Wednesday, March 13, 2024
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[04:03:04] <Xan Surnamehere (> What's the file location of the yunohost command?
[04:24:10] <Xan Surnamehere (> I don't see an option like that, but I used the Debian Rescue system and now have access to my VPS with a root password. How could I try changing my admin account's username? (it looks like the yunohost command isn't available)
[05:33:34] <Xan Surnamehere (>
[05:33:34] <Xan Surnamehere (> Oh wait, looks like it uses a custom rescue system
[05:37:16] <Xan Surnamehere (> ```bash
No root partition provided.

This tool mounts all necessary disks to perform a chroot into an installed system.

Example 1: /dev/sda2 /dev/sda1 # Without optional swap partition
Example 2: /dev/sda3 /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 # With optional swap partition

Current devices are:

loop0 7:0 0 682.9M 1 loop /usr/lib/live/mount/rootfs/filesystem.squashfs
sda 8:0 0 400G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 1M 0 part
├─sda2 8:2 0 2G 0 part
└─sda3 8:3 0 398G 0 part
root@vmi1692596:~# /sda/sda3 /sda/sda1 /sda/sda2
Disk /sda/sda3 does not exist.
root@vmi1692596:~# sda3 sda1 sda2
Disk sda3 does not exist.
root@vmi1692596:~# /dev/sda3 /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2
mount: /mnt/boot: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.
Cleanup chroot environment.
Unmounted /mnt
[05:37:59] <Xan Surnamehere (> Sending this here, because I don't know of a better place.
[06:20:13] <Xan Surnamehere (>
[06:20:13] <Xan Surnamehere (> ok I got it working! (found [a guide]( from my host
[06:59:51] <Xan Surnamehere (> ok, now I mounted the system with yunohost on it onto /mnt/, but keep getting this error:
root@vmi1692596:/mnt/usr/bin# yunohost
-bash: yunohost: command not found
[07:01:05] <Xan Surnamehere (> I want to change my user's permissions via the terminal, since I can't access it through the webadmin
[09:18:23] <tituspijean> Xan Surnamehere ( I am not really sure you would be able to call the yunohost command without a chroot. The right chroot command would be ` /dev/sda3 /dev/sda2` I think
[09:19:11] <Mateusz Szymański> <del>one would assume you should `chroot /mnt/usr/bin` first</del> or what Titus said
I would also assume what you're doing is most likely not what you want to do. Why don't you run admin commands in 'real' environment, with YNH running rather than when it's mounted in some random system?
[09:19:12] <tituspijean> They completely lost access to both SSH and webadmin, Mateusz 😕
[09:20:09] <Mateusz Szymański> ahhh, that's unfortunate, but given they were able to move the HDD around perhaps it's easier to boot into `init 0` and fix stuff from terminal?
[09:20:54] <Mateusz Szymański> (I was not following the channel so probably this was already discussed)
[09:22:13] <tituspijean> ah this I do not know about. Do you mean that after mounting the disks it's possible to manually boot on the system from the rescue?
[09:24:38] <Mateusz Szymański> > <> ah this I do not know about. Do you mean that after mounting the disks it's possible to manually boot on the system from the rescue?

yes, plug the keyboard and display into the failed box and see what shows, perhaps booting with `init 0` to go straight to root shell
[09:25:12] <tituspijean> they are on a vps 😉
[09:26:17] <Mateusz Szymański> my VPS provider offers some sort of terminal access to the server as you don't even have to connect the machine to network, perhaps that's the case here as well?
[09:27:10] <Mateusz Szymański> also my VPS provider does not provide access to disk images hence mounting in another VPS is impossible, a handy feature I must say
[09:34:55] <tituspijean> I asked them about it yesterday and had a quick look to Contabo's documentation, they do not seem to offer it
[09:45:01] <Mateusz Szymański> they offer VNC access: and I **believe** although I may be mistaken it's VPS feature not OS-hosted-on-VPS feature
[09:45:23] <Mateusz Szymański> OTOH VPS does not have an IP address in itself 🤔
[10:38:14] <Paprika> Interesting random thing I've noticed. Usually I had issues where things like mail wouldn't work in my local network as my server is at home, only when I was outside it was all good. I have fixed ages ago that by having a dst-nat rule and static DNS entry for my domain to be redirected to local IP when I am at home.
That fixed most of my issues, but I've just noticed that Bitwarden behaves very weirdly. For the most part, I cannot sync the vault when using the Safari add-on or the Bitwarden app. However, I CAN sync it using Chrome. Anyone faced that before?
[10:38:24] <Paprika> Interesting random thing I've noticed. Usually I had issues where things like mail wouldn't work in my local network as my server is at home, only when I was outside it was all good. I have fixed that ages ago by having a dst-nat rule and static DNS entry for my domain to be redirected to local IP when I am at home.
That fixed most of my issues, but I've just noticed that Bitwarden behaves very weirdly. For the most part, I cannot sync the vault when using the Safari add-on or the Bitwarden app. However, I CAN sync it using Chrome. Anyone faced that before?
[10:39:30] <Paprika> Interesting random thing I've noticed. Usually I had issues where things like mail wouldn't work in my local network as my server is at home, only when I was outside it was all good. I have fixed that ages ago by having a dst-nat rule and static DNS entry for my domain to be redirected to local IP when I am at home.
That fixed most of my issues, but I've just noticed that Bitwarden behaves very weirdly. For the most part, I cannot sync the vault when using the Safari add-on or the Bitwarden app. However, I CAN sync it using Chrome. Anyone faced that before?
If I use a different browser that would mean that the issue is not in the networking side, but somewhere else. However, it just doesn't make sense to me at all.
[10:44:26] <tituspijean> Indeed, that would indicate it is client-side. Can you have a look to the browser console to see if there's anything regarding the extension, but also Vaultwarden's logs on your server?
[11:06:42] <Paprika> > <> Indeed, that would indicate it is client-side. Can you have a look to the browser console to see if there's anything regarding the extension, but also Vaultwarden's logs on your server?

I had a genius idea and decided to log out and log in using the add-on and app. That fixed the issue. Perhaps the token expires or something? No idea how it works, haven't delved that deep.
[11:07:34] <Paprika> It is interesting, however, that even after several updates, I am still unable to access web fault without clearing the cache for the site. Just noticed it since I rarely ever open it up.
[16:32:53] <Xan Surnamehere (> > <> they offer VNC access: and I **believe** although I may be mistaken it's VPS feature not OS-hosted-on-VPS feature

oh wow, I had no idea what this was!
[17:09:16] <Berker> Hi there, an update is failing on my server, here is the log:
[17:09:26] <Berker> Appreciate if someone could help
[17:19:05] <Mateusz Szymański> > <> Hi there, an update is failing on my server, here is the log:

there's a pre-upgrade notice that you need to upgrade `unattended-upgrades` with no pre-upgrade backup:
[17:28:40] <Berker> Ohh I was too quick to hit upgrade
[17:28:46] <Berker> Thanks
[17:38:46] <Xan Surnamehere (> Alright, I connected via VNC and now YunoHost is asking for `host login`. Typed my admin username (then password) and now it works!! hurray!
[17:45:29] <Xan Surnamehere (> Now what's the permission for webadmin 🤔
[17:47:31] <tituspijean> there's no such permission, but you can do `yunohost user permission list` to check which permissions your user has
[17:48:11] <tituspijean> your user should belong to the `admins` group to access the webadmin and SSH
[17:48:39] <Mateusz Szymański> also you should not have installed an app as a default on main domain I think
[17:48:41] <tituspijean> you can check so with `yunohost user group list`
[17:49:11] <tituspijean> > <> also you should not have installed an app as a default on main domain I think

nah that's alright, since the webadmin can be accessed from any domain on `/yunohost/admin`
[17:49:27] <orhtej2> > <> nah that's alright, since the webadmin can be accessed from any domain on `/yunohost/admin`

ooooh, TIL
[17:49:49] <tituspijean> it's both a feature and an inconvenience for some ^^
[17:51:08] <Xan Surnamehere (> > <> your user should belong to the `admins` group to access the webadmin and SSH

It does 🙃
[17:51:25] <tituspijean> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
[17:52:02] <tituspijean> soooo, remind me of your symptoms? What's happening when you try to log in the webadmin?
[17:52:24] <tituspijean> (I remember something saying "you only have sftp access" for the ssh part)
[17:52:26] <Xan Surnamehere (> It looks like it reloads, and stays on the same login page
[17:52:48] <Xan Surnamehere (>
[17:53:07] <tituspijean> oh, that's not the webadmin
[17:53:15] <Xan Surnamehere (> > <> (I remember something saying "you only have sftp access" for the ssh part)

Yeah, that's fixed now!
[17:53:15] <Xan Surnamehere (>
[17:53:25] <Xan Surnamehere (> I added the admin group to SSH
[17:53:26] <tituspijean> > <> oh, that's not the webadmin

[17:54:15] <tituspijean> > <> I added the admin group to SSH

what, it should never have been removed 😆
[17:54:18] <Xan Surnamehere (> oh boy, looks like something's wrong (It's taking a super long time to load!)
[17:54:36] <Xan Surnamehere (> oh, but it worked!
[17:54:42] <tituspijean> it took me a couple of seconds, but I got to the login form 😉
[17:55:47] <Xan Surnamehere (> ok, so now, why can't I login through the YunoHost Portal page?
[17:56:05] <tituspijean> that's an excellent question, do you have apps installed?
[17:57:10] <tituspijean> (but it should still load, albeit an empty portal)
[18:03:08] <Xan Surnamehere (> One minute, I'm waiting for one to finish updating right now (Umami)
[18:08:21] <Xan Surnamehere (> The installed apps are SearXNG, Syncthing, Umami, Uptime Kuma, & Yourls
[18:08:21] <Xan Surnamehere (>
[18:14:25] <Xan Surnamehere (> Previously the diagnosis tool said the server couldn't connect to the Internet through IPv6, but now it says it's connected. So YunoHost now shows many of my domains as incorrect, wanting me to change the records to IPv6 values.
[18:14:43] <Xan Surnamehere (>
[18:18:13] <tituspijean> Do it?
[18:18:14] <Xan Surnamehere (> Cleared Firefox cookies and site data, now the portal works. Thanks for all your help!
[22:53:10] <nicofrand> Salut salut ! Je cherche un soft web de petites annonces, simple pour partage de trucs entre voisins (pas besoin de paiement donc). J'ai vu petites annonces mais ça semble limité (pas de modification possible). Vous connaissez des alternatives (packagées ou non) ?