Tuesday, May 09, 2023
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[02:19:57] <LohanG> Did anyone else get the same email notification several times from the forum? It looks like a glitch/bug
[02:21:03] <LohanG> I mean the usual [YunoHost Forum] Summary.
[02:45:24] <barking bandicoot> Well, I am still struggling with all this. I managed to change IFM to open in the www directory but cannot change permissions on the files in there! I cannot access or change. I copied my non-yunohost Wordpress backup from IFM to the backuply plugin directory - but the WP plugin cannot see it. I would like to unpack the backup tar in public_html -but cannot find this directory! Restoring a non-yunohost WP backup seems impossible! 😩
[03:31:01] <barking bandicoot> I figured out the var/www/wordpress. is the public_html directory - I think! So backed up the old wp and mkdir a new wordpress and unpacked the files - but now have "Error establishing a database connection".
[03:32:09] <barking bandicoot> I need to do something with the mysql???
[04:25:25] <barking bandicoot> I have now installed Myphpadmin and imported the db - but still get "Error establishing a database connection". 🙁
[05:01:13] <barking bandicoot> I changed my db user to the new WP one and also the db password to the now one in w--config.php. Still I get I have now installed Myphpadmin and imported the db - but still get "Error establishing a database connection". 🥺
[05:01:27] <barking bandicoot> I changed my db user to the new WP one and also the db password to the now one in wp-config.php. Still I get I have now installed Myphpadmin and imported the db - but still get "Error establishing a database connection". 🥺
[05:02:11] <barking bandicoot> I changed my db user to the new WP one and also the db password to the now one in wp-config.php. Still I get I "Error establishing a database connection". 🥺
[05:10:23] <barking bandicoot> I changed my db user to the new WP one and also the db password to the new one in wp-config.php. Still I get I "Error establishing a database connection". 🥺
[08:16:11] <orhtej2> > <@snagglepuss:matrix.org> I changed my db user to the new WP one and also the db password to the new one in wp-config.php. Still I get I "Error establishing a database connection". 🥺

you're trying to sideload wordpress onto yunohost instance, why not i.e. install brand new instance, back it up, download backup and surgically replace files inside?
[08:16:41] <orhtej2> because even once you succeed you wont benefit from yunohost's wordpress integration in any way
[08:23:41] <barking bandicoot> Ok, interesting. To me that is basically the same (as I did install WP throught YNH gui then tried replacing files)- except I suppose the surgical bit. What do I replace? The wp-content - or would I need more?
[08:30:54] <barking bandicoot> Ok, interesting. To me that is basically the same (as I did install WP through the YNH gui then tried replacing files)- except I suppose the surgical bit. What do I replace? The wp-content - or would I need more?
[08:32:47] <barking bandicoot> Ok, interesting. To me that is basically the same (as I did install WP through the YNH gui then tried replacing files)- except I suppose the surgical bit. What do I replace? The wp-content - or would I need more? What about the database tables? Can they be mapped onto the new db?
[08:56:20] <rodinux> Hello, the directory `usr/local/n/versions/node/` is big like 3.4G, how is possible to delete unused versions of node.js ? how listing first the versions used ?
[09:16:08] <orhtej2> > <@rodinux07:matrix.org> Hello, the directory `usr/local/n/versions/node/` is big like 3.4G, how is possible to delete unused versions of node.js ? how listing first the versions used ?

how many versions do you have there?
[09:20:19] <rodinux> I am not sure, if I do a `ls -l /usr/local/n/versions/node/` I see `total 132` and 33 folders
[09:22:00] <rodinux> I think there is old apps that have been installed and removed and some node dependencies not removed...
[09:23:45] <rodinux> here the list of apps installed:
[09:23:47] <rodinux> id: coturn
id: dokuwiki
id: dokuwiki__2
id: dolibarr
id: etherpad_mypads
id: galene
id: gitea
id: gitlab
id: listmonk
id: matomo
id: my_webapp
id: my_webapp__2
id: my_webapp__3
id: my_webapp__4
id: my_webapp__5
id: my_webapp__6
id: nodered
id: phpldapadmin
id: phpmyadmin
id: phpservermon
id: redirect__2
id: redirect__3
id: redirect__4
id: roundcube
id: sogo
id: zabbix

[09:25:29] <rodinux> nodered need nodejs_version=16
[09:28:05] <rodinux> etherpad_mypads nodejs_version=14
[09:29:56] <rodinux> listmonk nodejs_version=16
[09:38:54] <orhtej2> likely you can review which versions are referenced in services (like [here](https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/nodered_ynh/blob/master/conf/systemd.service#L11)) and remove others but no guarantees. I feel like [ynh_install_nodejs](https://yunohost.org/oc/packaging_apps_helpers#ynh-install-nodejs) leaves minor versions dangling as there's no real way of telling who's using what
[09:40:35] <orhtej2> > you're trying to sideload wordpress onto yunohost instance, why not i.e. install brand new instance, back it up, download backup and surgically replace files inside?

The more I think about it the more transplanting content between WordPress installations looks impossiblish
[10:06:42] <barking bandicoot> Yep! I wiped all! Re-installed WP and then downloaded it and extracted it. I swapped in my wp-content. I then opened my config.php added in the new credentials and saved it to the YNH backup also. I re-tarred and uploaded the backup to IFM and mv it to where the backup in archives is to replace it. I then had to delete WP in order to restore it. It restored. I then with phpadmin deleted the tables and imported my tables. Opening WP brings me to the WP install setup - not my site. 😑
[10:11:12] <orhtej2> the part about `config.php` should be unnecessary, just replacing `wp-content/uploads` and `db.sql` should be enough assuming close enough plugins and version between donor and reciptient
[10:23:43] <rodinux> hello, so I have try this `npm cache clean -f`
[13:45:34] <ersin> Howdy folks;
[13:45:35] <ersin> I will install it first. There is a domain name. I want to use all the features of the domain name through yunohost. domain.com i will use it as my own website (wordpress). mail.domain.com postal service, etc.etc.. Now I have installed yunohost on the presentation. It was my first screen. here domain.com or yuno.domain.com . which one should I
[13:45:40] <ersin> write?
[13:47:12] <tituspijean> If you use YunoHost to for domain.com and all its subdomains, it is better to write domain.com as first domain.
[13:47:52] <Ersin Koray GONCE> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/qoqJIMQKUmnoqiazOupUvTvf
[13:48:39] <tituspijean> Mjolnir Archon: nooo
[13:49:03] <ersin> https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/qoqJIMQKUmnoqiazOupUvTvf/Screenshot_1.png
[13:49:27] <tituspijean> ersin: sorry, posting an image as first message is being considered as spamming by the antispam bot
[13:49:38] <tituspijean> You may join again with Matrix
[13:49:42] <ersin> Should I write domain.com here?
[13:50:14] <tituspijean> ersin: you have to write your own domain there yes
[13:50:55] <tituspijean> (If you have bought one. I see you use a translator, and the translation is unclear if you have bought one or not)
[13:51:01] <ersin> But then the Yunohost login screen will come on the home page.
[13:52:32] <tituspijean> (Post a text message first before pasting an image Ersin Koray GONCE)
[13:53:15] <rodinux> You can later redirect an app with a site as the default, for example a site on the url domain.com/site can be the app by default of the site and the url domain.com will redirect on domain.com/site
[13:54:15] <rodinux> the url of the portal sso will be domain.com/yunohost/sso
[13:54:57] <Ersin Koray GONCE> I will make a WordPress of Domain.com. Then I will write Domain.com to the place in the picture in the first installation.
[13:55:10] <tituspijean> damnit
[13:55:41] <Ersin Koray GONCE> I will make a WordPress of Domain.com. Then I will write Domain.com to the place in the picture in the first installation.
[13:56:04] <Ersin Koray GONCE> As you said then I write domain.com on this screen
[13:56:21] <tituspijean> Sorry ersin, your messages are still being deleted by the antispam... 🤦
[13:57:13] <ersin> I will make a WordPress of Domain.com. Then I will write Domain.com to the place in the picture in the first installation. As you said then I write domain.com on this screen
[13:57:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i have a stéphaniedemonaco feeling
[13:57:55] <ersin> I don't understand why my messages are deleted. It is deleted when I write on the element
[13:58:23] <tituspijean> Yes:
1. domain.com in the installation screen
2. install Wordpress on domain.com from webadmin
[13:59:13] <ersin> Thank you. Thank you very much
[14:06:45] <rodinux> but not on the root domain, it is possible install it on the root ?
[14:06:45] <tituspijean> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I tried
[14:06:46] <rodinux> ok, nice
[14:06:46] <tituspijean> !unban bans @ersingonce:matrix.org true
[14:06:46] <tituspijean> !mjolnir !unban bans @ersingonce:matrix.org true
[14:06:47] <tituspijean> yes it is 🙂 but it means you can install no other app on domain.com, only on its subdomains
[14:08:33] <Ersin Koray GONCE> thaks
[14:10:20] <Ersin Koray GONCE> i think he deleted my message again
[14:10:54] <tituspijean> yeah sorry... stay on libera.chat for the time being... I will investigate on how to unban you
[14:11:40] <tituspijean> Maranda maybe? 😇
[14:13:34] <Maranda> First post a picture?
[14:13:52] <tituspijean> yup 🙂 I unbanned them, but Mjölnir still deletes their messages
[14:14:39] <tituspijean> Is this valid? https://github.com/matrix-org/mjolnir/blob/main/docs/moderators.md
[14:14:46] <Maranda> unban issued... stand by ⚙️
[14:15:25] <Maranda> Yes it's valid but you need to be into the admin room
[14:15:30] <tituspijean> Do other admins of a room have that right, or is it only you?
[14:15:45] <tituspijean> ah ok, I tried chatting directly with the bot, to no avail
[14:20:46] <tituspijean> @ersingonce:matrix.org try again? 🙂
[14:21:17] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (they posted on the forum)
[14:24:42] <Ersin Koray GONCE> hi friends
[14:25:21] <Ersin Koray GONCE> i think it happened this time 🤣
[15:16:00] <t_otor> Hello
J’ai deux IPv6 sur un VPS, comment je peut dire à yunohost d’utiliser une IPv6 de manière spécifique
[15:21:45] <Ersin Koray GONCE> I did not fully understand the ipv6 incident. If I don't want to use it, can I ignore it. Is it an important setting? I have my own ipv4.
[15:25:24] <@err404:matrix.org> t_otor: les ipv6 en fe80 c'est du linklocal, c'est un peu comme des ipv4 en 192.168.x.y/16
les ipv6 en fdxx c'est pas des ipv6 publiques (à vérifier)
les ipv6 en 2xxx ce sont des ipv6 publiques
[15:26:18] <t_otor> > <@err404:matrix.org> t_otor: les ipv6 en fe80 c'est du linklocal, c'est un peu comme des ipv4 en 192.168.x.y/16
> les ipv6 en fdxx c'est pas des ipv6 publiques (à vérifier)
> les ipv6 en 2xxx ce sont des ipv6 publiques

Je fait du réseau et je suis un opérateur techniquement, tu m’apprend rien xD. Ce que je cherche, c’est que j’ai une IPv6 privée et une publique sur la même VM mais yunohost se focalise sur la privée
[15:26:45] <@err404:matrix.org> tu n'avais pas donné tous ces détails 😛
[15:27:29] <@err404:matrix.org> peut être qu'il ne t'affiche que la première qu'il voit, peut être que ce n'est pas si important (je connais assez peu yunohost)
[15:27:36] <t_otor> Spoiler : je peut pas retirer la v6 privée pour des raisons que « bah si je l’enlève, je pete des trucs jpp)
[15:28:14] <@err404:matrix.org> ok, donc il s'en sert pour de vrai...
[15:29:02] <t_otor> Ouais, et je sens que titouan va me dire : rekt, y’a pas l’option pour choisir l’ipv6 primaire
[15:32:02] <@err404:matrix.org> moi ce que j'ai sur certaines VM c'est qu'elles obtiennent des ipv6 en fdxxx, du coup ce ne sont pas des ip publiques, et du coup je les rajoute dans le rc.local avec un ip a a 2xxx:xxx de façon à avoir les ipv6 publiques que j'ai fait enregister dans les noms de domaine
[15:32:02] <@err404:matrix.org> moi ce que j'ai sur certaines VM c'est qu'elles obtiennent des ipv6 en fdxxx, du coup ce ne sont aps des ip publiques, et du coup je les rajoute dans le rc.local avec un ip a a 2xxx:xxx de façon à avoir les ipv6 publiques que j'ai fait enregister dans les noms de domaine
[15:32:21] <t_otor> Y’a pas un dhcp ou un truc qui te file une IPv6 SLAAC sur ce fameux subnet ?
[15:32:22] <@err404:matrix.org> oui c'est un bricolage crade 😛
[15:32:25] <t_otor> > <@err404:matrix.org> oui c'est un bricolage crade 😛

T’a pas vue mes bricolage
[15:33:38] <@err404:matrix.org> justement, je ne comprends pas pourquoi j'ai bien eu le serveur dhcp de la box qui m'avait attribué une ipv6 publique puis qui ne l'a pas fait ensuite (même pas une ipv6 publique différente, rien, si ce n'4est une ipv6 en fdxx)
[16:55:39] <lapineige> > <@tag:lostpod.me> I know Yahoo uses 554 when the recipient does not exist, I don't know for Mailo

it exists
[16:55:53] <lapineige> > Does `dovecot` or `rspamd` log indicate any failures?

oh yeah, I didn't think about checking theses
[19:25:07] <sheamee> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> yes it is 🙂 but it means you can install no other app on domain.com, only on its subdomains

I'm probably having this exact issue. Can somebody maybe help confirm that for me? I have a "my_webapp" static site installed on "mydomain.com" and also Synapse installed on "mydomain.com". This will not work? If so should the installer for Synapse not disallow or warn about this?
[19:29:45] <tituspijean> sheamee: Hello, it is by design, unfortunately. When an app like my_webapp is installed at the root of a domain, we have no way to know which paths it actually uses. That's why we disallow the installation of any other app on the same domain.

That's also why Synapse should be installed on its own subdomain "synapse.mydomain.com", and why it offers to set a Server name that can still be "mydomain.com"
[19:32:43] <tituspijean> However I think Synapse used to warn about it, or at least strongly suggest to use a subdomain, but it no longer does
[19:33:13] <sheamee> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> sheamee: Hello, it is by design, unfortunately. When an app like my_webapp is installed at the root of a domain, we have no way to know which paths it actually uses. That's why we disallow the installation of any other app on the same domain.
> That's also why Synapse should be installed on its own subdomain "synapse.mydomain.com", and why it offers to set a Server name that can still be "mydomain.com"

"That's why we disallow the installation of any other app on the same domain." indeed this would be my suggestion to **actually** disallow this. I don't see any mention or warning about this limitation on the Synapse install settings... Nor did it prevent me from doing it anyway leading me to frantically search for 30m to find by complete chance your message here about why this won't work!
[19:33:23] <tituspijean> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> However I think Synapse used to warn about it, or at least strongly suggest to use a subdomain, but it no longer does

I'll make sure we display a warning when the package is upgrade to the new packaging format
[19:34:26] <sheamee> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> I'll make sure we display a warning when the package is upgrade to the new packaging format

Ahh perfect! That is seemingly the best solution as far as I can tell!
[19:35:35] <sheamee> Thanks for confirming this for me and for you time! Appreciated!
[19:38:35] <tituspijean> I was about to yell "RTFM", but I discovered the documentation is highly unclear about it, and a warning is displayed by the webadmin *only* if an app lets you choose a path and you choose "/". Sorry about your 30 mins of search 😲
[19:38:46] <t_otor> tituspijean: y’a pas une possibilité d’indiquer à yunohost quel IPv6 utilisé ?
[19:40:53] <tituspijean> t_otor à YunoHost non, mais tu peux sûrement modifier ou ajouter un fichier de conf d'interface dans `/etc/network/interfaces.d`. Je te laisse consulter un tutoriel sur le *networking* pour Debian pour régler ça. Assure-toi de garder un accès clavier+écran à ton serveur, personnellement je me débrouille toujours pour tout faire péter au premier essai 😅
[19:41:16] <tituspijean> (je suis absolument pas un expert en IPv6)
[19:41:20] <t_otor> J’ai l’IPMI youpi (merci dell)
[19:41:50] <t_otor> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> (je suis absolument pas un expert en IPv6)

Ok, donc faut que j’arrive à null route toutes les requêtes de l’ipv6 foireuse
[19:41:52] <sheamee> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> I was about to yell "RTFM", but I discovered the documentation is highly unclear about it, and a warning is displayed by the webadmin *only* if an app lets you choose a path and you choose "/". Sorry about your 30 mins of search 😲

lmao any other time you'd be right and I just missed some info but this time in particular I did as much searching as I could and had to conclude there was something else up. No problem about the 30m searching because while true I still seemed to find the answer! :3
[19:43:11] <t_otor> La fact qui est « fun », c’est que c’est soit un tunnel HE IPv6, soit j’arrive à faire fonctionner cet IPv6 scaleway de mort (le slaac, j’aime pas)
[19:43:20] <t_otor> Les dédiée tiers, c’est pas lfun des fois
[19:43:49] <t_otor> (En même temps, quand on a l’habitude avec son réseau, c’est sur que ça aide pas ptdr)
[19:44:28] <tituspijean> je ne te suis pas *du tout*, peux-tu expliciter?
[21:23:33] <estela14> Je