Wednesday, September 27, 2023
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13 14

[04:59:40] <biglonthenet> yo so look check this
[05:00:04] <biglonthenet> this is the only error im getting now
[05:00:10] <biglonthenet> not sure why
[06:24:42] <ChriChri> Just received the yunohost forum confirmation email on … **my yunohost**. 1st real email I got there :).
[06:30:06] <ChriChri> BTW: I'm looking into shaping. I think it is crucial to limit outgoing bandwith of a yunohost to not break e.g. voip or other rt services on the same line. I didn't find anything about this, yet. Is there already some simple solution?
[06:32:12] <ChriChri> (BTW: I like a lot the mixture of languages here and on the forum. I hope I'll pick up some french.)
[06:39:06] <biglonthenet> anyone know why activating upnp doesnt work?
[06:39:22] <biglonthenet> i have maybe found a way to use on my host without portforwarding using upnp
[06:39:41] <biglonthenet> i need to enable upnp on yuno, its enabled on my router
[06:41:17] <biglonthenet> steps ive taken was adding iptables rule off this
[06:41:30] <Charles P.> upnp is port forwarding, it's just automatic port forwarding
did you try reloading the firewall ?
[06:41:38] <biglonthenet> yes sir
[06:41:50] <biglonthenet> i need automatic port forwarding of the host
[06:41:51] <biglonthenet> i get this error
[06:42:08] <biglonthenet>
[06:44:57] <biglonthenet>
[06:46:03] <biglonthenet> when i try to open it, it reverts said decision
[06:47:52] <Charles P.> forum thread dates back to may 2020, may likely be outdated
[06:48:09] <biglonthenet> wouldnt that issue of been fixed then?
[07:06:35] <biglonthenet> it appears 443 is working? so hear this. i tried my cf domain thru dns only
[07:06:50] <biglonthenet> and it loads yunohost. so couldnt work?
[07:07:04] <biglonthenet> i think its smart to have yunohost vpn only
[07:07:16] <biglonthenet> and my matrix server publically accessable
[07:10:03] <ChriChri> Wouldn't it be nice to have a `yunohost backup [list|info|delete] --age [time]` to delete backups older than?

One could even go that far to offer an expiration strategy like the on of rsync-tmbackup:

--strategy STRATEGY Set the expiration strategy. Default: "1:1 30:7 365:30" means after one day, keep one
backup per day. After 30 days, keep one backup every 7 days. After 365 days keep one
backup every 30 days.
The implentation for this already exists in python and bash.
[07:11:55] <biglonthenet> can any admins on yunodns release -
[07:12:29] <biglonthenet> i think ive gotten my shit straight. it sppears maybe upnp may have saved me
[07:13:51] <ChriChri> > <> i think its smart to have yunohost vpn only

imho yes and no: it simplifies things a lot, but all of your traffic goes through that vpn you have to pay for. Depending on the amount of traffic, your bandwith and your hardware this can be a question of performance also. And it is a question of _dependency_: your services depend on one more external service, your vpn provider.
[07:14:02] <biglonthenet> i self fun vpn
[07:14:05] <biglonthenet> run
[07:14:08] <biglonthenet> using wireguard
[07:14:51] <biglonthenet> i just need the for the matrix server then switch to test branch then just hopes of traffic forwarding to 443 and not 8448 i just need the domain relased when a mod sees
[07:15:39] <tituspijean> biglonthenet: I have no access to the servers right now, please post on
[07:15:54] <biglonthenet> i just send a message there and theyll help me out?
[07:23:40] <biglonthenet> i made a new nohost domain. i just want them to release it
[07:23:47] <biglonthenet> im mad ash i went thru un necessary steps
[07:24:02] <biglonthenet> new nohost domain works and loads as normal. without powerforwarding
[07:26:20] <biglonthenet> upnp portforwarding is doing the job is what i mean
[07:26:27] <biglonthenet> im just mad i spent 12 hrs doing this
[07:27:26] <biglonthenet> but it says 443 is unreachable from the outside im not sure why the nohost domain is working
[07:29:52] <> hello, my Yunohost server did not renew the certificate last week (it is already invalid -7 days)
when I tried to renews manualy I encounter a message (on the web interface):

Error: "500" Internal Server Error
Action: "PUT" /yunohost/api/domain/

[07:31:13] <> how I can manage this error? (I am not afraid to use command line by ssh)
[07:31:35] <biglonthenet> can you use letsencrypt
[07:31:47] <biglonthenet> try renewing the certificate yourself using lets encrypt?
[07:34:20] <> ok, I will search the command lets encrypt
[07:36:10] <biglonthenet> it says upnp doesnt exist on network hmm.
[07:40:27] <tituspijean> I would not bother much with UPnP, it is not quite mastered by YunoHost. Actually, if your router does not let you properly set up port forwarding, UPnP has even less chance to work.
[07:40:35] <biglonthenet> so im fucked?
[07:41:32] <tituspijean> Not if you manage to bend the router to your will.
[07:41:56] <tituspijean> > <> how I can manage this error? (I am not afraid to use command line by ssh)

try `yunohost domain cert renew <the domain>` and report errors with YunoPaste.
[07:42:00] <biglonthenet> 😓
[07:43:18] <ChriChri> > <> 😓

What kind of router do you use? Are you forced to use it?
[07:43:39] <biglonthenet> i am because i dont own it, im 18 still living at home
[07:43:46] <biglonthenet> its a spectrum gigabit speed
[07:47:02] <ChriChri> Can't even open the page that seems to know about it.
Closed routers are a pain and very hard to work around. As you mentioned: VPN. If you are privileged to use a VPN with no bandwith limits, this would be your best bet. Create an outgoing VPN connection from your yunohost to your VPN gateway somewhere else and route all the traffic through your other gateway **you control** and can configure to your likings.
[07:49:32] <> > <> try `yunohost domain cert renew <the domain>` and report errors with YunoPaste.

I have an nginx 502 bad gateway, so the issue is usualy from the proxy, I think it is not a yunohost issue
[07:50:14] <> thanks all for your help 😛
[08:17:11] <ChriChri> Should fail2ban take smtp into account? It seems that on my ynh someone is bruteforcing, but the IP doesn't get banned...
[08:17:31] <biglonthenet> how
[08:17:47] <biglonthenet> what makes you think someones bruteforcing
[08:19:47] <biglonthenet> so i portforwarded 443tcp and 80tcp and have nginx proxy manager
[08:20:04] <biglonthenet> can i make a lets enctypt using that on yunohosts
[08:22:48] <ChriChri> > <> what makes you think someones bruteforcing

# grep 'lost connection after AUTH' /var/log/mail.log | cut -d':' -f4- | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -n 10
1079 lost connection after AUTH from unknown[]
1624 lost connection after AUTH from[]
2790 lost connection after AUTH from unknown[]
3778 lost connection after AUTH from unknown[]
6509 lost connection after AUTH from unknown[]
7588 lost connection after AUTH from unknown[]
7678 lost connection after AUTH from unknown[]
9074 lost connection after AUTH from unknown[]
11447 lost connection after AUTH from unknown[]
20357 lost connection after AUTH from unknown[]
[08:22:58] <biglonthenet> wow
[08:23:15] <biglonthenet> and fail2ban isnt stopping it/
[08:23:16] <biglonthenet> ?
[08:23:57] <ChriChri[m]> nope, otherwise the messages wouldn't end up there, because the connections would be stoped by iptables rules already...
[08:24:15] <biglonthenet> thats strange why would someone want to it u off
[08:24:36] <biglonthenet> could nginx reverse proxy manager work?
[08:34:10] <ChriChri[m]> When I send mail to 'root' that gets expanded to 'admin@do.main'. For 'admin@do.main' I get an error message by email 'user unknown'. The mail itself ends up nevertheless in my first users (in the admin group) inbox. Where would I look how to get rid of the error message?
[08:55:09] <mrflos> Hello i'm not sure it's related to peertube\_ynh, but i run into a strange problem after upgrade : all videos were not playing, giving me 404 error. I had to symlink /home/ to /home/
[08:55:24] <mrflos> Hello i'm not sure it's related to peertube\_ynh, but i run into a strange problem after upgrade : all videos were not playing, giving me 404 error. I had to symlink `/home/` to `/home/`
[09:09:49] <ChriChri[m]> ```
# cat yunohost-fetch-apps-catalog
sleep $((RANDOM%3600)); yunohost tools update apps > /dev/null
root@link-goe:/etc/cron.daily# ps axf | grep -A1 yunohost-fetch-apps-catalog | grep -v grep
85725 pts/0 S+ 0:00 | \_ /bin/bash /etc/cron.daily/yunohost-fetch-apps-catalog
85726 pts/0 S+ 0:00 | \_ sleep 3360
This is rather long for a cronjob. Is this really ment to be around an hour?
[09:37:41] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Yes it's a random sleep to avoid every yunohost fetching the app catalog at basically the exact same second every day which would result in I/O disaster
[09:38:10] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Same sort of mechanism exists for apt unnatendee update/upgrade i believe
[09:40:37] <Salamandar> > <> Yes it's a random sleep to avoid every yunohost fetching the app catalog at basically the exact same second every day which would result in I/O disaster

You can do systemd timer to do that too
[09:41:17] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Eeer sure PR welcome haha
[09:45:39] <Salamandar> 😄
[09:45:43] <Salamandar> it was just FYI 😄
[10:07:55] <ChriChri[m]> > <> Yes it's a random sleep to avoid every yunohost fetching the app catalog at basically the exact same second every day which would result in I/O disaster

Thanks, I see.
[10:17:33] <isAAAc> > <> Hello i'm not sure it's related to peertube\_ynh, but i run into a strange problem after upgrade : all videos were not playing, giving me 404 error. I had to symlink `/home/` to `/home/`

upgrade fails on my side, cf
[10:18:19] <isAAAc> mrflos: perhaps should you add your result to the issue (?)
[10:38:20] <mrflos> I didn't run into this issue while upgrading, so i'm not sure it would be helpful, unless you try to make this symlink before upgrading and check if it solves your problem? (but errors seem to be on database migrations)
[12:47:28] <Ram> Hey guys, do you know any self hosted Software that could be alternative to Skool or teachable.

I'm looking for a self hosted open source solution, and I found only Discourse, but it doesn't offer courses.

Do you know anything I can use.

[12:47:47] <Salamandar> what do those apps do ?
[17:08:21] <isAAAc> i have those apps runnnig since months, no pb on my side to set them up
[17:09:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ... please no matrix threads ...
[18:18:59] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Ram: maybe
[18:19:47] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Salamandar: that's it :
[18:22:23] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Ram: found this article :
[18:24:16] <tituspijean> Moodle maybe, as alternative?
[19:16:33] <isAAAc> > <> Ram: maybe

bbb isn't a LMS