Monday, September 18, 2023
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13 14

[05:51:19] <lapineige> Also check Nginx log to see if the connections is recorded here
[06:53:20] <ChriChri> I had the exactly same error message and do not remeber how I got it working. But I do remember that I went through all the setup again on the command line using `wg` and setting up the ip configuration for interfaces manually using `ip`.
This brought me to a working connection and then it is possible to save that connection(s) into textform by a `wg` subcommand.
I couldn't use debugging through the kernel, because the kernel of the host in question didn't have that debugging interface.
While doing all that I used `tcpdump` on both sides to watch for the packages reaching the interfaces. Also: you need to watch the firewall log or even better the package counter on the rule that allows the traffic of the connection. If that doesn't count up there's a good probability that the packages are being dropped after reaching the interface (tcpdump).
A **common error** seems to be that there is routing in effect for the targets you're trying to reach through the tunnel, but the **IPs are not in the list of `allowed ips:`**.
For ` → wg-left → internte/udp → wg-right →` to work there need to be the IP of `wg-left` set in `allowed-ips` on `wg-right` and vice-versa.
Good look! If you have detailed questions - go ahead, I need to get firm with wg anyways and without problems I tend not to look at it and forgete everything I learned like mentioned above 🤣...
[10:47:12] <isAAAc> lapineige: oh, je découvre tes deux PR pour framaforms\_ynh du mois dernier \<3 tu n'as eu aucun retour de Zamentur ? , sais tu qui hormis lui pourrait approuver la PR pour que je changement se fasse stp ?
[10:48:51] <lapineige> Je ne m'en souviens plus 😂
Mais ça veut dire non du coup, j'ai pas eu de notif
[10:49:04] <lapineige> (Note : c'est plus à discuter dans YunoHost Apps developpers )
[11:17:34] <ChriChri> email / sieve: I defined sieve filters in snappymail. Sometimes mails that do match one of the rules are not moved to the folder they should be moved to by that rule.

I already checked on the command line using `sieve-test` whether the rules really work and they do.

[12:41:22] <isAAAc> Hello,
Could someone push the 2 PR in please ? zamentur looks like away singe long time to do it
[12:43:32] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i'll grab a coffee and have a look
[12:46:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> <whisper>(but please discuss packaging-related stuff in the packaging room 😬)</whisper>
[13:56:08] <isAAAc> yes sorry, i **believed** did it after lapineige told me the same (oops), but i post again here , oops again ... /o\
[16:32:52] <stan> Hello,
What is the right way to install a virtual environment, the dependencies and to launch unit tests on yunohost?
I tried to figure out how to do it but I've been unsuccessful and now I didn't find any documentation
[16:48:55] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> this is the support room, not the packaging room
[16:49:20] <stan> oh sorry
[20:59:47] <gredin67> my synapse upgrade is stuck on Info: `[########+...........] > Configuring permissions...`
How to check what's happening ?
[21:04:14] <orhtej2> > <> my synapse upgrade is stuck on Info: `[########+...........] > Configuring permissions...`
> How to check what's happening ?

wait for it to succeed/fail and see the logs or log in via `ssh` and try to find (sub)processes of your `yunohost` invocation with `sudo ps -ef --forest`
[21:07:39] <gredin67> ```
sudo ps -ef --forest | grep yunohost
root 29996 23589 0 23:05 pts/3 00:00:00 \_ grep --color=auto yunohost
root 28612 1 0 Aug09 ? 00:02:10 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/yunohost-api
root 6980 4026 0 22:40 pts/2 00:00:03 \_ /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/yunohost app upgrade synapse
root 22333 7161 0 22:43 pts/2 00:00:04 \_ chown matrix-synapse:root -R /home/
[21:08:56] <gredin67> I guess it may take ages to chown ?
[21:09:07] <orhtej2> > <> ```
> sudo ps -ef --forest | grep yunohost
> root 29996 23589 0 23:05 pts/3 00:00:00 \_ grep --color=auto yunohost
> root 28612 1 0 Aug09 ? 00:02:10 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/yunohost-api
> root 6980 4026 0 22:40 pts/2 00:00:03 \_ /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/yunohost app upgrade synapse
> root 22333 7161 0 22:43 pts/2 00:00:04 \_ chown matrix-synapse:root -R /home/
> ```

the `/home/` dir is huge or smth?
[21:09:22] <orhtej2> > <> I guess it may take ages to chown ?

yeah, that's my (uneducated) guess
[21:25:14] <gredin67> how can I check if it's hanging because e.g. some other process ?