Tuesday, January 31, 2023
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[08:17:02] <aaron> > <@Salamandar[m]:libera.chat> yeah. Did you write your domain name into a messaging apps ? facebook ? or into google ?

not really. I'm not using those services.
[08:17:14] <aaron> > <@Salamandar[m]:libera.chat> Also I'm guessing those bots are scanning for new DNS entries. When a new domain appears, they'll try to brute force it.

okay, interesting - thx for explaining! :)
[08:43:02] <hercut> Messieurs bonjour, petit question, pourquoi des fois les hebergeurs vendent uniquement les dns ?
[08:43:32] <hercut> Car je me rend compte que j'ai pas fait attention mais j'ai acheter un domaine, mais juste la zonedns sur ovh :/
[09:15:02] <tufek> hercut: pour que les gens qui autohébergent leur infra puissent faire pointer leur nom de domaine vers leur serveur?
De quoi avais-tu besoin?
[09:16:36] <hercut> Rien de special, je souhaitais comprendre la diff entre l'achat d'un domaine et d'une zonedns
[09:26:40] <tufek> Je vais p-e dire une connerie, mais de ce que j'ai compris le nom de domaine c'est... le nom de domaine :3 (disons l'achat de l'url), et la zone DNS c'est la conversion url/ip. Ce qui fait qu'on peut acheter un nom de domaine chez un registraire et une zone DNS chez un autre.
[09:56:12] <guilhem451[m]> et moi je voudrai acheter seulement la conversion ip locale >> second serveur yuno
[09:56:40] <guilhem451[m]> jai une seule ip publique
[09:59:24] <centralscrutinizer> Bonjour
I am trying to restore a full backup of my server to a new machine. Followed this thread, but i am stuck at the actual restore command, getting this critical error: ``tools_post install () missing 1 required positional argument: 'password' ``
[10:00:29] <centralscrutinizer> Do i need to recreate the old users to the new system before the restore or else?
[10:01:24] <guilhem451[m]> do u use admin panel or terminal ?
[10:01:42] <centralscrutinizer> Terminal
[10:03:47] <guilhem451[m]> ok.i am not strong in linux.. i just tried to understand the problem
[10:06:32] <guilhem451[m]> -p ?
[10:07:54] <guilhem451[m]> could u write the command u wrote on terminal here ?
[10:11:38] <centralscrutinizer> sudo yunohost backup restore 'backup-number'
[10:21:39] <guilhem451[m]> try to add -p at the end of ur command to enter the root password
[10:27:07] <centralscrutinizer> I did the same logged as root
[10:27:48] <centralscrutinizer> I gave --debug option and it looks like the restore goes ok till the postinstall. There it stops with the error I mentioned before
[10:33:10] <centralscrutinizer> To give more details on the full steps. I installed debian bullseye on the new machine, then installed yunohost with curl https://install.yunohost.org | bash
Then updated to testing with curl https://install.yunohost.org/switchtoTesting | bash since the old server was on that version. Than copied the backup from old server with scp command to the new server, and finally tried to restore with yunohost backup restore
[10:35:46] <guilhem451[m]> is the same debian version than the backup ?
[10:36:14] <centralscrutinizer> Yes
[10:36:46] <guilhem451[m]> i am sorry , i am newbie sometimes in linux
[10:38:09] <centralscrutinizer> Could it be that the first user created with the debian installation needs to be the same user of the old server? Just guessing
[10:39:11] <guilhem451[m]> perhaps same password
[10:39:28] <guilhem451[m]> i don t know
[10:42:56] <guilhem451[m]> i can t help u . i am not yuno dev . other people will see ur msg
[10:44:06] <centralscrutinizer> Thanks
[10:45:09] <centralscrutinizer> Bonjour
I am trying to restore a full backup of my server to a new machine. Followed this thread, but i am stuck at the actual restore command, getting this critical error: ``tools_post install () missing 1 required positional argument: 'password' ``
[14:26:03] <joelchrono1238> I believe I've seen this before, and I am supposed to do nothing
[14:26:26] <joelchrono1238> but I just want to confirm if it will sort itself out or if I need to do something myself
[14:46:59] <moufles05> Hello! I'm trying to get some support as I'm pretty stuck :)
[14:47:00] <moufles05> I'm migrating my Yunohost container (Proxmox) to Bullseye with:
[14:47:01] <moufles05> yunohost tools migrations run
[14:47:02] <moufles05> Warning: The LDAP service is down, attempt to restart it...
[14:47:02] <moufles05> but I get this error message:
[14:47:06] <moufles05> Failed to restart slapd.service: Transport endpoint is not connected
[14:47:12] <moufles05> Failed to get properties: Transport endpoint is not connected
[14:47:13] <moufles05> See system logs and 'systemctl status slapd.service' for details.
[14:47:14] <moufles05> systemctl status slapd gives:
[14:47:16] <moufles05> Any idea?
[15:37:24] <joelchrono1238> This happened to me:
[15:37:24] <joelchrono1238> [webdav] Debug: Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotAuthenticated: No public access to this resource., No 'Authorization: Basic' header found. Either the client didn't send one, or the server is misconfigured, No 'Authorization: Bearer' header found. Either the client didn't send one, or the server is mis-configured, No 'Authorization: Basic' header found.
[15:37:24] <joelchrono1238> Either the client didn't send one, or the server is misconfigured at...
[16:26:36] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <@moufles05:libera.chat> systemctl status slapd gives:

what does it gives ? Do you mean the output is empty ?
[16:26:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> joelchrono1238: did you check https://forum.yunohost.org/t/nextcloud-clients-no-longer-able-to-login-since-last-ssowat-update/23059
[16:29:50] <moufles05> But actually it seems waiting for at least 3 hours did the trick...
[16:29:57] <moufles05> Very weird
[16:31:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> moufles05: can you check `journalctl -u slapd --no-pager --nohostname -n 50`
[16:33:25] <moufles05> journalctl: unrecognized option '--nohostname'
[16:34:12] <moufles05>                                      Debian OpenLDAP Maintainers <pkg-openldap-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
[16:34:12] <moufles05> Jan 31 17:13:30 slapd[7710]: @(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.57+dfsg-3+deb11u1 (May 14 2022 18:32:57) $
[16:34:13] <moufles05> Jan 31 17:13:38 slapd[7845]: slapd starting
[16:34:14] <moufles05> Jan 31 17:13:38 slapd[7596]: Starting OpenLDAP: slapd.
[16:34:14] <moufles05> Jan 31 17:20:30 slapd[7845]: slap_global_control: unrecognized control:
[16:34:15] <moufles05> Jan 31 17:20:30 slapd[7845]: slap_global_control: unrecognized control:
[16:38:06] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmm, that's `--no-hostname` indeed
[16:38:07] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `journalctl -u slapd --no-pager --no-hostname -n 50`
[16:38:08] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> theeen slapd seems to be up to me ?
[18:01:21] <ynhuser> Cela écrit "erreur d'authentification nom d'utilisateur et/ou mot de passe incorrect", alors que les deux sont bons
[20:18:13] <tane> How are people handling rediections? For instance I have a 404 page on one domain (https://lescharmettes.eu/404.html) but if I use a random url (say https://lescharmettes.eu/ght4) I get the nginx 404 page. These are using the custom webapp. But then I have another domain (tane.harre.nz) which is a subdomain of the root domain and that redirects to the root domain plus the ynh sso url (harre.nz/yunohost/sso/). Should I do a custom redirect in nginx for each domain or specify a glocal redirect in nginx to the root domain or another option. What are others doing? Something that dpesn't change on updates would be good. A global redirect to root would be best. Any ideas?
[20:22:46] <tituspijean> tane In v11.1 we will be introducing a `/etc/nginx/conf.d/yunohost_http_errors.conf.inc` file for displaying a nice page for 502 errors (basically explaining that the admin should check that the app's service is running). You could expand that file to include a global custom 404 page.
[20:23:41] <tituspijean> the custom 404 page will have to be added in `/usr/share/yunohost/html/`
[20:25:17] <tituspijean> and instead of loading a 404, you could implement a redirect there.
[20:25:21] <tane> OK, that sounds like fun...not a good idea to have a set 404 in nginx global?
[20:25:30] <tituspijean> To keep that between updates, you'd need a custom hook (check the forum about it)
[20:26:21] <tituspijean> > not a good idea to have a set 404 in nginx global?

I don't see why not. Maybe if you host widely different services/websites where a common 404 would not make sense?
[20:30:39] <tane> Yeah, I was just going to point everything a root (harre.nz) and let firefox throw HSTS errors at people. Doesn't really bother me that much, all the domains I have to be good good about I have learnt to have on other servers than mine. I tend to play to much.
[22:02:48] <tane> On second thought, I think I will wait for 11.1. Thank you.