Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[07:53:16] <tituspijean> sharper0746 you'll have better chances with SearxNG support, for example https://github.com/searxng/searxng/issues/2498
report back here if the issue is clearly related to the fact you installed your instance with YunoHost
[08:14:17] <fch> how to delete a muc I've created permanently from my yunohost?
[08:55:57] <Ladislas[m]> hi, i have a raspberry pi 4 8g with yunohost on it since last christmas. Everything was fine before trying a reboot. The pi didn't boot up now and is stuck on the multicolored screen. I discovered a lot of "FSCK00...REC" on the sdcard so maybe it was corruptez. I tried to do a dd on another new sd card whith same size but it didn't boot too. I will fresh reinstall now on the external ssd where all the data were to be able to boot on this ssd and avoid sd corruption but before doing that i want to be sure to try to boot on the sd card : do you have some recommandations on things i can try ? Thanks ;)
[08:56:41] <Ladislas[m]> sorry if i crossed posted, i don't know if irc people are on the same matrix chan
[08:57:53] <tituspijean> > <fch> how to delete a muc I've created permanently from my yunohost?

[09:17:46] <tituspijean> Ladislas[m] if you have issues booting up with our images, try a raspbian lite image, then install yunohost with the "remote server" method from our documentation
[09:20:49] <Ladislas[m]> thanks but it is not my use case : i had the raspi 4 with yunohost in production 6 month without issue, even after core updates but last week, without doing upgrade before, i tried to reboot and now the pi is stuck on the multicolored screen
[09:21:40] <Ladislas[m]> seems a corrupted sd card issue
[09:24:22] <tituspijean> erf sorry, reading is not my forte today 😅
[09:36:54] <orhtej2> > <@Ladislas[m]:libera.chat> thanks but it is not my use case : i had the raspi 4 with yunohost in production 6 month without issue, even after core updates but last week, without doing upgrade before, i tried to reboot and now the pi is stuck on the multicolored screen

do you have backups? fresh install + restore from backup may be the only solution here :/
[10:36:33] <Ladislas[m]> yeah, seems the easiest way 😬
[10:37:00] <Ladislas[m]> quite messy those sd cards
[10:41:07] <orhtej2> did you shut down properly rather than bruteforce power off?
[10:41:25] <orhtej2> Seems like that's top 1 reason for inability to boot again
[12:17:39] <Ladislas[m]> yeah i shut down by the way of web admin
[12:25:00] <orhtej2> Is YNH 4.x officially EOL?
[12:28:03] <orhtej2> Context: someone [here](https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/seafile_ynh/issues/104) has problems installing on old YNH box and I wonder if 'upgrade to 11, then try again' is the only solution.
[12:32:50] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> there is not specific date for EOL, but considering Yunohost 4.x corresponds to Debian Buster, which is not the old *old* stable, it's well about time to upgrade ...
[12:37:35] <orhtej2> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> there is not specific date for EOL, but considering Yunohost 4.x corresponds to Debian Buster, which is not the old *old* stable, it's well about time to upgrade ...

technically Buster is LTS till mid 2024 so IDK
[12:39:34] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> fair enough, but it's not YunoHost-LTS 😅
[12:55:41] <Ladislas[m]> so i downloaded the last yunohost img but yeah : what is the first user/pass just after booting ? :)
[12:56:39] <Ladislas[m]> i am offline
[12:57:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> root / yunohost
[12:58:19] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or just browse to https://yunohost.local which hopefully should magically work
[12:58:26] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or https://the.local.ip
[13:01:59] <Ladislas[m]> thanks : you probably should add this in the docs ? i didn't see it but it's me maybe :)
[13:04:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> I don't know what do you read but it's here .. https://yunohost.org/en/install/hardware:regular#proceed-with-the-initial-
[13:04:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> "Proceed with the initial configuration \[...\] In an internet browser, type https://yunohost.local [...] If this doesn't work, you can look for the the local IP address of your server. The address typically looks like 192.168.x.y, and you should therefore type https://192.168.x.y in your browser's address bar."
[13:09:08] <Ladislas[m]> sure but i am offline now to restore my backup and in this page there is no mention of login/pass or i hav glasses issues (quite possible)
[13:09:26] <Ladislas[m]> i have the raspi on a screen an keyboard
[13:09:45] <Ladislas[m]> but thanks anyway ;)
[13:11:13] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> not sure what you mean by offline, you're talking on the chat so you seem to be very much online to me x_x
[13:12:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or you mean the raspi ain't connected to the LAN at all and you only have a screen and keyboard ...
[13:14:50] <Ladislas[m]> yeah my pi is not connected yet :)
[13:15:38] <Ladislas[m]> and i talk with another connected computer
[16:37:05] <lautre> Someone successfully installed a Mastodon server (or the other one)?
I didn't keep the log, I know, it's bad.
[16:37:30] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes, people succesfully install apps regularly ..
[17:19:29] <Fritjof> I cannot get my mastodon instance to upgrade. Can it really be a diskspace-issue? https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/omezenuvip here's the log from the failed upgrade.
[17:25:41] <lautre> Thanks, I will be carefull next time
[17:26:19] <lautre> Can't be about disk space. i think i will trash the VM and create another one.
[17:26:56] <lautre> Because this one had 200Go disk
[17:44:42] <Fritjof> > <@fritjof:deepfunk.dk> I cannot get my mastodon instance to upgrade. Can it really be a diskspace-issue? https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/omezenuvip here's the log from the failed upgrade.

~/yunohost.backup/archives$ ls -la

gives me this:

total 8
drwxrwx--- 2 root admins 4096 Jul 9 20:44 .
drwxrwx--- 4 root admins 4096 Jul 9 20:44 ..

[17:44:57] <Fritjof> is there anything I can delete to free up space?
[17:55:23] <tituspijean> Fritjof: please also link to your thread on the forum when bringing up your issue (https://forum.yunohost.org/t/how-do-i-add-an-extra-volume-to-my-vps-to-enable-upgrades-of-mastodon-after-space-issues/25509)
[17:56:05] <Fritjof> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> Fritjof: please also link to your thread on the forum when bringing up your issue (https://forum.yunohost.org/t/how-do-i-add-an-extra-volume-to-my-vps-to-enable-upgrades-of-mastodon-after-space-issues/25509)

Ah. Sorry. I will do so in future :)
[17:56:49] <tituspijean> I'm more concerned about the size of mastodon. What tells you `sudo du -hs /var/www/mastodon` ?
[18:01:00] <Fritjof> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> I'm more concerned about the size of mastodon. What tells you `sudo du -hs /var/www/mastodon` ?

43G /var/www/mastodon
[18:01:11] <Fritjof> that is a frightful lot, isn't it?
[18:01:41] <Fritjof> how do I make it smaller? Follow fewer servers?
[18:21:38] <tituspijean> I have no idea sorry.
[18:23:03] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i think there's some tips about emptying the cache maybe
[18:23:45] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/mastodon_ynh/blob/v2/doc/ADMIN.md#backups
[18:24:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> this could be something cool to add as a config panel with a button "Cleanup cache" or something ;P
[18:25:09] <tituspijean> https://docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/tootctl/#media
[18:26:01] <tituspijean> And https://docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/tootctl/#cache
[18:27:30] <Fritjof> Thank you both!
I have found some help in the mastodon admin matrix-chat also now.
[19:38:19] <lapineige> > <@fritjof:deepfunk.dk> how do I make it smaller? Follow fewer servers?

Empty the media cache to remove media older than a certain value. Mastodon never does it by default, hence the huge cache stored on your server
[20:49:54] <Fritjof> > Empty the media cache to remove media older than a certain value. Mastodon never does it by default, hence the huge cache stored on your server

How do I do that? Do I just go to www/mastodon/.cache and rm ?
[21:02:03] <Fritjof> I found something here: https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/mastodon_ynh/blob/v2/doc/ADMIN.md#backups and ran the media clearing, but it seems like Headers are still taking up a lot of space?

var/www/mastodon/live# sudo -u mastodon RAILS_ENV=production PATH=/opt/rbenv/versions/mastodon/bin bin/tootctl media usage

Attachments: 462 MB (2.11 MB local)
Custom emoji: 336 MB (1.11 MB local)
Preview cards: 1.5 GB
Avatars: 9.01 GB (945 KB local)
Headers: 21 GB (98.5 KB local)
Backups: 0 Bytes
Imports: 0 Bytes
Settings: 0 Bytes

[21:17:38] <Fritjof> So, I cleared the cache using tootctl clear cache, and now it says:
39G /var/www/mastodon

[21:17:43] <Fritjof> still a lot