Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[07:41:58] <Frereneo> Bonjour à tous, je viens vers vous car j'ai remarqué que le firewall de YNH ne se lance pas directement au démarrage du système (après un redémarrage)
[07:42:06] <Frereneo> heureusement que le mail de notification envoi une alerte:)
[07:42:26] <Frereneo> du coup faut-il le lancer chaque fois manuellement ?
[07:43:22] <Frereneo> J'utilise proxmox, et à chaque sauvegarde du conteneur, je fais un arrêt/relance
[08:13:01] <Folât> Frereneo: Pouvez-vous fournir les journaux où l'on peut voir que le pare-feu ne démarre pas ?
[08:14:32] <Folât> Frereneo: Pouvez-vous fournir les journaux où l'on peut voir que le pare-feu ne lance pas ?
[08:15:49] <Folât> Frereneo: Peux-tu fournir les journaux où l'on peut voir que le pare-feu ne lance pas ?
[08:17:14] <Frereneo> bah c'est pas indiqué justement quand je vais dans le pannel admin
[08:18:22] <Folât> As-tu un accès via ssh ?
Peux-tu fournir des captures d'écran ?
[08:18:38] <Frereneo>
[08:19:26] <Frereneo> je ne vois pas d'indication d'echec du lancement
[08:19:46] <Frereneo> mais quand je démarre manuellement il n'y a pas de problème
[08:20:14] <Frereneo> je n'ai pas accès actuellement à la machine en SSH
[08:21:36] <Folât> ohhhh... « directement »
[08:21:44] <Folât> Excusez
[08:23:03] <Folât> Le pare-feu démarre lentement à cause de poxmox ?
[08:23:49] <Folât> Ou tu ne connais pas la cause ?
[08:28:12] <Frereneo> je ne connais pas la cause
[08:28:17] <Frereneo> et pour moi ce n'est pas proxmox, la machine est puissante
[10:37:10] <adminocs> j'ai un souci avec les stats (opens et clics à zéro) de Listmonk bien installé sur un sous domaine et je ne m'en sors pas :-( , voici mes caprures d ecran si vous avez une idée :
[10:57:03] <adminocs> bjr à nouveau, j'ai un souci avec les stats (clics et opens) de LISTMONK, mon systeme me semble bien configuré sur uns sous domaines, ma template comprte bien l'inscrotion {{track view}} - c'est activé en privacy ... l'envoi se passe bien, mais rien de plus sur le tracking ... qq'un a une idée ?
[11:17:24] <adminocs[m]>
[13:25:11] <ynhuser> just tried upgrading synapse from 1.65 to 1.67, now the app/service is gone and when I try to restore from backup, I get this error
[13:25:18] <ynhuser>
[13:26:31] <Aleks> >This URL is either unavailable, or conflicts with the already installed app(s):
* talk.maindomain.tld/ → Element (element)

Supposedly when restoring an app you should delete the already-installed app first
[13:26:32] <Aleks> or is it already uninstalled ?
[13:28:45] <ynhuser> It is not in my Applications list and no services are running after I tried the update
[13:31:48] <Aleks> hmokay
[13:32:12] <Aleks> so lets check `sudo ls -l /etc/yunohost/apps | grep -i elem`
[13:32:20] <Aleks> just in case there's some remains somewhere ...
[13:32:26] <ynhuser> Sorry. I think I got confused by having to remove Element to install Synapse. Just I minute
[13:32:31] <Aleks> ah
[13:32:32] <Aleks> yeah
[13:33:07] <Aleks> so you probably just want to use another URL
[13:33:16] <Aleks> ie not install synapse on the URL where Element is installed...
[13:35:34] <ynhuser> Synapse is restored and is running. It give me the creeps that it just fails like that. I'll put element somewhere else. Thanks a lot!
[13:40:48] <tituspijean> ynhuser: thanks for the report. Please share the upgrade log to help us understand what happened with the service.
[13:41:03] <tituspijean> And glad you fixed it :)
[14:11:39] <tio[m]> updating the peertube app gets it stuck on this
[14:11:48] <tio[m]> no other info. thats for the past hour or so
[14:12:09] <tio[m]> peertube works but idk if it was updated or not. i've seen this happening quite often with the new YNH 11 release
[14:12:18] <tio[m]> anyhow I can debug or fix?
[14:14:20] <tio[m]> this is all i see in my processes
[14:15:57] <tio[m]> and this is also stuck if i try in a new tab
[14:16:30] <tio[m]> ```
Now upgrading peertube...
Loading installation settings...
Checking version...
Backing up the app before upgrading (may take a while)...
Stopping a systemd service...
Ensuring downward compatibility...
NOTICE: extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping
NOTICE: extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping
'/etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list' wasn't deleted because it doesn't exist.
'/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen/15-nginx_peertube' wasn't deleted because it doesn't exist.
'/home/' wasn't deleted because it doesn't exist.
Making sure dedicated system user exists...
Upgrading dependencies...
Upgrading NGINX web server configuration...
Creating a data directory...
Building Yarn dependencies...
Updating a config file...
File /var/www/peertube/config/local-production.json has been manually modified since the installation or last upgrade. So it has been duplicated in /var/cache/yunohost/appconfbackup//var/www/peertube/config/local-production.json.backup.20220921.154050
Upgrading systemd configuration...
Starting a systemd service...
(this may take some time)
[14:43:32] <ynhuser> Hi!, i've got this error: Error: "500"
[14:43:32] <ynhuser> Acción: "GET" /yunohost/api/apps/my_webapp/config-panel?ful
[14:43:34] <ynhuser> could someone please help me?
[14:45:10] <ynhuser> :] :]
[15:16:22] <Folât> ynhuser: Are all your services running?
[15:16:46] <ynhuser> yes
[15:17:03] <Folât> Diagnostics says that everything is okay?
[15:17:54] <Folât> Does the website work?
[15:18:00] <ynhuser> yes and yes
[15:18:06] <ynhuser> the only problem is
[15:20:39] <Folât> Are all services running? Maybe you could manually start the service required to run peertube.
[15:20:52] <Folât> Are all services running? Maybe you could manually start the service required to run peertube and see where it gets stuck.
[15:21:26] <ynhuser> that when I try to access the app settings a new screens pops up saying "the versions  configuration panel '0.1' are not supported"
[15:23:47] <Folât> Are you running yunohost 11?
[15:27:22] <Folât>\_webapp\_ynh/pull/82 \<- Looks like your issue has already been found, a fix has been made, but the code is still waiting for review and testing.
[15:28:26] <ynhuser> my version is (stable).
[15:28:50] <ynhuser> so I should just wait for a new release?
[15:30:27] <Folât> ynhuser: Yeah, there's nothing you can do until a new release of my_webapp has been made that contains the particular bugfix I pointed at.
[15:31:10] <ynhuser> okay cool, thank you so much :)
[15:33:16] <Folât> No problem. I'm still waiting for my app's bugfi. 😭
[15:33:17] <Folât> No problem. I'm still waiting for my app's bugfix. 😭
[15:45:38] <Руслан> Pub Servers
[15:54:49] <Руслан>
[16:40:16] <smoothoperatorgr[m]> hey guys, the terminal in my yunohost (i have attacked keyboard and display) is saying `admin@smoothoperator:~$ `

I have set /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts to is that a shorter name and its fine or have I something missconfigured, should I edit something else?
[16:55:22] <jason[m]> That is fine. Your shell will only show you your hostname, not the entire domain name.
[17:21:36] <smoothoperatorgr[m]> oh thank you was worried for a moment there
[18:29:12] <enrico_zrh[m]> Hi, I tried to migrate by ssh, but it did not work. It says "No migration to run". But I am still in buster und Yunohost 4. root@xxxxxx~# sudo yunohost tools migrations run
Info: No migrations to run
root@xxxxxx:~# inxi -F
System: Host: Kernel: 5.10.103-v7+ armv7l bits: 32 Console: tty 0
Distro: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Machine: Type: ARM Device System: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2 details: BCM2835 rev: a02082
serial: 0000000041427932 -----------what can I do? I did not find a solution in the forum. Tank you for help.

[18:37:05] <enrico_zrh[m]> In the Tools Migrations it says:

Pending migrations
No pending migrations
[18:39:23] <Folât> enrico_zrh[m]: `sudo yunohost tools update`
[18:44:16] <enrico_zrh[m]> I did that: Info: Updating application catalog...
Success! The application catalog has been updated!
And now? How to migrate?
[18:45:23] <enrico_zrh[m]> migration from buster to bullseye
[19:35:42] <tio[m]> > <@folaht[m]> * Are all services running? Maybe you could manually start the service required to run peertube and see where it gets stuck.

i had to eventually reboot the server....and restore a snapshot. tried again, same issue. it hangs on
Starting a systemd service...
(this may take some time)
[20:14:31] <tomlamo> Hi! I have many php versions on my yunohost, I don't think they're all usefull : php7.0 ; php7.1 ; php7.2 ; php7.3 ; php7.4 ; php8.0 ; php8.1.
A apt autoremove doesn't remove anything. How could I know wich version is usefull, and wich I could remove ?
[20:44:15] <enrico_zrh[m]> I changed: deb buster main contrib non-free rpi
deb bullseye main contrib non-free rpi first and then sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade but then the upgrade failed: log: Tank you for help