Friday, November 04, 2022
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[08:09:58] <zek> Ищу работу
[12:09:27] <harce[m]> * the problem is that rbenv install 3.0.3 fails, even if run standalone
[12:09:27] <harce[m]> * the problem is that rbenv install 3.0.3 fails if run standalone
[12:09:27] <harce[m]> > <@titus[m]> > <@harce[m]> any other workarounds I could use, or advice?
> What about sharing the log? There is so many ways an install can "trip out".

hey, sorry forgot about it;
[12:09:27] <harce[m]> the problem is that rbenv install 3.0.3 fails if run standalone
[12:09:33] <tio[m]> cant find any documentation about it
[12:09:33] <tio[m]> hey guys, how can one trigger an update of an app without creating a backup in the process?
[12:09:33] <tituspijean> --help is your friend
[12:09:33] <tituspijean> tio[m]: flag -b with the command
[12:09:34] <eric_G> YunoHost
[12:09:34] <eric_G> needs
[12:09:34] <eric_G> (just me doing little propaganda)
[12:09:34] <alexmacl> can someone give me any pointers on using the my_webapp module/app? It's all working great however I wanted to set some parameters that i would normally set in headers for php or .htaccess in apache? in particular I'd like to set a directory password and some cache controls - is this possible?
[12:09:34] <tio[m]> thank you!
[12:09:34] <eric_G> 🫵
[12:09:34] <tituspijean> (And yeah our documentation needs plenty of updating. Contributions are welcome :) m
[12:09:35] <tituspijean> regarding PHP, its config would be in /etc/php/<version>/pool.d/my_webapp.conf
[12:09:35] <tituspijean> alexmacl: you refer to NGINX's documentation and hack into /etc/nginx/conf.d/yourdomain.tld.d/my_webapp.conf to set it up ;)
[12:09:35] <alexmacl> I'm aware i can probably use php headers to do this i just wondered if there ... ahh
[12:09:35] <tituspijean> you can refer*
[12:09:36] <tituspijean> mmmh... essayons de voir ce qui pèse lourd
[12:09:36] <tituspijean> On dirait que ton /var/log est monté dans ta RAM, c'est cool mais 50 Mo c'est vraiment petit.
Pour tenter de résoudre à court terme:
[12:09:36] <tituspijean> et ensuite `df -h` pour voir ce que ça a donné sur /var/log
[12:09:36] <tituspijean> `sudo journalctl --vacuum-size=10M`
[12:09:36] <tituspijean> `sudo apt install ncdu`
[12:09:36] <alexmacl> gotcha. that's great info. I'll try it. You guys are awesome. loving yunohost!
[12:09:36] <tituspijean> peux-tu montrer ce que les commandes ont retourné?
[12:09:37] <tituspijean> ça te montrera l'arborescence du dossier /var/log, triée par dossier le plus lourd en premier
[12:09:37] <tituspijean> `ncdu /var/log`
[12:09:40] <tituspijean> tu es sûr(e) que tu as relancé le diagnostic et que ce n'est pas le cache qui est ressorti? essaie de relancer la section correspondante du diag.
[12:09:40] <tituspijean> Maintenant j'essaie de comprendre d'où vient cette zram0. Que te donne `ls /etc/default/armbian-zram-config` ?
[12:09:40] <tituspijean> Essayons `sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=2h`
[12:09:40] <tituspijean> `yunohost log share /etc/default/armbian-zram-config `
[12:09:40] <tituspijean> erf oui xD
[12:09:40] <tituspijean> peux-tu partager le contenu du fichier?
[12:09:41] <tituspijean> oh? moi ça me donne une ligne de texte avec le lien vers
[12:09:41] <tituspijean> lauwcost: de nouveau c'est le serpent qui se mord la queue xD
[12:09:41] <tituspijean> ok
[12:09:41] <tituspijean> Désolé ^^ n'hésite pas à repasser :)
[12:09:41] <tituspijean> je t'ai donné la commande pour yunopaste
[12:10:08] <lauwcost> Par contre, c'est bizarre ! la relance du diag ne donne pas de changements (L'espace de stockage /var/log (sur l'appareil /dev/zram0) ne dispose que de 0 B (0%) d'espace restant (sur 47 MiB). Vous devriez vraiment envisager de nettoyer de l'espace !)
[12:10:08] <lauwcost> */dev/zram0 49M 34M 12M 75% /var/log
[12:10:08] <lauwcost> Mince, ça dépasse 150 Ko sur :(. Je cherche un autre paste
[12:10:08] <lauwcost> Glups : ça n'a pas bougé :(. La relance du Diag dans l'interface reste identique aussi.
[12:10:16] <lauwcost> Merci pour la réactivité ! Je tente la commande :)
[12:10:16] <lauwcost> Pour la commande, ls etc/... ça ne donne que ça ls /etc/default/armbian-zram-config
[12:10:16] <lauwcost> :)
[12:10:16] <lauwcost> C'est bien la section correspondante que j'ai relancée mais sur la page qui était affichée. Je sors et reviens au diag.
[12:10:16] <lauwcost> Bonsoir à toutes et tous. J'ai un Yunohost (version stable) sur Olimex (Brique + VPN fournie par Neutrinet)
J'ai accès à mon serveur par la webadmin et je constate un soucis qui empêche les mises à jour : l'outil de diagnostic renvoit "L'espace de stockage /var/log (sur l'appareil /dev/zram0) ne dispose que de 0 B (0%) d'espace restant (sur 47 MiB). Vous devriez vraiment envisager de nettoyer de l'espace !". J'ai essayé e faire de la place mais je n'y suis pas parvenu. Toute aide est la bienvenue :)

[12:10:16] <lauwcost> Par contre, rien d'alarmant : Total disk usage: 28.7 MiB Apparent size: 22.9 MiB Items: 3388
[12:10:16] <lauwcost> (j'avais senti le vent venir mais n'avais pas réussi à faire aboutir une migration de mon home :
[12:10:17] <lauwcost> yunohost log share /etc/default/armbian-zram-config
--- Logging error ---
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/logging/", line 1083, in emit
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/logging/", line 1063, in flush
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
Call stack:
File "/usr/bin/yunohost", line 71, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/", line 25, in cli
ret = moulinette.cli(
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/", line 111, in cli
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/interfaces/", line 479, in __init__
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/interfaces/", line 294, in __init__
super(ActionsMapParser, self)._
[12:10:17] <lauwcost> Bon, on va arrêter là pour ce soir. Des fois, il faut laisser reposer :)
[12:10:17] <lauwcost> Oui, ça renvoit plein de ligne mais je coris que je n'avais pas compris que je pouvais transmettre :)
[12:10:17] <lauwcost> Pour la 1ère (journalctl)
[12:10:47] <lauwcost> Et /yunohost 6.6 Mo
[12:10:59] <lauwcost> Et la seconde df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev 433M 0 433M 0% /dev
tmpfs 101M 12M 89M 12% /run
/dev/sda1 916G 15G 892G 2% /
tmpfs 501M 40K 501M 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock
tmpfs 501M 4.0K 501M 1% /tmp
/dev/zram0 49M 48M 0 100% /var/log
tmpfs 101M 0 101M 0% /run/user/1007
[12:12:28] <bbdx[m]> Hi folks, anyone able to help me re. moving to v11. I'm stuck on 4.4. One day the upgrade to 11 came up but there was a message saying it might not be stable so I clicked no but since then I've been unable to work out the upgrade from the user interface. I'm not super techy and don't want to break anything!
[12:12:56] <lauwcost> Ah bah non du coup, pas pour moi :(. Voici le début :
[12:12:56] <lauwcost> (ligne total en bas du listing ncdu. Le premier fichier /journal fait 22 Mo quand même
[12:12:57] <lauwcost> C'est mieux
[12:12:57] <lauwcost> Seul ça est décommenté : # enable the armbian-zram-config service?
[12:13:12] <lauwcost> Évidemment plein d'alerte qu'il ne peut pas écrire dans les logs lors de l'installe de ncdu ....mais il l'installe quand même.
[12:26:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> bbdx[m]: yes we can help you but i'm not sure what's your actual question
[12:27:11] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (Bifrost acting up again >_>)
[14:01:52] <zek> Ищу работу
[15:50:49] <lucidogen> Is there any roadmap for nextcloud upgrades ? I'd like to know when nextcloud 25 will reach yunohost repository
[15:59:03] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> also 25.x apparently drops the support for 32 bit installs so ... yeah ...
[15:59:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you can follow the discussion at
[15:59:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 6 days ago, sombebody mentioned that some apps are not ready for 25.x
[15:59:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it's a bit like "as soon as we merge this PR, an army of user is going to come complain that they can't upgrade because they're running a 32 bit install and ask us what to do about it"
[16:09:47] <lucidogen> ok I see the trouble... thanks for your link, I'll follow from there
[16:09:47] <SuShY> voici les logs de ma mise à jour :
[16:29:11] <zek> Ищу работу
[16:36:57] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> :|
[17:13:07] <eric_G> lucidogen: You can still install Nextcloud 25. I've been using it for a while now with no issues (I don't have many apps installed though).
[17:13:40] <eric_G> If you have 32bit arch, the install/upgrade will stop.
[17:46:35] <Ingolf> Congratulations to you, soon reached the 1000 mark!
Very nice for you, very nice for Jabber/XMPP!
[18:06:12] <Ingolf> This has not yet happened with Jabber/XMPP!
😃 📣 🎉 🎊 🎇 👏
[18:20:54] <Le fractal> Hello! Hope you're all doing well. How can I find out where an application's data is located on disk ?
[18:28:23] <Ingolf> YuNoHost is also a great project.
[18:37:14] <Fritjof> Anyboy know if I can delete a user from my mastodon instance, so they can retry to make their account? I had a friend try to set up an account on my instance, and it wouldn't let him log in afterwards
[18:45:07] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> Hello! Hope you're all doing well. How can I find out where an application's data is located on disk ?

If it's a webapp. the source are usually in `/var/www/$appname` ... but if you're looking about the "large/multimedia datas" of that app, there's also `/home/$appname` ... and there's also the app's SQL database
[18:45:20] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> so it depends what exactly you're looking for
[18:49:31] <Le fractal> > <> If it's a webapp. the source are usually in `/var/www/$appname` ... but if you're looking about the "large/multimedia datas" of that app, there's also `/home/$appname` ... and there's also the app's SQL database

Ah thanks! I didn't even think of looking there. I was looking for Owncast's data folder! Thanks, I found it in `/var/www/owncast/data` 😄
[21:16:02] <kaulian[m]>

i dont know you update it, but thanks
[21:22:29] <kaulian[m]> thanks for the update of mautrix-signal
[22:07:14] <craigvb[m]> anyone successfully using invoice ninja or invoiceninja 5 ??