Monday, May 22, 2023
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[06:04:32] <tituspijean> ßtrong chabot feeling up here ^
[08:48:35] <kito2049> Hello, everyone. I am new to YunoHost and Linux. YunoHost has been installed on my VPS, but when I run a diagnosis to check for issues, it finds many problems that I have never seen before, such as "Port 8095 is not reachable from the outside." How can I fix this?
Meanwhile, The Reverse DNS does not allowed by my VPS provider, if i ignore these three problems now it will something issues after i use it?
Please help me, Thank you all, guys!
[09:53:24] <retiolus2> Coucou, j'ai un problème, les firewall rules ne s'appliquent pas sur mon serveur YunoHost....
[09:54:08] <retiolus2>
[10:59:23] <tane> Welcome to Yunohost and Linux. I am not the most technically knowledgeable person here but I should be more than able to help with any problems you have as a beginner.

The Yunohost diagnosis app is very handy for picking problems although the 8095 port problem ( I assume you have wireguard install) is probably this bug ( If wireguard works, I would ignore it as according to that link (although a little old) it is caused by the diagnosis not checking for udp, just tcp ports being open in the firewall.

Reverse dns may be a bigger problem as it can cause email to be rejected as spam. If this causes a problem for you there are two options on the website,

1) An smtp relay

2) A vpn provider to route your yunohost traffic through another computer
[11:17:04] <> ça fonctionne bien, les ports 22.80,443 sont bien ouverts
[11:17:21] <> par contre ton nmap ne teste pas les autres ports
[13:57:01] <xananax> J'ai essayé d'installer wireguard, mais l'install a bloqué. Ensuite, un diagnostique m'a montré que mon address IPV6 n'était plus présente. J'ai suivi la procédure qui est décrite dans les docs (, mais après un `service networking restart`, je pouvais plus me connecter du tout. J'ai remis l'ancienne version du fichier, mais je peux toujours pas me connecter. Ni en ssh, ni rien. Je ne peux accéder à mon terminal qu'à travers l'émulateur du VPS que j'utilise, mais internet est complètement bloqué. Je diagnostique ça comment?
[14:01:10] <xananax> Aucun des scénarios listés ici ne s'applique:
[14:03:44] <xananax> - pas d'erreur de certifs
- nginx works
- ping ipv4 et ipv6 fonctionnent (depuis le serveur, mais pas de l'exterieur)
- serveur fonctionne, rien n'est expiré
[14:04:18] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> déjà commencer par faire `ip a` et `systemctl status networking`
[14:07:52] <xananax> Ah! `eth0` était `down`. Merci!
[14:08:09] <xananax> J'ai même pas pensé que ça pouvait arriver tout seul
[14:14:02] <xananax> Ok, je peux me connected, mais l'outil de diagnostique ( me dit ` The server does not have working IPv4.`
[14:15:01] <xananax> Ya un tas d'erreurs de config pour les domaines, mais je suppose que ça découle de ça
[14:20:33] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> sans doute, oui
[14:22:36] <xananax> Effectivement, `ping -6 mondomaine` passe, mais `ping -4 mondomaine` ne passe pas
[14:27:46] <xananax> Ok, on dirait que `dhclient -r eth0 && dhclient eth0` a fixé le truc partiellement, même si je comprends pas pourquoi, ni si j'aurais besoin de faire ça au prochain reboot ou pas. Je peux ping le ipv4 de l'extérieur maintenant, mais le diagnostic yunohost me dit toujours que j'ai pas d'ipv4
[14:29:43] <xananax> Ah si, fallait juste attendre. Le diagnostique est tout vert. Je me demande toujours ce qui s'est passé
[14:30:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> mouai en meme temps faire un `systemctl restart networking` c'est très yolo, surtout en étant connecté via SSH
[14:32:07] <xananax> J'ai juste suivi les instructions sur la page 😬. Mais pour sûr j'aurai dû généralement faire un backup avant d'installer wireguard
[14:32:34] <xananax> Mais en général yunohost fonctionne tellement bien, je me suis dit "allez ça va aller"
[14:32:51] <xananax> Et bon, à chaque fois que ces mots fatidiques sont prononcés...
[14:33:13] <xananax> Note que le problème est survenu avant mon network restart
[16:03:23] <yunowal> Salut! j'ai besoin d'aide pour la création d'un compte email svp ? || Hi! I need help for creating an email account plz?
[16:04:17] <tituspijean> yunowal Can you specify your question?
[16:10:58] <yunowal> tituspijean note that I'm transferring the domain and email to my new YNH server so I need that specific email address. thx
[16:12:13] <tituspijean> I think I am missing one message or two from you. I only got a message at 18:03 and 18:10 CEST.
Can you clarify what you want to do?
[16:16:37] <yunowal> tituspijean I want to create the email account webmaster@mydomain.tld but when I tried using the create a new user on YNH I got an error message saying that that email account is reserved to admins group only
[16:17:38] <tituspijean> Indeed. It means all emails directed to `webmaster@domain.tld` are dispatched to all users belonging to the `admins` group.
[16:17:56] <tituspijean> This is hardcoded into YunoHost and shall not be changed.
[16:20:22] <yunowal> oh that's too bad because I'm transferring my domain and site to this new server and I've been using the email for years
[16:20:47] <yunowal> tituspijean oh that's too bad because I'm transferring my domain and site to this new server and I've been using the email for years
[16:20:49] <tituspijean> Are you an admin on the new server? If so, there is no issue here.
[16:21:23] <yunowal> tituspijean yes I'm admin and only user
[16:21:46] <tituspijean> then you will receive emails directed to webmaster@... to your personal inbox
[16:24:27] <yunowal> tituspijean even if it's on my secondary domain? domain1.tld is where YNH is (main domain) and the email account I'm talking about is webmaster@domain2.tld
[16:28:22] <tituspijean> Yes, as long as you are in the admins group, you will receive all emails sent to `root@`/ `webmaster@`/`admins@`/`admin@`/`postmaster@`on your server, whatever the domain
[16:28:30] <tituspijean> (cannot find the whole list right now)
[16:28:59] <tituspijean> (and as long as the domain is registered in YunoHost's webadmin)
[16:34:31] <yunowal> tituspijean thank you very much for your help!
[16:50:21] <geoma[m]> Hi! If I set dynamic DNS then I should not add the DNS Zone entries suggested by yunohost, as they are not for dynamic DNS, is that right? (I mean the ; Basic ipv4/ipv6 records, that point to my temporal IP address
[16:54:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> uuuuh yes you do need the basic IPv4 / IPv6 records ...
[16:55:27] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> never understood what people really mean by "Dynamic DNS" as if that's something different from DNS ... to me Dynamic DNS just means "the A / AAAA records are updated automatically and regularly" ...
[16:56:14] <geoma[m]> So I sshould add them anyway, as "A" records, even if I have the " A+ dynamic dns records"
[16:56:16] <geoma[m]> Right?
[16:56:36] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> what is "A+ dynamic dns records" ? x_x
[17:01:16] <ynhuser> huhu, mit wem hab ich denn heute morgen geschrieben? '=D
[17:03:37] <geoma[m]> > <>

is a category inside my domain and dynamic DNS provider, namecheap
[17:09:02] <geoma[m]> * is a category inside my domain and dynamic DNS provider, namecheap
[17:12:21] <geoma[m]> I mean, it doesn't have much sense writing a DNS recordon my domain name provider with my IP address knowing that this IP address will be changed in a while
[19:46:16] <tao> ahoy, how do i edit drupal's php values? tried in /etc/php/8.0/fpm/pool.d/drupal.conf but doesn't work and could find where to in nginx conf
[20:11:51] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> what do you mean by "php values"
[21:17:45] <stevenew> Hi there, i will try to use yunohost as a in house server without connection to the Internet.
[21:17:46] <stevenew> Inside the Admin Doc under "Keep it simple" the text behind the first bullet is "do not try to run YunoHost in a context where you cannot have control over ports 80 and 443 (or no internet at all); " The comment in brackets says i should not
[21:17:47] <stevenew> use yunohost in the manner i want. Can someone explain why i need a Internet-Connection for Servies wich doesn't need internet ?
[21:40:17] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> because that's the way we design YunoHost, and YunoHost isn't designed to be ran without ether connectivity, so if you do, you're on your own and we don't provide support for that use case
[21:44:17] <stevenew> ok, i want no support - i cant understand why the system need internet connection for p.a. a CalDav Applikation
[21:50:43] <geoma[m]> should I create a muc subdomain in my DNS zone on my domain name provider? or that is not needed?
[21:50:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it's needed for XMPP-related features
[21:52:50] <stevenew> Aleks (he/him/il/lui) Sorry, maybe i am a not a Mainstream User . But i want no access to my Data by Internet. Not for me and not for others. In simple words "I want my own inhouse data isle - no XMPP, no bitcoin not any App that needs an internet connection". So i understand i have to block all traffic comming from yunohost by my firewall - ok, i did
[21:52:51] <stevenew> it. So i see i have to isolate yunohost Thanks for helping
[21:53:57] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> usually life is more complicated than just "I want to be super-secure so i'm just gonna not expose my server to the internet at all"
[22:00:24] <padubi2000> salut. Il y a des francophones dans la salle ?
[22:00:30] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> oui
[22:01:42] <padubi2000> parfait . Petite galere bien pénible de boot sur un raspberry. J'arrive pas a lui donner le mot de passe de root
[22:02:46] <stevenew> Alekshehimillui[Yes, you are right. But i want a isle for my family where in a Wiki is shown how to ....., to play her own music, to mangage her contact, to manage her calendar and so on. So the doesn't use bitcoin etc. For XMPP every has a own user and so on. Simply i am not for a "egg-laying woolly milk sow" i want it seperated. Maybe u
[22:02:47] <stevenew> understand i am 67 years and a kind of a other gerneration. The unconcern with data isn't mine. I always say "Sombode prays to mekka, others to cupertino and the next to mountain view and so on" I am not any of them at all. Greetiongs from Germany. Again, thanks for helping. Time sleep for old men.
[22:02:53] <padubi2000> il est en mode rescue et me demande le mdp de root. En fait je n'arrive pas à savoir si ce mdp est celui du 1er utilisateur...
[22:04:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> c'est le mdp du tout premier user que tu as créé lors de la postinstall
[22:04:54] <padubi2000> j'ai du lui tapper une bonne 50taine de fois mais il n'en veut pas. Seul le control+D fonctionne mais il me le redemande une nouvelle fois.
[22:05:36] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> en vrai je m'demande bien pourquoi il te demanderais le mdp root si t'es en mode rescue ...
[22:06:32] <padubi2000> emergency mode. Désolé
[22:06:57] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> oui oui j'ai bien compris ce qu'est le mode rescue, mais je vois pas pourquoi il te demanderait le mdp de la machine qui est rescued...
[22:07:26] <padubi2000> Je lui est collé un clavier azerty et dans mon mdp il y a des chiffre et des poin-virgule... Ahhh, je crise un peu
[22:09:32] <padubi2000> mdp demandé pour avoir accés à la maintenance. J'avais rajouté une ligne dans /etc/fstab et j'ai rebooté et depuis, il ne redemarre qu'en emercency mode.
[22:10:23] <padubi2000> c'est pas le mode rescue, c'est bien le emergency mode dans lequel il se trouve
[22:10:32] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> comprends toujours pas pourquoi il demanderait le mdp root pour avoir "accès à la maintenance" ... si y'a bien une feature intéressante du rescue mode, c'est justement de pouvoir reset le mdp root quand tu l'as perdu
[22:10:36] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> c'est quoi la différence entre rescue et emergency ?
[22:10:59] <geoma[m]> > <@Alekswag[m]> it's needed for XMPP-related features

ok but no need for A record, right? just a cname record?
[22:11:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> idk, whatever is recommended by Yunohost's diagnosis / documentation
[22:12:08] <padubi2000> la, je suis dans un terminal, pas de serveur graphic, avec un prompt:
[22:12:09] <padubi2000> give root password for maintenance:
[22:12:56] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> mouai ben dans ce cas je démarerais en tweakant le grub avec `init=/bin/bash`
[22:17:47] <padubi2000> il n'arrive pas à monter mon fstab car il est défaillant. Ok. mais du coup, il me dit "[DEPEND] Dependency failed for Local File System" et "[DEPEND] Dependency failed for Mounts /proc with hidepid=2"
[22:18:12] <padubi2000> et comment tu tweak le grub ?
[22:18:27] <padubi2000> j'ai n'ai pas accés au prompt; il attends le mdp... Pfff
[22:20:07] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[22:20:20] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> m'enfin si /etc/fstab est pas bon ptete ça te sauvera pas
[22:21:44] <padubi2000> je n'arrive pas à lui donner sonéa"z'e(r§tèy!ouiokl;erfd de mot de passe. Poirtant j'en ai fait des sudo mais c'était en remote par ssh...