Saturday, July 01, 2023
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[08:58:37] <webmink> Does Lemmy work on RPi? I just installed it fresh and get "exec format error" and the service fails to run
[09:12:18] <tituspijean[m]> webmink: this kind of error would mean that no, the binary is for a different architecture :/
[09:12:19] <webmink> > <> webmink: this kind of error would mean that no, the binary is for a different architecture :/

OK, will remove it again - but there were no errors on the install, I guess the package doesn't check.
[09:13:35] <webmink> Yeah, the uninstall threw
'/lib/' wasn't deleted because it doesn't exist.
[09:24:33] <webmink> BTW ShellInABox upgrade fail hasn't been fixed yet, is there a maintainer?
[09:25:13] <webmink> I installed it yesterday on a fresh instance of Yunohost and it failed to allocate access permissions to any user, I had to add it to Admin from the command line
[09:25:28] <webmink> so I suspect the underlying issue has wider impact
[09:42:57] <webmink> > <> webmink: this kind of error would mean that no, the binary is for a different architecture :/

Opened an issue, thanks.
[10:27:45] <eric_G> webmink: no maintainer, the truth is that there are few maintainers for the 400 or so apps present in the catalog
[10:53:41] <webmink> OK, noted.
[10:54:06] <webmink> Thanks for the patch to Lemmy BTW
[12:00:24] <cgman7> Hello,
im using yunohost for years now.
But what is the different between yunohost vs caprover?
note: i never use caprover.
[12:03:52] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> sounds like it's based on Docker
[12:04:12] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but it doesn't seem to handle anything like Backup or Diagnosis
[12:09:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it doesn't seem to be designed for non-tech-savvy people (though you could argue there's still technical knowledge required for YunoHost, but imho the goal of YunoHost is to reach non-tech-savvy people and empower them rather than simply "providing automation through gui")
[12:20:14] <cgman7> Actually now the question is: if someone find yunohost as a little like not easy. then is caprover for him? or need more expertise.
[12:22:57] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i don't think caprover will be "more easy", like it won't guide you about configuring DNS records etc I think
[12:27:35] <cgman7> Ok leave this discussion for now, because i love yunohost even though i cant use my lovely app rocketchat. Now im using mattermost. its good and stable.
but the problem is mattermost dont have voice message capability.
Now i want to move to matrix. But does matrix have the option to allow only specific filetype as attachment? And limit the attachment size etc?
[12:47:10] <cgman7> Can anyone help Please!
I cant update mattermost..
[14:07:15] <> En particulier, je veux augmenter la taille maximum des médias postés. Savez-vous où l’on configure ça ?
[14:07:16] <> Je cherche à configurer Dendrite mais je ne vois pas où se situe sa configuration dans l’arborescence de ma Devian/Yunohost.
[14:47:59] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Séβαστιεν ✅: Je ne connais pas Dendrite mais il semblerait que ce que tu cherches est dans dendrite.yaml qui devrait se trouver dans /var/www/dendrite (ou sous répertoire).
Le paramètre en question est max_file_size_bytes (
[14:55:17] <> Je viens de le trouver dans /opt/yunohost/dendrite
Je modifie le paramètre dans dendrite.yaml.
Merci Chatpitaine Caverne
[14:57:42] <ModAF> evening folks, anyone had experience setting up Matrix + Element on a yunohost instance... secondly; how do I go about fixing the default nginx configs without updates overwriting them? we use Nginx (Plus -- another reason I want to try delve deeper into yunohost); lastly, anyone setup yunohost as a service? Not sure what the licensing requirements are but we would be looking at deploying it across to our 14k customers... Anyone here from customer solutions or enterprise sales?
[14:58:58] <ModAF> and why not use Caddy? I see nginx is built in but Caddy does all this stuff plus more from the ground up, almost what yunohost is lacking is the ability to change the actual web server interface without huge code edits
[14:59:49] <ModAF> yes I know everyone loves and hates their own services, but from an ISP point of view, we'd be interested in rolling some of this out to our SMB + Ent customers
[15:00:01] <Salamandar[m]> > <> evening folks, anyone had experience setting up Matrix + Element on a yunohost instance... secondly; how do I go about fixing the default nginx configs without updates overwriting them? we use Nginx (Plus -- another reason I want to try delve deeper into yunohost); lastly, anyone setup yunohost as a service? Not sure what the licensing requirements are but we would be looking at deploying it across to our 14k customers... Anyone here from customer solutions or enterprise sales?

Matrix yeah, element no, i use Cinny
[15:00:08] <Salamandar[m]> But it should work out of the box
[15:00:30] <Salamandar[m]> Just know it's kinda resource hungry if you use it as a homeserver
[15:00:47] <ModAF> Ok dokes
[15:00:52] <Salamandar[m]> I personnaly use it just as a bridge to whatsapp facebook and irc
[15:00:56] <ModAF> Yeah, I'll have a look at Cinny
[15:01:21] <ModAF> I'm only on Element cause the UI is pretty slick, almost slack/Discord like and well, I hate centralization lol
[15:01:42] <Salamandar[m]> > <> and why not use Caddy? I see nginx is built in but Caddy does all this stuff plus more from the ground up, almost what yunohost is lacking is the ability to change the actual web server interface without huge code edits

Caddy is more recent, nginx is more "standard" like Apache 20 years ago
[15:01:43] <ModAF> previous experience was in 2017... RIOT and uhh Matrix lol
[15:03:29] <ModAF> Yeah, I am only curious not trying to say nginx is bad, or shred opinions around... I mean we pay for Nginx Plus so
[15:03:29] <ModAF> but yeah, for the apache reference, I getcha
[15:03:30] <Salamandar[m]> > <> previous experience was in 2017... RIOT and uhh Matrix lol

[15:03:30] <Salamandar[m]> > <> evening folks, anyone had experience setting up Matrix + Element on a yunohost instance... secondly; how do I go about fixing the default nginx configs without updates overwriting them? we use Nginx (Plus -- another reason I want to try delve deeper into yunohost); lastly, anyone setup yunohost as a service? Not sure what the licensing requirements are but we would be looking at deploying it across to our 14k customers... Anyone here from customer solutions or enterprise sales?

For the nginx config, if you need custon config, either write your own app or use the custom_webapp
[15:03:48] <ModAF> > <> For the nginx config, if you need custon config, either write your own app or use the custom_webapp

thats what I have been looking at
[15:05:29] <ModAF> I already use it a bit but most updates screw up some of our MLTS configs up
[15:06:04] <ModAF> And well, really I need to contact the dev of yunohost further I think, because our team has spotted a fair few bugs in the code frame
[15:06:14] <ModAF> but it has been working well for us
[15:06:48] <ModAF> just don't want to be breaking any licenses as we're selling it to our customers essentially
[15:18:41] <Salamandar[m]> > <> previous experience was in 2017... RIOT and uhh Matrix lol

I'm searching how i can find my account creation date because i'm pretty sure i'm in the very-very-early-adopters of Matrix 😅
[15:18:50] <Salamandar[m]> > <> I already use it a bit but most updates screw up some of our MLTS configs up

Mlts ?
[15:19:15] <Salamandar[m]> > <> And well, really I need to contact the dev of yunohost further I think, because our team has spotted a fair few bugs in the code frame

Oh well please do !!
[15:19:23] <Salamandar[m]> In apps code or in core code ?
[15:19:36] <ModAF> MPLS*, same same
[15:19:46] <ModAF> Multi layer protocol like layer 1/2
[15:20:12] <ModAF> > <> In apps code or in core code ?

in core code, its govt infra
[15:20:31] <Salamandar[m]> > <> in core code, its govt infra

[15:20:52] <ModAF> but i have been looking at selling it more to the "ultra privacy minded" kinda folks recently and had some ideas
[15:21:17] <ModAF> I mean we have some apps on our intranet on it - but yeah like I said, Caddy > Nginx right now for me (even with Plus)
[15:21:37] <ModAF> selling/well pay me and I'll host it type stuff
[15:21:45] <ModAF> we run 99% of the DCs in AU lol
[15:22:17] <ModAF> NextDC, Vocus, GSL...
[15:23:57] <Salamandar[m]> > <> I mean we have some apps on our intranet on it - but yeah like I said, Caddy > Nginx right now for me (even with Plus)

I dont really know Caddy tbh
[15:24:22] <Salamandar[m]> But converting from nginx to caddy is basically impossible for yunohost : too much is depending on it (maybe someday it will be possible)
[15:24:24] <ModAF> plug n play basically nginx
[15:24:50] <ModAF> dump an executable in a path, write 3 lines of code... https, HSTS, done
[15:24:50] <Salamandar[m]> You can still have caddy behind nginx if you want, in a custom_webapp
[15:25:17] <Salamandar[m]> > <> But converting from nginx to caddy is basically impossible for yunohost : too much is depending on it (maybe someday it will be possible)

Because all the app packages write their nginx config files. You would have to rewrite those
[15:25:20] <ModAF> > <> You can still have caddy behind nginx if you want, in a custom_webapp

thats what I have at the moment haha
[15:25:50] <ModAF> yeah it also just dumps a caddy file, rewrite, proxy pass and it attempts caddy on 444
[15:25:59] <Salamandar[m]> > <> dump an executable in a path, write 3 lines of code... https, HSTS, done

I guess the config could be nicer than nginx...

Nginx is already 1000× better than apache 😅
[15:27:29] <ModAF> one thing I could never get runnning...
[15:27:31] <ModAF> WireGuard
[15:27:45] <ModAF> with TechDNS
[15:28:07] <ModAF> and has anyone screwed around with Ikev VPNs or OpenVPN?
[16:28:22] <lautre> J'ai le message :
Cette application nécessite 50M de RAM pour être installée/mise à niveau mais seul 1.4G est disponible actuellement. Même si cette application pouvait fonctionner, son processus d'installation nécessite une grande quantité de RAM. Votre serveur risque donc de geler (freezer) et de planter lamentablement.
C'est pour Forgejo
L'application nécessite 50Mo de ram, ou bien 50Go?
[16:43:45] <WireGuard_proble> I wonder if I need to install the wireguard server also on my home server (which is meant to be the "client" of the VPN), as wireguard seems to work as a P2P system ?
[16:55:15] <WireGuard_proble> Diagnosis tool results :
[17:10:18] <lautre> If it's a VPN, you need a client and a server.
Some VPN like Tinc are both, but need to be instaled on each node, of course
[17:23:15] <WireGuard_proble> I installed Wireguard on the VPS which is meant to be the VPN provider, and I installed Wireguard_client app on my home YNH server.
[17:26:43] <WireGuard_proble> server :
[17:26:44] <WireGuard_proble> client :
[17:41:09] <Tag> > <> J'ai le message :
> ```
> Cette application nécessite 50M de RAM pour être installée/mise à niveau mais seul 1.4G est disponible actuellement. Même si cette application pouvait fonctionner, son processus d'installation nécessite une grande quantité de RAM. Votre serveur risque donc de geler (freezer) et de planter lamentablement.
> ```
> C'est pour Forgejo
> L'application nécessite 50Mo de ram, ou bien 50Go?

il y a un quack ici, selon le manifest ça devrait être 2G et non 50M
[17:42:55] <lautre> Je ne vais pas pouvoir faire le rapport de bug (mais je vais augmenter la ram du VPS...), merci pour l'information :D
Comme ça je vais pouvoir retirer Gitea
[17:44:15] <Tag> Enfin je me demande si ce n'est pas une erreur... 2G ça me semble beaucoup pour cette app'
[17:45:40] <lautre> Il est question de la compilation, et pour une autre application j'ai eu aussi le message, mais avec 2Go indiqué)
[18:31:32] <TIbs245> First, Bug Thank you all contributors for Yunohost !
[18:31:32] <TIbs245> Hi,
[18:31:34] <TIbs245> I search developper with experience with package Yunohost.
[18:31:35] <TIbs245> If anyone is available to see with me the best way to do that or give me documentation about that.
[18:31:35] <TIbs245> The change I want to do is explain here :
[18:31:35] <TIbs245> But I don't known what is the best way to do Nginx change I need.
[18:31:35] <TIbs245> If I have good understand the standard modification is done with yunohost utils but It's specific proxypass
[18:31:35] <TIbs245> (I am french if you are too)
[18:47:25] <ModAF> > <> The change I want to do is explain here :

use DNS over HTTPS...
[18:50:39] <TIbs245> Ok, but android use dns over TLS