Saturday, September 09, 2023
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13 14

[06:17:59] <Sébastien> Bonsoir.
Si quelqu'un peut me dire pourquoi je n'arrive pas a utiliser un client wireguard avec un dimaine.dyndns en, je suis preneur.
Merci beaucoup
[06:17:59] <Sébastien> Bonsoir.
Si quelqu'un peut me dire pourquoi je n'arrive pas a utiliser un client wireguard avec un dimaine.dyndns en, je suis preneur.
Merci beaucoup
[07:52:33] <> Il faudrait les logs pour savoir ce qu'il se passe
[08:32:05] <tufek> > <Sstien> Bonsoir.
> Si quelqu'un peut me dire pourquoi je n'arrive pas a utiliser un client wireguard avec un dimaine.dyndns en, je suis preneur.
> Merci beaucoup

C'est étrange, dans tes logs, à deux reprises on voit cet enchaînement

sept. 08 23:11:48 systemd[1]: wireguard_client@Mullvad.service: Succeeded.
sept. 08 23:11:48 systemd[1]: Stopped WireGuard Client on Mullvad.`
Comme si le client s'interrompait immédiatement après avoir été lancé par systemd.
low-hanging-fruit question: as-tu testé ton fichier de conf avec d'autres clients?
[09:24:10] <Sébastien> >> <Sstien> Bonsoir.
>> Si quelqu'un peut me dire pourquoi je n'arrive pas a utiliser un client wireguard avec un dimaine.dyndns en, je suis preneur.
>> Merci beaucoup
> C'est étrange, dans tes logs, à deux reprises on voit cet enchaînement
> ```
> sept. 08 23:11:48 systemd[1]: wireguard_client@Mullvad.service: Succeeded.
> sept. 08 23:11:48 systemd[1]: Stopped WireGuard Client on Mullvad.`
> ```
> Comme si le client s'interrompait immédiatement après avoir été lancé par systemd.
> low-hanging-fruit question: as-tu testé ton fichier de conf avec d'autres clients?
Non pas testé le fichier avec d'autres client.... j'ai Mulvad sur d'autres machines mais avec leur appli cliente
[09:25:53] <mavric34>
[09:25:57] <mavric34> Impossible to create a folder with teampass, the application seems to be non-functional with yunohost!
[09:41:36] <tituspijean> mavric34: can you share your installation log with YunoPaste, and the errors in your browser console when this error is displayed?
[09:46:59] <Sébastien> > Il faudrait les logs pour savoir ce qu'il se passe
Donnés ci-dessus
[10:36:13] <mavric34> > <> mavric34: can you share your installation log with YunoPaste, and the errors in your browser console when this error is displayed?

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[10:36:48] <mavric34> These are the browser console logs!
[10:37:55] <mavric34> But I can't find the "teampass" service in the service list, so I can't extract the logs!
[11:38:54] <mavric34> What is the default username and password to use with vaultwarden after installation with yunohost?
[11:41:15] <Tag> You receive a email after install with instructions and the password
[12:07:26] <mavric34> Here are the Postfix service logs:
[12:08:42] <mavric34> Even after restarting the server I still can't access my mails, vaultwarden has completely broken the installation!
[12:08:50] <mavric34> Did vaultwarden install its own mail server?
[12:20:28] <mavric34> I logged on to the vaultwarden admin panel and added the user `mavric@localhost` as a guest so that I could connect to the application, but the mail server became completely inaccessible, even using several clients (Roundcube, snappymail...) here's the message I got back:

`Server error: LIST: Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information. [2023-09-09 13:51:45] (0.001 + 0.000 secs).`
[12:22:08] <mavric34> Tag What's the solution to this disaster?
My mail installation is completely screwed up because of vaultwarden!
[12:26:15] <mavric34>
[12:31:46] <mavric34> ??
[12:32:54] <Tag> > <> Did vaultwarden install its own mail server?

[12:34:23] <mavric34> > <> No

I had no problems with the yunohost mail server until I installed vaultwarden and sent the invitation mail from vaultwarden. Vaultwarden is present in the postfix logs!
[12:34:42] <mavric34> How can we correct this problem?
[12:44:55] <mavric34> My server is in production, I was very far from believing that by installing Vaultwarden from the official Yunohost catalog I would be confronted with such a problem. I need to find a solution quickly without reinstalling the whole server!
[12:50:46] <tituspijean> We need dovecot, postfix, and roundcube server logs, right after generating these errors.
[12:56:48] <mavric34> The logs indicate that postfix is trying to access the folders `/var/mail/mavric` and `/var/mail/mavric/tmp`, when I went to the `/var/mail` folder I found that the "mavric" folder was actually a file but not a directory! Is this normal?
[12:57:58] <mavric34> It looks like vaulwarden has turned the /var/mail/mavric folder into a file!
[12:58:41] <tituspijean> > <> The logs indicate that postfix is trying to access the folders `/var/mail/mavric` and `/var/mail/mavric/tmp`, when I went to the `/var/mail` folder I found that the "mavric" folder was actually a file but not a directory! Is this normal?

Share the actual logs. :)
[12:58:52] <tituspijean> > <> It looks like vaulwarden has turned the /var/mail/mavric folder into a file!

Vaultwarden would never do that. :)
[12:59:15] <tituspijean> Does the file contain anything.
[12:59:23] <mavric34> What data do you want me to share?
[13:03:22] <tituspijean> The 3 services logs from YunoHost webadmin, shared with YunoPaste, and the contents of the mail file (expected to be a folder)
[13:03:22] <mavric34> > <> Does the file contain anything.

Yes, the file contains data
[13:03:36] <mavric34> It's not an empty file
[13:04:18] <tituspijean> Anything interesting in there? That might point to what wrote it?
[13:07:45] <mavric34> vaultwarden is also present in this file
[13:09:32] <mavric34> So vaultwarden is responsible for deleting the /var/mail/mavric directory!
[13:10:36] <mavric34> How do I find my e-mails?
[13:13:33] <mavric34> Here's what's in the file /var/mail/mavric
[13:15:10] <mavric34> It looks like vaultwarden has replaced the `/var/mail/mavric` folder to create its `/var/mail/mavric` file!
[13:16:42] <tituspijean> Can you share its installation logs, as requested this morning? Use YunoPaste buttons or, your paste system does not format them nicely
[13:17:02] <tituspijean> I also requested the service logs.
[13:19:10] <mavric34> > <> I also requested the service logs.

Which services' logs do you want?
because I've already published those for postfix!
[13:19:47] <mavric34> I have also uninstalled vaultwarden
[13:20:22] <tituspijean> Dovecot and Vaultwarden. My bad for Postfix, I did not see it.
[13:22:49] <tituspijean> If you can precisely make a writedown of your steps for setting up your server and installing Vaultwarden, then what led up to the issue, I will try to replicate it.
If I cannot replicate the issue, I will not be able to help you further.
[13:24:12] <mavric34> > <> Dovecot and Vaultwarden. My bad for Postfix, I did not see it.

Dovecot :
[13:25:12] <tituspijean> Darling, use our services, we are here to help. :)
[13:28:31] <tituspijean> Nothing to see in there unfortunately
[13:31:44] <mavric34> > <> If you can precisely make a writedown of your steps for setting up your server and installing Vaultwarden, then what led up to the issue, I will try to replicate it.
> If I cannot replicate the issue, I will not be able to help you further.

All right, I'll describe in detail the individual steps that led to the triggering of this problem:

1. I installed vaultwarden from the yunohost catalog
2. I accessed my mailbox with mavric@localhost using roundcube to consult the vaultwarden mail and copy the vaultwarden admin token.
3. I launched the following page "https://vaultwarden.local/admin" to access paste the admin token and access the admin page
4. I clicked on the user tab of the vaultwarden admin panel, and sent a connection invitation to mavric@localhost
5. To my surprise, I no longer had any access to my e-mails. And I noticed that the /var/mail/mavric directory had turned into a /var/mail/mavric file!
[13:32:37] <mavric34> If you repeat the steps, you'll run into the same problems I did!
[13:33:04] <lapineige> > I mean I don't understand why a port would not be opened on a VPS 🤔

(I'm trying a little 🆙 🙂)
[13:33:37] <Tag> lapineige: you may ask your VPS provider
[13:33:43] <mavric34> Your mail folder will disappear, and vaultwarden will save an invitation file in its place!
[13:34:39] <Tag> mavric34: please share Dovecot, Vaultwarden and Postfix logs from the service page, using YunoPaste (the big green button)
[13:35:26] <Tag> I installed Vaultwarden many times and I never encountered this bug, we must investigate deeper. Without proper logs, we can't help you.
[13:40:48] <mavric34> Tag Yes, but I don't think you went through the same steps as I did.

I think I've totally lost my mails, if you want to reproduce the procedure, you'll see that vaulwarden deletes the mail directory if an invitation is sent to the user concerned.

As for me, I'll install the applications on a test server before installing them directly on the production server, I'll run a second test with vaultwarden on a test server and I'll repeat the same steps!
[13:41:07] <Tag> This is standard steps.
[13:42:40] <Tag> Please share the logs with YunoPaste so we can try to help you.
[13:43:11] <mavric34> I'm going to reproduce the whole procedure on a test server and I'll share the results with you, in the meantime I'll say goodbye to my mail :/
[13:44:06] <mavric34> > <> Please share the logs with YunoPaste so we can try to help you.

I already shared postfix and devcot logs, but vaultwarden I deleted so the service is no longer present!
[13:45:13] <mavric34> I'll share the logs with you directly from the test server, where I'll reproduce exactly this procedure
[13:45:36] <Tag> Ok
[14:10:29] <tituspijean> > <> All right, I'll describe in detail the individual steps that led to the triggering of this problem:
> 1. I installed vaultwarden from the yunohost catalog
> 2. I accessed my mailbox with mavric@localhost using roundcube to consult the vaultwarden mail and copy the vaultwarden admin token.
> 3. I launched the following page "https://vaultwarden.local/admin" to access paste the admin token and access the admin page
> 4. I clicked on the user tab of the vaultwarden admin panel, and sent a connection invitation to mavric@localhost
> 5. To my surprise, I no longer had any access to my e-mails. And I noticed that the /var/mail/mavric directory had turned into a /var/mail/mavric file!

I can replicate the issue.
Vaultwarden sends the invitation, but the /var/mail/USER directory is not affected. It's when I reloaded the Rainloop (could not install Roundcube) page that the page displayed "can't get message list" error and sure enough, the directory was replaced by the mail from Vaultwarden
[14:13:07] <tituspijean> OK so, the bug resides in the fact you used `@localhost` instead of a proper domain name. use `@domain.local` instead
[14:15:32] <mavric34> tituspijean Thanks for testing. Why does Roundcube replace the folder with the file?
[14:15:55] <mavric34> Is this the only mail client that has this bug?
[14:16:02] <tituspijean> Since it happened with Rainloop too, that's a configuration bug with Dovecot or Postfix.
[14:18:28] <mavric34> All right. In that case I'll add the .local when sending the invitation with vaultwarden. Thanks for identifying the problem.
[14:18:51] <mavric34> I mustn't use the mavric@localhost e-mail address any more!
[15:25:36] <lapineige> > <> lapineige: you may ask your VPS provider

no port to open in Yunohost firewall I guess ?
[16:33:16] <Tag> Tu les vois ouverts dans le firewall de YunoHost ?
[16:35:09] <Tag> lapineige: si ils sont ouvert dans le firewall de yunohost, que le diagnostique se plaint et qu'il s'agit de TCP (le diagnostique a des soucis avec UDP et la détection d'ouverture de port), alors le blocage vient d'ailleurs.
[17:42:59] <lapineige> C'est ouvert en TCP et en UDP pour certains, IPV4 et IPV6. Merci 🙂