Friday, October 27, 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[06:57:53] <luke> I’ve just installed pixelfed but having problems with federation. External people I follow don’t have profile pics just the default silhouette and when they post a pic it doesn’t appear in any of the timelines. I can send a direct message out but not receive incoming ones. Is this normal ?
[06:59:05] <luke> I’ve installed it to use a subdomain of my main domain.
[11:53:28] <lapineige> If you publish some content, is it shown elsewhere ?
[13:31:57] <Salamandar> Hi, i'm wondering, how is yunohost doing the initial mariadb configuration, and generating the password ?
[13:32:10] <Salamandar> I'm trying to reinstall mariadb-server because of my issues (huge ibdata1…)
[13:35:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> also nowadays there's is no "root" password anymore
[13:35:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it's like "unix auth"
[13:35:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> some stuff might be handled by the mysql/mariadb's debian package
[13:35:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you can open a "root" mysql shell while being logged as root
[13:35:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmmyeah there's not many thing in
[13:35:39] <Salamandar> yeah
[13:35:39] <Salamandar> at least it looks like it to me
[13:35:39] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yeah same stuff could be done for postgresql
[13:35:39] <Salamandar> i'll try…
[13:35:39] <Salamandar> maybe yunohost doesn't even configure a password
[13:35:40] <Salamandar> it looks like postgresql requires a root password but mysql is just done as root, without password
[13:36:20] <Salamandar> gha
[13:36:28] <Salamandar> Looks like I don't know to read
[13:36:28] <Salamandar> I just read > # It enabled auth_socket for root, so no need to define any root password...
[13:36:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> >`c.f. : cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/mariadb-server-10.3.postinst | grep install_db -C3`
[13:36:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ;P
[13:37:16] <Salamandar> 😄
[13:38:47] <Salamandar> I'm starting to restore my apps now. I'll see if everything explodes…
[15:43:48] <Paprika> Now that I noticed some talk regarding mail, I have a question. Recently (well, for quite some time now actually) spam services like spamhaus stopped supporting open DNS resolvers. Is there a workaround to still be able to receive mail and use open resolvers like Cloudflare?
[15:45:19] <Paprika> Now that I noticed some talk regarding mail, I have a question. Recently (well, for quite some time now actually) spam services like spamhaus stopped supporting open DNS resolvers. Is there a workaround to still be able to receive mail and use open resolvers like Cloudflare? Of course, aside from setting up DQS from Spamhaus.
[16:47:38] <luke> Today, 12:53 AM:
> If you publish some content, is it shown elsewhere ?
No it doesn’t appear to be.
[16:48:11] <lapineige> > <luke> Today, 12:53 AM:
> > If you publish some content, is it shown elsewhere ?
> No it doesn’t appear to be.

Ok then it's not normal. Do you have Pixelfed / PHP log ?
[16:51:05] <luke> > Ok then it's not normal. Do you have Pixelfed / PHP log ?
I’m unsure how to get that
[16:59:57] <lapineige> Try to post something in Pixelfed. And to access it from elsewhere, for instance by putting its URL in the search bar of another fediverse instance (Pixelfed or not).
Then in the service tab of Yunohost webadmin, open php8.2, there you have the log
[19:06:45] <luke> Thanks will try later just surfing
[20:00:47] <djx> 👋️ Hi all. A little more than a year ago I moved away from YNH because the number of supported apps was too small. At that time, there was also a push towards containerization. Now that I'm looking at it again, I see A LOT more apps that seem to be well supported. Is this true? What has caused such a big change?
[20:21:08] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> I dont think we have "that much" more app since one year ago, maybe a hundred more ?
[20:21:29] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Also i dont think there was any "push for containerization"
[20:23:53] <Tag> I would say the new packaging format and maintenance automation. Packagers have more time to package new apps
[20:28:27] <djx> Testing to see if this message goes through, because the last one didn't :(
[20:29:03] <djx> Great! I used YunoHost about 2 years ago but I left because there weren't enough apps. I'm looking at it now, and it seems like there are a LOT more support applications. Has there been some fundamental shift in the project?
[20:30:00] <Tag> Looks like my message didn't get through (your first message did btw).

> I would say the new packaging format and maintenance automation. Packagers have more time to package new apps
[20:32:32] <djx> Tag, I see. Sorry for repeating it. Correct, I didn't see yours.
[20:32:37] <djx> Tag, So are most applications containers now?
[20:32:55] <Tag> Huh, no. Still no containers.
[20:33:39] <djx> I see. Is that still on the roadmap, or has YNH settled on its own packaging format? I know there was some discussion about using containers and combining efforts with the debian-based self-hosting distro (can't remember the name)
[20:34:02] <Tag> It was never on the roadmap and will most likely will never be.
[20:34:31] <Tag> YunoHost has its own packaging format, which evolves through time.
[20:35:10] <Tag> I don't know about combining efforts with other distro, I'm curious if you find the discussion again
[20:38:52] <djx> Tag, aaah, I'm remembering incorrectly. it was about using DEB's, and combining forces with FreedomBox (potentially)
[20:38:55] <djx>
[20:39:41] <Tag> oooh (it was ages ago /o\\)
[20:39:53] <djx> lol... and yet I remembered 63% of it ;)
[20:40:10] <Tag> I don't think it goes anywhere futher :/
[20:40:42] <djx> I see. Well, I know it's a loaded question - but how difficult is it to package my own app and make use of databases (do they get backed up?), or how difficult is it to deploy a docker container and get access to auth?
[20:41:18] <djx> I'm comfortable configuring docker images, setting up routings, etc. to make sure things can talk together. I'm just curious how much yunohost does for me (like a simple admin page to make a new DB with creds) or how much I'll be fighting it
[20:41:43] <Tag> Meh I don't know. I think this discussion goes futher than just "support". We can continue on the forum tho
[20:42:01] <djx> Understood, I'll probably take a stab at it first and see
[20:42:30] <djx> One other thing. Aside from applications, my next biggest annoyance was the default YunoHost watermark on all applications. Is it possible to remove that? I happily show YunoHost on certain places like my blog etc., but in others it gets in the way
[20:44:05] <Tag> > <djx> I'm comfortable configuring docker images, setting up routings, etc. to make sure things can talk together. I'm just curious how much yunohost does for me (like a simple admin page to make a new DB with creds) or how much I'll be fighting it

But to be short, I would say that it depends heavily on the app you want to run. Most apps are working out-of-the-box like Nextcloud etc... And a few require some manual tweaking. To host a simple PHP application with a database, my_webapp package is a go-to.
[20:44:41] <Tag> The tile, yes! You can disable this in the settings now. And you can move it with drag'n'drop.
[20:45:36] <djx> Tag, oh that's so nice to hear :D
[20:46:27] <djx> Tag, yea, about the time I left that my_webapp package wasn't really working. I even did a PR to make it work a bit more, but it seemed like too much work for something I'd expect to be handled already 😅️
[20:46:47] <djx> It sounds like the new packaging style has done wonders for enabling devs to support packages
[20:47:32] <djx> Thank you for your time - it looks like I know what I'll be playing with this weekend :)
[20:49:27] <Tag> > <djx> It sounds like the new packaging style has done wonders for enabling devs to support packages

Yes, and package maintenance automation helps a lot too
[20:53:35] <djx> Tag, can you elaborate on that? I'm not sure what package maintenance automation is
[20:54:57] <Tag> We have a CI that run tests (install, backup, remove, etc...) on every packages, and on the testing branch before we release a new version of a package
[20:55:31] <Tag> And we have a robot that create PRs on Github when a software get a new release, and that trigger the CI
[20:56:39] <djx> 😍️
[23:26:23] <djx> Is there an easy way to see which applications have SSO and which ones don't?