Sunday, September 03, 2023
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13 14

[08:31:43] <CorruptO> > Hi everyone, pi-hole is not in the applications anymore, what gives ? try testing branch at the bottom of the page, works for me on ancient 32bit netbook :D
[09:21:48] <ctarx> Guys, for a few days now, I've been having trouble updating my DynDNS address with Yunohost using 'yunohost dyndns update --force.' It's returning an error. Any suggestions on what else I can try? I've seen a few topics on the forum, but nothing has worked so far.
[09:36:00] <yunohelper> Hi! To help us volunteers help you, read about <a href="">how to ask for help</a>.<br />Notably, if you are getting an error, share its <em>full</em> log by pasting here the link to the page created by the YunoPaste buttons.<br />Thank you for you patience, and thank you for using YunoHost!
[09:41:03] <ctarx>

Yes, I wrote a post on the forum and here with the logs.
[09:41:38] <tituspijean> Feel free to reference the post here too.
[09:42:08] <ctarx>
[10:18:18] <Mike> > <> I found pyload as an application for downloading files via URL in yunohost, but there is another application "AriaNg" much more powerful and easy to use, it is under free license and coded only in html and javascript (so very easy to install)

The real download application missing from the catalog is Jdownloader , more powerful and complete than all the others combined!
[10:19:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> cf
[10:29:33] <mavric34> > <> The real download application missing from the catalog is Jdownloader , more powerful and complete than all the others combined!

Hello, I know this application, it has a very complete web interface but it's not totally free
[10:36:28] <Mike> mavric34It's true. But it is possible to disable the adware during installation, and there are also alternative Jdownloader installers without the adware.
[10:37:22] <Mike> This is because the adware is integrated by the developers to finance jdownloader and the cost of the server. but it can be removed.
[10:39:51] <Mike> I agree that it's not a good way to finance the project at all, and integrating adware doesn't contribute to JDownloader good image.
[10:48:55] <mavric34> Mike Apparently the adware is only present in the Windows version according to the developers. The Linux version of JDownloader does not have the adware (except in flatpak)
[11:07:14] <Mike> Indeed, adware is totally absent on Linux versions of JDownloader
[11:09:02] <Mike> So this application seems to be the best choice for a complete download system with plugins, scheduling, conversion...
[11:12:50] <mavric34> I'll abandon the AriaNg installation project then. jdownloader seems to be a better alternative to pyload now that we know that adware is not present in the Linux version.
[12:52:47] <Mike> mavric34There is a yunohost version of JDownloader, but strangely it is no longer maintained
[13:03:07] <mavric34> > <> mavric34There is a yunohost version of JDownloader, but strangely it is no longer maintained

Do you think this version can work?
[13:06:26] <Mike> This port of JDownloader to yunohost is 5 years old, using an older version of the tool. I don't recommend installing it, as it may cause damage or package conflicts on your server!
[13:13:59] <lapineige> Yes, considering how old it is, it has to be remade almost entirely.
If the way this software is installed didn't change much, it's probably not that much work (redoing it in packaging v2 requires a lot less work than 5 years ago, where most helpers didn't exist), at least it's not that difficult as you "only" have to rewrite a model to a leaner, simpler syntax.
[13:15:47] <lapineige> Taking a quick look at it, appart from the fact that is uses a non standard Yunohost directory ( opt instead of /var/www), it doesn't seem difficult to adapt
[13:17:24] <lapineige> mavric34: that could be a good opportunity to learn how to package an app for Yunohost, if you wish 🙂
(some guidance could be provided in if the documentation and the *example_ynh* app are not enough - no promise, as always 😉)
[13:23:10] <mavric34> Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think I could do it, as I don't master the GIT tool very well !
[13:23:59] <lapineige> The git stuff can be handled appart from the rewrite
[13:25:11] <lapineige> To put it simply (it's not so simple as you need to test your changes on a regular basis to know where you're going), you could rewrite the whole package (it's only text files) appart from github, and then give us those files and we put them online.
[13:27:14] <lapineige> Oh by the way do we have a way to reference somewhere _too old packages that exist but can't be considered as working_ ? (I hope you see what I mean)
I mean Jdownloader is no in the wishlist, because a package exists, but it's technically not really a working package.
[13:30:18] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> some apps in that situation are in the apps.toml, flagged as notworking, but aint the case for jdownloader for some reason, maybe liberodark never added it to the catalog, he had a tendency to yolo-package stuff and never publish or test anything except on his machine
[13:30:41] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> we mentionned a few times the idea of having a graveyard.json/toml tho
[13:31:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but from the user perspective, the rule of thumb is that if you're looking for an app, you should be looking at the actual catalog, not github
[13:33:19] <lapineige> > but aint the case for jdownloader for some reason

Note : I didn't even try it, maybe it's working. (How can we trigger the CI without openning a PR ?)
[13:33:50] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it's 4 or 5 years old and coded by liberodark so i would very much assume it is not
[13:34:44] <lapineige> > <> but from the user perspective, the rule of thumb is that if you're looking for an app, you should be looking at the actual catalog, not github

yes, but this would be a packager perspective.
Like you have the wishlist page, there could be a "long broken app that needs attention" auto-generated page, maybe with all apps failing in CI for more than 1 year for instance.
[13:35:10] <lapineige> Oh by the way do we have a way to reference somewhere _too old packages that exist but can't be considered as working_ ? (I hope you see what I mean)
I mean Jdownloader is not in the wishlist, because a package exists, but it's technically not really a working package.
[13:36:13] <lapineige> That would avoid the burden of maintaining it, and we would expose that page to packager and maybe users looking at the wishlist, it might interest some (and maybe give then some motivation to start packaging, but not from ground-level ?)
[13:36:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yeah the dashboard does have a "red flag icon" in front of long-term broken apps (for example : mailman, but i see a surprising amount of apps in that situation right now)
[13:36:51] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but it's listed because it's flagged as "working"
[13:37:36] <lapineige> Do we have list of "non-working" flagged apps ?
[13:37:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> stuff that gets flagged as "notworking" is simply ignored because we can't test these forever, they're just known to not work ... but maybe what you mean is "having a list of every repo in the yunohost-apps org which is not flagged as working in the catalog", and for these ... well there's like 50~100 i guess
[13:38:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> depends what you mean ... there are apps that are listed in the catalog, but flagged as notworking (just Ctrl+F notworking in ), and then there are apps which are not even listed in the catalog in the first place
[13:52:48] <lapineige> Yeah I was thinking about something more like the dashboard than a manual Ctrl+F (which is very poorly "readable" compared to the whishlist for instance).

> but maybe what you mean is "having a list of every repo in the yunohost-apps org which is not flagged as working in the catalog",

Partly, it could be any app that is not working but not flagged as such, I'm unsure how many apps are in that situation.

> and then there are apps which are not even listed in the catalog in the first place

Which is an higher trouble on its own 😅
[13:56:22] <lapineige> Considering it again, I'm unsure of the actual benefits of such a list, as an user it won't help _that much_ to know there is an existing package which needs fixes, as a packager I'm unsure one would use that list instead of "randomly" searching for a non-working flagged app in the app list.
Maybe the real benefit would be to avoid doubles between the wishlist and the app list 🤔, I don't know if that would encourage people to get into packaging 🤔
(for my part when I search for an app it's always with `appname_ynh` on a search engine as it retrieves github repositories, and then figure out what's its status, but I'm experienced with the packaging so I know it works that way…)
[14:01:50] <lapineige> Well, I'll stop flooding about app packaging here, sorry about the long digression 😅
[19:54:54] <nalla22> Bonsoir, j'ai un problème pour ajouter radarr à jellyseerr, il me demande de sélectionner un dossier racine, mais le menu déroulant ne me montre aucun dossier. D'après le support officiel de Jellyseerr, il s'agirait d'un problème de permission dû à l'empaquetage de l'application !
[19:55:19] <nalla22> Il est également pas possible de retirer des médias de la Watchlist. Message d'erreur :`Something went wrong try again.`
[20:02:51] <tituspijean> nalla22: essaie `sudo usermod -a -G multimedia jellyseerr`. Tu auras peut-être besoin de redémarrer son service.
[20:08:08] <nalla22> > <> nalla22: essaie `sudo usermod -a -G multimedia jellyseerr`. Tu auras peut-être besoin de redémarrer son service.

J'ai bien ajouté Jellyseerr au groupe multimedia et redémarrer le service, mais les mêmes problèmes sont toujours présents !
[20:12:52] <nalla22> Pourtant le test indique que Jellyseerr se connecte bien sur Radarr, mais jellyseerr empêche l'ajout du serveur radarr si aucun répértoire racine n'est sélectionné.
[20:13:35] <tituspijean> Est-ce que Radarr est lui-même déjà configuré?
[20:13:51] <tituspijean> (je n'ai jamais réussi à faire fonctionner Jellyseerr :) )
[20:14:52] <nalla22> Radarr est installé, mais aucune configuration n'y a été faite
[20:15:56] <nalla22> C'est dans radarr qu'il faut créer ce fameux dossier racine ?
[20:17:11] <tituspijean> Essaie donc. 🤞
[20:30:51] <nalla22> Effectivement, le dossier racine se configure dans Radarr "Paramètres --> Gestion des Médias --> Dossiers Racine"
[20:32:43] <nalla22> J'ai donc pu ajouter le serveur à Jellyseerr, mais ça n'explique pas les médias qui ne peuvent pas être supprimé de la Watchlist !
[20:39:16] <tituspijean> > <> Il est également pas possible de retirer des médias de la Watchlist. Message d'erreur :`Something went wrong try again.`

je suis sûr qu'il y a un log qui pourrait nous aider.
[20:39:36] <tituspijean> dans la console du navigateur ou les logs du service, peut-être?
[20:40:16] <nalla22> Oui je vais regarder ça, pourtant je n'ai pas trop touché aux paramétrages de l'application
[20:40:44] <nalla22> Dommage que Jackett ne soit pas répértorié comme fonctionnelle dans le catalogue, apparement Radarr et Sonarr dépendent fortement de cette dernière
[20:41:22] <tituspijean> > <> Dommage que Jackett ne soit pas répértorié comme fonctionnelle dans le catalogue, apparement Radarr et Sonarr dépendent fortement de cette dernière

étant utilisateur des deux dernières, je peux t'assurer qu'elles vivent très bien sans :)
[20:47:46] <nalla22> > <> je suis sûr qu'il y a un log qui pourrait nous aider.

Voici ce qu'indiquent les logs après une tentative de suppression d'un média de la watchlist Jellyseerr

(Seule la requête post s'affiche après la tentative de suppression)
[22:09:09] <sebian> Coucou bonsoir 👋
On va prochainement fermer LDN, et il reste encore les ressources de /, vous savez si c'est toujours utilisé ? Ou on archive ?
Pour référence
[22:14:35] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> arf ouai c'est sans doute un peu utilisé
[22:14:52] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> j'imagine que on (le projet YunoHost) peut reprendre la gestion sans trop de probleme
[23:33:11] <nalla22> Prowlarr refuse de se connecter à Sonarr en renvoyant le message d'erreur suivant : `Prowlarr URL is invalid: HTTP request failed: [400:BadRequest] [GET] at [http://localhost:8097/api/v3/indexer/schema]`
[23:33:42] <nalla22> ```
NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpException: HTTP request failed: [400:BadRequest] [GET] at [http://localhost:8097/api/v3/indexer/schema]
at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.ExecuteAsync(HttpRequest request) in ./Prowlarr.Common/Http/HttpClient.cs:line 128
at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.Execute(HttpRequest request) in ./Prowlarr.Common/Http/HttpClient.cs:line 137
at NzbDrone.Core.Applications.Sonarr.SonarrV3Proxy.Execute[TResource](HttpRequest request) in ./Prowlarr.Core/Applications/Sonarr/SonarrV3Proxy.cs:line 201
at NzbDrone.Core.Applications.Sonarr.SonarrV3Proxy.GetIndexerSchema(SonarrSettings settings) in ./Prowlarr.Core/Applications/Sonarr/SonarrV3Proxy.cs:line 79
at NzbDrone.Core.Applications.Sonarr.Sonarr.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.<BuildSonarrIndexer>b__0() in ./Prowlarr.Core/Applications/Sonarr/Sonarr.cs:line 219
at NzbDrone.Common.Cache.Cached`1.Get(String key, Func`1 function, Nullable`1 lifeTime) in ./Prowlarr.Common/Cache/Cached.cs:line 99
at NzbDrone.Core.Applications.Sonarr.Sonarr.BuildSonarrIndexer(IndexerDefinition indexer, DownloadProtocol protocol, Int32 id) in ./Prowlarr.Core/Applications/Sonarr/Sonarr.cs:line 219
at NzbDrone.Core.Applications.Sonarr.Sonarr.Test() in ./Prowlarr.Core/Applications/Sonarr/Sonarr.cs:line 52
<h1>Bad Request (Invalid host)</h1>
[23:35:15] <nalla22> Pourtant Prowlarr se connecte parfaitement à Radarr. Jellyseerr se connecte également à Radarr et Sonarr sans problème !
[23:36:26] <nalla22> Il seble qu'il y est une incompatibilité entre les deux versions Prowlarr et Sonarr disponiblent dans le catalogue
[23:39:09] <nalla22> (Je précise qu'aucune erreur n'a été commise lors de la saisie des données de connexion)
[23:45:34] <nalla22> Il semble qu'il y est une incompatibilité entre les deux versions Prowlarr et Sonarr disponiblent dans le catalogue