Sunday, November 20, 2022
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[07:16:05] <craigvb[m]> anyone gotten pydio working?
[09:00:27] <tituspijean> > <@craigvb[m]> anyone gotten pydio working?

Hello. It does not work like that. If you have an issue, please take the time to explain it and share the appropriate logs so that we might help.
[10:06:49] <Willy> hello everybody / bonjour tout le monde
[10:08:03] <Willy> Est-ce que quelqu'un peut me dire s'il doit y avoir un enregistrement type A dans le fichier /etc/yunohost/dyndns/zone s'il vous plait?
[10:34:30] <tituspijean> Du format `update add $LeDomaine 3600 A $IP`
[10:34:30] <tituspijean> Je ne connais pas le format du fichier, mais oui, parmi d'autres lignes il y a ce qui ressemble à un enregistrement A
[10:34:31] <Willy> merci tituspijean , ma demande fait suite a un message sur le forum
[10:34:31] <tituspijean> (Connaître le contexte de ta demande serait bienvenu, je pressens un
[10:34:56] <Willy> Je n'avais pas de ligne update add $LeDomaine 3600 A $IP (pour une raison que j'ignore...)
[11:40:36] <d855> Test
[11:42:07] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Test ack
[12:42:49] <d855> Thx mate 😉
[13:51:31] <johan7> or by logging in directly,
[13:51:31] <johan7> If you have arranged other means to access the root account,
[13:51:31] <johan7> you must set a root password with "sudo passwd".
[13:51:32] <johan7> and you are sure this is what you want,
[13:51:32] <johan7> you may bypass this check by setting an environment variable
[13:51:33] <johan7>  installed sudo package pre-removal script subprocess returned error exit status 1
[13:51:33] <johan7> Refusing to remove sudo.
[13:51:33] <johan7> (export SUDO_FORCE_REMOVE=yes).
[13:51:33] <johan7> dpkg: error processing package sudo (--remove):
[13:51:34] <johan7> dpkg: too many errors, stopping
[13:57:02] <johan7> nevermind, setting a root password put an end to the problem.
[15:10:52] <MountainManTech> Hello everyone. I am trying to access my nextcloud instance from within the same wifi network on the public facing url. However the site is not loading and doesn't load unless I am accessing it from outside of the wifi network. What can I do to access it from within the wifi network?
[15:33:26] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> MountainManTech: sounds like a typical "no hairpinning" issue
[15:42:07] <MountainManTech> Mmmk what is the solution?
[15:43:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> unfortunately it's not clear but that's due to your router ... I think some router allow to create DNS entries inside them which if I recall correctly allows to fix/workaround the issue
[15:45:43] <MountainManTech> crapbaskets
[17:32:10] <Mario> Hello I am getting this error on my ynh, what could it be?
[17:32:13] <Mario> yunohost service log yunomdns
- -- Logs begin at Thu 2019-02-14 08:11:59 -02, end at Sun 2022-11-20 13:27:01 -03. --
- Nov 14 08:17:23 systemd[1]: Started YunoHost mDNS service.
- Nov 14 08:17:26 yunomdns[670]: Traceback (most recent call last):
- Nov 14 08:17:26 yunomdns[670]: File "/usr/bin/yunomdns", line 170, in <module>
- Nov 14 08:17:26 yunomdns[670]: sys.exit(0 if main() else 1)
- Nov 14 08:17:26 yunomdns[670]: File "/usr/bin/yunomdns", line 57, in main
- Nov 14 08:17:26 yunomdns[670]: with open("/etc/yunohost/mdns.yml", "r") as f:
- Nov 14 08:17:26 yunomdns[670]: PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/etc/yunohost/mdns.yml'
- Nov 14 08:17:26 systemd[1]: yunomdns.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
- Nov 14 08:17:26 systemd[1]: yunomdns.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

[17:32:42] <Mario> some permission denied..but I don't get what's wrong
[18:03:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> can you share the output of `namei -l /etc/yunohost/mdns.yml`
[18:03:55] <olivejer> Bonjour à tous
[18:04:22] <olivejer> quelqu'un arrive t il à fowarder les port 443 et 80 sur freebox ?
[18:30:04] <Mario> > can you share the output of `namei -l /etc/yunohost/mdns.yml`
f: /etc/yunohost/mdns.yml
drwxr-xr-x root root /
drwxr-xr-x root root etc
drwxr-xr-x root root yunohost
-rw------- root root mdns.yml
[19:00:55] <dindon-ccc> > quelqu'un arrive t il à fowarder les port 443 et 80 sur freebox ?
Est-ce que tu as bien activé l'option "ipv4 fullstack" ?
[19:12:53] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> well that file should be owned by user mdns
[19:12:53] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> could it be that maybe you manually enfored some permission or something
[19:12:54] <ynhuser> Hello, I have a problem with samba
[19:12:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah there's indeed a somewhat conflicting statement in our regenconf hm
[19:13:06] <ynhuser> I cannot connect to the share
[19:13:57] <ynhuser> this is the log:
[19:13:57] <ynhuser>
[19:31:20] <anubis> ynhuser, i don't know this app, but according to the logs it seems you have to provide some directories to launch the installation, and probably provided a wrong directory ?
[20:41:02] <Mario> > could it be that maybe you manually enfored some permission or something
I did nothing at all on terminal other than update the system every now and then lately and started getting that error
[20:53:47] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ping ljf[m] ^
[20:53:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <Mario> > can you share the output of `namei -l /etc/yunohost/mdns.yml`
> f: /etc/yunohost/mdns.yml
> drwxr-xr-x root root /
> drwxr-xr-x root root etc
> drwxr-xr-x root root yunohost
> -rw------- root root mdns.yml

btw you can probably fix the issue for now with `yunohost tools regen-conf mdns`
[20:53:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes, just run `yunohost tools regen-conf mdns`
[20:53:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> I pushed a fix for this for version 11.1
[20:53:48] <ynhuser> Hello everyone!
[20:54:14] <ynhuser> Can I install yunohost without providing a domain name? I only want to use it with my vpn
[20:54:18] <Mario> > yes, just run `yunohost tools regen-conf mdns`
I am on debian 10 yet
[20:54:48] <Mario> did not migrate yet
[20:57:57] <ynhuser> Ok, thx!
[20:57:57] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> Can I install yunohost without providing a domain name? I only want to use it with my vpn

not really, if you don't have a domain name just use a dummy one such as `myfancyserver.local`
[20:57:57] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (but then you might have to tweak your `/etc/hosts` etc)
[21:47:31] <Mario> > yes, just run `yunohost tools regen-conf mdns`
it worked! thank you so much sir!
[22:10:15] <Mario> should using ipv6 be avoided in some cases or for security reasons on ynh?
[22:42:50] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i don't know, why are you asking this question ...
[22:42:50] <aaron> Since I upgraded my VPS to a more powerful one, MariaDB seems to crash very frequently:
[22:42:57] <aaron>
[22:43:31] <aaron> does anybody have an idea how I can investigate that further?
[22:45:01] <aaron> here are some more logs:
[22:47:56] <aaron> really strange
[23:18:02] <aaron> I can confirm it gets killed and then starts again - over and over again (like every minute)
[23:23:32] <craigvb[m]> > <@titus[m]> > <@craigvb[m]> anyone gotten pydio working?
> Hello. It does not work like that. If you have an issue, please take the time to explain it and share the appropriate logs so that we might help.

I was more thinking it might be a common issue since it's an old version but yeah, I can reinstall it again and grab the log files <3