Wednesday, May 24, 2023
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[17:20:04] <Philipp Jost> yo, i have the exact same problem as described here
“Volume group “system” not found

Yunohost iso amd64 installed on an old Thinkpad T430s
I selected the last option encrypted LVM.
[17:21:02] <Philipp Jost> unfortunately topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.
[17:21:53] <phil> i found this
which sounds somewhat related .. but i don't think i can liveboot and chroot with the yunohost install iso, right?
[17:22:40] <phil> is this a frequent thing with a easy fix? since i pretty much followed the standard installation steps 🤔
[17:23:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Naively this sounds related to the encrypted volume not mounting up properly
[17:24:24] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> "a frequent thing" -> idk, not everybody choose to encrypt their entire disk. I would be hopeful that encryption would be straightforward these days but ofc this always add one additional reason for things to not just work
[17:25:00] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and since it's a kinda low-level thing, we don't really know how to help with this on YunoHost, YunoHost doesn't really has anything to do with wether or not the disk is encrypted
[17:25:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> our install ISO is just a modified version of Debian's install ISO so we don't really handle "ourselves" whatever this option does
[17:26:11] <phil> mmmh i see
[17:26:19] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> naively you can try to install with the official Debian ISO, maybe it works better idk
[17:26:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and then if successful, just run `curl | bash`, which is pretty much equivalent to installing using our ISO anyway
[17:26:43] <phil> maybe i just go through the install and only encrypt a media partition later or smth
[17:29:17] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> there are multiple threads discussing that kind of error accross the internet but hmpf the solutions are not straightforward and involve tinkering with LVM which is a big "meh"
[17:29:38] <phil> yeea trying to avoid exactly that xD
[17:29:55] <phil> flashing Debian 11 onto a usb Stick now :)
[17:30:50] <phil> funnily enough tho i had yunohost installed previously on the exact same machine some years ago and also used the yunohost iso .. and iirc it worked out of the box
[17:32:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes, that's the classic myth of "computers are supposed to just keep working if I don't touch anything, right ? riiiiight ?"
[17:33:25] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> except they are a gazillion reasons for stuff to "spontaneously" stop working
[17:35:03] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and the more time passes, the truer(?) this becomes, because so many stuff now rely one way or another to using some internet service
[17:35:22] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> e.g. you want to deploy some application ? Enjoy your `npm install` downloading half of the internet
[17:35:47] <phil> hehe fair enough
[17:35:53] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and oh - surprise, that shit worked yesterday but doesn't work anymore because for some reason some dependency-of-dependency-of-dependency-of-dependency got updated and breaks some piece of code somewhere
[18:33:56] <judith> hello
[19:52:47] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> excusez si je me trompe de canal mais j ai besoin d aide sur mon yunohost: ma partition boot est pleine et ca m empeche de faire les maj... quels fichiers supprimer dedans pour debloquer la situation ? >>> je vai poster une liste de mes fichiers presents dessus
[20:00:32] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> lequel supprimer entre initrd.img- initrd.img-5.10.0-21 et initrd.img- par exemple , pour ne rien abimer, avant de faire la maj ?
[20:02:14] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> -amd64
[20:03:03] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> archive gzip
[20:04:57] <> wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk: tu commence par faire un reboot
[20:05:15] <> ensuite tu va regarder quel est le noyau sur lequel tu tourne `uname -a`
[20:05:43] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> quand je fais un reboot il reboot correctement, jen ai fait plusieur reboot depuis
[20:05:46] <> et tu pourra supprimer les autres versions de noyau
[20:06:05] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> ok je regarde
[20:06:43] <> le reboot va t'assurer d'être sur un noyau actuel
[20:09:55] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> ok. alor je peu supprimer visiblement le 21 et le 16 puis je aussi supprimer le fichier vmlinuz-5.10.0-16-amd64 ainsi que le vmlinuz-5.10.0-21-amd64 sans rien casser ?
[20:11:38] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> jai pas encore fait quoi que ce soit j attends les bon conseil je vous ecoute
[20:15:09] <> oui, les vmlinux qui sont associés aussi
[20:16:01] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> ok. je vous remercie beaucoup de votre ecoute. j essaie
[20:18:38] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> la maj est en cours via le vous tiens au courant
[20:34:40] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> alors mon erreur est la suivante: lors de l apt upgrade : gzip:stdout: no space left on device e: mkinitramfs failure gzip 1 update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img- with 1 dpkg erreur de traitement du paquet initramfs-tools entre parentheses --configure : installed initramfs-tools package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
[20:43:14] <> tu peux faire un `apt clean` et recommencer
[20:43:25] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> ok
[20:43:48] <> mais il y a peu de chance que ça suffise
[20:43:54] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> erf
[20:43:57] <rodinux> et `apt auto-remove`
[20:44:02] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> ok
[20:44:17] <rodinux>
[20:45:50] <rodinux> tu peux supprimer avec des `rm` si besoin...
[20:59:23] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> ok. j ai reboot , puis fait apt update et apt upgrade et c tout bon. great!!!! pour combien de temps, je ne le sais pas mais pour le moment tous les paquets sont a jour!!! :) :)
[20:59:48] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> vous etes trop cool
[20:59:52] <wilow04-guilhem-nimyz-hsnk-osk> merci