Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[00:03:19] <emo> nextcloud sync do not work
[00:15:50] <emo> shit have to sleep now, good night. thank you for help and your time
[09:32:28] <emo> hello again, my problem with fail to ban is still going on
[09:34:16] <emo> is there a way to "reset" fail2ban" database?
[09:35:38] <emo> as long as nextcloud runs into failed auth, fail2ban will block again and nextcloud clients run into failed logins. and so on
[09:46:21] <IoMe> emo, you can use fail2ban-client
[09:47:18] <tituspijean> You can uban/whitelist your IP, but our website/documentation is currently down. As IoMe suggests, you can checkout fail2ban's documentation to do so.
[09:52:20] <emo> ok, whitelisting i didnt know. i look for this
[10:12:05] <emo> ok, thank you. whitelisting works, but not for nextcloud. desktop client sttill refuses connection.
[10:14:16] <tituspijean> emo that's a bug that was resolved in latest testing release. you need to do `sudo yunohost app ssowatconf` in the CLI though.
[10:20:53] <emo> ok, thx thx thx.seems to work again. i hope all clients will reconnect now.
[11:54:20] <ilannj> Hi guys!
[14:15:57] <wilow04> jai reinstallé coturn et j arrive pas a regler twinkle avec
[14:20:15] <wilow04> autrement j ai synapse d installé et je vois pas comment avoir des bridge vers whatsap et discord parce que ca me fait creer deux domaines supplementaires pour la meme chose
[14:21:44] <wilow04> ilannj best wishes for this year
[14:44:56] <hercut> Coucou, y a t'il des utilisateur des bridge matrix whatsapp et autre ?
[14:45:01] <hercut> Car je n'arrive pas à bien comprendre
[14:54:10] <wilow04> oui voila, pareil que hercut
[14:59:29] <tituspijean> wilow04 hercut nos experts sur les *bridges* sont rassemblés dans #mautrix_yunohost:matrix.fdn.fr 😉
[15:00:20] <tituspijean> (anglais préféré dans ce salon-là)
[15:01:03] <hercut> Mais pour resumé, ca sert a discuté sur whatapps par exemple via matrix ?
[15:02:12] <tituspijean> Oui tout à fait. Le bridge créé un salon de discussion par conversation. Tu peux y répondre depuis Matrix et ça envoie le message en ton nom sur Whatsapp
[15:07:25] <wilow04> mais est ce qu on peut avoir deux bridges actifs en meme temps ?
[15:08:29] <wilow04> parce que quand on installe un bridge il nous demande de choisir un domaine, il fo un domaine par bridge ?
[15:08:30] <hercut> je pense
[15:09:17] <hercut> Mais je me demande si ca donne une confidentialité supplémentaire ou ca n'apporte juste un agregateur
[15:10:34] <tituspijean> Mmmmh, le questionnaire de mautrix_whatsapp ne demande pas de domaine
[15:10:59] <tituspijean> idem pour signal
[15:11:03] <wilow04> ok, je vai l installer alors :)
[15:11:23] <hercut> > <@wilow04:libera.chat> ok, je vai l installer alors :)

J'ai vu qu'il fallait installer synapse avant
[15:11:30] <tituspijean> Il faut bien avoir Synapse d'installé avant 🙂
[15:11:37] <hercut> :)
[15:11:41] <wilow04> oui oui
[15:11:56] <wilow04> et un client matrix
[15:12:00] <tituspijean> ça pose des questions techniques dans le questionnaire (identifiant de synapse, etc.)
[15:14:17] <hercut> J'ai jamais installé synapse car ca me semble un peu complexe, tu confirmes tituspijean ?
[15:14:18] <hercut> J'ai un peu peur de l'usine à gaz
[15:14:43] <tituspijean> L'installation elle-même non, mais oui le serveur est un peu gourmand en ressources
[15:15:09] <tituspijean> Je me demande si Dendrite est compatible, tiens.
[15:16:24] <hercut> Question nul et bete, mais j'aime les poser, c'est vraiment utile d'avoir son serveur synapse ?
[15:16:26] <tituspijean> (en soi non, `synapse` est codé en dur dans les apps mautrix)
[15:16:40] <tituspijean> absolument 🙂
[15:16:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> aussi utile que de faire un bridge matrix<->whatsapp plutot que de juste installer whatsapp quoi :P
[15:17:17] <tituspijean> absolument utile, je veux dire. Les bridges se connectent qu'au serveur local.
[15:18:57] <hercut> les bridges permettent d'avoir tout au meme endroit d'une certaine maniere si je comprend bien
[15:19:28] <tituspijean> yep, c'est une énième itération de "une app pour les gouverner tous"
[15:19:45] <tituspijean> *et dans les ténèbres du terminal les lier*
[15:20:00] <hercut> :)
[15:20:14] <hercut> je sens une pointe de sacarse
[15:21:20] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> xkcdstandards.jpg
[15:22:22] <tituspijean> juste un doigt 🙂 les projets de ce type sont légion (à l'époque, j'attendais beaucoup de disa.im par exemple), mais c'est complexe, et les fournisseurs de messagerie sont pas fans de ces implémentations donc ça peut casser assez vite
[15:27:41] <tituspijean> une intégration tout en un des bridges mautrix serait https://github.com/beeper, mais payante et avec une surcouche propriétaire il me semble
[15:30:53] <tituspijean> évidemment, leur page pour l'auto-hébergement a été supprimée 👌
[16:05:35] <wilow04> jai installé la passerelle matrix discord et matrix whatsapp.  mais je vois ca nullepart dans mon client matrix
[18:04:13] <tituspijean> wilow04 Consulte leur README: https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/mautrix_whatsapp_ynh#disclaimers--important-information
(lis tout bien avant de te lancer dans la config)
[19:02:41] <gredin67> onlyoffice is not reachable from nextcloud. no error on web. Which log should I look into?
[19:02:43] <gredin67> ```
\[2023-01-10T19:40:32.088\] \[ERROR\] nodeJS - \[AMQP\] Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect \[as oncomplete\] (net.js:1107:14)
[19:02:43] <gredin67> ```
tail -f -n50 /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/nginx.error.log-20230110
2023/01/09 17:22:00 [error] 29039#29039: *8421138 open() "/var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/web-apps/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/img/plugin/icon_add_on_default@1.5x.png" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: , request: "GET /6.4.2-6/web-apps/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/img/plugin/icon_add_on_default@1.5x.png HTTP/1.1", host: "office.sans-nuage.fr", referrer: "https://office.sans-nuage.fr/6.4.2-6/web-apps/apps/documenteditor/main/index_loader.html?_dc=6.4.2-6&lang=fr&customer=ONLYOFFICE&frameEditorId=iframeEditor&compact=true&parentOrigin=https://sans-nuage.fr"
[19:10:59] <João Pinheiro> Hello everybody! I've installed Friendica on my little YunoHost server but I'm having three problems here. I can't connect with anyone, no matter which protocol they are using, I can't import any ActivityPub contacts and my little server seems to be living in the middle of the Ocean, unreachable in an isolated island! Any ideas about this?
[19:55:50] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> can you confirm that you do have a lets encrypt cert installed on that domain ?
[20:08:43] <João Pinheiro> It was successfully installed. But, perhaps it will need some time to wake up...
[20:12:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and so by "I can't connect with anyone" : what happens when you try
[20:53:02] <João Pinheiro> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> and so by "I can't connect with anyone" : what happens when you try

Now, I can't even open the Friendica page.
[20:53:14] <João Pinheiro> I receive a 404 error
[20:53:35] <João Pinheiro> And, BTW, Hello Aleks!
[21:03:36] <João Pinheiro> How can I verify that the certificate is installed after it was successfully installed?
[21:04:18] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> by browsing your domain with eg private mode (just so that it doesnt already has any cert exception you may have added before) and confirming that there's no spooky certificate warning
[21:26:22] <João Pinheiro> OK.
[21:48:50] <mongole> got a mail and then did an apt upgrade
[21:49:17] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> can you check that `grep remote_user /etc/ssowat/conf.json` displays something ?
[21:50:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> also can you list the apps installed that are likely to interact with external clients (such as nextcloud desktop/mobile sync, etc)
[21:50:11] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> then let's try running `yunohost app ssowatconf`
[21:50:23] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> what yunohost version are you running btw
[21:52:08] <mongole> End-Date: 2023-01-10 20:47:09
[21:52:12] <mongole> this was the automatic update today
[21:53:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (due to the infamous "11.1 was accidentally released as stable for a few hours")
[21:53:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah so you're on testing on yunohost ...
[21:53:02] <mongole> yes
[21:53:02] <mongole> Upgrade: signald:amd64 (0.23.1-2-af2543f0, 0.23.1-3-58732510), ssowat:amd64 (11.0.9, 11.0.11)
[21:53:02] <mongole> I think testing was pushed by mistake some time ago
[21:53:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> would advise re-enabling testing to get the latest 11.1
[21:53:13] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> which is the source of the issue/inconsisntency on your system ...
[21:53:22] <mongole> ok, how?
[21:54:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `curl https://install.yunohost.org/switchtoTesting | bash`
[21:55:21] <mongole> ok there comes a new ssowat version (
[21:56:29] <mongole> Unpacking yunohost ( over (
[22:00:44] <João Pinheiro> It seems that the certificate is in place. :)
[22:01:06] <João Pinheiro> But no connection with the outside world.
[22:02:56] <mongole> was not aware that I was somehow stuck on an old testing release
[22:04:02] <mongole> but that seems to have fixed it, thanks Aleks
[22:04:20] <mongole> any way to get back to the normal release?
[22:08:42] <mongole> yes, there was an ssowat upgrade earlier today
[22:32:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> mongole: unfortunately no, there as so non-trivial / non-reversible changes
[22:33:09] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> just gotta wait for 11.1 to be released as stable in coming weeks
[22:34:39] <mongole> what needs to be done then? will it automagically switch to stable?
[22:37:06] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes, when the stable upgrade is available, you'll be able to upgrade to stable
[22:37:11] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and then you should re-disable testing in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yunohost.list by removing the "testing" keyword
[22:38:30] <completen00b> Hello everyone! I made a mistake during postinstall and my domain seems to have gone up in smoke, so I used a dummy domain to complete the installation. How do I add my domain now? I'm getting the error "You have already subscribed to a DynDNS domain"
[22:44:18] <completen00b> ah I see what the problem was, when I did the postinstall I picked a password that was too long. The correct thing to do now is go into the forum thread and ask for that domain to be deleted, correct?
[22:58:31] <completen00b> actually I think I fixed it hahah