Sunday, November 13, 2022
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[08:15:17] <fives> Is it hard? Because I have tried it and the folder was just empty when mounted it
[08:15:33] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> can you try to `sudo apt install libprotobuf10` ?
[08:15:33] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i cant tell because i'm not really familiar with rclone, gdrive nor jellyfin :P
[08:15:33] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> so `sudo apt install libprotobuf10 libzeroc-ice3.6`
[08:15:33] <centralscrutinizer> > Hi everyone, does somebody know how to edit the configuration of the whatsapp bridge for synapse?

` nano /opt/yunohost/mautrix_whatsapp/config.yaml`
[08:15:34] <fives> ok thanks:] (y)
[08:16:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah also `libzeroc-ice3.6`
[08:16:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> sounds like the issue is related to libprotobuf10
[08:16:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> everything is possible with computers, the question is how hard is it
[08:16:02] <V> > ` nano /opt/yunohost/mautrix_whatsapp/config.yaml`

[08:18:44] <lvm> Aleks (he/him/il/lui) thanks, didn't try yet, since I discovered I can't access my server through ssh, even though I can access it from web interface, any ideas on that?
[08:18:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> how are you trying to ssh on your server exactly, what user etc
[08:18:49] <centralscrutinizer> Maybe yalh[m]: can help me with pleroma. I think I need to set ldap uid: "uid" but i can't understand wich command I should give
[08:19:01] <lvm> is it possible to log into root using keyboard and display?
[08:19:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or rather password login*
[08:19:01] <lvm> the server doesn't prompt for password, and frankly I don't remember if I have disabled password login
[08:19:01] <lvm> the server is a raspberry pi I have physical access to
[08:19:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `ssh admin@the.server.ip` should work fine, are you sure that you're using the appropriate password ? did you disable ssh login ?
[08:19:01] <lvm> Aleks (he/him/il/lui) I've tried `ssh admin@` as well as `ssh root@192...`and `ssh admin@<my domain>`, but all these result in `Permission denied (publickey).`
[08:19:06] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> is it possible to log into root using keyboard and display?

yes ...
[08:21:43] <pinq> > <c> not sure what user it is but using sudo to pip3 install jupyterhub may fix problem?

Did not help. Tried sudo pip3 install jupyterhub
[08:21:43] <pinq> I can still login with ssh
[08:22:33] <pinq> I restared the server and now I get this messages
[08:22:56] <pinq> actually everything went downhill..
[08:22:56] <pinq>
[08:22:56] <maverick117> Greetings, all! I have just set up my first Yunohost. Apps at my primary domain are working great. Apps I have installed to a subdomain are returning a 502 Bad Gateway error. Can anyone direct me to solutions?
[08:25:54] <V> > <> Greetings, all! I have just set up my first Yunohost. Apps at my primary domain are working great. Apps I have installed to a subdomain are returning a 502 Bad Gateway error. Can anyone direct me to solutions?

Can you provide more data?
1. Are you self hosting?
2. Can you provide the DNS config that are you using on the registar?
[08:25:55] <tituspijean> I would add to be more specific about the apps that are returning a gateway error and check if their related service is running, in the Services menu of the webadmin
[08:25:55] <tituspijean> > Are you self hosting?

I sure hope they are. 🙃
[08:26:03] <V> > <@starlord117[m]> Yes, self hosting on a raspberry pi. I'm trying to install the Send app. I don't know how to get the DNS config from the registrar. Newbie here, seeing everything up through the web interface

Have you bought your domain or are you using a free one?
[08:26:03] <starlord117[m]> * (switched accounts, lost my Matrix password)
[08:26:03] <V> > <> > Are you self hosting?
> I sure hope they are. 🙃

Well, they could also have been using a cheap VPS service
[08:26:03] <starlord117[m]> (switched accounts)
[08:26:04] <V> Have you configured your subdomain with a non self generated certificate?
[08:26:04] <starlord117[m]> Bought from Namecheap. DNS settings according to the Yunohost documentation. Diagnostic tool says I'm set up correctly
[08:26:04] <starlord117[m]> > <@synapticstatic[m]> Have you configured your subdomain with a non self generated certificate?

Yes indeed
[08:26:05] <tituspijean> "Bad gateway" means that your connection to your server is fine, but the connection between the webserver and the service providing the app is not OK. Hence my question. :)
[08:26:05] <starlord117[m]> > <@titus[m]> Please report the state of the Send service.

What would you like to see? Can I copy a log of some kind?
[08:26:05] <tituspijean> Please report the state of the Send service.
[08:26:06] <tituspijean> > <@starlord117[m]> Send does not appear in the services list

Ah, did not see that. Is the app still installed?
[08:26:06] <starlord117[m]> Yes, self hosting on a raspberry pi. I'm trying to install the Send app. I don't know how to get the DNS config from the registrar. Newbie here, seeing everything up through the web interface
[08:26:06] <starlord117[m]> Send does not appear in the services list
[08:26:06] <tituspijean> In the webadmin, in either Services menu or Tools/Services menu, there is a Send item that shows the state of the service.

It should be Running, with text in green.

If not, there is a green button to share the logs on the same page. Click it, and paste the address to the newly opened page here.
[08:26:06] <starlord117[m]> Send doesn't appear in the services list, but this one does (also returns 502):
[08:26:07] <starlord117[m]> Here's the log from installing Send:
[08:26:07] <tituspijean> You could add a swapfile, which extends RAM onto a file on disk memory, but it's discouraged to do so on an SD cartd
[08:26:07] <starlord117[m]> No but I've got plenty of extra USBs I could plug in
[08:26:07] <jorgeluis[m]> Hello everyone, I would like to edit postgresql.conf to increase memory and other parameters. Buy I do not know if I can increase up to the values recommended by PGTune. Can you help me with figuring this out? I have posted it on the forum:
[08:26:07] <tituspijean> starlord117[m] That would be nice to try. When plugged in, log in with SSH and report the output of `sudo lsblk`
[08:26:07] <tituspijean> The log abruptly stops, which makes me think your RPi runs out of memory and kills the installation
[08:26:07] <starlord117[m]> It does freeze in the middle when installing. Can I give it more memory somehow?
[08:26:07] <tituspijean> Do you have a hard drive connected to the RPi?
[08:26:08] <starlord117[m]> > <@titus[m]> starlord117[m] That would be nice to try. When plugged in, log in with SSH and report the output of `sudo lsblk`

sda 8:0 1 57.7G 0 disk
└─sda1 8:1 1 57.7G 0 part
mmcblk0 179:0 0 238.3G 0 disk
├─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 256M 0 part /boot
└─mmcblk0p2 179:2 0 238G 0 part /
[08:26:08] <tituspijean> jorgeluis[m]: you could try and see?
[08:26:08] <jorgeluis[m]> > <@titus[m]> jorgeluis[m]: you could try and see?

Ok I will see 😅
[08:26:08] <starlord117[m]> yeah, 64
[08:26:08] <tituspijean> Is the USB disk 60GB or so?
[08:26:09] <starlord117[m]> ```
root@sgc:~# ls /media
root@sgc:~# ls /mnt
[08:26:09] <tituspijean> `ls /media`
[08:26:09] <starlord117[m]> ```
root@sgc:~# ls mnt
ls: cannot access 'mnt': No such file or directory
root@sgc:~# ls /media
[08:26:09] <starlord117[m]> How do I tell? I just plugged it into the RPi
[08:26:09] <tituspijean> `ls /mnt`
[08:26:09] <tituspijean> Is it mounted in /mnt or /media?
[08:26:10] <tituspijean> (Trying to remember how to properly mount a disk)
[08:26:10] <V> I’m not sure that swapping on an USB is a great idea. Or at least you have to know starlord117[m] that your usb is going to degrade quickly used in this way
[08:26:10] <starlord117[m]> is it `sudo mount <DEVICE> <FOLDER> -o <OPTIONS>`?
[08:26:10] <V> > <> indeed, hard drives are better for this. Flash is better than SD still.

Yep but I suffer with that 60 gigs one 🥲
[08:26:10] <tituspijean> indeed, hard drives are better for this. Flash is better than SD still.
[08:26:10] <starlord117[m]> no results from either
[08:26:10] <tituspijean> it's only for the building of the apps, then we can remove it. ;)
[08:26:10] <starlord117[m]> Yeah, the raspberry pi has a 256gb SD card and I'm not planning to use that much space, so I just need this for the memory to complete the install of Send
[08:26:11] <tituspijean> `sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/usb`
[08:26:11] <tituspijean> So, if starlord is OK with risking to age their usb drive a bit faster, their command is correct. (though I'm surprised it does not mention the partition type)
[08:26:11] <tituspijean> `sudo mkdir /media/usb`
[08:26:11] <starlord117[m]> I have plenty
[08:26:11] <starlord117[m]> I don't care about keeping the USB
[08:26:11] <V> > <> it's only for the building of the apps, then we can remove it. ;)

Yep, yep. DIY involves risky behavior 🥶
[08:26:12] <starlord117[m]> done
[08:26:12] <tituspijean> can you check `sudo ls /media/usb` to confirm that it worked?
[08:26:12] <tituspijean> I'm looking up the commands
[08:26:12] <starlord117[m]> So that means it's mounted. How do I use it to install the app?
[08:26:12] <tituspijean> 🤞
[08:26:12] <starlord117[m]> ```
root@sgc:~# sudo ls /mnt/usb
'System Volume Information'
[08:26:12] <tituspijean> not yet :)
[08:26:13] <tituspijean> edit it for `CONF_SWAPSIZE=2048` (that's 2GB, plenty.)
[08:26:13] <tituspijean> save and close with `CTRL+O` then `CTRL+X` on the keyboard
[08:26:13] <centralscrutinizer> Jeez I think i'm loosing it...i succcesfully managed to change the favicon of an app before, now i can't remember how, and where to look 🤯
[08:26:13] <tituspijean> starlord117[m]: if you do `sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile`
[08:26:13] <tituspijean> perfect
[08:26:13] <starlord117[m]> done
[08:26:13] <tituspijean> it will open the file for edition. There is an uncommented (with #) line that states `CONF_SWAPSIZE=100`
[08:26:14] <starlord117[m]> ```
root@sgc:~# sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile
root@sgc:~# sudo dphys-swapfile setup
want /var/swap=2048MByte, checking existing: deleting wrong size file (104857600), generating swapfile ... of 2048MBytes
root@sgc:~# sudo dphys-swapfile swapon
[08:26:14] <tituspijean> `sudo dphys-swapfile setup`
[08:26:14] <tituspijean> and check it worked with `sudo free -hm`
[08:26:14] <starlord117[m]> > <@titus[m]> `sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff`

[08:26:14] <tituspijean> `sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff`
[08:26:14] <tituspijean> `sudo dphys-swapfile swapon`
[08:26:14] <tituspijean> heh I'm an idiot
[08:26:15] <starlord117[m]> ```
root@sgc:~# sudo free -hm
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 909Mi 421Mi 100Mi 7.0Mi 387Mi 419Mi
Swap: 2.0Gi 0B 2.0Gi
[08:26:15] <tituspijean> `sudo dphys-swapfile setup`
[08:26:15] <tituspijean> remove the `#` and set it up as `CONF_SWAPFILE=/media/usb/swapfile`
[08:26:15] <tituspijean> `sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile`
[08:26:15] <tituspijean> I forgot to setup the location of the swap
[08:26:15] <tituspijean> then
[08:26:15] <tituspijean> and there's a line `#CONF_SWAPFILE=/var/swap`
[08:26:16] <starlord117[m]> > <@titus[m]> until it finishes :)

root@sgc:~# sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile
root@sgc:~# sudo dphys-swapfile setup
want /mnt/usb/swapfile=2048MByte, generating swapfile ...mkswap: /mnt/usb/swapfile: insecure permissions 0777, 0600 suggested.
of 2048MBytes
root@sgc:~# sudo dphys-swapfile swapon
swapon: /mnt/usb/swapfile: insecure permissions 0777, 0600 suggested.
[08:26:16] <tituspijean> until it finishes :)
[08:26:16] <tituspijean> write access to flash drives is a tad slower
[08:26:16] <starlord117[m]> I see it
[08:26:16] <starlord117[m]> ```
root@sgc:~# sudo dphys-swapfile setup
want /mnt/usb/swapfile=2048MByte, generating swapfile ...
How long should I let it hang here?
[08:26:16] <tituspijean> centralscrutinizer: surely in its NGINX conf file?
[08:26:16] <tituspijean> `sudo dphys-swapfile swapon`
[08:26:17] <starlord117[m]> `/mnt`
[08:26:17] <tituspijean> `sudo dphys-swapfile swapon`
again to be sure
[08:26:17] <tituspijean> is it `/media` or `/mnt` in the config file?
[08:26:17] <starlord117[m]> roger that
[08:26:17] <tituspijean> then `free -mh`
[08:26:17] <starlord117[m]> done
[08:26:17] <starlord117[m]> ```
root@sgc:~# sudo chmod 600 /mnt/usb/swapfile
root@sgc:~# sudo dphys-swapfile swapon
swapon: /mnt/usb/swapfile: insecure permissions 0777, 0600 suggested.
swapon: /mnt/usb/swapfile: swapon failed: Device or resource busy
root@sgc:~# free -mh
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 909Mi 430Mi 90Mi 7.0Mi 387Mi 407Mi
Swap: 2.0Gi 0B 2.0Gi
[08:26:17] <tituspijean> let's comply with the suggestion: `sudo chmod 600 /mnt/usb/swapfile`
[08:26:18] <starlord117[m]> alright, thanks for all your help, I'll give it a shot right now
[08:26:18] <starlord117[m]> Seems to have frozen at the "Building app..." step again.
[08:26:18] <tituspijean> (ah, I guess it may still complain)
[08:26:18] <tituspijean> no worries, it can take a long time
[08:26:18] <tituspijean> especially on a RPi
[08:26:18] <V> guys can i edit the yaml config file of an app directly? I need to restart some services after that?
[08:26:18] <tituspijean> it worked anyways
[08:26:18] <tituspijean> As for Libreddit, I am wondering if it's not a memory issue too
[08:26:18] <tituspijean> now you can try to install Send again
[08:26:19] <tituspijean> jonathanbse: il suffit de copier et coller l'adresse de la page Web qui s'ouvre.
[08:26:19] <tituspijean> Mais à vue de nez l'app que tu installes n'est pas compatible avec l'architecture de ton serveur
[08:26:19] <tituspijean> jonathanbse: le log complet de l'installation est plus que bienvenu. Ces messages ne sont pas des erreurs.
[08:26:19] <tituspijean> > Bruh, could you write in English? 😅

Well, French is allowed here since most of the contributors are French-speaking.
[08:26:19] <tituspijean> > guys can i edit the yaml config file of an app directly? I need to restart some services after that?

You can, but it may get overwritten after any subsequent app upgrade
[08:26:19] <tituspijean> And yes, service reboot is required
[08:26:19] <V> Bruh, could you write in English? 😅
[08:26:20] <tituspijean> Que se passe-t-il quand tu cliques sur "Partager avec YunoPaste" ?
[08:26:20] <tituspijean> > <> firefox sync

Attention, Firefox Sync n'est plus maintenue par Mozilla. Elle finira par casser un jour ou par avoir une faille de sécurité révélée et non corrigée.
[08:26:20] <tituspijean> > <> Mais à vue de nez l'app que tu installes n'est pas compatible avec l'architecture de ton serveur

[08:26:20] <tituspijean> Rien de surprenant sur ces apps. Certaines applications ne sont juste pas compatibles avec des systèmes x32. On ne peut rien y faire parfois.
[08:26:20] <tituspijean> (Huh, filebrowser propose les sources pour du x32 en fait. J'ai ajouté un ticket pour l'ajouter :
[08:26:21] <tituspijean> jonathanbse: regarde peut-être les specs de ton processeur, il est peut-être compatible.
[08:26:21] <tituspijean> Si tu patientes un peu dans le week-end, je vais ajouter les sources pour x32 pour filebrowser.
[08:26:21] <tituspijean> > <> tituspijean comment voir les sources que tu proposes du coup?

Je te mentionnerai ici quand la modif sera faite.
[08:26:21] <tituspijean> Fort probablement oui. Les applis PHP devraient être OK, mais toutes celles déjà precompilees et ne proposant pas du x32 ne pourront pas être installées. Ou pire, certaines s'installeront sans broncher mais leur service ne pourra pas se lancer car l'exécutable n'est pas compatible
[08:26:21] <tituspijean> I don't think so, but I am no expert on synapse bridges. You can still alter the file, but bear in mind to reapply the change after any upgrade
[08:26:21] <tituspijean> C'est du x32 donc. :/
[08:26:21] <V> > <> You can, but it may get overwritten after any subsequent app upgrade

I wanted to change something in the WhatsApp bridge for synapse: it bothers me that contacts have their username and a fallback on the phone number instead of the name I gave them. Is there a way to achieve this outside the yaml editing?
[08:26:21] <tituspijean> Tu peux essayer la commande `lscpu` pour voir si le proc est compatible x64
[08:26:22] <tituspijean> Or check out app hooks, they are scripts that can be automatically applied upon some actions on the server, notably app upgrades. But they are a bit advanced level.
[08:26:22] <V> > <> Or check out app hooks, they are scripts that can be automatically applied upon some actions on the server, notably app upgrades. But they are a bit advanced level.

Seems like what I’m searching for! Thanks
[08:26:22] <tituspijean> (We have documentation about it)
[08:26:22] <tituspijean> Quelles applications fonctionnent? C'est pas une histoire de durée d'utilisation mais de compatibilité avec des processeurs x32 ou x64
[08:26:32] <jonathanbse> tituspijean j'ai trouve un tour X64 :)
[08:26:33] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,144: DEBUG - + src_in_subdir=true
[08:26:33] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,130: DEBUG - ++ cut --delimiter== --fields=2-
[08:26:33] <jonathanbse> j'ai besoin d'aide car je seche un peu ...
[08:26:33] <jonathanbse> Créer permission 'filebrowser'
[08:26:33] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,153: DEBUG - + src_format=tar.gz
[08:26:34] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,158: DEBUG - + local local_src=/opt/yunohost-apps-src/filebrowser/i386.tar.gz
[08:26:34] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,128: DEBUG - ++ grep SOURCE_PLATFORM= /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_frr1qlcp/conf/i386.src
[08:26:34] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,155: DEBUG - + '[' '' = '' ']'
[08:26:34] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,157: DEBUG - + src_filename=i386.tar.gz
[08:26:34] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,145: DEBUG - + src_format=tar.gz
[08:26:34] <jonathanbse> tituspijean ok j'ai cliquer sur paratger avec yunopst mais je ne sais pas comment les faire apparaitre ici...
[08:26:34] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,147: DEBUG - ++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
[08:26:35] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,159: DEBUG - + mkdir -p /var/cache/yunohost/download/filebrowser/
[08:26:35] <jonathanbse> tituspijean et ca fait ca avec toutes les applications... je ne comprends pas pourquoi j'ai reussi a en installer et plus maintenant. pourtant je n'ai rien fait entre...
[08:26:35] <jonathanbse> tituspijean oui.... j'ai que du vieux pc.
[08:26:35] <jonathanbse> tituspijean merci !:)  donc tu pense que le fait que mon pc n'est pas la bonne architecture cest le probleme.... donc changement de pc en faite a faire...
[08:26:35] <jonathanbse> ifm
[08:26:36] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,149: DEBUG - ++ echo tar.gz
[08:26:36] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,122: WARNING - grep: /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_frr1qlcp/conf/i386.src: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
[08:26:36] <jonathanbse> tituspijean ok Jean. Merci bcp:)  je vais voir mes autres tour si y a du x64 mais j'en doute...
[08:26:36] <jonathanbse> Mise à jour de l'URL associée à l'autorisation 'filebrowser'
[08:26:36] <jonathanbse> tituspijean j'ai pas de page web qui s'ouvre et pas de bloqueur.... =#
[08:26:36] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,141: DEBUG - + local src_plateform=
[08:26:36] <jonathanbse> firefly 3
[08:26:37] <jonathanbse> tituspijean rien justement...
[08:26:37] <jonathanbse> mail
[08:26:37] <jonathanbse> tituspijean merci pour l'info sur firefox :)
[08:26:37] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,162: DEBUG - + src_filename=/var/cache/yunohost/download/filebrowser/i386.tar.gz
[08:26:37] <jonathanbse> a chaque installation j'ai toujours ces 3 messages d'erreurs....
[08:26:37] <jonathanbse> jai un i686
[08:26:38] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,143: DEBUG - + src_sumprg=sha256sum
[08:26:38] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,137: WARNING - grep: /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_frr1qlcp/conf/i386.src: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
[08:26:38] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,154: DEBUG - + src_extract=true
[08:26:38] <jonathanbse> dollibar fonctionne par exemple
[08:26:38] <jonathanbse> 2022-11-12 13:05:45,125: DEBUG - + local src_extract=
[08:26:38] <jonathanbse> tituspijean merci bcp c'est gentil a toi en tout cas d'avoir pris du temps pour moi... je vais essayer de monter un second serveur avec une autre tour pour voir, mais je suis pas sur d'avoir ce qu'il faut en x64... lol
[08:26:38] <jonathanbse> samba et vpn client
[08:26:39] <jonathanbse> tituspijean ok je vais tester :)
[08:26:39] <jonathanbse> tituspijean i686
[08:26:39] <jonathanbse> nextcloud
[08:26:39] <jonathanbse> tituspijean comment voir les sources que tu proposes du coup?
[08:26:39] <jonathanbse> tituspijean ca serais top:)  Mais j aurais le meme soucis avec dautre appli quand meme....
[08:26:40] <jonathanbse> encryptic
[08:26:40] <jonathanbse> firefox sync
[08:27:57] <nino[m]> heya, anyone seen this before?

[08:27:57] <nino[m]> should I symlink it maybe
[08:28:00] <nino[m]> or mm I put it in apps/files maybe that's not even the good location :s
[08:28:00] <nino[m]> ok yes that seems to work
[08:28:00] <nino[m]> shaves off 2 seconds, and it's slow generally so good
[08:28:01] <nino[m]> lol it does show the overlay now but it's centered in the middle right :)
[08:28:02] <nino[m]> 🤷
[08:28:06] <ynhuser> "
[08:28:06] <ynhuser> j'essaye de migrer vers 4.4 puis vers 11.0. Il me met une erreur :
[08:28:06] <ynhuser> Storage /boot (on device /dev/sda1) has only 0 B (0%) space remaining (out of 226 MiB). You should really consider cleaning up some space!"
[08:28:06] <ynhuser> bonjour,
[08:28:07] <ynhuser> comment libérer de lespace ou en rajouter ?
[08:28:10] <ynhuser> merci du coup de main
[08:28:11] <tituspijean> SSO, or webadmin?
[08:28:11] <tituspijean> osass: Can you be more precise as to what part of YunoHost you are trying to load?
[08:28:11] <osass> SSO
[08:28:11] <osass> Hello, Anyone know why my Yunohost loads perfectly fine on other devices, but doesn't on my main computer? I've tried clearing my cache and tried using other browsers...
[08:28:12] <osass> Im pretty sure, its the one with the custom domain
[08:28:12] <tituspijean> > <> Im pretty sure, its the one with the custom domain

what do you mean?
[08:28:12] <osass> > <> What does the browser console tells you? (F12 on keyboard)

Not much, only this: "non-JS module files deprecated."
[08:28:12] <osass> > <> what do you mean?

it's the dashboard using my domain
[08:28:12] <tituspijean> What does the browser console tells you? (F12 on keyboard)
[08:28:13] <tituspijean> ynhuser: yup
[08:28:13] <tituspijean> osass: and the page is blank?
[08:28:13] <ynhuser> j'essaye ça ? "sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=5m"
[08:28:13] <osass> > <> osass: and the page is blank?

No, it's telling me that the dns adress cant be found. Sorry for not clarifying that first.
[08:28:13] <tituspijean> ynhuser: essaie
sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=5m
[08:28:14] <ynhuser> en fait il ne se passe rien cela affiche "> "
[08:28:14] <ynhuser> il faut que je relance quelque chose après ?
[08:28:14] <tituspijean> ynhuser: fais un `df -h` pour voir si a changé. Un diagnostique aussi ça marcherait
[08:28:14] <tituspijean> osass: thanks for clarifying, it was indeed needed. Can you ping your domain name from this computer?
[08:28:14] <tituspijean> mais me dire ce que la commande a retourné c'est pas mal aussi :)
[08:28:14] <tituspijean> ynhuser: `sudo df -h` alors
[08:28:14] <ynhuser> un diagnostic ?
[08:28:15] <osass> > <> osass: thanks for clarifying, it was indeed needed. Can you ping your domain name from this computer?

it doesn't seem like i can if I didn't do anything wrong, When i try to I get "No address associated with hostname"
[08:28:15] <ynhuser> en effet
[08:28:15] <ynhuser> toujours rien =$
[08:28:15] <tituspijean> aaah tu as dû faire une faut de frappe et laisser un guillemet tout seul
[08:28:16] <ynhuser> et je fais sudo df -h après ?
[08:28:16] <tituspijean> > <> it doesn't seem like i can if I didn't do anything wrong, When i try to I get "No address associated with hostname"

does that computer have a special DNS server set?
[08:28:16] <tituspijean> ynhuser: qu'est-ce que la commande a retourné?
[08:28:16] <tituspijean> sans guillemets
[08:28:16] <tituspijean> et recommence avec `sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=5m`
[08:28:16] <tituspijean> fais CTRL+C
[08:28:17] <ynhuser> cela à supprimer pas mal de journaux archivés
[08:28:17] <ynhuser> 33.7 m de libérer
[08:28:17] <osass> I don't think so, I just installed my OS on it like yesterday.
[08:28:17] <tituspijean> ynhuser: c'est très gentil de vouloir me mâcher le travail, mais j'ai besoin de savoir quelle est la taille de ce qu'il a nettoyé.
[08:28:17] <tituspijean> > <> I don't think so, I just installed my OS on it like yesterday.

is it a linux OS, or something else?
[08:28:17] <tituspijean> merci
[08:28:17] <tituspijean> tu peux retenter, mais ça risque de bloquer encore
[08:28:17] <osass> ZorinOS
[08:28:18] <jonathanbse> re salut tituspijean
[08:28:18] <ynhuser> Vacuuming done, freed 33.7M of archived journals from /run/log/journal/8e7f7a09efb34312a9479585cfe42139.
[08:28:18] <tituspijean> ça ne touchera pas au boot. je suis trop habitué à avoir le pb avec les logs
[08:28:18] <jonathanbse> tituspijean  Bon du coup je re fait une installation sur un autre pc. Je recommence a 0 car je ne comprends pas pourquoi ma carte reseau reste OFF... jai pense que le probleme venais de la, ja i donc acheter une nouvelle carte reseau...mais en faite le probleme viens de la config quelques part. Resultat... j'ai changer de disque dur, de pc et je
[08:28:18] <tituspijean> si c'est le cas:
sudo rm -rf /var/log/*.?
sudo rm -rf /var/log/*/*.?
sudo rm -rf /var/log/*.gz
sudo rm -rf /var/log/*/*.gz
[08:28:18] <tituspijean> pffff je débloque complètement
[08:28:19] <tituspijean> ynhuser: tu peux ignorer ce message, ça ne t'aidera pas
[08:28:19] <jonathanbse> refait une nouvelle install car jai passé l'apres midi a chercher dou viens le pb mais sans succés....
[08:28:19] <tituspijean> jonathanbse: regarde le forum, cette histoire de carte réseau off me dit quelque chose
[08:28:19] <jonathanbse> et du coup j'ai telecharger la version 64 pour mon pc 64
[08:28:19] <ynhuser> Je tape les 4 lignes d'un coup ?
[08:28:19] <ynhuser> ok
[08:28:19] <jonathanbse> lol
[08:28:20] <tituspijean> can you run `dig YOURDOMAIN` and `dig YOURDOMAIN @`
[08:28:20] <ynhuser> Je refais un diagnostique alors ?
[08:28:20] <tituspijean> osass: I will be assuming that's Unix/Linux based
[08:28:20] <ynhuser> Storage /boot (on device /dev/sda1) has only 0 B (0%) space remaining (out of 226 MiB). You should really consider cleaning up some space!
[08:28:20] <osass> > <> osass: I will be assuming that's Unix/Linux based

Yes, Ubuntu/Debian
[08:28:20] <jonathanbse> ynhuser j'ai chercher mais pas trouvé...
[08:28:20] <tituspijean> > <> Je refais un diagnostique alors ?

[08:28:21] <tituspijean> > <> I ran it but I'm not really sure what the results mean

do share them.
[08:28:21] <osass> > <> can you run `dig YOURDOMAIN` and `dig YOURDOMAIN @`

I ran it but I'm not really sure what the results mean
[08:28:21] <ynhuser> '=(
[08:28:21] <ynhuser> ok
[08:28:21] <tituspijean> ynhuser: Relance la diagnostique sur cette section
[08:28:22] <ynhuser> le pb reste entier
[08:28:22] <tituspijean> the `` server looks weird to me.
[08:28:22] <osass> Amazing domain btw
[08:28:22] <ynhuser> tituspijean : y aurai-t-il pas un moyen de libérer de l'espace sur /sda1 ?
[08:28:22] <osass> > <> do share them.

; <<>> DiG 9.16.1-Ubuntu <<>>
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 2778
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 65494
; IN A

;; Query time: 27 msec
;; WHEN: lø. nov. 12 19:32:01 CET 2022
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 40

[08:28:22] <tituspijean> osass: and what about the second command?
[08:28:22] <ynhuser> ou d'augmenter l'espace ?
[08:28:23] <tituspijean> ynhuser: c'est sur la partition /boot qu'il faut libérer de l'espace :/
[08:28:23] <tituspijean> ynhuser: tu peux regarder
[08:28:23] <tituspijean> et c'est un peu sensible
[08:28:23] <ynhuser> qu'est-ce qui s'est accumulé ?
[08:28:23] <tituspijean> (and hello to you dear danish user :p)
[08:28:24] <tituspijean> pas la peine de faire la commande update-grub à la fin il me semble
[08:28:24] <tituspijean> et la suivante ceux qui sont installés
[08:28:24] <tituspijean> > <> (and hello to you dear danish user :p)

(or norwegian, sorry)
[08:28:24] <tituspijean> ynhuser: en gros la première commande donne le kernel actuel
[08:28:24] <ynhuser> 4.19.0-18-amd64 : ça c'est l'actuel
[08:28:24] <tituspijean> et tu peux supprimer les plus anciens
[08:28:24] <tituspijean> @all I'm off to have dinner; see ya later.
[08:28:25] <osass> > <> osass: and what about the second command?

Same results
[08:28:25] <ynhuser> je ne suis pas sûr ...
[08:28:25] <osass> > <> (or norwegian, sorry)

Norwegian, yes. :)
[08:28:25] <ynhuser> ii  linux-image-4.19.0-17-amd64          4.19.194-3         amd64        Linux 4.19 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
[08:28:25] <ynhuser> ii  linux-image-4.19.0-16-amd64          4.19.181-1         amd64        Linux 4.19 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
[08:28:25] <tituspijean> > <> Same results

Are you sure, even the `IN A` line?
[08:28:25] <ynhuser> lequel je supprime?
[08:28:26] <ynhuser> je te le mets en plusieurs fois...
[08:28:26] <ynhuser> ii  linux-image-4.19.0-22-amd64          4.19.260-1         amd64        Linux 4.19 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
[08:28:26] <ynhuser> ii  linux-image-4.19.0-9-amd64           4.19.118-2+deb10u1 amd64        Linux 4.19 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
[08:28:26] <ynhuser> ii  linux-image-4.19.0-18-amd64          4.19.208-1         amd64        Linux 4.19 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
[08:28:26] <ynhuser> ii  linux-image-4.19.0-17-amd64          4.19.194-3         amd64        Linux 4.19 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
[08:28:26] <ynhuser> en fait j'en ai beaucoup plus de version ancienne
[08:28:26] <ynhuser> ii  linux-image-4.19.0-16-amd64          4.19.181-1         amd64        Linux 4.19 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
[08:28:27] <tituspijean> Tu peux en effet supprimer les deux premier et la .0-9
[08:28:27] <ynhuser> j'ai bon sur la ligne de commande ?
[08:28:27] <ynhuser> ii  linux-image-amd64                    4.19+105+deb10u17  amd64        Linux for 64-bit PCs (meta-package)
[08:28:27] <ynhuser> ok
[08:28:27] <ynhuser> T'as une idée... je me dirais comme ça de supprimer les 2 premiers ?
[08:28:27] <osass> > <> Are you sure, even the `IN A` line?

I accidentally ran the same command twice lol, sorry abt that. But yeah, here's the result for the second cmd.

;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 31666
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
;hotsauce. IN A

. 86400 IN SOA 2022111201 1800 900 604800 86400

;; Query time: 11 msec
;; WHEN: lø. nov. 12 19:54:20 CET 2022
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 112

[08:28:27] <ynhuser> sudo apt-get remove linux-image-4.19.0-16-amd64
[08:28:27] <tituspijean> ynhuser: oui
[08:28:27] <ynhuser> merci
[08:28:28] <tituspijean> osass: I'm getting a very different answer here
[08:28:28] <tituspijean> ```
dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.16.33-Debian <<>> @;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 58460
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
; IN A


;; Query time: 148 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Nov 12 19:59:09 CET 2022
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 56
[08:28:28] <osass> Well I guess theres something wrong with my computer or sumn??
[08:28:28] <tituspijean> Is it possible your OS has an included adblocker, or a lying DNS server?
[08:28:28] <osass> Because all other devices seem to work fine
[08:28:29] <osass> > <> Is it possible your OS has an included adblocker, or a lying DNS server?

It doesn't seem to have anything related to ad blocking, but I'm not so sure about the second one.
[08:28:29] <ynhuser> J'ai supprimé les 2 versions 16 et 17 mais pour la dernière .0-9 c'est une version 4.19, tu es sûr?
[08:28:29] <ynhuser> j'ai libéré 35%
[08:28:29] <ynhuser> ça va suffir pour mise à jour ?
[08:28:30] <tituspijean> Oui ;)
[08:28:30] <tituspijean> > <> It doesn't seem to have anything related to ad blocking, but I'm not so sure about the second one.

That would be the same. I dont know what's the issue is them :/
[08:28:30] <tituspijean> 👌
[08:28:30] <tituspijean> then*
[08:28:30] <ynhuser> merci Titus gros boulot(y) (y)
[08:28:30] <ynhuser> euh question conne mais comment je sors de mon serveur en SSH sans tout casser XD
[08:28:31] <ynhuser> un grand merci, et encore bravo pour ta disponibilité...
[08:28:31] <ynhuser> Je suis en Admin pour le monment
[08:28:31] <tituspijean> S'il n'y a pas de commande lancée, c'est avec un simple `exit`
[08:28:31] <tituspijean> Je fais des galettes, le temps que ça cuise je peux répondre 😅
[08:28:31] <tituspijean> Ou en fermant le terminal
[08:28:49] <osass> Thx 👍️
[08:28:49] <tituspijean> There is a global setting for that that will be available in the webadmin in v11.1
[08:28:49] <tituspijean> Meanwhile explore the CLi with `sudo yunohost settings list`
[08:28:49] <osass> Is there a way to hide the dashboard toggle that appears on the bottom right? it's very obnoxious.
[08:28:49] <tituspijean> `yunohost settings set ssowat_panel_overlay_enabled -v False`
[08:28:59] <Melchisedech[m]> Hi, I’ve got a problem for sending mail from my printer with the smtp server from my Yunohost.
1. tested the account and conf from Thunderbird, everythings fine
2. tested my printer with another smtp server (the one of aquilenet), everything’s fine
A line that seems interesting in the logs (/var/log/ arning: TLS library problem: error:1417A0C1:SSL routines:tls_post_process_client_hello:no shared cipher:../ssl/statem/statem_srvr.c:2283
Thing is… only TLS 1.2 is enabled on my printer and the output from sudo yunohost settings get security.nginx.compatibility is intermediate…
Any idea?
[08:28:59] <Melchisedech[m]> Well, my problem is that my printer can’t connect to my SMTP server (cf log).
[08:29:03] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> >Thing is… only TLS 1.2 is enabled on my printer and the output from sudo yunohost settings get security.nginx.compatibility is intermediate…
[08:29:03] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> nginx's compat has nothing to do, you want to check postfix's compat setting here
[08:29:04] <Melchisedech[m]> Sorry, complete line: Nov 12 23:00:03 xxxx postfix/submission/smtpd\[784633\]: Anonymous TLS connection established from unknown\[\]: TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)
[08:29:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yeah maybe TLS1.2 is enabled but there's just no common cipher supported between your printer and your server
[08:29:04] <Melchisedech[m]> Right, that said, I’ve seen that in the logs: Anonymous TLS connection established from unknown[]: TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)
[08:29:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> I guess you can try to use the cipherlist from here:
[08:29:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and maybe `tls_preempt_cipherlist = yes` too, idk what this does
[08:29:05] <Melchisedech[m]> Ok, I’ll try to find what I can do with that. Thanks. I was just thinking, could it work if I change STARTTLS for SSL/TLS ?
[08:29:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> no idea, naively I'd say both protocol use SSL/TLS in the end so you'll end up with ciphers issues anyway
[08:29:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> as in "your printer only knows prehistoric ciphers"
[08:29:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[08:29:06] <Melchisedech[m]> I’ll give it a try.
[08:29:06] <Melchisedech[m]> (because I just noticed I used SSL/TLS with aquilenet even if the doc said STARTTLS/587)
[08:29:08] <Melchisedech[m]> (but not same fail : different code on the printer, nothing in /var/log/
[08:29:08] <Melchisedech[m]> and this is a fail… :)
[08:29:09] <Melchisedech[m]> That is ridiculous.
[08:29:09] <Melchisedech[m]> By the way, my printer is a quite expansive Xerox with a firmware update from september…
[08:29:11] <Melchisedech[m]> Aleks (he/him/il/lui): sorry I don’t understand in what file I should paste the list of the ciphers.
[08:29:11] <Melchisedech[m]> ok, I found.
[08:29:15] <osass> what are the default credentials for vaultwarden?
[08:29:55] <rathantara[m]> check email for admin token to invite other users
[08:30:32] <notional_sailor[m]> recently, I'm not able to get updates. Domain resolving seems to be broken on my system, and I'm not sure how to fix it.
[08:30:33] <craigvb[m]> would it be possible in the system tab under tools to have a toggle to enable/disable a service auto starting with server? Installing peertube installs another xmpp server at the same time (most annoying) and disables the metronome default one in the process
[08:30:34] <notional_sailor[m]> > recently, I'm not able to get updates. Domain resolving seems to be broken on my system, and I'm not sure how to fix it.

seems like I have it working. not sure it will survive a reboot, but at least I'm updating now
[12:20:28] <tomi>
[12:22:09] <tomi> Hello, I'm trying to install Monica to a Raspberry pi 400 (v11.0.9 yunohost image)
[12:26:03] <tomi> 2022-11-13 12:13:07,329: WARNING - debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable
[12:41:12] <tomi> now I would install it again and the install process does not start but I have this error message: "Unknown service 'php7.4-fpm'"
[12:48:28] <osass> > <> check email for admin token to invite other users

Theres nothing there
[12:50:27] <c> is it normal that the redirect_ynh app on a dedicated (sub)domain when set in public access reverse proxy works on webroot but not in folders? like works but not
it gets 401 from SSOWat
(redirect_ynh is the main/only app on that subdomain)
[12:54:46] <tituspijean> c: it may be an obscure issue with a trailing slash at the end of the redirect address. If there's one, remove it, or add it if it's missing. I never know which is right.
[13:01:30] <c> i'll try thanks!
[13:04:58] <c> nope, adding trailing slash did not work
[13:05:43] <c> (and it works when i removed access_by_lua from nginx config)
[13:06:27] <c> maybe i'm doing wrong: i create new "domain" for subdomain... maybe ssowat confused? is it recommended way to do?
[13:07:37] <tituspijean> Nah for yunohost domains and their subdomains are separate things, you treat subdomains like any other domain.
[13:08:27] <tituspijean> What's the actual address that returns 401?
[13:22:29] <c> hmm some seem to work:
nov. 13 14:21:58 jfa-go[950089]: [GIN/DEBUG] 14:21:58: GET(/token/refresh) => 200 in 452.083µs;
nov. 13 14:21:59 jfa-go[950089]: [GIN/DEBUG] 14:21:59: GET(/invites) => 401 in 111.466µs;
[13:23:04] <c> wait a minute...
[13:25:58] <c> it seems 401 comes from backend...
nov. 13 14:21:58 jfa-go[950089]: [GIN/DEBUG] 14:21:58: GET(/token/refresh) => 200 in 452.083µs;
nov. 13 14:21:59 jfa-go[950089]: [GIN/DEBUG] 14:21:59: GET(/invites) => 401 in 111.466µs;
[13:26:19] <c> can it be SSOwat replaces authorization header expected by backend?
[13:27:29] <c> is there a reason why ssowat is enabled (at all) on redirect nginx conf when access it set to public?
[13:27:44] <c> is there a reason SSOwat is enabled at all when access is set to public? (in nginx conf)
[13:28:35] <ynhuser> tituspijean Salut, bien passées ces galettes ?
[13:29:30] <ynhuser> Je suis sur la gestion de mon second serveur et cela ne se passe pas comme pour le premier=L
[13:31:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <c> is there a reason SSOwat is enabled at all when access is set to public? (in nginx conf)

yes, the reason is that the sso is a middleware that "intercepts" all request ... and for the access to be effectively public, you need to analyze every request and conclude that this request indeed corresponds to a public endpoint
[13:31:49] <ynhuser> Je suis sur la mise à jour et toujours le même problème de manque de place sur sda1 dans le boot
[13:32:49] <c> Aleks (he/him/il/lui), but for redirect app nginx conf is generated directly on app setup so if settings say it's public no need for permissions check right?
[13:33:17] <c> (i understand it will not work in subdirectory because webroot will have ssowat, but in dedicated subdomain it would work)
[13:33:35] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> how do you know if it's public if you don't analyze the request ...
[13:34:21] <c> ah yes i think i see... subdomain.conf is generated by domain not by redirect_ynh so it cannot know it's public.. is that what you mean?
[13:34:53] <c> (redirect_ynh generates a location.conf in subdomain.d)
[13:35:36] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i mean the way it works is that some endpoints are public, some are privates, and all requests go through SSOwat which is a middleware, and SSOwat will analyze and concludes wether or not the url is exposed publicly or not
[13:35:46] <c> if so maybe "Disable authentication" in domain settings would be nice? (with a check so you cant disable on primary domain)
[13:36:11] <c> SSOwat is only middleware because nginx config says so... it's not TCP level middleware
[13:36:19] <ynhuser> j'ai fait la même chose c'est à dire essayer de supprimer les anciennes versions de kernel mais une problème se pose : sudo apt-get remove linux-image-4.19.0-16-amd64
[13:36:20] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you could say "well just dont include the SSOwat middleware on the sub-`location` that are public", but it's more complex than that, some rules are regex, and SSOwat does other things than just checking the publicness of endpoints
[13:36:50] <ynhuser> puis sudo apt --fix-broken install
[13:39:15] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i mean the purpose of the SSO is also to work in such a way that everything is set to private unless explicitly set to public
[13:39:36] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and you dont want this the other way around because this has massive implications for security
[13:40:31] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> so yes, request go through the SSO even for public apps
[13:40:49] <c> yes of course private is default, but maybe option for a domain to bypass ssowat entirely makes sense
[13:41:51] <c> soooo... i think my problem is maybe nginx/ssowat removes "Authorization" header from app (makes 100% sense when you want SSOwat to handle authorization)
[13:42:33] <c> set_headers is called only when app requests it and user is logged in, but if i remember nginx auth it clears Authorization automatically (once again makes sense)
[13:48:45] <c> no sorry it looks like i'm completely wrong with what the app is doing
[13:56:39] <c> seems to be app JS getting confused with local storage or something... clearing browser cache makes it work somehow oO
sorry for wasting your time
[14:12:47] <mi> Hello :D
[14:36:00] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ehlo
[14:36:48] <isAAAc> hello Aleks (he/him/il/lui)
[14:51:50] <abhdfr> Hello, since update to YunoHost i encounter a problem with email sending.
[14:51:50] <abhdfr> For email, i don't use the built-in email server, i use my email server in iOnos VPS.
[14:51:50] <abhdfr> I recieve all of my emails with this server, and email sending work too.
[14:51:51] <abhdfr> In example, my personnal Wordpress website send successfully emails with my remote email server.
[14:51:51] <abhdfr> My Mastodon users contact me from Twitter because they don't receive email activation.
[14:51:51] <abhdfr> But, since 4 days, i've a Mastodon app installed. But i can't receive any mail from this app, and today, in Yunohost Roundcube app, i've 133 items, like that :
[14:51:52] <abhdfr> I've already set up the email relay in my Yunohost, following this doc :
[14:51:52] <abhdfr> But all of my applications are not able to send email.
[14:53:55] <abhdfr> In my email server on iOnos VPS, i use Mail-in-a-box
[15:44:06] <isAAAc> some pixelfed users around ?
[15:44:59] <isAAAc> To change max upload limit (default : 50MB), edit the Pixelfed php-fpm.conf in
[15:45:49] <isAAAc> i don't find the file , not in /var/www/pixelfed, and no dedicated file in /etc/php/7.4/fpm
[15:46:57] <isAAAc> the only dedicated file is in the pool.d folder, but i don't see any line max upload limit
[15:49:24] <isAAAc> ok , grep -ri php_admin_value tells me other apps have this in the dedicated pool file
[15:58:02] <Zazay> bonjour
[15:59:14] <Zazay> J'essaye de migrer mon serveur 4.3 vers 4.4 et je suis face à un problème de place en sda1, quelqu'un a une solution ?
[16:24:34] <pti-jean> Zazay, Tu aurais le même problème que ynhuser... plus haut dans la discutions... Vous êtes sur un RaspBerry ??
[17:59:48] <olivier> bonjour tout le monde, petit souci sur l'upgrade en 11 : j'ai des dépendances cassées sur locales (`Depends: libc-bin (> 2.31) but 2.28-10+deb10u2 is installed`) et mailutils (`Depends: mailutils-common (= 1:3.5-4) but 1:3.10-3 is installed. Depends: libmailutils5 but it is not installable`)
[18:00:40] <olivier> la totale :
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
locales : Depends: libc-bin (> 2.31) but 2.28-10+deb10u2 is installed
mailutils : Depends: mailutils-common (= 1:3.5-4) but 1:3.10-3 is installed
Depends: libmailutils5 but it is not installable
openssh-sftp-server : Depends: openssh-client (= 1:7.9p1-10+deb10u2) but 1:8.4p1-5+deb11u1 is installed
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.
E: Unable to correct dependencies
[18:04:06] <olivier> si quelqu'un a une idée ...
[18:19:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> le log complet ... il nous faut le log *complet* .... le log complet inclue plein d'autres infos qui permettent d'avoir le contexte technique, si on a juste des bouts de message d'erreurs on sais pas exactement où / dans quel contexte ça à lieu
[18:23:52] <olivier> avec plaisir, ~je sors ça comment?~ (trouvé, déso)
[18:24:36] <olivier>
[18:25:22] <olivier> (et aussi mais à priori ça découle du premier)
[18:26:28] <olivier> là où j'en suis de mes investigations : je soupçonne les dépendances (paquet virtuel xxxx-ynh-deps) d'une application installée de mettre le bazar, mais du diable si je sais comment identifier laquelle
[18:26:54] <olivier> y'avait aussi un souci dans ma config SSH que j'ai corrigé depuis, mais c'était un épiphénomène
[18:29:41] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> de ce que je vois dans les deux logs c'est surtout ssh qui est tout pété
[18:31:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 'fin je capte pas d'où t'as sorti tous les messages d'erreurs postés avant ...
[18:33:01] <olivier> Il est réparé depuis. Les lignes du haut, c'est un `apt -f install` une fois ssh réparé
[18:34:53] <olivier> (j'avais une règle de matching dans mon sshd.conf qui n'était manifestement pas compatible avec la nouvelle version, en tous cas je l'ai commentée)
[18:35:29] <olivier> Je peux relancer la migration complète depuis l'admin, si tu penses que ça produira des logs plus utiles
[18:40:32] <Lep0le> Hello
[18:40:44] <Lep0le> i got a question
[18:40:57] <Lep0le> is up ...?
[18:41:10] <Lep0le> or down...?
[18:41:51] <Zazay> Je c'est moi ynhuser mais sur un second serveur dont j'ai la charge, une erreur supplémentaire est apparue : je ne peux supprimer une ancienne version de kernel.... Mais je n'aurais pas le temps de gerer ça ce soir alors peut-être plus tard...
[18:42:03] <olivier> From where I stand, Lep0le, it's down
[18:42:14] <Zazay> Merci à vous tous pour l'aide, ça fait plaisir d'être soutenu.
[18:43:31] <olivier> par curiosité : est-ce qu'il y'a moyen de lancer le processus d'upgrade (migrations incluses) via la CLI plutôt que via l'interface web?
[18:44:35] <olivier> Aleks (he/him/il/lui): j'ai relancé, moins de bazar, et ça correspond plus précisement à mon souci de deps :
[18:47:11] <rathantara> First, register first user then apply cli command: sudo php7.4 /var/www/pixelfed/artisan user:admin 1 then and respond yes to the question Add admin privileges to this user? Then you'll receive auth token for inviting other users
[18:47:29] <rathantara> First, register first user then apply cli command: sudo php7.4 /var/www/pixelfed/artisan user:admin 1 and respond yes to the question Add admin privileges to this user? Then you'll receive auth token for inviting other users
[18:48:00] <rathantara> First, register first user then apply cli command for becoming admin: sudo php7.4 /var/www/pixelfed/artisan user:admin 1 and respond yes to the question Add admin privileges to this user? Then you'll receive auth token for inviting other users
[18:48:07] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> olivier[m]: moui d'accord, du coup que raconte `apt policy libc-bin` et `apt policy mailutils` ?
[18:49:03] <olivier> Aleks (he/him/il/lui):
[18:49:35] <rathantara> > <> Theres nothing there

First, register first user then apply cli command for becoming admin: sudo php7.4 /var/www/pixelfed/artisan user:admin 1 and respond yes to the question Add admin privileges to this user? Then you'll receive auth token for inviting other users
[19:05:39] <bietz> Hallo! Habe ein Problem mit dem Dienst postgresql. Er lässt sich nicht starten, nicht konfigurieren, nicht neu installieren. Was mache ich falsch?
[19:06:18] <bietz> Wo finde ich nähere Informationen zu diesem Dienst?
[19:07:05] <bietz> Hallo! Habe ein Problem mit dem Dienst postgresql. Er lässt sich nicht starten, nicht konfigurieren, nicht neu installieren. Was mache ich falsch?
[19:07:34] <bietz> Wo finde ich nähere Informationen zu diesem Dienst?
[19:17:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> olivier: du coup tentons `apt install locales libc-bin=2.31-13+deb11u4 mailutils mailutils-common=1:3.5-4 libmailutils5 openssh-sftp-server openssh-client=1:7.9p1-10+deb10u2`
[19:19:20] <isAAAc> bietz: hallo, ich verschtehe nicht was Dienst ist, kannst du englisch spechen , oder französich ?
[19:19:38] <isAAAc> sprechen*
[19:19:54] <isAAAc> oder schreiben ^^
[19:20:55] <olivier> If you write in english, you'd have a much better chance to be understood, I guess
[19:21:03] <bietz> I will try ;-)
[19:21:11] <isAAAc> ;)
[19:21:20] <olivier> At least, I know MY german is pretty much helpless
[19:21:24] <bietz> DIENST = SERVICE
[19:22:05] <isAAAc> vieleicht kann dir helfen
[19:22:05] <bietz> Ich cant start postgresql. Ntw: i am an absolute beginnen at yunohost.
[19:23:29] <isAAAc> bietz: do you use the webamin or command line interface ?
[19:23:37] <isAAAc> bietz: do you use the webadmin or command line interface ? *
[19:26:10] <bietz> Webadmin. But I could statt tje commandline as well. Befassen I xould not install yunohost directory on my Devise, I install first debian 11, the yunohost.
[19:36:03] <Lep0le> merci olivier
[19:38:05] <Lep0le> comment faire ...?
[19:38:28] <Lep0le> dois je ouvrir un post sur le forum...?
[19:40:25] <Lep0le> quel outil utilisé pour vister son propre site depuis le weeb un genre de proxy ou qqchose du style...?
[19:40:26] <Lep0le> desidées ?
[19:42:14] <olivier> Aleks (he/him/il/lui): ça me semble raisonnable, mais pas à lui :
[19:43:19] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> mouai il faut enlever ces "1:" dans les numéros de version, j'ai jamais capté pourquoi des fois c'est affiché et des fois non
[19:43:32] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `apt install locales libc-bin=2.31-13+deb11u4 mailutils mailutils-common=3.5-4 libmailutils5 openssh-sftp-server openssh-client=7.9p1-10+deb10u2`
[19:43:39] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> mais du coup il aime vraiment pas libmailutils5
[19:43:52] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> qui effectivement n'existe plus en bullseye
[19:44:03] <olivier> bien vu pour les 1: ça me n'avait même pas choqué
[19:44:23] <olivier> pour libmailutils5, je vais devoir feindre son existence je crains, mais je ne sais plus trop comment faire ;)
[19:44:23] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> du coup chépa demandons la 3.10-3 pour mailutils
[19:44:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `apt install locales libc-bin=2.31-13+deb11u4 mailutils=3.10-3 mailutils-common=3.5-4 openssh-sftp-server openssh-client=7.9p1-10+deb10u2`
[19:45:41] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah mais faut ptete reswitcher la version de maiutils-common aussi
[19:45:53] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `apt install locales libc-bin=2.31-13+deb11u4 mailutils=3.10-3 mailutils-common=3.10-3 openssh-sftp-server openssh-client=7.9p1-10+deb10u2`
[19:46:02] <olivier> si j'en crois apt show, j'ai pas tant de choix que ça dans les versions connues par apt
[19:46:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah oui chez toi c'est +b1 wtf
[19:46:49] <olivier> oui, j'ai corrigé en live t'inquiète ;)
[19:46:52] <olivier> mais malgré ça :
[19:46:55] <bietz> Its all about email? In the diagnostics I saw there is an error about the dns for my mail-domain. I  can sollen this. Will there error about postgresql disapear then?
[19:47:10] <olivier>
[19:48:13] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> wtf pourtant on voyait bien la version dans apt policy mailutils ...
[19:48:37] <olivier> en mailutils, j'ai 3.10-3+b1 ou 3.5-4, en mailutils-common, j'ai que 3.10-3 (sans +b1)
[19:48:41] <olivier> d'après apt show
[19:48:57] <olivier> je suppose que c'est possible d'avoir une politique foirée, non?
[19:49:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> tu parles du gouvernement français ? :o)
[19:50:20] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ce que montre `apt policy` découle directement des dépots utilisés dans /etc/apt/sources.list(.d) et là t'as rien d'exotique apriori
[19:50:51] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> genre c'est `500 bullseye/main amd64 Package`, c'est le plus classique qu'on puisse trouver
[19:51:40] <olivier> c'est pas faux
[19:52:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> bon là j'ai un peu la flemme d'itérer sur le chat là, le problème a l'air bien profond et relou ... si t'es ok on peut aussi installer `tmate` sur ton serveur pour que je puisse te rejoindre dans le terminal ...
[19:52:13] <olivier> j'ai essayé de remonter un peu les dépendances de libc-bin, en forçant à chaque fois la bonne version
[19:53:07] <olivier> je vais continuer ça aussi loin que ça peut sans risque, et j'avise à partir de là
[19:53:13] <olivier> merci pour le coup de main jusqu'ici ;)
[19:53:25] <olivier> (j'ai un bon backup à unroll au pire, mais bon)
[19:55:52] <olivier> j'ai typiquement des références à python37, qui semble ne plus exister sur bullseye
[20:01:59] <bietz> Thanks for youre replys. I will test some other things and then try again. Maybe I will Start a threat in the forum.