Sunday, October 29, 2023
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[07:04:40] <fch> was metronome affected by this? I mean a fully updated yunhost server
[07:52:43] <yunohelper> Hi! To help us volunteers help you, read about <a href="">how to ask for help</a>.<br />Notably, contextualize your problem and explain it plainly.<br />Thank you for you patience, and thank you for using YunoHost!
[08:46:22] <yunohelper> Hi! To help us volunteers help you, read about <a href="">how to ask for help</a>.<br />Notably, contextualize your problem and explain it plainly.<br />Thank you for you patience, and thank you for using YunoHost!
[12:15:42] <yunohelper> Hi! To help us volunteers help you, read about <a href="">how to ask for help</a>.<br />Notably, contextualize your problem and explain it plainly.<br />Thank you for you patience, and thank you for using YunoHost!
[12:16:05] <lapineige> (oh, that emoji reaction triggers the bot ^^)
[12:39:56] <Thomas> Bonjour,,
[12:40:36] <Thomas> Est il possible de mettre à jour Mastodon sans backup lors de la procédure de mise à jour?
[12:43:40] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Thomas:
you have the option --no-safety-backup in the command :
yunohost app upgrade --help
usage: yunohost app upgrade [app ...] [-h] [-u URL] [-f FILE] [-F] [-b] [-c]

Upgrade app

positional arguments:
app App(s) to upgrade (default all)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL Git url to fetch for upgrade
-f FILE, --file FILE Folder or tarball for upgrade
-F, --force Force the update, even though the app is up to date
-b, --no-safety-backup
Disable the safety backup during upgrade
-c, --continue-on-failure
Continue to upgrade apps even if one or more upgrade failed

[12:49:41] <Thomas> Merci
[13:00:05] <Hiro (hnb)> Hi. I have problem signing Let's Encrypt certificate using YunoHost on for my subdomain. Here is the link to log:
[13:02:21] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `"DNS problem: SERVFAIL looking up CAA for giraffe.maindomain.tld - the domain's nameservers may be malfunctioning"`
[13:02:34] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> apparently Lets Encrypt was somehow unable to fetch the CAA record for your domain name
[13:02:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> could be a temporary issue maybe
[13:02:56] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or a typo in the CAA record maybe, not sure
[13:14:10] <Hiro (hnb)> Hmmm... Diagnostic does not telling me for error on DNS... I'll check once more for typo or related setting when I get back to my PC. Thanks for the word.
[13:57:56] <matt> Bonjour!
[14:01:12] <matt> I saw that Aleks (he/him/il/lui) added it in the wishlist, but I wanted to have an advice on how to move things forward
[14:05:14] <matt> It is a shame, after spending hours trying to figure out how this whole complex structure of indexers, analyzers, etc..., I get stuck at the lastest step :(
[14:05:29] <matt> But when I get to the mast one, Prolarr, I realized that it needs a FlareSolevrrr package that is not available in the repository of YNH packages.
[14:05:50] <matt> But when I get to the last one, Prolarr, I realized that it needs a FlareSolevrrr package that is not available in the repository of YNH packages.
[14:06:14] <matt> Should I get a binary package for debian to install in on the barebones of my ynh instance?
[14:06:58] <matt> It is a shame, after spending hours trying to figure out how this whole complex structure of indexers, analyzers, etc... works, I get stuck at the latest step :(
[14:07:09] <matt> It is a shame, after spending hours trying to figure out how this whole complex structure of indexers, analyzers, etc... works, I get stuck at the latest step
: (
[14:10:00] <matt> I finally decided to take care of my medias library. So I install the whateverrrrr suite of software (sonarr, radarr, etc...)
[14:18:13] <lapineige> The best option for all would be to package it. If you're lucky, it's quitte similar to the others ones.
[14:18:18] <matt> Should I set some kind of docker instance to make it happen?
[14:19:04] <matt> > The best option for all would be to package it. If you're lucky, it's quitte similar to the others ones.

Hum, I think I would be doing a terrible job at it! 😅
[14:20:01] <lapineige> That wouldn't be much different as running a precompiled binary, or even a docker container… as you would have to plug it in Nginx and maybe systemd or other stuff like this
[14:23:18] <eric_G> > <> Hum, I think I would be doing a terrible job at it! 😅

It will still be much faster than waiting for someone else to package it. 😁
[14:45:52] <matt> > That wouldn't be much different as running a precompiled binary, or even a docker container… as you would have to plug it in Nginx and maybe systemd or other stuff like this

yes, good point
[14:57:23] <lapineige> In fact, it's more work to understand how to tweak it from official documentation to Yunohost needs (than to adjust it to a running Yunohost), but it's less work and complexities to do it in the end. Most stuff are configured by Yunohost right away, and some are quite simple to setup (systemd for instance).
[14:57:50] <lapineige> And we *could* provide some assistance 😉 (use the dedicated matrix room for that 🙂)
[15:09:49] <matt> Yes, I get it. My limitations are that I am not programmer, I do science, which is already a high involvement, low salary work; and that learning the packaging process would require me a lot of time, as I am slower than most.
[15:10:14] <matt> And yes, you can do science and be slow to get things 😂
[15:10:46] <matt> But that would be a nice thing to do indeed
[15:10:56] <matt> As a personal skill I mean
[15:11:30] <lapineige> > <> Yes, I get it. My limitations are that I am not programmer, I do science, which is already a high involvement, low salary work; and that learning the packaging process would require me a lot of time, as I am slower than most.

This doesn't require programmer skill, but I understand the limitations and priorities 😉
[15:15:58] <matt> Thanks,
To give you and idea: 2 papers in review, some proceedings to send, peer reviews to give (for free), recent publications to read, research to get forward, 1000s of emails to deal with for badly non-english speaking pple, grants request to make, science facilities regulations and requirements to do, procurement and university paperwork to deal with.
[15:16:04] <matt> And I barely make it every month.
[15:16:39] <matt> If there is a list of slaves on this planet, please include us!
[15:18:09] <matt> I will never encourage my kids to do this job! 😅
[15:18:38] <matt> And the worst is that we don't complain, just because what we do is interesting.
[15:19:29] <matt> Sorry for the rent, it is not a complain, just to give you the crazy picture
[15:20:06] <matt> And also, you work 60+ hours per week, all year, with little to no holidays. No reconglition of your life effort, complete ego-less work.
[15:20:33] <matt> And also, you work 60+ hours per week, all year, with little to no holidays. No reconglition of your life effort, complete ego-less work. Because the university and the journals own everything.
[15:22:03] <matt> Rrrrr, the last update of radarr changed the authentication propocol
[15:22:25] <matt> Rrrr, sorry for the spasm... Rrrrr
[15:22:37] <matt> 🤣
[15:25:53] <lapineige> > <> Thanks,
> To give you and idea: 2 papers in review, some proceedings to send, peer reviews to give (for free), recent publications to read, research to get forward, 1000s of emails to deal with for badly non-english speaking pple, grants request to make, science facilities regulations and requirements to do, procurement and university paperwork to deal with.

I've a good idea of academic condition yeah 😅
As said, you have your priorities, fine 🙂
[18:32:05] <toromtomtom>
[18:32:25] <toromtomtom> This is the error I am getting