Wednesday, November 02, 2022
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[01:49:43] <mlabastide> I may just spin up a new Debian VM on my server and upload the backup. If that works, I'll just change over to the new IP.
[02:07:00] <futile> Hi! Is it possible to make Mastodon (Glitch more specifically) use a non-subdomain as the instance username?
[05:40:06] <Nicolas Pettiaux> Je voudrais avancer avec un serveur matériel préconfiguré avec yunohost qui pourrait être vendu chez fnac, mediamarkt, carrefour, club très facile à configurer et pour lequel des associations offrent du support commercial en plus du support communautaire
[05:40:20] <Nicolas Pettiaux> Si en plus, cela pouvait déjà être prêt pour les fêtes dans quelques magasins, pour tester les ventes, ce serait bien
[05:43:27] <Nicolas Pettiaux> I want to move forward with material server that is sold preconfigured in supermarkets with yunohost, that is very easy to setup and for which associations offer commercial aka paid support on top of communautaire support
[05:44:14] <Nicolas Pettiaux> If also this could be sold soon for christmas to test the marketing, it would be great
[06:13:22] <kaonashi696> How do you activate encryption and multi-device support on synapse installed with yunohost?
[06:13:22] <kaonashi696> I mean, the app asks for a password, but it's not the LDAP one....
[06:13:23] <tituspijean> nick: what are the other apps you installed on the server?
[06:13:23] <tituspijean> > <> I mean, the app asks for a password, but it's not the LDAP one....

Where does it ask for a password?
[06:13:24] <nick>
[06:13:24] <nick> Thanks for responding
[06:13:25] <tituspijean> The installation fails because NGINX says there is a duplicate location for /well-known path, but it doesn't look like the other apps use it.
[06:13:26] <tituspijean> Let's try looking into the files. In SSH:
[06:13:30] <nick> Shall I rm -rf it?
[06:13:30] <tituspijean> `sudo grep "well-known" -rn /etc/nginx/conf.d`
[06:13:30] <tituspijean> > <> Shall I rm -rf it?

let's be a little more subtle :)
[06:13:31] <nick> ```
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /tmp/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /tmp/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ /.well-known/matrix/server {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ /.well-known/matrix/client {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /tmp/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /tmp/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /tmp/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /tmp/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /tmp/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /tmp/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ /.well-known/caldav {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ /.well-known/carddav {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ ^~ '/.well-known/acme-challenge/'
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /tmp/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /tmp/.well-known/ynh-diagnosis/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ location ^~ '/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/' {
/etc/nginx/conf.d/ alias /var/www/.well-known/;
[06:13:32] <tituspijean> It looks like you had previously installed Dendrite, correct?
[06:13:33] <nick> Yes, that's right
[06:13:33] <tituspijean> It seems the removal did not remove its well-known file... sorry about that, I'm its packager.
[06:13:34] <nick> Oh, haha, that's an unfortunate coincidence 😅 But at least now you'll be able to fix it :)
[06:13:35] <tituspijean> You can remove `/etc/.../`
[06:13:35] <nick> Not a problem as long as I can just get rid of this issue :)
[06:13:36] <nick> Do I paste it in how you wrote it with the dots?
[06:13:37] <tituspijean> > <> Do I paste it in how you wrote it with the dots?

Nah sorry
[06:13:37] <tituspijean> I'm on mobile and could not select the path
[06:13:37] <tituspijean> And i will patch the app :)
[06:13:38] <nick> Once I remove it, should that theoretically allow Synapse to install?
[06:13:38] <nick> Ohh, okay. I will figure out the full path, don't worry about it
[06:13:39] <tituspijean> > <> Once I remove it, should that theoretically allow Synapse to install?

[06:13:39] <tituspijean> Something like that
[06:13:39] <tituspijean> `/etc/nginx/conf.d/`
[06:13:40] <nick> That did in fact fix the problem! Thanks so much, have a good day :)
[06:13:44] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> The .local domain works yeah. But don't know how to get to get to the actual applications

hi thibaultmol, I am using a similar setup here. hit me up if you need help. (i havent use grafana)
[06:13:47] <Guillaume Bouzige> have you created a local domain for your app ? like grafana.local
[06:13:47] <Thibaultmol> Hi, yeah i still can't get it working. I can access both

But when I try to click on 'user interface' to actually go to the normal interface for the apps themselves. It doesn't load
[06:13:48] <Guillaume Bouzige> or grafana.yunohost.local
[06:13:48] <tituspijean> (Please be precise when you say "it does not load", and state the actual error)
[06:13:49] <tituspijean> What if you directly open https://yunohost.local/yunohost/sso ?
[06:13:50] <tituspijean> > or grafana.yunohost.local

Subdomains do not work with mDNS, that may be the issue, but I guess Diagnosis would have flagged it
[06:13:50] <Thibaultmol> > <> What if you directly open https://yunohost.local/yunohost/sso ?

then I get the errors like I posted last night. that it gets timed out
[06:13:50] <Thibaultmol> > have you created a local domain for your app ? like grafana.local

ah no actually. good point
[06:13:53] <Thibaultmol> I currently only had my official domain set. not any local domains
[06:13:53] <Guillaume Bouzige> please watch your semantic, what's `official` ?
[06:13:54] <Thibaultmol> now it seems to be working
[06:13:54] <tituspijean> Then we might be back to hairpinning issues. Try setting up the record in your hosts file or your router setting as described in the documentation page I linked yesterday ;)
[06:13:54] <Thibaultmol> sorry, like an actual domain like
[06:13:54] <Thibaultmol> added the .local domain to yunohost, and set grafana to it
[06:13:55] <Thibaultmol> > <> Then we might be back to hairpinning issues. Try setting up the record in your hosts file or your router setting as described in the documentation page I linked yesterday ;)

I looked into that last night. But with Unifi gear, it seems hard to do
[06:13:55] <tituspijean> > <> now it seems to be working

Hum, interestingly weird
[06:13:56] <Thibaultmol> > <> Hum, interestingly weird

* I said working. because I actually get a page about https not being correct. instead of nothing
[06:13:57] <Thibaultmol> just going to get a timeout
[06:13:57] <tituspijean> > <> I looked into that last night. But with Unifi gear, it seems hard to do

Then you need to set a hosts file for your .link domain. Or keep using dedicated .local domains
[06:13:57] <tituspijean> > <> just going to get a timeout

[06:13:57] <Thibaultmol> but it doesn't seem to actually load the page
[06:13:58] <Thibaultmol> if i go to grafana.local
[06:13:58] <Thibaultmol>
[06:13:59] <tituspijean> That's expected since there is no Letsencrypt certificate for .local domains
[06:14:05] <tituspijean> OK
[06:14:05] <Thibaultmol> I also expected that
[06:14:05] <tituspijean> And if you click on accept and continue, that's where it times out?
[06:14:05] <Thibaultmol> exactly yes
[06:14:05] <Thibaultmol> but when I say 'accept risk and continue', it just keeps on loading. so i'll prob get a timeout soon
[06:14:07] <Thibaultmol> and I see it's trying to redicrect me to my domain
[06:14:07] <Thibaultmol> it is. it finally timedout
[06:14:07] <Thibaultmol>
[06:14:08] <tituspijean> Fix your hosts file, or maybe make your network DNS setting point to your YunoHost server.
[06:14:08] <tituspijean> Hairpinning it is then.
[06:14:08] <tituspijean> I guess you can try making a .local domain the default domain of the server too
[06:14:11] <Thibaultmol> https://yunohost.local/grafana/
loads correctly
[06:14:11] <Thibaultmol>
[06:14:11] <Thibaultmol> Finally, now it's working
[06:14:14] *tituspijean (re)discovers there's a yunohost subreddit
[06:14:14] <tituspijean> > I set up a site on which I cannot connect to

you'll need to be a tad more specific than that. :) Do you get a blank page? timeout error? dns resolution error?
[06:14:15] <tituspijean> Can you check if there are any errors in your browser's console? (CTRL+SHIFT+K in Firefox, then reload the page)
[06:14:15] <bluansprocifise> Nothing. Only white page.
[06:14:15] <bluansprocifise> Hi. I cannot connect to my website on Can you help me?
[06:14:15] <tituspijean> Which app have you installed?
[06:14:16] <bluansprocifise> "This error page has no error code in its security info"
[06:14:17] <tituspijean> Let's take a step back then. :) Can you explain what and where is your server, is the your main domain, how do you access the webadmin?
[06:14:17] <bluansprocifise> Also what app are you talking about
[06:14:17] <bluansprocifise> My server is locally on raspberry pi, is the main domain, webadmin via yunohost.local
[06:14:17] <tituspijean> Can you perform a ping command to your domain from your computer?
[06:14:19] <bluansprocifise> also, in the reddit commands I put photos of diagnostics on webadmin
[06:14:19] <tituspijean> I'm leaning in for hairpinning issue
[06:14:19] <bluansprocifise> Request timed out when pinging
[06:14:19] <tituspijean> You'll need to check your router if it's possible to set a custom rule to direct dns requests to your domain to your raspberrypi's local address
[06:14:26] <tituspijean> If not, you will need to set up your hosts file on your computer
[06:14:26] <tituspijean>
[06:14:29] <tituspijean> Dot?
[06:14:29] <kaonashi696> > <> Where does it ask for a password?

[06:14:30] <bluansprocifise> I set this as the dns options, but it still times out
[06:14:30] <bluansprocifise>
[06:14:30] <tituspijean> what does the ping command tell you know? Does it try the local IP address?
[06:14:31] <tituspijean> can you directly ping the IP address?
[06:14:31] <bluansprocifise> oh, now it says "unknown host"
[06:14:31] <tituspijean> with the local IP address?
[06:14:33] <tituspijean> Is your DNS setting on your computer pointing to your router IP address?
[06:14:33] <bluansprocifise> with local ip it pings just fine, with the one it "request timed out"
[06:14:35] <bluansprocifise> The website started working, but it still shows port errors in the webadmin
[06:14:35] <bluansprocifise> Re-adding the dns worked
[06:14:35] <bluansprocifise> Thanks for ya help anyways
[06:14:37] <kaulian[m]> hi
my mautrix-signald is dead since the signal certificate change.
anybody resolv this issue ?
[06:14:37] <bluansprocifise> Unable to install kresus: An error occurred inside the app installation script
[06:14:38] <tituspijean> kaulian[m]: what's the error on the app's service?
[06:14:44] <lejocelyn[m]> :D
[06:14:44] <lejocelyn[m]>
[06:14:44] <lejocelyn[m]> do you guys know if Yalh76: is coming on this channel from time to time ? or if he reads the Yunohost's discourse instance?
[06:14:44] <lejocelyn[m]> to know whether he might stumble upon this message:
[06:14:45] <lejocelyn[m]> I'd be happy to report a bug, but I don't have any github account, and I'm not so fan of GAFAM ;)
[06:14:45] <tituspijean> > <@lejocelyn[m]> do you guys know if Yalh76: is coming on this channel from time to time ? or if he reads the Yunohost's discourse instance?

He does, but I guess we can be patient since it's a long weekend :) And there's a contributors meeting on Thursday night, I will bring it up.
[06:14:48] <lejocelyn[m]> thanks
[06:14:48] <lejocelyn[m]> it's not really a pressing matter, but, I'm curious about the issue, especially as it makes Overleaf on my server less relevant ^^
[06:14:49] <kaulian[m]> > <@titus[m]> kaulian[m]: what's the error on the app's service?

⚠ Your message was not bridged: org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.push.exceptions.PushNetworkException,,, org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.push.exceptions.PushNetworkException: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
[06:14:52] <tituspijean> hank[m]: horizontal scaling is not within the scope of YunoHost yet.
[06:14:52] <tituspijean> Moving apps between servers is as simple as backing it up ans restoring it elsewhere
[06:14:53] <hank[m]> Related is it possible/easy to port apps from one YunoHost to another if need to bifurcate a server?
[06:15:17] <line> meme en rajoutant "apc.enable_cli=1" au php.conf même soucis qui persiste
[06:15:18] <line> sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ security:bruteforce:reset
[06:15:19] <line> salut l'irc de yunohost
[06:15:20] <line> bien entendu j'ai testé un paquet de choses mais je me retrouve toujours au même stade
[06:15:20] <tituspijean> Essaie en l'ajoutant à la commande
[06:15:20] *line cherche de l'aide avant de s'arracher les cheveux suite à soucis user principal désactivé sur nextcloud....
[06:15:21] <line> --define apc.enable_cli=1 ?
[06:15:21] <line> même soucis avec "sudo -u nextcloud php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:enable"
[06:15:21] <line> me renvoit "OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)"
[06:15:21] <tituspijean> (Je cherche le `-xxx` qui va bien)
[06:15:22] <line> et salut tituspijean ;)
[06:15:22] <line> même résultat avec le --define
[06:15:23] <tituspijean> (Bonjour ^^)
[06:15:24] <tituspijean> Essaie avec php7.4 au lieu de php tout court
[06:15:24] <tituspijean> Arf. J'aurais essayé
[06:15:25] <tituspijean> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
[06:15:25] <line> bonne idée à laquelle je n'avais pensé but same...
[06:15:26] <line> salut MountainManTech
[06:15:26] <tituspijean> line: je viens d'essayer `sudo -u nextcloud php7.4 -d apc.enable_cli /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:enable` et ça marche chez moi
[06:15:26] <line> exactement ce que j'essaie de ne pas faire :p
[06:15:27] <tituspijean> MountainManTech: it should be using YunoHost's LDAP server, so you should use a user created within Yunohost and given the Nextcloud permission
[06:15:27] <tituspijean> (ou du moins ça grogne car j'ai pas mis l'user id)
[06:15:27] <line> it use the first admin user of your yunohost installation ;)
[06:15:28] <tituspijean> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[06:15:28] <line> tituspijean, rah pourquoi ca marche pas chez moi???!!!???
[06:15:28] <tituspijean> je suis en version 24.0.5 pour nextcloud
[06:15:30] <line> pareil...
[06:15:31] <MountainManTech> Thanks!
[06:15:31] <MountainManTech> So I really like Yunohost so far.
[06:15:31] <MountainManTech> Im in now.
[06:15:31] <MountainManTech> Still dealing with some configuration hiccups, but overall it is quite the piece of software.
[06:15:32] <tituspijean> Enjoy! and feel free to ask for help :)
[06:15:32] <tituspijean> > Im in now. :p
[06:15:32] <MountainManTech> Hmmm hacking in progress?
[06:15:33] <tituspijean> It was just a tonge-in-cheek joke, since "I'm in" is a bit of a cliché thing to say for a hacker :)
[06:15:34] <MountainManTech> I know I have to eventually figure out why the heck the email configuration isn't working.
[06:15:34] <MountainManTech> Ahhh lol
[06:15:35] <tituspijean> Does the Diagnosis give you any pointers?
[06:15:36] <tituspijean> line: peux-tu donner le résultat de `sudo yunohost app info nextcloud | grep php`
[06:15:47] <MountainManTech> It's like ok I comprehend what this person is telling me, however i can not respond to them in french.
[06:15:48] <line> :p
[06:15:48] <MountainManTech> I'd be a great Mute person in france.
[06:15:48] <MountainManTech> Just can't remember enough to respond in it.
[06:15:48] <line> une fois installer même errur pour passer en maintenance mais via cli ok
[06:15:48] <MountainManTech> No worries. I still understand your french.
[06:15:48] <line> sorry for non english langage
[06:15:49] <MountainManTech> lol
[06:15:49] <line> ok ;)
[06:15:50] <tituspijean> MountainManTech: haha no worries :p I'm currently in Italy, and I can speak ***at*** people, and somewhat guess what they are saying, but I am unmasked pretty fast whenever a conversation extends xD
[06:15:50] <tituspijean> line: ... et YunoHost t'a laissé faire?!
[06:15:52] <line> tituspijean, oui... Et la il ne veut plus me desactiver le mode maintenance dans l'interface web à moins que je le desinstalle à nouveau...
[06:15:52] <MountainManTech> Not sure if my router will let me, but I can try later
[06:15:52] <MountainManTech> Based on the error message I am getting it's saying I should try configuring it at the router level to fix the mistake.
[06:15:52] *line n'est même pas sûre d'avoir désinstaller ce module au final.... Peut-être un bug d'in,stallation ou via upgrade....
[06:15:53] <MountainManTech> I have been wondering if I should pony up the money for a vpn.
[06:15:53] <tituspijean> MountainManTech: reverse DNS should be at your ISP level
[06:15:54] <tituspijean> `sudo yunohost app upgrade nextcloud -F`
[06:15:54] <line> and now php-apcu is missing for php8.0 .... RRRrrrrr
[06:15:54] <tituspijean> Try a force upgrade to repair it?
[06:15:57] <line> Warning: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[06:15:57] <line> i try ;)
[06:15:57] <line> Warning: php8.0-apcu : Breaks: php-apcu (< 5.1.21+4.0.11-8+0~20220625.32+debian11~1.gbpa7cde5~)
[06:15:58] <line> Warning: Unable to install dependencies
[06:15:58] <line> ok... Nextcloud deleted.... I hope not my files....
[06:15:58] <line> next rtry without php-acpu
[06:15:58] <tituspijean> 😵‍💫
[06:16:02] <MountainManTech> that would suck
[06:16:02] <MountainManTech> I have to leave it alone for now. waiting for an upload from someone to the server.
[06:16:03] <MountainManTech> Hank do you frequent the jupiterbroadcasting community?
[06:16:03] <hank[m]> Since 2012 according to Wikipedia
[06:16:03] <MountainManTech> How long has the yunohost project been going on for?
[06:16:03] <MountainManTech> Everything but the mail seems to be working for now.
[06:16:04] <hank[m]> yup
[06:16:04] *line hate php-fpm!!!!
[06:16:05] <tituspijean> I guess php-fpm hates you too? 😅
[06:16:07] <line> i think ^^
[06:16:08] <mlabastide>
[06:16:08] <mlabastide> All of my webpages are still accessible, but none of my applications show up on the list. There are domains also not showing up on the Domain list. But they are still accessible.
[06:16:09] <mlabastide> I have took a backup and downloaded it right before I started making changes ( Luckily ). I have also tried to restore from the backup. Still nothing.
[06:16:09] <mlabastide> I need help!! All of my applications disappeared!
[06:16:09] <tituspijean> It's most likely a bug in the applications list. You can share the output of `sudo yunohost app list`
[06:16:09] <line> hi mlabastide
[06:16:10] <tituspijean> I need to go out now, but I'm sure we will find the bug.
[06:16:10] <line> I have the same problem once, just a bug with gui, in my memory one reboot of the server and the apps list is return
[06:16:11] <mlabastide> I did remove an app. It was a wordpress test site. And I tried a full reboot.
[06:16:11] <tituspijean> Share also the output of `sudo ls /etc/yunohost/apps`
[06:16:11] <tituspijean> Did you remove an app recently? Which one?
[06:16:15] <mlabastide>
[06:16:15] <mlabastide> Ok. So after reboot, I got an error.
[06:16:15] <mlabastide> Sorry, unable to SSH currently. Cannot copy and paste.
[06:16:15] <mlabastide> One moment. It lists all of my applications on the CLI
[06:16:15] <mlabastide> Inside of a LISH Console right now.
[06:16:16] <tituspijean> > <> Inside of a LISH Console right now.

Can't you take a screenshot? Or type the output? I need to compare the list of apps from yunohost and the list of directories.
[06:16:16] <mlabastide> Any suggestions ?
[06:16:17] <mlabastide>
[06:16:17] <tituspijean> Is that the output of `ls...` or `yunohost app list`?
[06:16:19] <tituspijean> Try ` yunohost app list | less`
[06:16:19] <mlabastide> It is not letting me scroll up to the top of the list in the LISH Console
[06:16:21] <mlabastide> Ok. Just got SSH access back. So let me know if you need something else
[06:16:21] <tituspijean> Let's try to catch-up later, or see if someone else can help
[06:16:21] <tituspijean> So the issue seems a bit more complex that I imagined. We'll need to investigate further but I am not at home.
[06:17:18] <tituspijean> What's your questionNicolas Pettiaux ? :)
[06:21:15] <tituspijean> > <> Hi! Is it possible to make Mastodon (Glitch more specifically) use a non-subdomain as the instance username?

The package installation does not ask this question, but it looks like you could: section Basic Federation
[06:21:57] <tituspijean> The server needs not to be federated yet, they put quite a warning in the documentation
[06:23:58] <tituspijean> The .env production file is in /var/www/mastodon
[06:31:46] <futile> Thanks! That's great help. "Not federated" - is it not federated enough if I just haven't used the instance yet?
[06:33:57] <tituspijean> It should be good I guess, but I am no expert in fediverse 😅
[06:40:50] <futile> That's good enough for me, thanks!
[06:54:24] <tituspijean> > <> What's your questionNicolas Pettiaux ? :)

Have you seen ?
[08:29:47] <zek> Ищу работу
[08:43:54] <westbam> Salut, je ne sais pas s'il y a des francophones par ici. Mais j'ai une petite question
[08:44:37] <westbam> Pour installer Mastodon sur une bécane yunohost, il faut absolument qu'elle soit 64bits ?
[08:46:18] <anubis> ça n'a pas l'air d'être une limitation identifiée sur
[08:49:32] <westbam> bah j'ai l'impression que le problème vient de la ...
[09:09:46] <anubis> hm, l'install de mastodon a l'air d'appeller l'installation nodejs (via ynh_install_n) mais en version 8.2.0 alors que la version 12 est attendue ?
[09:12:02] <anubis> ah non c'est bien ynh_install_nodejs --nodejs_version=12 ; mais en tout cas je regarderai du script d'install de node (je ne sais pas où il est)
[10:31:24] <craigvb[m]> invoice ninga 🙄 anyone know how to configure this to send emails with Joomla...test email sends, but no generated invoices
[10:51:01] <westbam> anubis Re suite aventure .... nodejs et npm n'etaient pas installé .... Grr par contre j'ai un autre message à présent ...
[10:53:58] <anubis> 16 c'est peut être la version exigée dans mais je ne sais pas aider plus, je pense que ça mérite un rapport de bug
[11:00:58] <westbam> anubis je pense avoir une piste .... pas de version 32bits dispo sous linux
[11:01:38] <westbam> et la version que j'ai d'installé c'est la v12.22.12
[11:17:46] <westbam> Compilation en cours, on verra bien
[12:27:16] <Salamandar[m]> Halp :'( synapse can't upgrade nor reinstall on yunohost 11.1.
[12:27:24] <Salamandar[m]> Info: DEBUG - + yunohost user create synapse -f Synapse -l Application -d -p ____**____
Info: WARNING - Not a tty, can't do interactive prompts
Info: DEBUG - + ynh_exit_properly
[12:27:39] <Salamandar[m]> * Info: DEBUG - + yunohost user create synapse -f Synapse -l Application -d mydomain -p ____**____
Info: WARNING - Not a tty, can't do interactive prompts
Info: DEBUG - + ynh_exit_properly
[12:27:53] <Salamandar[m]> Looks like yunohost user create changed its behaviour and is now asking for "Full name:"
[12:33:32] <tituspijean> > <@Salamandar[m]> Halp :'( synapse can't upgrade nor reinstall on yunohost 11.1.

Cf the forum and the opened PR on synapse_ynh ;)
[12:33:53] <Salamandar[m]> lol ok :D
[12:34:03] <Salamandar[m]> I'm currently editing the backup tarball to restore it :p
[13:57:05] <Lep0le> hello
[14:26:49] <mlabastide> > <> I may just spin up a new Debian VM on my server and upload the backup. If that works, I'll just change over to the new IP.

Just wanted to update the people helping me. I ended up just spinning up a new VM to run this Yunohost instance. I uploaded the backup and everything worked.