Thursday, January 12, 2023
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[00:00:51] <gredin67> je capte pas, il utilise la swap entièrement alors que y'a que 4/12G de RAM utilisé 😭
[00:00:51] <gredin67> je sais pas encore si le restore after fail upgrade va marcher. Ca mouline après `Attention : [Error] Upgrade failed.`
[00:00:51] <gredin67> bon c'est la copie de la DB synapse qui prend trois plombe
[00:00:52] <gredin67> ah c'est bon ça c'est débloqué
[00:00:52] <gredin67> donc j'ai fait
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install -U attr attrs cryptography pyopenssl
[00:00:52] <gredin67> le forum est down ou c'est moi :(
[00:00:53] <gredin67> par contre j'ai run ça en root, j'espère que ça le fait quand même..
[00:00:53] <gredin67> et maintenant je vais remplacer ces libs dans l'archive de backup (le restore a fail)
[00:00:54] <gredin67> should I add `attrs` here
[00:00:54] <gredin67> est-ce que `/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/attr` c'est équivalent à `/home/admin/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/attr`
[00:00:55] <gredin67> or something similar?
[00:08:34] <gredin67> you mean you don't want user login on `domain.tld/yunohost/sso` but on `subdomain.domain.tld`. Would a redirect be OK?
[00:09:56] <paff> hey Flyken i think you just need to add the 2 dif domains in yunohost. and then choose to install your application ghost in the main domain. on top of that you will need to making the DNS settings in your ISP (for the subdomain + main domain), then change your installation's domain settings for the subdomain. the yunohost part you can do everything
[00:09:57] <paff> through webadmin.
[00:10:15] <Flyken> yea i *just* figured this out:)  i was able to put ghost on the root domain and can still access yunohost, only problem now is figure out where the ghost admin page went :P
[00:10:35] <gredin67> to set blog on `domain.tld` just install your blogging app and go in settings-> set as default app
[00:11:45] <Flyken> yup, i got it :)  i also found the ghost admin page so all is well! thanks for the help, so far loving yuno host because its been the only solution that could install ghost/email server without a hitch!
[01:08:00] <rathantara[m]> what is on my ynh query? please help
[01:12:01] <rathantara[m]> but ,, my pihole responds with nxdomain to them
[01:46:31] <craigvb[m]> Todays updates don't seem to have gone very well.... 🤔
[01:47:43] <craigvb[m]> maybe they snuck in some windows system files, turn it off, turn it on and it's ok again 🙄
[03:14:36] <tuxakadjseb> ¡ Bonjour à tous !
[03:14:36] <tuxakadjseb> Je veux installer un éditeur de texte collaboratif. ¿ Mais lequel choisir ?
[03:14:37] <tuxakadjseb> ¿ Quels sont les questions à se poser pour en sélectionner un plutôt qu'un autre ?
[03:14:37] <tuxakadjseb> Je vois CodiMD, CryptPad, HedgeDoc (…).
[03:22:19] <felipe2k> Oi
[04:29:51] <andresfelipegarzon> .
[04:58:28] <tituspijean> Flyken: gredin67 : the yunohost admin panel and sso is accessible whatever the domain on paths /yunohost/admin and /yunohost/sso.
[04:59:46] <tituspijean> rathantara: can you provide more context? I have no idea what you are talking about.
[08:52:02] <centralscrutinizer> Hello! Has anyone here some experience with Libreerp/Odoo suite?
[09:33:02] <ynhuser> salut j'ai un problème de vérification du certificat avec tunderbird lors de l'envoi d'un mail via le smtp. Pourtant je suis avec un certificat valide en Let's Encrypt
[09:34:34] <ynhuser> L’envoi du message a échoué.
[09:34:38] <ynhuser> La configuration liée à doit être corrigée.
[09:34:38] <ynhuser> Le certificat du pair a expiré.
[09:35:31] <ynhuser> même en mettant ajouter une exception... ça fonctionne pas.
[09:35:35] <ynhuser> merci pour votre aide
[09:36:56] <ynhuser>
[09:37:04] <ynhuser> c'est l'erreur en question
[09:38:44] <tuxakadjseb> Un soucis de Reverse DNS ?
[09:41:13] <ynhuser> J'ai rien changé à la config . Je n'avais ce problème avant. Il voit le certificat sur mais pas sur sur le smtp. Tout fonctionne sinon , c'est juste la configuration du client thunderbird qui plante
[10:11:09] <julien>
[10:11:49] <julien> Je viens de refaire la conf thunderbird, meme probleme
[10:12:04] *** julien changed the title to ""
[10:16:48] <masoom0012> Hy
[10:27:32] <julien> J'ai trouvé la soluce sur le forum
[10:27:37] <julien>
[12:16:18] <rathantara[m]> > <> rathantara: can you provide more context? I have no idea what you are talking about.

My YNH server on my local network sends lots of DNS requests on domains like Ive mentioned, requests to my Rpi recursive dns server in my local network. Server DNS is the local one on my RPi.
[12:18:10] <rathantara[m]>
[12:18:19] <rathantara[m]>
[12:18:24] <rathantara[m]>
[12:18:24] <rathantara[m]>
[12:19:54] <rathantara[m]> I think is SMTP related, I have port 25 blocked by ISP, one of this domains is from LIthuania and maybe is Revolut related. I dont have Revolut but a friend of mine has.
[12:33:50] <paff> Error: 500 Internal Server Error
[12:33:50] <paff> i just installed yunohost (2x) but there is a error 500 when I try to install apps.
[12:33:51] <paff> Action: "GET" /yunohost/api/apps/manifest?app=wordpress&locale=pt
[12:33:51] <paff> - yupaste:
[12:33:52] <paff> - screenshots:
[15:33:06] <tril[m]> paff: looks like your "dbus" service isn't running, I guess because its socket isn't in the /run/dbus dir
[15:36:52] <paff> Tril[m]1any tips about how to solve it? or link thanks!
[15:37:25] <paff> Tril
[15:41:38] <tril[m]> paff: reboot and then check "systemctl status dbus" followed by "journalctl -xe -u dbus" for reasons why it may not be running...
[15:42:59] <paff> Tril i will try that way. thanks a lot!
[17:51:44] <rathantara[m]> I think is SMTP related, I have port 25 blocked by ISP, one of these domains is from LIthuania and maybe is Revolut related. I dont have Revolut but a friend of mine has.
[17:51:44] <rathantara[m]> I think is SMTP related, I have port 25 blocked by ISP, one of these domains is from LIthuania and maybe is Revolut related. I dont have Revolut but a friend of mine has.
[17:51:45] <rathantara[m]> I think is SMTP related, I have port 25 blocked by ISP, one of the domains is from LIthuania and maybe is Revolut related. I dont have Revolut but a friend of mine has.
[19:20:53] <rathantara[m]> why my ynh server tries to connect to what app tries this?
[19:27:29] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> no idea, there are a thousands possible reasons
[19:28:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> this could be because somebody from gmail tries to send an email to your server, or for 999 other reasons
[19:31:26] <rathantara[m]> and about the domains in photos above? my server made in 12h aprox. 8k dns requests, and is not in production... something is going on... what are the domains above?
[19:34:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i have no idea, i don't know every domain on the internet, and servers do DNS requests for a shitload of reasons
[19:34:15] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> "not in production" or not, once a server is exposed to the internet, a shitload of thing happen
[19:34:21] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and even just being connected to the internet
[19:34:49] <rathantara[m]> what is for example> ?
[19:36:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[20:01:36] <Wahahoo> Bonsoir,
[20:01:37] <Wahahoo> [error] 38599#38599: *1119 [lua] helpers.lua:385: authenticate(): Connection failed for: antoine:******, client: 2a01:cb08:82e1:2900:fefe:8438:f384:f278, server:, request: "GET /freshrss/i/?a=normal&get=c_2 HTTP/2.0", host: ""
[20:01:37] <Wahahoo> En cherchant un peu dans les logs j'ai trouvé ça dans le fichier /var/log/nginx/ :
[20:01:37] <Wahahoo> J'ai un souci avec mon instance yunohost, j'ai mis à jour vers la version 11.0.11 (via l'interface d'admin), et depuis je ne peux plus acéder à la plupart de mes apps, ça me donne une erreur "401 Authorization Required"
[20:01:38] <Wahahoo> En cherchant un peu sur le net j'ai l'impression que le problème vient de ssowat mais je sais comment régler le souci... Quelqu'un aurait une idée ?
[20:05:52] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> est-ce que faire un "yunohost app ssowatconf" règle le soucis ?
[20:06:22] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ou bien est-ce que ton mot de passe contiendrait le caractère ":" ?
[20:07:49] <Wahahoo> J'ai pas essayé la commande, mais il y a bien un ":" dans mon mot de passe
[20:08:24] <Wahahoo> Mais il me semble que j'avais essayé de le changer, sans mettre de caractères spéciaux, sans succès, je vais retenter, et tester la commande
[20:09:56] <Wahahoo> Oh my :o j'ai rechangé mon mot de passe et ça passe, je sais pas trop ce que j'avais fait... Merci beaucoup ! :)
[20:11:07] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes bon ca reste un bug mais ca discute ici pour corriger :
[20:12:36] <Wahahoo> Ah ouais, bon en attendant ça me va si je peux contourner :)
[20:12:38] <Wahahoo> Merci pour l'aide en tout cas ;)
[23:50:06] <feelniceinc> Hi, only french? :/
[23:56:21] <Elzen> feelniceinc, no, several languages are spoken here ;-)
[23:56:56] <feelniceinc> okay, great :)