Tuesday, November 08, 2022
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[00:12:30] <harce[m]> https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/mastodon_ynh/issues/343
[06:25:56] <enterprisey[m]> silly question, sorry... on the demo yunohost instance, you have to log in as a user before using the apps. can yunohost be configured to not require login and just serve the apps directly?
[06:27:34] <enterprisey[m]> nevermind, answered by the docs, I can give the relevant permission to the "visitors" group in the admin interface
[08:18:26] <Guest88> Bonjour
[08:25:13] <Guest88> Il y a des problèmes sur ynh.fr et nohost.me ?
[09:46:23] <bamf> hi, my mastodon shows only a blank page, any idea how to fix this? https://social.f1sh.de/
[09:47:33] <centralscrutinizer> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/novababilonia.me/caBtvdjlmaYKTpIHvYXkWMcZ
[09:47:45] <centralscrutinizer> I am seeing this
[09:48:05] <bamf> oh. hm. I have blank page in all browsers 🤔
[09:50:44] <bamf> ok does not work in chrome or firefox, but in edge. but looks broken as in your screenshot
[10:03:08] <bamf> is there something like `--reinstall` to fix a broken app?
[10:05:31] <centralscrutinizer> I would suggest to try to reload the service first
`yunohost service restart mastodon`
and then clear the browser cache

[10:08:53] <tituspijean> And then have a look to the browser console, it may tell why it is not loading resources
[10:10:49] <bamf> a few of these:
`The resource from “https://social.f1sh.de/packs/css/common-50d0784d.css” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).`
and a few 404 with:
You've just been SSOed
1; mode=block
[10:22:46] <bamf> getting the white page as soon as I log in on the broken login page
[10:22:53] <bamf> same issue here https://f1sh.de/nxcd/s/RmjGmZf4trNW3z7
[10:39:52] <bamf> any idea? is this an issue with nginx configuration?
[10:58:07] <bamf> found
`more_set_headers "X-Content-Type-Options : nosniff";`
in `/etc/nginx/conf.d/security.conf.inc` but removing it and restarting nginx does not fix it
[12:53:33] <ynhuser> #yunohost:libera.chat
[13:12:55] <gredin67> after upgrading nextcloud from v23 and onlyoffice_ynh , onlyoffice integration in nextcloud is broken
[13:13:05] <gredin67> anyone got this issue already?
[14:08:51] <fr33domlover> Hello :) o/
[14:10:22] <fr33domlover> I changed the main domain via the admin web UI; when I try to send email, sending via the old main domain still works but sending via the new domain doesn't: "Sender address rejected: not owned by user" error from postfix
[14:10:46] <pinkprius> hey, I can send emails through smtp with port 25 with a smtp-tester, but not through port 587, any ideas why? With ynh of course
[14:11:23] <pinkprius> with thunderbird and default settings sending e-mails works though, and it seems to use the same settings and port 587
[14:13:26] <Nicolas48> Hello, Browsers tell me that my site is dangerous, but my Lets Encripts certificate is valid, and the diagnostic finds me nothing
[14:22:27] <tituspijean> > <@Nicolas48:libera.chat> Hello, Browsers tell me that my site is dangerous, but my Lets Encripts certificate is valid, and the diagnostic finds me nothing

There's a forum thread about it: https://forum.yunohost.org/t/google-flags-my-sites-as-dangerous-deceptive-site-ahead/20361
[14:23:18] <gredin67> more specifically, start following these advices https://forum.yunohost.org/t/google-flags-my-sites-as-dangerous-deceptive-site-ahead/20361/89
[14:25:30] <gredin67> what I did and worked after setting a customwebapp as default url was to report a false positive in firefox, see https://forum.yunohost.org/t/google-flags-my-sites-as-dangerous-deceptive-site-ahead/20361/102
[14:26:17] <bamf> no one any idea about my nginx resource blocking problem?
[14:30:06] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <@bamf:matrix.f1sh.de> found
> `more_set_headers "X-Content-Type-Options : nosniff";`
> in `/etc/nginx/conf.d/security.conf.inc` but removing it and restarting nginx does not fix it

yeah because the issue is not really the nosniff itself, the issue is that the browser tries to fetch a .CSS file but obtains an HTML file
[14:31:30] <webmink> > <@Nicolas48:libera.chat> Hello, Browsers tell me that my site is dangerous, but my Lets Encripts certificate is valid, and the diagnostic finds me nothing

The most important thing to do is to add your site to Google Search Console and then use it to request a review.
[14:31:47] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (but i'm not sure why)
[14:31:53] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <@webmink:matrix.org> The most important thing to do is to add your site to Google Search Console and then use it to request a review.

also cf https://forum.yunohost.org/t/google-flags-my-sites-as-dangerous-deceptive-site-ahead/20361
[14:32:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> basically it's just Google (or other companies) flagging your site because of arbitrary criterias that they won't explain
[14:32:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> welcome to cyberfascism
[14:42:58] <pinkprius> Aleks (he/him/il/lui), any idea why I can only sent e-mail with smtp on port 25?
[14:43:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> erh idk, what happens when you try to use port 587 ?
[14:43:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i'm a bit confused tho
[14:43:55] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> port 25 is for server<->server communication basically
[14:44:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> port 587 is for client<->server if i remember correctly
[14:44:13] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> so it's like, not the same thing at all
[14:44:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> mail tester wont test if port 587 works because mail tester only tests server<->server communication
[14:45:11] <pinkprius> yes. I am trying to use my working ynh email server as an external e-mail server for a mastodon server
[14:45:19] <pinkprius> hmm
[14:48:36] <tituspijean> > <@bamf:matrix.f1sh.de> no one any idea about my nginx resource blocking problem?

Your issue looks like this one: https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/mastodon_ynh/issues/341
[14:50:24] <bamf> yes that's it thanks tituspijean
[14:50:46] <tituspijean> There's no resolution yet though 😅
[14:51:06] <bamf> yep I subscribed to the issue
[14:51:19] <bamf> Hardware: Laptop 😄
[14:51:34] <tituspijean> I think the command proposed by lj f is not working because we need to load the proper PATH that points to the right npm/yarn binary installed for mastodon
[14:52:09] <bamf> I am fine if that gets fixed with an official update
[14:55:33] <bamf> mastodon is working through clients, just the web page is broken
[14:58:18] <tripop[m]> Hi, i got this two lines at every step of adding smtp relay, can i know where it come from ?
```Attention : postmap: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd.db: Permission denied
Erreur : Échec de l'exécution du script : /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen/19-postfix```
[14:58:43] <tripop[m]> * Hi, i got this two lines at every step of adding smtp relay, can i know where it come from ?

````Succès ! La configuration a été mise à jour pour 'postfix'
Attention : postmap: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd.db: Permission denied
Erreur : Échec de l'exécution du script : /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen/19-po```
[14:58:53] <tripop[m]> * Hi, i got this two lines at every step of adding smtp relay, can i know where it come from ?

Attention : postmap: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd.db: Permission denied
Erreur : Échec de l'exécution du script : /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen/19-po```
[14:59:09] <tripop[m]> * Hi, i got this two lines at every step of adding smtp relay, can i know where it come from ?

Succès ! La configuration a été mise à jour pour 'postfix'
Attention : postmap: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd.db: Permission denied
Erreur : Échec de l'exécution du script : /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen/19-po
[15:02:16] <tripop[m]> it show the changes in `yunohost settings list` still, it just the regen process that seem to show error
[15:03:07] <tituspijean> tripop[m]: https://forum.yunohost.org/t/email-stays-pending-never-sends/21722/2?u=tituspijean
[15:03:50] <tripop[m]> I was searching in forum, thanks 🙏
[15:13:22] <tripop[m]> Hum so it seem to work, but i still got e-mail in pending, so i guess i need to reload some stuffs ?
[15:17:57] <pinkprius> if I wanted to use a yunohost mail server as an external smtp server for other software, what would the settings be? Port is 587, correct? Everything else is basically obvious, but why doesn't it work.
[15:27:34] <tripop[m]> Hum okay i'm dumb i was log with my credentials not api key...
[17:04:15] <pinkprius> I just wanna send mails via smtp, this can't be so hard ^^
[17:05:27] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 😬
[17:41:35] <davidpeach> I've just done a system upgrade from 4.1 to 11 and now all my sites now break with message: "Unable to connect. An error occurred during a connection to home.of.davidpeach.co.uk.....". Any clues where I should look for issue please?
[17:41:46] <davidpeach> upgrade and migrations seem to have run fine
[17:56:43] <craigvb[m]> has php 7.4 updates this morning...now I don't get the login button being accessible on the admin panel...stays greyed out 🤔
[17:57:18] <davidpeach> My issue seems to be fixed by re-generating ssl for each domain manually
[18:02:10] <craigvb[m]> phew
[18:02:10] <craigvb[m]> reboot fixed it....
[18:04:41] <davidpeach> nice when that happens :)
[18:08:13] <Willy> Bonsoir à tous, bonsoir ppr ; je me suis connecté sur le tchat si tu veux qu'on échange plus rapidement que sur le forum (histoire de ne pas trop polluer le forum avec trop d'échanges)
[18:13:17] <th> Salut ! Je désire mettre en place une instance Mastodon sur mon serveur pour moi et quelques amies.. j'ai installé Ecko. Il s'installe bien, mais ... comment le relier au réseau global ?
[18:16:44] <th> Il semblerait qu'il faille un serveur relais mais où un relais francophone ?
[18:17:03] <webmink>

What do you think of taking some public action about this? It's beyond crazy, and my "day job" at OSI might support me
[18:18:51] <webmink> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> basically it's just Google (or other companies) flagging your site because of arbitrary criterias that they won't explain

If I could persuade some open source orgs to complain to the European Commission about it, do you think y'all would join in?
[18:20:29] <c> > Google (or other companies) flagging your site because of arbitrary criterias

oh i got the same problem for a few weeks!!!
[19:35:28] <pinkprius> Aleks (he/him/il/lui), any hints how I could use a ynh mail server to send emails for a remote mastodon install?
[19:43:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[19:43:51] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i know nothing about administrating mastodon
[19:44:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but maybe if you have some error message for what's not working that could be a starting ground ...
[19:58:07] <pinkprius> ok we'll set up a standalone mail server ^^
[19:58:10] <pinkprius> thanks anyways
[19:59:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ugh good luck with that
[20:00:23] <pinkprius> it'll be fine ^tm
[20:42:06] <c> pinkprius, your ynh mail server can be reached with smtp(s) from your mastodon install
[20:42:49] <pinkprius> yes I tried that but it just wouldn't work. I managed to get a smtp-tool to send an email from my server, but only with port 25, not 587
[20:42:57] <pinkprius> so no ssl
[21:07:53] <pinq> Hi everyone!
[21:11:42] <pinq> I got problem: I updated everything, I migrate my system to bullseye, updated the system and apps and now one of my apps is missing, jupyter
[21:11:43] <pinq> no signs whatsoever
[21:19:50] <pinq> There is some tar packages about jupyter in /home/yunohost.backup/archives
[21:19:58] <pinq> ahaa, there is info in the logs: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/tijifoqenu
[21:24:01] <pinq> Then I thing the right thing to do is make github issue
[21:24:01] <pinq> is it safe to "restore 'juyterlab' from a backup archive"? I don't want to lose anything 😬
[21:34:51] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> pinq: apparently the retore-after-failed-upgrade failed because of libzmq3-dev
[21:35:00] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Can you try to manually `sudo apt install libzmq3-dev` and see what this says
[21:37:54] <pinq> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/kapsi.fi/3fe4b54c490092f9798c1107bdc22993908ad457
[21:42:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> mokay, what about `sudo apt remove libsodium23 --dry-run`
[21:46:11] <pinq> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/kapsi.fi/fe98dcf90bc25b3261a1fc120afba93f3416b86c
[21:46:11] <pinq> Nope :D
[21:47:13] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> dafuq D:
[21:48:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> well then I would try to `sudo apt install libsodium23=1.0.18-1+0~2019blahblahblah` (using the full version name ending with 6823f from your previous screenshot which i cant copypasta
[22:08:37] <pinq> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/kapsi.fi/ad3abe465a4d54c3e6582625b640f7d1a26b9bad
[22:52:47] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah I misread the messae
[22:52:47] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> then:
[22:52:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `sudo apt install libsodium23=1.0.18-1`
[23:16:46] <twizzay> I am getting the error 'There is not enough disk space left to install this application' when I try to install almost any app. lsblk shows my root partition has 128gb. ncdu / shows I am only using 16gb. How can I troubleshoot this?
[23:30:56] <twizzay> I am wondering if it could be related to moving to a new SD card recently.
[23:32:22] <twizzay> I recently moved from an old SD card to a new one on RPI 4b. used dd to copy the files to a new sdcard. Only catch was that the new sdcard was slightly larger by a few bytes so I resized the partition before backing it up and then expanded it after I copied it to the new disk.
[23:32:55] <twizzay> Not sure how that could make my fs apear smaller when lsblk is able to see the full size.
[23:40:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> sounds like the root filesystem was not resized after resizing the partition somehow
[23:43:51] <twizzay> how could I check/fix that?
[23:48:12] <twizzay> about to try e2fsck and resize2fs
[23:49:58] <twizzay> WARNING!!! The filesystem is mounted. If you continue you ***WILL***
[23:50:07] <twizzay> cause ***SEVERE*** filesystem damage.
[23:50:07] <twizzay> well great.
[23:50:28] <twizzay> mebbeh I have to chroot?? ugh what a pain.
[23:51:44] <twizzay> wait I dont have to chroot right? I can just plug the sdcard into another machine and run this.