Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[08:40:33] <olivier tilly> Hello, I'm using Yunohost and I wanted to know if there was a simple way to authorize the transfer of all types of files. Currently I insert this line in the 'domain.tld.cfg.lua' file: http_file_add_mime_types = { ["txt"] = "text/plain", ["png"] = "image/png" ....
[11:17:13] <madez> I tried to install the standard notes server snserver and it failed at creating the swap file:
[11:18:23] <madez> dmesg reveals: [492701.844071] BTRFS warning (device vda1): swapfile must not be copy-on-write
[11:18:23] <madez> The server uses btrfs, so creating a swapfile needs to follow a ritual. Here it is described:
[11:18:50] <madez> Can I fix the installation manually?
[13:31:02] <fipaddict> Hi all!
[13:31:03] <fipaddict> Since a few days I receive a warning from the diagnostics about the webapp application that is no longer in valid status. Did I miss something or what?
[13:45:44] <eric_G> fipaddict: from the forum: My_webapp is at level 4 because it did not follow the standard app package. This has been fixed and the application level should be higher once the CI test is passed.
[14:42:25] <fipaddict> eric_G: Thanks, I don't know why I couldn't see the info on the forum. My fault !
[17:09:05] <rathantara[m]> chitchatter 404 error persist after upgrade
[17:11:39] <eric_G> rathantara: update wasn't supposed to fix anything. I am still investigating...
[21:09:42] <JorgeLuis_> Hi all, do you know if MediaWiki is working? Just installed it and do not get LDAP to work
[22:36:38] <raccct> got disconnected. did I miss a reply?
[22:57:48] <tim83> raccct, i dont think u missed anything.  (i was disconnected shorter than u)
[22:58:11] <raccct> tim83: ok, thanks!
[23:00:40] <tim83> i'm looking at various server distros..  mainly for backup:   SSH  & maybe nextcloud.   (maybe i'll use Kopia via SSH.  mayyyyybe backup Android's Seedvault to NextCloud)
[23:03:02] <tim83> anyone have thoughts on  ?  It's Arch with BTRFS.  more barebones than yunohost, only 130MB RAM.    BUT:  it seems outdated, or semi-abandoned.  UBOS Kernel after updating is 5.12 from July 2021. weird.
[23:06:25] <tim83> UBOS forum has been down for weeks.   i manually added official Arch repos, but that is not in the instructions, so it might break stuff.  i dunno.  i like arch-based, so i'm rooting for UBOS.... but my enthusiasm is waning  :)
[23:07:30] <tim83> i do run a friends server with Yunohost.  bc he likes the fancy features.... but i probly just need SSH, and nothing else.
[23:07:47] <tim83> for my own server
[23:11:10] <tim83> i still use EXT4, on client machine.  so i wouldnt be able to use BTRFS's magic snapshot/backup to UBOS, anyway.
[23:11:29] <raccct> tim83: thanks for mentioning ubos! how do you solve email?
[23:12:12] <tim83> sorry.  i dont use email on yunohost.  what do u need it for?  notifications? logs?
[23:12:50] <tim83> i dont really read logs either :)
[23:13:12] <tim83> besides the GUI stuff
[23:13:30] <raccct> I mean email in general. Where do you host?
[23:14:41] <tim83> ohhhhh, i dont host email.
[23:15:10] <raccct> I see. Which provider then?
[23:15:31] <tim83> it's is a cool idea. Luke Smith has  a tutorial on running ur own email server.... butttttt  if u do, it is likely to get blocked/blacklisted by the major providers.
[23:15:44] <tim83> sad state of email
[23:16:40] <raccct> I agree. But then, which provider?
[23:17:11] <tim83> i just read a really good article about it.  how email started out that anyone could & should host their own.. but over time it is wayyyy tougher bc blacklisting...   best email, i dunno.  i still use gmail.. but looking to switch, too
[23:18:40] <tim83> a good compromise from self-hosting:   use ur own domain name,  but use other provider.  so that u can switch providers anytime, while keeping ur same email addy.   less likely to get blacklisted (but probly more likely than gmail)
[23:18:44] <raccct> yup. same story everywhere. everyone gmail. nowhere to go besides a self-hosted blacklisted black hole for your free time.
[23:19:57] <tim83> e.g.  use   but u can find tons for providers for that.   not sure if free.  i havent totally looked into it
[23:20:38] <raccct> "but u can find tons for providers for that." the problem is nobody really can recommend one. so many drawbacks everywhere
[23:21:58] <tim83> i'd rather people just switch to Signal,,  IRC, matrix, etc etc.... and quit email altogether
[23:21:59] <tim83> *
[23:22:02] <raccct> I agree. But account logins still hook us to email, hence
[23:22:14] <tim83> session is Signal fork, w/o phone number
[23:22:43] <raccct> nice! will check it out sometime
[23:22:45] <tim83> yeh, i try to avoid accts that require email.. but i agree, close to impossible
[23:23:35] <tim83> i'd much rather have a keypair , than email requirement :)
[23:23:57] <tim83> but then u gotta backup ur keys.  hence, my search for Backup Server distro  :)
[23:24:53] <raccct> absolutely. except for the "where is my password reset link?" surprise, haha
[23:25:40] <raccct> humanity is not ready for mass adoption
[23:26:08] <tim83> mass adoption of what?
[23:26:16] <raccct> mass adoption of keypair logins
[23:26:39] <tim83> oh, haha.  yeh, mainly bc people r bad at backups... including me
[23:27:05] <raccct> where as keypairs just really are a longer key :)
[23:29:23] <tim83> any thoughts on best backup?
[23:29:23] <tim83> i'm looking for best backup program, to use to Yunohost.   i think i'm narrowing it down to Borg 2.0 , Kopia,   Duplicacy.  mainly ,bc they use their magic (compression, dedup) to use on slow uplinks, when traveling
[23:29:41] <raccct> my favorite is restic. then borg.
[23:30:21] <tim83> i've used Rsync for forever.  but these next generation ones are cool. also have built-in encryption.  well BackinTime has encryption&versioning  also for Rsync
[23:31:33] <tim83> hmmm, restic looks cool... but i thought Kopia & Duplicacy are basically new&improved alternatives to Restic, right?
[23:31:54] <tim83> i.e  what does Restic do that Kopia/Duplicacy dont?
[23:34:18] <tim83> great comparison:
[23:35:11] <tim83> Hardlinks: Y,  N,  Y
[23:35:11] <tim83> Borg  |  Kopia  |  Duplicacy
[23:35:12] <tim83> Mount: Y,  Y,  N
[23:35:12] <tim83> Mtimes: Y,  N?,  Y?
[23:35:13] <tim83> FOSS CLI:  Y but stale AUR, Y, Y but stale AUR
[23:35:14] <tim83> Multi-device per Repo: N?,  Y,  Y
[23:35:14] <tim83> FOSS GUI: Y,  Y but only Bin AUR,  N
[23:35:14] <tim83> Lang: Python+C,  Go,  Go
[23:35:14] <tim83> Multi-threaded & parallel up/down: N,  Y,  Y
[23:35:15] <tim83> Key-stretch:  argon2,  scrypt,  PBKDF2
[23:37:55] <tim83> unrelated:  what linux distro do u use for laptop/desktop?   i've been using Manjaro for 1 year on 2 devices. without problems..  but they both are borked now, even Timeshift cannot recover
[23:38:11] <tim83> so my enthusiasm for Manjaro is waning  :)