Sunday, July 30, 2023
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[06:57:54] <> Il y a quelques jours, certains d’entre nous évoquaient l’impossibilité de mettre à jour NextCloud vers la version 27.
J’ai lu cet article sur le forum :
Et la réponse est là : «Il faut désactiver l’app mail dans nextcloud, faire la mise à jour, puis la réactiver.»
J’ai procédé de cette façon et j’ai pu enfin mettre à jour NextCloud.
¡ Merci rungeard !
[10:44:18] <pti-jean> beelu, Y a pas la possibilité dans Adguard_home quand on a activé le contrôle parental, de taper un mot de passe quand le site est bloqué par celui-ci pour passer outre ??
(J'ai installer Adguard_home sur une machine pour tester... J'ai un Pi-hole en parallèle)
[10:47:19] <beelu> Salut pti-jean: pas encore terminer l'installation de mon côté 🙃
[13:57:13] <ParanoSprite> depuis quelques jour je reçois ceci :
[13:57:16] <ParanoSprite> [WARNING] Un problème a été détecté pour l'application Box (Seafile)
[13:57:17] <ParanoSprite> - Cette application est actuellement signalée comme cassée dans le catalogue d'applications de YunoHost. Cela peut être un problème temporaire. En attendant que les mainteneurs tentent de résoudre le problème, la mise à jour de cette application est désactivée.
[14:01:11] <ParanoSprite> Ne sachant pas si Seafile va revenir sur YunoHost, vaudrait-il mieux changer d'application du genre Pydio, Synchting ou Droppy ?
[14:02:13] <ParanoSprite> J'ai aussi vu Armadietto ...
[14:03:27] <Josué> Hello,
You can sée the answer hère:
[14:03:52] <Josué> Hello,

You can sée the answer here:
[14:04:29] <ParanoSprite> Quel serait le logiciel se rapprochant le plus de Seafile, sachant que je l'utilise comme un Drive et aussi un transfert de photos/vidéos depuis mon smartphone ?
[14:06:10] <Josué> Hello,
You can see the answer here:

[14:11:21] <ParanoSprite> Hello #Josué,
[14:11:55] <ParanoSprite> Hello Josué,
[14:12:06] <ParanoSprite> Thanks for the information, I hadn't seen them.
[14:12:32] <ParanoSprite> I would like to know which YunoHost application could be the closest to seafile?
[14:13:24] <ParanoSprite> Sorry for my English translated by Deepl.
[14:13:30] <ParanoSprite> ;)
[16:50:42] <tituspijean> ParanoSprite: Nextcloud
[17:11:33] <orhtej2> > <> Sorry for my English translated by Deepl.

Kudos to deepl then
[17:44:57] <spreadcheat> anyone up for initating a newbie about DNS configuration? - literally know what to write, but not where (like in which file or on which device)
[17:53:50] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you need to configure it on your registrar, aka the place you bought your domain name on
[17:55:10] <spreadcheat> not buying domains lol
[17:55:13] <spreadcheat> the selfhosting is selfhosted
[17:55:35] <spreadcheat> so it's my device, and my router. these are the two devices i'm to set up a DNS for
[17:56:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> well if you didnt buy a domain then it's either a "free" domain name like / / ... or other dyndns provider, or not an *actual* domain
[17:57:11] <spreadcheat> okay, i'm learning. so i'm not setting up a DNS for any domain- but a local network.
[17:58:39] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you don't set up DNS for local networks, except if you are doing super advanced stuff. The point of DNS is to have human names that corresponds to machine IP such that you don't have to remember every IP of every website accross the world ... If you are on local network, there is very probably no DNS involved
[17:58:46] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Except maybe mDNS / bonjour protocol for stuff like `whatever.local`
[18:00:20] <spreadcheat> so, what i'm up in a bind about is setting up a "dummy domain" as it's mentioned in
[18:00:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> right, we could have started with this information ...
[18:01:00] <spreadcheat> ah!
[18:01:13] <spreadcheat> i apologize. alot of new vernacular
[18:01:28] <spreadcheat> then i'll add, i'm following this tangent
[18:01:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes, bottom of the page
[18:02:14] <spreadcheat> so i've added this line in /etc/hosts
[18:02:46] <spreadcheat> and it's the local "IP"
[18:02:59] <spreadcheat> but i've also tried the computers actual IP
[18:03:50] <spreadcheat> if adding this line, and adding a static DNS to my router is all that's needed, then i'm somehow still doing it wrong.
[18:04:17] <spreadcheat> but have i understood the situation? that's what i'm here to talk to people about :D
[18:07:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> sooo i'm assuming that you mean that it doesn't work ... so how exactly are you concluding that it doesnt work
[18:10:21] <spreadcheat> right, good sanity check. i'm trying to log into what yunohost is hosting
[18:10:51] <spreadcheat> i can enter the computer and see the webtools (where you download apps from another device, and more)
[18:11:11] <spreadcheat> but let's say i install jellyfin: i cannot actually go to use the application i just installed
[18:11:39] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> so if you can't go, why and what actually happens
[18:11:47] <spreadcheat> right
[18:15:39] <spreadcheat> so i log into the yunohost webapp for settings via the local IP ( from another local device (*.67)
[18:15:41] <spreadcheat> and i've installed jellyfin
[18:16:12] <spreadcheat> and i check the dummy domain's link (https;//yolo.test)
[18:16:31] <spreadcheat> but https://yolo.test is unreachable by *.67
[18:16:52] <spreadcheat> to the web browser, which i try to surf there with
[18:17:15] <spreadcheat> ahaaa
[18:17:17] <spreadcheat> yes
[18:17:20] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> so can we confirm that you did add yolo.test as a domain name in yunohost (eg during the postinstall) and that you did add the line ` yolo.test` on your local device's /etc/hosts ?
[18:17:21] <spreadcheat> another web browser can reach there.
[18:17:51] <spreadcheat> yes, being able to browse there using another webbrowser should confirm that?
[18:18:15] <spreadcheat> i can see jellyfin here too
[18:18:29] <spreadcheat> and interact with jellyfin's webapp
[18:19:22] <spreadcheat> (for interest: Mullvad Browser responded the dummy domain was unreachable, while vanilla firefox showed a "security risk ahead" and let me pass if i wanted. which i do.)
[18:20:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> well maybe Mullvad does funky stuff and doesn't actually read /etc/hosts or something
[18:20:23] <spreadcheat> mm it's discerning
[18:20:30] <spreadcheat> so then... i really don't need a DNS to surf over a local network. check.
[18:20:59] <spreadcheat> however, what if i'm outside my local network and wanna surf to my now selfhosted yunohost-box: to my dummy domain?
[18:21:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> considering that Mullvad is related to some VPN stuff, wouldn't be surprised that every request it does goes through some VPN, and therefore it can't reach something on the local network or something ...
[18:21:25] <spreadcheat> not every request goes thru a VPN, however it is encouraged to be used in tandem with a VPN.
[18:21:33] <spreadcheat> but yes it's heavily modified.
[18:21:33] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> however, what if i'm outside my local network and wanna surf to my now selfhosted yunohost-box: to my dummy domain?

yes, that's why people usually use an actual domain and forward ports on their router ...
[18:22:22] <spreadcheat> Alekshehimillui: okay. then yunohost does not cover selfhosting a domain?
[18:22:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> depends what your definition of "self hosting a domain" is
[18:22:59] <spreadcheat> okay, good question on my scope.
[18:23:42] <spreadcheat> it doesn't cover hops across the internet backbone: but like, people on the same ISP as me - if not those in the same city network as me.
[18:23:42] <ParanoSprite> tituspijean => Nextcloud, NON surement pas, j'ai eu trop de soucis avec il fut un temps et c'est surtout une grosse machine infernale pour faire ce que je fais avec seafile ...
[18:24:46] <spreadcheat> "look mom, i'm hosting a website for our family photos. add your own comment and chat with me here."
[18:25:30] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes ... like ... with an actual domain name
[18:25:31] <spreadcheat> and my mom lives in the same city, and uses the same ISP.
[18:25:34] <spreadcheat> that's the usecase scenario, right.
[18:25:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> being in the same city or using the same ISP is unrelated
[18:25:54] <spreadcheat> okay
[18:27:07] <tituspijean> > <> tituspijean => Nextcloud, NON surement pas, j'ai eu trop de soucis avec il fut un temps et c'est surtout une grosse machine infernale pour faire ce que je fais avec seafile ...

Il faudrait préciser tes critères alors.
[18:27:41] <ParanoSprite> tituspijean c'est ce que j'ai fait ...
[20:00:37] <ynhuser9607> hello does this work?
[20:01:15] <darksky> Hi
[20:01:39] <ynhuser9607> Hi I was not sure the applet worked. Thanks for the response.
[20:03:07] <ynhuser9607> I am having an issue with Jellyfin. I have installed it both through the Web UI and through the CLI (directing it specifically to the GitHub testing branch URL) and have made sure to completely uninstall the app each time before reinstalling. Installation goes fine each time, but every time I try to open the app through the designated subdomain, it
[20:03:08] <ynhuser9607> instantly sends me back to the SSO portal. There is no way to open the app at all. Other apps are not giving me this problem.
[20:04:05] <ynhuser9607> I have searched the forums and GitHub for this issue, but haven't seen anybody else discuss it. Is there maybe a way to install a different version of the Jellyfin YNH package?
[20:04:11] <ynhuser9607> Thanks
[20:05:03] <darksky> I can't help you sorry you'll have to wait for someone else
[20:05:22] <ynhuser9607> No problem darksky thank you either way
[20:40:31] <testing50098> Is there supposed to be a /var/www/jellyfin folder?
[20:41:13] <ynhuser9607> Is there supposed to be a /var/www/jellyfin folder?
[20:41:35] <ynhuser9607> I don't have one
[20:49:27] <tituspijean> No
[21:03:30] <testing50098> Do you know what could be causing this issue of Jellyfin not opening and the subdomain redirecting to the SSO page?
[21:03:46] <testing50098> OK thanks
[21:29:24] <Tag> You can check in jellyfin logs
[21:29:45] <ynhuser9607b> How can I see them?
[21:30:04] <Tag> It's usually somewhere in /var/log
[21:30:09] <ynhuser9607b> thanks
[21:31:29] <Tag> Or from the webadmin, go to Tools > Services > jellyfin
[21:32:21] <ynhuser9607b> Main issues seem to be:
Could not apply migration '"MigrateActivityLogDatabase"'
CannotOpen: SQLitepretty.SQLiteException: unable to open database file
[21:33:06] <Tag> Can you share the full logs with YunoPaste (the big green button on the webadmin)
[21:33:55] <ynhuser9607b> Looks like it couldn't start. I saw someone on the GitHub post their migration.xml from a clean Jellyfin install on Arch saying that it should be used to replace the one on YNH but I don't know where the migration.xml file is located
[21:34:00] <ynhuser9607b> Sure I can try that
[21:34:07] <ynhuser9607b> Thanks for your help Tag
[21:34:34] <ynhuser9607b>
[21:41:06] <Tag> Looks like some permission issue with the sqlite database
[21:41:11] <ynhuser9607b> fixed it
[21:41:16] <Tag> I'm not sure the migration thing is relevant
[21:41:19] <ynhuser9607b> Lol
[21:41:22] <Tag> Oh, nice! Can you explain how ?
[21:41:37] <ynhuser9607b> Was typing lol at my short message not your response!
[21:42:42] <ynhuser9607b> Yes I replaced migrations.xml in /etc/jellyfin with the one from GitHub and made sure to correct the permissions
[21:44:08] <ynhuser9607b> or maybe YNH forum can't find it now
[21:44:37] <ynhuser9607b> Thank you
[22:11:36] <peceunicis> hi, we would love to use and utilise mautic in our company as marketing automation, however we are facing an unique issue with yunohost and mautic. We talked to mautic community and they are not able to reproduce it. Can someone help us out how to proceed or successful storied using mautic in yunohost server. You can find more detail about the issue in this issue [report]( . Thx