Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[00:32:02] <anthonyweb[m]> > <> Hey everyone, when I went to push my dns records to it was able to push all but a few. Here are my error results.
> Failed to create record A/ : list indices must be integers or slices, not str
> Failed to create record CAA/ : list indices must be integers or slices, not str
> Failed to create record MX/ : list indices must be integers or slices, not str
> Failed to create record TXT/ : list indices must be integers or slices, not str
> It happened after I had to reboot my router because of a power outage. I believe it changed my server's ip (because it's blacklisted now on a spam website). Everything else seems to be working fine except for the domain name, which is kinda an important piece.

Never mind, I figured it out.
[03:55:40] <ynhuser> Hello, I am attempting to install yunohost via curl | bash, and in doing so receive a error: 'Use of uninitialized value $template in exists at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/' & 'Use of uninitialized value $item in exists at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/DbDriver/' x2
[03:57:26] <ynhuser> I am using a fresh install of Debian 11 from a rebuild on ServerCheap, let me know if I should provide anymore info.
[07:50:26] <distropertity> bonjour
[07:51:44] <distropertity> j'essaie désespérément d'installer yunohost sur un vieil iMac (...). J'ai essayé de passer par virtualbox mais impossible de mener à bien l'installation
[07:52:49] <distropertity> la plupart du temps je recois des message d'erreur au moment de l'istallation en elle meme (le plus souvent probleme de decompression de paquets) mais l'erreur n'est jamais vraiment la meme
[07:53:10] <distropertity> quelqu'un aurait un/des conseils ?
[08:00:41] <BNG man> Hi, is there a ETA on the Mastodon App update to 4.0.2?
[08:33:38] <ynhdan> Installing yh on hyperv, after install it asks for a password to login however I never set one up so idk how to get in
[08:33:50] <ynhdan> not sure what I'm missing here
[08:36:40] <ynhdan> screencap -
[08:51:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> Hi, is there a ETA on the Mastodon App update to 4.0.2?

There's no ETA, everything is volunteer-based, but you can follow progress at
[08:52:46] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> Installing yh on hyperv, after install it asks for a password to login however I never set one up so idk how to get in

Cf the doc, `admin`, `yunohost`
[08:53:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (Or `root` , `yunohost` )
[10:04:38] <webmink> I'm still finding the update to HedgeDoc fails on my machine. I have run through the log and tried all the remedials it suggests. The failure is happening in a package called yarn, see from line 2022-11-16 09:46:35,895: in this log

It is apparently a git issue, but I am not using git for anything personally on this machine and I have no clue how to fix it. I have posted on the forum and had no response

I am not clear this is a bug, so I am cautious about opening an issue on the package on github. Can someone help me diagnose the problem please?
[10:13:00] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `error: Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files.`
[10:13:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmf
[10:13:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> apparently this happens in `/usr/local/share/.cache/yarn/v6/.tmp/f288a63eaa4f5075285a1b09fb58c8f0`
[10:14:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it's supposed to be a tmp dir so why the hell would there be unmerged files
[10:14:22] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> are you able to run `cd /usr/local/share/.cache/yarn/v6/.tmp/f288a63eaa4f5075285a1b09fb58c8f0` and then `git status` ?
[10:30:49] <webmink> Yes
[10:32:55] <webmink>

[10:35:24] <webmink> Guessing I should
git merge --abort

[10:36:15] <webmink> (I am clueless on git, have never worked in it for real)
[12:06:37] <webmink> Aborted the merge and tried to install again, still failed,
[12:06:38] <webmink> 2022-11-16 12:01:38,801: WARNING - error Command failed.

[12:08:03] <webmink> Any reason I should delete /usr/local/share/.cache/yarn/v6/.tmp or even /usr/local/share/.cache
[12:08:03] <webmink> *shouldn't
[13:20:31] <julientaq> hi, do you know where i can find some documentation to run app outside of yuunohost on a yunohost server?
[13:21:05] <julientaq> i need to have a strapi served from the server, and i can’t find how to do that as there is no package for yunoshot
[13:24:25] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> julientaq: cf `redirect_ynh`
[13:30:55] <julientaq> ah cool!
[13:31:36] <julientaq> thanks a lot Alekshehimillui[!
[13:32:09] <julientaq> life saver :)
[15:07:17] <RyuukaShinrai> Hello, i'd like to know how to get applications to run on my Orange Pi One/PC yunohost build. The Build is version ( but almost all applications including Pleroma require newer builds to install.
[15:11:51] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yeah you just need to upgrade yunohost ...
[15:12:19] <RyuukaShinrai> i only get an error message when i click update system
[15:13:05] <RyuukaShinrai>
[15:18:29] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you need to share the full log, there should be error messages before this
[15:18:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or try `apt update` from the command line
[15:20:25] <RyuukaShinrai> how do i access command line through my win11 machine. ssh?
[15:21:33] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes, ssh
[15:21:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[15:27:33] <RyuukaShinrai>
[15:27:42] <RyuukaShinrai> thats what i get when using apt update
[15:32:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah yes that's the good old issue of "apt wants you to explicitly accept something"
[15:33:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> like maybe it prompted you to accept something ...?
[15:33:27] <RyuukaShinrai> so what do i do
[15:33:32] <RyuukaShinrai> no it didn't
[15:33:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> :|
[15:33:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmokay there's an option to accept the stuff
[15:33:51] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> let me find it
[15:34:09] <RyuukaShinrai> <3
[15:49:19] <RyuukaShinrai> im still here just afk for 5 mins
[15:56:50] <RyuukaShinrai> b
[15:57:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah here it is
[15:58:03] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `apt update --allow-releaseinfo-change`
[16:08:56] <RyuukaShinrai> upgrade in the yunohost ui is now working
[16:47:02] <lieutenantDan> Bonjour, j'ai une erreur quand je fait un restore d'un backup via "Sauvegarde" dans Yunohost, en restaurant hook_data_multimedia,  pour retrouver mes images Nextcloud. Voici le log :
[16:47:03] <lieutenantDan>   BASH_XTRACEFD: '7'
[16:47:03] <lieutenantDan> ended_at: 2022-11-16 16:10:46.524047
[16:47:03] <lieutenantDan>   YNH_BACKUP_CSV: /home/yunohost.backup/tmp/20221111-153635/backup.csv
[16:47:03] <lieutenantDan> env:
[16:47:04] <lieutenantDan>   YNH_CWD: /home/yunohost.backup/tmp/20221111-153635
[16:47:04] <lieutenantDan>   YNH_BACKUP_DIR: /home/yunohost.backup/tmp/20221111-153635
[16:47:05] <lieutenantDan>   YNH_STDRETURN: /tmp/tmpu_rv026t/stdreturn
[16:47:05] <lieutenantDan>   YNH_INTERFACE: api
[16:47:06] <lieutenantDan> error: "Impossible de restaurer la partie 'data_multimedia' du syst\xE8me"
[16:47:06] <lieutenantDan> interface: api
[16:47:07] <lieutenantDan> parent: null
[16:47:07] <lieutenantDan> started_at: 2022-11-16 16:10:45.410216
[16:47:07] <lieutenantDan> operation: backup_restore_system
[16:47:08] <lieutenantDan> success: false
[16:47:08] <lieutenantDan> yunohost_version:
[16:47:09] <lieutenantDan> 2022-11-16 10:10:45,418: DEBUG - Exécution des scripts de restauration...
[16:47:09] <lieutenantDan> ============
[16:47:20] <lieutenantDan>   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/", line 305, in hook_callback
[16:47:21] <lieutenantDan>   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/", line 393, in hook_exec
[16:47:21] <lieutenantDan>     hook_return = hook_exec(
[16:47:22] <lieutenantDan>     raise YunohostError("hook_exec_failed", path=path)
[16:47:23] <lieutenantDan> yunohost.utils.error.YunohostError: Échec de l'exécution du script : /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/restore/18-data_multimedia
[16:47:23] <lieutenantDan> 2022-11-16 10:10:46,523: ERROR - Impossible de restaurer la partie 'data_multimedia' du système
[16:47:37] <lieutenantDan> quelqu'un a une idée de ce qui ne fonctionne pas ?
[16:55:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> zblerg
[16:55:56] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> y'a pas genre de sous-opération attachée à cette opération ou un truc
[16:56:21] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> là y'a pas trop d'indice sur pourquoi ça a foiré exactement x_x
[17:06:55] <lieutenantDan> c'est ce que j'ai avec yunopaste
[17:09:13] <lieutenantDan> est-ce que caa ca fait plus de sens :
[17:11:28] <lieutenantDan> je me rend compte aussi que la console command line n'affiche pas le bon domain apres la migration. J'avais ajouté "1" dans le nom pour pouvoir poursuivre vers les settings yunohost avant la restauration
[17:11:40] <lieutenantDan> p-e que c'est relié
[17:14:45] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmmnope je crois que je comprends le bug
[17:16:03] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ben du couuuup jdirais que tu peux essayer de contourner le bug en faisant genre `export app="foobar"` dans la ligne de commande, puis `yunohost backup restore <le_nom_de_ton_archive>`
[17:31:52] <lieutenantDan> oui je crois que tu es dans le bon sens car je viens de voir que
[17:31:53] <lieutenantDan> "Legacy : A couple of apps still have data in /home/$app"
[17:31:53] <lieutenantDan> En ouvrant avec nano on voit que la ligne 704 il y a :
[17:31:54] <lieutenantDan> if [[ -n "$app" ]]
[17:31:54] <lieutenantDan> Probablement que $app est melé
[17:31:59] <lieutenantDan> je regarde ca merci
[17:41:18] <EnzoBresil> Bonjour, je rencontre un pb de configuration de mon serveur SMTP depuis le renouvellement de mon certificat Let's encrypt... Je n'ai pas trouvé la doc sur ce point. Quelqu'un aurait une ressource à me proposer ? Merci !
[17:45:28] <pinq> hmmm... I try this command `sudo apt reinstall moulinette yunohost yunohost-admin` (to solve this problem: and I get this error in the end `Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)` Is it bad?
[17:47:09] <pinq> I try to get yunohost-api to run, but just cant
[17:50:54] <pinq>
[17:51:02] <pinq> ithe logs it says this
[17:52:37] <pinq> maybe the easiest solution is to install whole systems last backup :D
[17:58:00] <pinq> > <> hmmm... I try this command `sudo apt reinstall moulinette yunohost yunohost-admin` (to solve this problem: and I get this error in the end `Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)` Is it bad?

This error I get when it tries to reinstall yunohost. Maybe can't install if the files are in use or something?
[18:00:38] <pinq> internet wizards say to run `sudo dpkg --configure -a`. I wonder what it dose
[18:02:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> maybe the easiest solution is to install whole systems last backup :D

certainly easier than sharing the full log rather than just the message that only literally says "An error occured" .../
[18:04:15] <pinq> I try to give all the info I have. All the logs
[18:06:38] <pinq> Yes, that error message `...code (1)` doesn't really tell anything
[18:21:25] <pinq> And on the formu link there are all the erlier logs, so I dont know really what did I miss :/
[18:27:27] <webmink>

I deleted the .tmp directory and now at least I get a different error 😃

[18:28:25] <webmink> (FYI ☝ is what happens when I use the Quote option in Android Element)
[18:29:04] <webmink> OK, concerning the HedgeDoc upgrade. I tried deleting the .tmp directory and now at least I get a different set of errors:
[18:37:04] <lieutenantDan> est-ce qu'il y a un default user login pour une installation fraiche de yunohost? Je ne voudrais pas entrer un domaine mais seulement restore un backup
[18:45:43] <tituspijean> lieutenantDan: admin / yunohost
[18:46:40] <lieutenantDan> je viens de trouve.... merci beaucoup
[19:46:26] <lieutenantDan> bon j'ai un autre probleme: j'ai reussi la restore de mon backup yunohost cependant je ne vois pas mes photos dans nextcloud. Y a t'il quelque chose a faire pour aiguiller nextcloud?
[19:52:32] <ynhuser> hey guys!
[19:52:37] <ynhuser> With these latest YunoHost updates has anyone had problems with SSH connecting only by password? I added my public key and disabled password login but it still doesn't work. The connection still requires the password.
[19:55:31] <ynhuser> I also needed to use the admin panel to change the admin password to be able to connect using SSH and use the sudo command.
[20:04:41] <pinq> is it possible to downgrade an app?
[20:11:43] <tituspijean> pinq: downgrade is not implemented no. But a backup is performed whenever an app is upgraded, so you could remove the app and restore its backup.
[20:12:17] <tituspijean> You *could* force-upgrade an app to a previous commit, but *here be dragons* and plenty of tears, I guess.
[20:13:12] <pinq> can't anymore. I tried to update it to new one from web gui and it made backup from the broken app 😅
[20:13:53] <tituspijean> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[20:16:40] <pinq> my one option is to reinstall it, but I can't understand why it tries to find folder /opt/jupyterlab/.venv/bin/jupyterhub. I can't see any mentions in the installing file. The whole thing is in the different folder
[20:16:55] <pinq> strange
[20:17:20] <pinq> I got it!!!
[20:34:06] <pinq> There was some upgrade(migrations) on bullseye and it was something about python not working well. Did the migration, did jupyterlab update and it works <3
[20:35:37] <pinq> That was some fight, but now I know better how yunohost works ^^ Thank you everyone!
[22:43:05] <onitreb> Hi there. I got Yunohost running for the first time on google compute. No problems. I have a question that's confusing my small brain. If I've got as my 'main' domain where users log in, can I have subdomain like point to the admin control panel? If so, how would I go about doing that? thanks
[22:44:37] <tituspijean> Hello, with YunoHost, whatever the domain, the path /yunohost/sso will bring you to the user login page, and /yunohost/admin will be bring you to the webadmin.
[22:47:16] <onitreb> Interesting, I didn't realize that.
[22:49:52] <onitreb> But if I hit the main domain I get redirected to the user login page. My question is how can I create a subdomain that redirects to the webadmin url?
[22:52:20] <tituspijean> If you *really* want that, you can install a Redirect app with a redirection target as ``, and leave `public_302` as redirection mode
[22:54:12] <onitreb> I can tell you think my desire is pretty awesome
[22:54:50] <onitreb> Seriously, though. Thanks. That helps