Tuesday, May 23, 2023
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11 12

[06:13:44] <c014> Are there any plans for a docker version of yunohost? yuno is great at managing domains and e-mail, but the applications is a bit limited
[06:19:13] <tituspijean> c014:

- if you want to install YunoHost with Docker, no.

- if you want to install docker containers and integrate them as apps in YunoHost with a Redirect app in proxy mode, that works.
[06:54:06] <c014> Ah, the latter is something I would like, is there a guide for this
[07:07:01] <tao> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> what do you mean by "php values"

meaning admin values - memory limit and execution time mostly
[07:09:33] <tao> > <@nomads-land:matrix.org> ahoy, how do i edit drupal's php values? tried in /etc/php/8.0/fpm/pool.d/drupal.conf but doesn't work and could find where to in nginx conf

meaning admin values - memory limit and execution time mostly
[07:49:06] <saebaryo.xyz> Hey Team, my server has only 16GB of Flash memory and I am looking for an easy way to find what folders take most of the space. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
[08:05:15] <c014> Is there a common bug with portainer not being able to retrieve environment in docker on yunohost
[08:16:45] <miro5001> > <@saebaryo.xyz:matrix.org> Hey Team, my server has only 16GB of Flash memory and I am looking for an easy way to find what folders take most of the space. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

sudo ncdu / -x
[09:19:23] <tao> > <@nomads-land:matrix.org> meaning admin values - memory limit and execution time mostly

anyone can help with drupal conf please?
[10:11:59] <yvanq> Hello, I have suddenly no more access to the webadmin of yunohost, version 11.19, it sticks on the login page, I can access through ssh. Any suggestion ?
[10:16:28] <yvanq> in ssh, if I enter `yunohost tools update`, answer is `Une autre commande YunoHost est actuellement en cours, nous attendons qu'elle se termine avant de démarrer celle là`...

[10:30:33] <tufek> > <@yvanq:matrix.org> Hello, I have suddenly no more access to the webadmin of yunohost, version 11.19, it sticks on the login page, I can access through ssh. Any suggestion ?

ça m'est arrivé une fois il y a longtemps, j'avais opté pour une solution "sale" du genre `sudo lsof -c yunohost #pour checker quels processus sont utilisés par yunohost` puis un bon vieux `sudo kill -9 <PID yunohost> #à adapter en fonction des PID trouvés par lsof ou un $(pidof yunohost)`
[10:34:43] <tufek> je m'en étais tiré à bon compte, il doit sans-doute y avoir moyen de casser pas mal de trucs avec la 2e commande è_é
[10:38:37] <yvanq> la réponse à la première commande est
j'hésite à aller plus loin, mon serveur m'est indispensable ces jours ci...
[10:45:59] <yvanq> est-ce qu'un redémarrage peut solutionner ?
[10:49:16] <@err404:matrix.org> oui, mais si le serveur fonctionne encore, c'est peut être bien de ne pas rebooter maintenant
[10:49:32] <@err404:matrix.org> tu ne sais pas dans quel état sera le serveur au prochain reboot
[10:49:56] <yvanq> c'est sûr
[10:53:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <@yvanq:matrix.org> la réponse à la première commande est
> https://paste.yunohost.org/ucukewatuw.pl
> j'hésite à aller plus loin, mon serveur m'est indispensable ces jours ci...

on voit qu'il y a la commande "upgrade hubzilla" en cours
[10:54:10] <yvanq> ça met un temps de dingue...
[11:51:19] <tao> Aleks (he/him/il/lui): pourra tu m'aider a configurer les php admin values pour drupal stp? visiblement les 128 par default ne suffit pas et kill quasi toute installation de modules, merci bcp d'avance
[12:01:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> je connais pas du tout drupal et pas specialement php non plus, je ne sais pas ce que tu veux dire par "php admin values", ni "les 128 par defaut" ni c'est quoi les "modules" :| ...
[12:26:10] <tao> alors excuse et merci pour l'attention:) php_admin_value[max_execution_time] =
php_admin_value[max_input_time] = 300
[12:28:36] <tao> edited the fpm/pool.d/d* conf file but memory limit still defaults to 128m
[12:40:05] <eric_G> tao: a new version is available for Drupal (version 10 and `upload_max_filesize`set to 500M): https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/drupal_ynh/tree/version-2
[13:00:59] <tao> > <@ericg:matrix.org> tao: a new version is available for Drupal (version 10 and `upload_max_filesize`set to 500M): https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/drupal_ynh/tree/version-2

awesome! merci Eric:)
[13:06:51] <yvanq> > <@yvanq:matrix.org> ça met un temps de dingue...

Résolu après 2h00 de mise à jour de hubzilla...
[13:31:07] <tao> > <@ericg:matrix.org> tao: a new version is available for Drupal (version 10 and `upload_max_filesize`set to 500M): https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/drupal_ynh/tree/version-2

so upgrade seem to work well, tho updates report offers update to 9.5.10-dev - and memory_limit is still 128m. how do i increase that?
[14:02:21] <eric_G> tao: can you retry to upgrade?
[14:03:23] <eric_G> with `--force` option
[14:04:39] <eric_G> it fails during tests...
[14:04:52] <eric_G> so don't upgrade
[14:10:17] <tao> > <@ericg:matrix.org> with `--force` option

i have - on a clean instance the upgrade passed. on another with enabled modules upgrade faild https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/opoyitecud
[16:15:28] <yvanq> After updating hubzilla on yunohost, I have this message now.
<Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.1.0".>
[16:27:02] <tituspijean> yvanq which command brings you this error?
[16:29:56] <tituspijean> anyhow, I guess it's because you call composer the wrong way. The right way is `php8.1 composer.phar ...`
[16:30:26] <tituspijean> (to be solved soon-ish with https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/pull/1656)
[16:31:44] <ctarx> Hey everyone,

I'm having trouble updating YunoHost, and I could use some help. When I try to update, I get the following error message:

"E: The repository 'http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:languages:crystal/Debian_Unstable Release' no longer has a Release file."

Has anyone else encountered this issue? If so, do you have any suggestions on how to fix it?
[16:32:38] <orhtej2> > <@ctarx:matrix.org> Hey everyone,
> I'm having trouble updating YunoHost, and I could use some help. When I try to update, I get the following error message:
> "E: The repository 'http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:languages:crystal/Debian_Unstable Release' no longer has a Release file."
> Has anyone else encountered this issue? If so, do you have any suggestions on how to fix it?

[16:41:26] <ctarx> It seems that the repository causing the issue is being used in the file `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/crystal.list.`.
[16:45:04] <ctarx> I temporarily commented out that repository.
[16:48:13] <ctarx> I think Invidious uses Crystal.
[16:48:22] <tane> Apparently the crystal repos have moved (https://crystal-lang.org/2021/04/30/new-apt-and-rpm-repositories/) which is needed by invidious? (https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/invidious_ynh/issues/34)
[16:50:13] <ctarx> hmm but I have a new repo address not an old one at bintray
[16:51:27] <ctarx> Anyway, I know what's causing the issue. Thanks for your help.
[16:58:39] <ctarx> There's an outage at download.opensuse.org.
[17:26:44] <yvanq> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> yvanq which command brings you this error?

it's not a command, it's when I try to open hubzilla.
[18:22:53] <geoma[m]> Hi! I just installed jitsi and it seems to work ok except for:
1) The Jitsi Meet android App won't connect to the room (browsers will, both on desktop and on mobile)
2) There is no video whatsoever. Just audio and chat.

Any ideas where/what to check?

[18:25:26] <Claus> > <@geoma[m]:libera.chat> Hi! I just installed jitsi and it seems to work ok except for:
> 1) The Jitsi Meet android App won't connect to the room (browsers will, both on desktop and on mobile)
> 2) There is no video whatsoever. Just audio and chat.
> Any ideas where/what to check?
> thanks!

Jitsi Android App doesn't work for me either. Seems to be a sort of bug but nobody was able to help so far. Video's no problem for me. Are there any hints in the logs?
[18:32:35] <geoma[m]> I'm not sure what log to check
[18:32:49] <geoma[m]> in /var/log ?
[18:40:53] <Claus> The jitsi logs you can access via the yunohost admin panel.
[18:47:16] <geoma[m]> those logs only have info about installation and configs... not app use
[18:47:24] <geoma[m]> and apparently there is no error
[18:51:26] <geoma[m]> now yunohost system diagnostics shows port 4443 and 10000 are not reachable from the outside! (they were just a while ago, my ISP box has them opened)
[18:51:32] <geoma[m]> I think this might be it
[18:59:08] <geoma[m]> but both yunohost firewall and the router have the port open.... mmmm
[19:02:41] <geoma[m]> PORT STATE SERVICE
4443/tcp closed pharos
10000/tcp filtered snet-sensor-mgmt
4443/udp open|filtered pharos
10000/udp closed ndmp
[19:18:49] <geoma[m]> seems like my ISP box is not opening the ports as it should
[19:51:13] <Claus> Okay. You can access the logs via admin > tools > logs.
[20:09:04] <orhtej2> > <@ctarx:matrix.org> Hey everyone,
> I'm having trouble updating YunoHost, and I could use some help. When I try to update, I get the following error message:
> "E: The repository 'http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:languages:crystal/Debian_Unstable Release' no longer has a Release file."
> Has anyone else encountered this issue? If so, do you have any suggestions on how to fix it?

come to think about it the link reported as error is indeed wrong, however https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/languages:/crystal/Debian_11/ is OK. What's more if you add `:` after `crystal` a whole new slew of options appears, none of which seem to ship crystal deb v1.8.2
[20:09:12] <orhtej2> nice solid project