Wednesday, July 19, 2023
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[06:39:07] <12b> Hi!
I'looking for the documentation of the [Wireguard Client app]( but the link is broken :
Does this doc actually exists?
[07:43:55] <tituspijean> 12b nope! hence the "Woops. Looks like this page doesn't exist... yet!
You can contribute to the documentation by Editing it!" 😇
[07:44:20] <tituspijean> you might find some addtional info on the forum:
[07:56:27] <Claus> Hi, while updating yunohost repeatedly states _Warning: The configuration file '/etc/dnsmasq.d/[DOMAIN.TLD]' has been manually
modified and will not be updated_ - but that's wrong, I didn't modify any files manually. Is that a warning to ignore or should I take some action?

[07:56:53] <tituspijean> Claus try `sudo yunohost tools regen-conf nginx -d -n` to assess what's wrong
[07:57:18] <tituspijean> it will display the difference between the file content and what yunohost expects it to be
[08:02:36] <Claus> Thanks! The differences concerns email setup. Is it safe to just ignore it or will this block things somehow?
[08:03:47] <Claus> One warning even concerns a subdomain that is no longer in use on that host.
[08:14:15] <tituspijean> Claus then you can do `sudo yunohost tools regen-conf nginx -f` to force-update the files
[08:18:00] <Claus> tituspijean: Thank you so much!
[08:33:57] <12b> > <> you might find some addtional info on the forum:

thanks! I'll look into that
[08:50:45] <xananax>
[08:50:54] <xananax>
[08:51:18] <xananax>
[08:51:53] <xananax> I'm trying to set the LDAP for OpenProject and it's not working out: I cannot login with a user that is registered with yunohost. Do those settings seem correct?
[08:53:35] <xananax> I tried logging in with the nick and the email, it always tells me
> Invalid user or password or the account is blocked due to multiple failed login attempts
[08:54:03] <xananax> It's my first time dabbling with LDAP so I'm probably doing something wrong
[08:56:08] <xananax> If I test the connection, OpenProject tells me:

> Unable to connect (LDAP-Error: Could not authenticate at the LDAP-Server.)

(even if I remove connection encryption)
[09:03:58] <xananax> I found the documentation here: and the admin id in this thread:
Double checked with the info here:
[10:29:40] <xananax> Ooooh, I got it, use `uid=admin,ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org` for the "Account" field! Replace `admin` by whatever your yunohost admin is
[10:33:31] <tituspijean> Yup sorry about the doc, it's not up to date. Basically you need to have a specific username logging in with its uid. Bear in mind keep `admin` is discouraged (Basically it's a standard username that might get brute-forced, though we have Fail2ban for that).

Regarding encryption, "none" should be fine since you are logging in from localhost. Otherwise it's LDAPS.
[10:46:30] <xananax> yea, for my install I didn't use `admin`, I just used it as an example here
[10:56:47] <xananax> For better integration too, use this in the "filter string" property: `(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(permission=cn=openproject.main,ou=permission,dc=yunohost,dc=org))`
[10:57:01] <xananax> (and you can leave encryption, it works with it)
[12:03:52] <xananax> Not directly related to yunohost, but maybe someone can still help; in my self-hosted "chatons" like server where I welcome a group of acquaintances and friends, several people have expressed wanting out of Discord, but still being able to use Discord.
I'm considering installing Matrix + a puppet bridge (yea, I know, breaks TOS; I don't care, my server members neither).

I am a bit confused, and I'd have a few questions:
1. Can I use Matrix and bridges without federating? I tried hosting a Synapse server before, it quickly became unmanageable on my dinky VPS, so I don't intend to federate
2. There are so many Discord bots. Anyone knows of a good comparison? From outside, Mautrix seems the most exhaustively documented
3. Is it possible for one bot to puppet multiple users?
4. Is it still a valid option to use Bitlbee + LibPurple? Or is it not maintained well enough?
[14:42:41] <jrkb> sending an email with pixelfed did not work out of the box either (similar issue with mastodon). It was fixed by doing this:

$ yunhost app shell pixelfed #
pixelfed@host $ vi .env # then adjust mail part
pixelfed@host $ cat .env | grep MAIL # show settings that worked
pixelfed@host $ php artisan config:cache # reload settings

`MAIL_DRIVER` was set to `smtp` before, but didn't work. is this a bug, or specific bad luck with my setup? I wonder if I should submit a PR somewhere or just be happy that it works for me now
[14:51:28] <ynhuser1337> asking here if anyone has an idea off the top of their head on how i could go about fixing this, much appreciated
[14:52:56] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (to be done by packagers though, but eg if you want to make a PR, ideally it should be based on this)
[14:52:56] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 11.2 integrates a new mechanism to properly interface apps with the mail server
[14:52:57] <ynhuser1337> oh wait let me try something
[14:53:34] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i mean the mechanism allows to define a proper mail username, password and from_address
[15:57:07] <jrkb> > <> 11.2 integrates a new mechanism to properly interface apps with the mail server

oh, that's amazing. i am on, so my issues will very likely be addressed already
[15:59:47] <jrkb> so far the yunohost experience has been pretty impressive by the way.. a bit curious if the upgrade will go smooth
[16:49:51] <lapineige> > sending an email with pixelfed did not work out of the box either (similar issue with mastodon). It was fixed by doing this:
> ```
> $ yunhost app shell pixelfed #
> pixelfed@host $ vi .env # then adjust mail part
> pixelfed@host $ cat .env | grep MAIL # show settings that worked
> [...]
> MAIL_DRIVER=sendmail
> MAIL_HOST=localhost
> MAIL_FROM_NAME="Pixelfed"
> [...]
> pixelfed@host $ php artisan config:cache # reload settings
> ```
> `MAIL_DRIVER` was set to `smtp` before, but didn't work. is this a bug, or specific bad luck with my setup? I wonder if I should submit a PR somewhere or just be happy that it works for me now

Uh, that's nice to know 😅
[16:50:23] <lapineige> I'll check my config and default one
[16:50:53] <lapineige> How did you test it ? Where does Pixelfed send an email ?
[16:51:31] <lapineige> > <> 11.2 integrates a new mechanism to properly interface apps with the mail server

I missed that, I guess it's documented somewhere ?
[16:52:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> cf the release note for 11.2
[16:53:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[16:53:22] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `allow_email`, etc
[16:54:12] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (app CI still running 11.1.x for now iirc though, gotta update the image)
[17:04:57] <Mike> Hello, are local domain names hostsname.lan or hotsname.local?
[17:08:52] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> local domain names are names ending with `.local`
[18:42:01] <win8linux> Hi, I can't seem to access my_webapp via SFTP.
[18:42:15] <win8linux> It is under `/site` and is called `Site`.
[18:43:01] <win8linux> Attempting to use `site` and `my_webapp` as the SFTP usernames don't work.
[18:55:51] <win8linux> The SFTP client just seems to attempt to connect without actually doing so.
[19:12:54] <orhtej2> > <> Attempting to use `site` and `my_webapp` as the SFTP usernames don't work.

> Once installed, go to the chosen URL to know the user, domain and port you will have to use for the SFTP access. The password is one you chosen during the installation.
[19:14:44] <win8linux> Yes, with the correct password.
[19:16:14] <win8linux> By any chance, could a client get automatically blocked after too many unsuccessful auth attempts?
[19:19:57] <Chatpitaine Caverne> > <> By any chance, could a client get automatically blocked after too many unsuccessful auth attempts?

Yep, could be a fail2ban action.
[19:20:51] <win8linux> How could it be resolved?
[19:22:27] <Chatpitaine Caverne> I Don't know well, check if you can find something in the fail2ban service log, if you see something.
[19:22:55] <tituspijean> cf.
[19:23:22] <tituspijean> (If indeed it's Fail2ban's banning you;) )
[19:49:51] <lapineige> > <>

From what I can see here, these mails settings won't be automatically generated on upgrade, right ?
[22:00:17] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > From what I can see here, these mails settings won't be automatically generated on upgrade, right ?

hmm yes they will
[22:00:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah i didnt mention it in the provision step meh
[22:00:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but it happens anyway
[22:01:36] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> "create" or "update" should be the same thing in the resource paradigm ... it does whatever is needed such as the state of the system / resources is whatever is requested by the manifest