse record for. Furthermore IP ranges for dynamic IPs are often on blocklists or blocked by the receiving end.´
[17:34:13] <ChriChri> > <> This is how I did it:
> * two MX for each domain
> * one MX is the ynh dyndns A record
> * second MX is a permanent official IP at a provider
> * my router routes outgoing smtp via wireguard over the second IP
> * for callbacks I routed from the second IP to my yunohost
> My understanding is that your MX needs a reverse record and the helo needs to match the incoming IP. smtp server do all kind of strict DNS checking to get rid of the stupid part of the spammers and by doing so close out people who send from IPs they cannot have a reverse record for. Furthermore IP ranges for dynamic IPs are often on blocklists or blocked by the receiving end.´

Yes, I can send to m365, G, apple, t-online, gmx, etc...
[19:03:31] <mario> Problems with Jitsi app on mobile and config.js: it seems to be solved

Hope it helps
[21:48:45] <anmol> Hi
[21:49:13] <anmol> How can I backup the nextcloud app data?
[21:53:35] <anmol> Another issue is that I want email from domain abc.tld which is hosted on server A to reached at inbox of xyz.tld which is no server B. test@abc.tld (server A) -> mike@xyz.tld (serverB)
[21:54:57] <orhtej2> > <anmol> How can I backup the nextcloud app data?

just back up the application, the data should be in the created archive
[21:55:27] <orhtej2> > <anmol> Another issue is that I want email from domain abc.tld which is hosted on server A to reached at inbox of xyz.tld which is no server B. test@abc.tld (server A) -> mike@xyz.tld (serverB)

go to web admin, users -> some_user -> edit and set up mail forward
[21:56:44] <orhtej2>
[22:17:29] <anmol> @orhtej2: And if don't wan to backup app data, when I have to do?
[22:20:06] <orhtej2> > <anmol> @orhtej2: And if don't wan to backup app data, when I have to do?

As per [the docs](

BACKUP_CORE_ONLY=1 yunohost backup create --apps nextcloud