Saturday, September 17, 2022
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[05:26:47] <mose> > <@miro5001[m]> Salut tout le monde,
> J'aurais besoin d'une suggestion pour une plate-forme.
> Problème : un ami est en train de préparer son CV universitaire (une centaine de pages au format papier) mais la fac voudrait aussi une version CD 💿 😜. Il m'a demandé s'il y avait une plate-forme qui pourrait faire l' affaire. Genre, la page d'accueil avec sa photo les plus grandes lignes de sa carrière, un menu avec sous-menus des différentes catégories de ses travaux et activités, la possibilité d'insérer des pdfs, des images, des vidéos.
> J'ai pensé faire un cms puis utiliser httrack pour avoir le contenu html pour pouvoir être consultable sur n'importe quel machine (pour l'instant ça ne doit pas être mis en ligne), mais c'est pas top comme solution. J'ai aussi pensé à un générateur de site statique genre hugo, mais ça dépasse ses compétences et je devrais tout faire moi même.
> Si vous avez des idées n'hésitez pas😉

peut-etre tu peux regarder du coté de c'est tout du markdown, rendu html client-side
[05:30:32] <mose> hmm, got a weird situation:
when I create a domain via CLI, it doesn't show up on web UI, I still can create app using that ghost domain via CLI (but not web).
that ghost domain finaly only appears on the web when I create yet another domain on the web
anybody experienced such thing ?
(tried on 2 different yunohost install)
[05:40:51] <tituspijean> Can you share more details on the domains involved?
Does `yunohost domain list` in SSH list the ghost domain?
[05:41:08] <tituspijean> (Which YNH version?)
[06:53:33] <mose> yes it does
[06:53:45] <mose> version (stable).
[06:54:11] <mose> it all behaves like if the web UI was using some kind of cache that is only refreshed when I add a new domain via the web
[06:55:59] <mose> and the other ynh I tried was (stable).
[06:59:19] <tituspijean> Does force-refreshing the cache with CTRL+SHIFT+R reveall the ghost domain?
[06:59:24] <mose> and I tried with various domains
[06:59:35] <mose> no it doesn't
[07:00:01] <mose> there doesn't seem to be any local storage to clear either
[07:20:07] <mose> the 2 ynh I tried on has some similarities, as they have been installed by the same ansible playbooks, so now I'm trying to install fresh again the second one (which is not in production)
[08:19:26] <12b> I tried on a third ynh, that was installed manually, not with ansible. And it bahaves the same
[08:19:51] <mose> 12b and me are working together fyi
[08:24:06] <tituspijean> Do you have any error in the browser console in the domain list page of the webadmin?
[08:26:28] <12b> no error in the console
[08:27:32] <mose> plus we both experience the same with our own different browsers (but both are firefox)
[08:29:54] <tituspijean> Can you PM me the domains you tried, so that I can try to replicate the issue?
[08:30:05] <12b> running `yunohost service restart yunohost-api` is also making the domain appear in the web admin
[08:32:30] <12b> we tried various domains.. the las test I did was using a command like `yunohost domain add test001.main.domain.tld` where main.domain.tld was teh main domain used during the post-install of yunohost
[08:33:21] <12b> I can send you the acutal domain by PM but I don't think you need it to repropduce. It seems to happen on any domaini we try
[08:33:31] <12b> I can send you the actual domain by PM but I don't think you need it to repropduce. It seems to happen on any domaini we try
[08:34:16] <12b> we tried various domains.. the las test I did was using a command like `yunohost domain add test001.main.domain.tld` where "main.domain.tld" was the main domain used during the post-install of yunohost
[08:35:03] <mose> I tried with
[08:35:20] <mose> just citing it for the fun of it
[08:35:57] <12b> we tried various domains.. the last test I did was using a command like `yunohost domain add test001.main.domain.tld` where "main.domain.tld" was the main domain used during the post-install of yunohost
[08:36:17] <12b> we tried various domains.. the last test I did was using a command like `yunohost domain add test001.main.domain.tld` where "main.domain.tld" was the domain used during the post-install of yunohost
[08:39:05] <tituspijean> what's the output of `yunohost -v`?
[08:39:36] <tituspijean> and can you share the logs for yunohost-api service?
[08:41:33] <12b> ```
# yunohost -v
repo: stable
repo: stable
version: 11.0.10
repo: stable
version: 11.0.9
repo: stable
version: 11.0.9
[08:44:10] <12b> I'll send you the log by PM
[08:44:41] <tituspijean> If you use YunoPaste it should anonymize personal info
[08:45:25] <12b> ah ok, did not know that
[08:47:39] <tituspijean> So, to summarize, we have the same versions, though I cannot replicate your issue. :/ Even with ` `
[08:47:59] <mose> it begins to look like a curse
[08:48:41] <tituspijean> Anything particular with your server? Like a botched app install/upgrade/removal, a huge list of domains, weird characters in domains (though it should not be possible 😅)
[08:49:06] <tituspijean> (ah nvm, you said you tried with a server from scratch)
[08:50:24] <mose> between our 3 ynh installs where we experience it the common thing is that we use debian 11, 2 of them in proxmox in containers, one on bare metal
[08:50:44] <mose> and it is not a weird context with anything out of the ordinary
[08:51:03] <tituspijean> indeed :/
[08:52:29] <mose> hence the suspicion of voodoo
[08:52:57] <mose> (which, as we all know, is only a transitionnal state of awareness towards the facepalm)
[08:53:05] <tituspijean> I guess that's the only remaining explanation
[08:53:57] <mose> we gonna ask our friends that have ynh to try on their sides, see if we can have some cursed friends
[08:57:25] <12b> I don't see anything new in yunohost api log when I create a domain from the command line with `yunohost domain add ...`
[08:58:03] <tituspijean> I think that's normal. The logs should be in yunohost-cli.log for these
[09:04:36] <12b> So do I need to share the cli log instead of the api one?
[09:20:16] <12b> I tried on a fourth yunohost server and it is the same. A domain created from the command line does not show up on the web admin
[09:20:52] <tituspijean> OMG I'm so sorry. I was using the webadmin since the beginning
[09:20:59] <mose> ahhhhhh
[09:21:09] <mose> you cheater !!!
[09:21:10] <mose> hahaha
[09:22:18] <tituspijean> I assumed it worked since I added a new domain with the CLI last night 😅 Let me check with the CLI again then
[09:23:59] <tituspijean> aaaaand bug confirmed
[09:24:22] <mose> ahhhhhhhhhh !!
[09:24:28] <mose> we are not cursed !
[09:24:57] <mose> (unless it's viral and we infected you via the matrix protocol)
[09:25:02] <tituspijean> sorry for wasting your time, had I correctly read your first message. I'll open a ticket in the issues tracker
[09:25:21] <tituspijean> > <> (unless it's viral and we infected you via the matrix protocol)

nah, it was through the hive mind :p
[09:25:34] <mose> one of us ...
[09:30:12] <tituspijean> In my case creating a second domain through CLI does not make the first appear
[09:30:16] <Folât> I have yet again an issue starting coturn-synapse.
[09:30:18] <Folât>
[09:33:17] <12b> It's when creating a domain with the web admin that the domain previously created from the command line appears
[09:33:21] <tituspijean> yes indeed
[09:33:39] <tituspijean> I was listing the conditions where it does or does not work
[09:34:25] <12b> And the same issue is happening when deleting domain from the command line. The deleted domain is still listed on the web admin
[09:34:33] <12b> And the same issue is happening when deleting a domain from the command line. The deleted domain is still listed on the web admin
[09:38:13] <tituspijean> my logs are bit huge due to my long list of domains... Can you add a domain and share the corresponding CLI log?
[09:38:43] <tituspijean> or share the log from the webadmin, that may be easier
[09:40:35] <tituspijean> in the meantime, issue opened:
[09:41:32] <12b> I'll share the log in PM because I don't find it fully anonymized, I still see my domain in it
[09:42:00] <tituspijean> let's not share it then :)
[09:44:14] <mose> thx for the issue creation mate :)
[10:15:51] <tripop> Hi everyone ! So i investigate on why my two wordpress site just keep crashing. So after activate WP_DEBUG i can see it's because of this `Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /var/www/wordpress`

So it's like, wordpress don't have enough memory size ?? Because i got like 16GB of RAM so it's weird, it's a php settings ? But why yunohost will do that ?

thks for the answers
[10:16:16] <tituspijean> tripop: is that a PHP error?
[10:16:38] <tripop> Yeah it seem, WP_DEBUG should show php error so yeah
[10:16:47] <tripop> it's what appear when i try to connect to my website now
[10:17:16] <tripop> Yeah it's a php error.
[10:24:49] <tripop> (Hum also just in case : pastebin last update seem to broke yunohost sso)
[10:32:17] <tituspijean> tripop: You can tweak the PHP config for the app to allow for more memory usage. If you give me an hour or so I can fix the config panel to be able to do it easily
[10:34:17] <tripop> > <> tripop: You can tweak the PHP config for the app to allow for more memory usage. If you give me an hour or so I can fix the config panel to be able to do it easily

Yeah i read about that online now. Well could be a good adding yeah. One of my website have a few plugins and all, but the other barely have nothing so it's weird. Maybe also the restoration process. So will wait for our update. Thanks a lot 🙏
[10:37:18] <tripop> I guess it's the .conf on /etc/php/8.0/fpm/pool.d right ?
[10:37:24] <tituspijean> correct
[10:44:40] <tripop> Yeah it was it ! Could be good to add a way to change that on the config panel still ! Think it could happen with a lots of wordpress site, because wordpress weird.
[10:44:54] <tripop> Thanks a lot for the help
[11:21:21] <tituspijean> tripop: FYI
[18:51:59] <fritjof> I can't access my synapse server and nextcloud won't update
[18:52:17] <fritjof> Now I have tried uninstalling Collabora online and rebooting the server
[18:52:53] <fritjof> whenever I tried uploading a file (clicking + icon) in nextcloud - firefox shut down
[18:58:03] <fritjof27> just got thrown off. I was writing about a problem with upgrading nextcloud
[18:58:36] <fritjof27> I have now tried the following: uninstalling collabora online and rebooting my server. Still failing upgrade
[18:58:57] <tituspijean> Please provide logs of your upgrade attempt.
[18:59:27] <fritjof27>
[19:01:36] <fritjof27> with username @fritjof I provided the other one (from before the reboot)
[19:04:52] <tituspijean> fritjof27: fulltextsearch seems to be incompatible with the new version. Delete that extension. ;)
[19:05:24] <tituspijean> (your first message was not bridged to Matrix, let me quote it here)
[19:05:34] <mecallie> Where can I find the requests for ynh? Wanna see if there is anything on there with unifiedpush :)
[19:05:35] <tituspijean> > Help! My server seems to be broken:
[19:05:52] <tituspijean> mecallie: which... requests?
[19:06:02] <mecallie> Feature/package.
[19:06:08] <fritjof27> grand! Thanks - I'll try that
[19:06:53] <tituspijean> mecallie: this?
[19:08:03] <tituspijean> fritjof27: once it's fixed, you can share synapse's logs
[19:12:31] <fritjof> It worked! My nextcloud is now upgraed. But my mastodon server is still stone dead
[19:12:46] <fritjof>
[19:12:47] <tituspijean> One app after the other please. :)
[19:16:25] <tituspijean> Can you try a force upgrade from the CLI?
[19:19:45] <fritjof[m]> Hello again
There might be some issue with my other PC - I kept being thrown off.
Sorry for all confusion.
titus[m] do you mean a force upgrade of my mastodon server?
[19:21:18] <tituspijean> would be better, that's the Matrix side of the room
[19:21:23] <tituspijean> yes
[19:21:46] <Fritjof> Thanks :) - how do I do that?
[19:23:07] <tituspijean> `yunohost app upgrade mastodon -F`
[19:24:50] <Fritjof> cheers. running it now
[19:37:45] <Fritjof> tituspijean: you, kind stranger, is a hero for me! It worked :) I am now back with a working mastodon server!! :D
[19:44:46] <Linquera> Hi, I try to install duniter on my server but it failed and I get this log, can someone help me?
[19:49:57] <tituspijean> Linquera: Duniter seems not to be available on ARM64 architectures
[19:52:55] <Linquera> thanks for the tip.
[20:16:13] <jamsisjjs> Calling
[20:16:21] <jamsisjjs> More
[20:18:31] <jamsisjjs> Hi

[20:18:37] <jamsisjjs> Rachel Rigby Smart

[20:18:44] <jamsisjjs> Calling
[20:18:47] <jamsisjjs> Calling
[20:26:48] <jamsisjjs>
[20:29:17] <jamsisjjs> mose, mose: