Monday, September 25, 2023
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13 14

[03:45:41] <biglonthenet> hello - how do i add users to on Yunohost?
[05:34:54] <Tag> > <> hello - how do i add users to on Yunohost?

They have to register from Element or any orner client
[07:19:03] <ChriChri> BTW: Which is the easiest Matrix server for a very small instance? I installed Dendroid, but it didn't work "just like that". If it would be Conduit, I'd switch before I get around to invest more time into looking into Dendroid. Are there advantages, disadvantages I should take into account?
[07:26:40] <tituspijean> > I installed Dendroid, but it didn't work "just like that".

Tell me more 🙂
[07:28:17] <tituspijean> btw it's Dendrite
[07:29:14] <tituspijean> Both Dendrite and Conduit are beta software, you need to check their features on their repository READMEs.
[07:29:30] <tituspijean> but both are lightweight, seemingly Conduit is lighter
[07:29:31] <ChriChri> Uhm, really, I didn't debug. I just installed, registered a new user through fluffychat and tried to open a direct chat with another account I have. Didn't work. That's what I remember - then I focused on other stuff...
Yup, thanks **Dendrite**.
[07:32:20] <tituspijean> Then don't discard Dendrite right away, check the federation tester for example.
[07:35:08] <ChriChri> …looking at READMEs…
[07:37:38] <ChriChri> Hm, I guess I can live with the missing features of conduits and if the ressource footprint would be lower...
[07:51:15] <ChriChri> > <> Then don't discard Dendrite right away, check the federation tester for example.

Uhm, this is strange: I did and it said it couldn't open the port. I checked and found dendrite not running (I had a few reboots while moving my boot device from eMMC to software raid on sata). `systemctl start dendrite` started dendride and the federation tester was happy.
And: I started my client...
[07:53:28] <ChriChri> ... it worked to open a direct chat, but it didn't to join this room following an invitation, yet.
Sep 25 09:52:20 dendrite[16190]: time="2023-09-25T07:52:20.551230036Z" level=info msg="User requested to room join" room_id="!" servers="[]" user_id=""
Sep 25 09:52:20 dendrite[16190]: time="2023-09-25T07:52:20.558454277Z" level=error msg="Failed to join room" error="contents=[] msg={\n\t\t\t\t\"errcode\": \"M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED\",\n\t\t\t\t\"error\": \"There is already a federated join to this room in progress. Please wait for it to finish.\"\n\t\t\t} code=429 wrapped=" room_id="!" servers="[]" user_id=""
[07:55:27] <ChriChri[m]> Either the manual joining worked or the confirmation of the invitation needed a lot of time. Anyway, here I am from dendrite :).
[07:55:28] <tituspijean> > There is already a federated join to this room in progress. Please wait for it to finish

Initial sync can be a tad long, a future feature ( will smoothen that
[08:07:20] <Salamandar> > <> BTW: Which is the easiest Matrix server for a very small instance? I installed Dendroid, but it didn't work "just like that". If it would be Conduit, I'd switch before I get around to invest more time into looking into Dendroid. Are there advantages, disadvantages I should take into account?

Synapse I guess. It's the official server implementation, and every tuto / bridge setup is for synapse
[08:08:04] <Salamandar> > <> > There is already a federated join to this room in progress. Please wait for it to finish
> Initial sync can be a tad long, a future feature ( will smoothen that

It's a very close future: I'm using Element X on Android for a few days now, it's really nice.
[08:08:59] <Salamandar> > <> Uhm, this is strange: I did and it said it couldn't open the port. I checked and found dendrite not running (I had a few reboots while moving my boot device from eMMC to software raid on sata). `systemctl start dendrite` started dendride and the federation tester was happy.
> And: I started my client...

I'm curious. What server hardware do you have ? (your message makes me think about helios64…)
[08:12:02] <ChriChri> > <> I'm curious. What server hardware do you have ? (your message makes me think about helios64…)

RockPro64 inside the Pine64 NAS case, two sata SSDs.
[08:13:23] <Salamandar> Hah alright, okay 🙂
[08:16:08] <ChriChri> > <> Hah alright, okay 🙂

[08:20:58] <Berker> Hi everyone, I have been running nextcloud, searXNG, jitsi and wireguard. I installed pi-hole and can't get it to work. dnsmasq service is dead and pi-hole ftl is offline. I searched the forum and created a vpn file with listen-address= in /etc/dnsmask.d according to a post.
[08:21:28] <Berker> dnsmasq is unable to restart
[08:21:46] <Berker> I'd very much appreciate if someone could help
[08:22:11] <Salamandar> tl;dr I have a Helios64 and it's the best SBC NAS hardware ever produced, but they pulled the plug. So I'm kinda searching for a worthy replacement to suggest to my friends.
[08:22:27] <Salamandar> that's why I was curious about your SATA raid NAS 🙂
[08:22:39] <tituspijean> Berker: I have myself reinstalled pihole during the weekend for similar testings with VPNs, I think disabling dnsmasq is "normal". but pihole-ftl should be running.
Please you share your diagnosis report and Pihole's logs.
[08:23:48] <Berker> Thanks, give me a sec
[08:23:55] <tituspijean> > according to a post.

Can you link to it? 🙂
[08:24:58] <Berker>
[08:25:42] <Berker> > <> > according to a post.
> Can you link to it? 🙂
[08:26:16] <Berker> and this post:
[08:27:02] <Berker> I did sudo yunohost tools regen-conf dnsmasq --force
after another suggestion, which didnt help
[08:32:04] <Berker> pi-hone diagnosis has a warning:
[08:32:12] <Berker> Warning in dnsmasq core:
no addresses found for interface wlan0
[08:41:44] <Berker> tituspijean: and here is the pi-hole logs:
[08:41:49] <Berker>
[08:42:07] <ChriChri> > <> that's why I was curious about your SATA raid NAS 🙂

I just started it as a test: for the NAS case, the RockPro64 and yunohost. I expected to move the installation to another system, but didn't run into issues so far. For ~7W this is really a nice setup. The case could house two more harddrives and I'm thinking about replacing my oldest Synology NAS with a RAID5 installation. Though I ran into some u-boot problems with my 5-port SATA controller (replaced it with a two port one since I do not expect to extend the yunohost with additonal disks anytime soon).
[08:43:12] <ChriChri> I'm waiting to test the Quart64 a more powerful alternative...
[08:43:16] <Salamandar> haha okay
[08:44:50] <Salamandar> yeah but quartz64 seems to have only one SATA
[08:45:24] <Salamandar> Ah, yes, now I see the PCIe port
[09:08:02] <tituspijean> > <>

thanks! I'm sorry I'm actually at work, I will have more time tonight to check it out and check my own configuration
[09:08:30] <Berker> tituspijean: Ok, thanks alot mate
[09:09:34] <tituspijean> > failed to load names from /etc/pihole/custom.list: No such file or directory

This folder/file was created on my setup. Can you try force-upgrading the app? `sudo yunohost app upgrade pihole -f`
[09:26:03] <tituspijean> > <>

eh I guess I will read myself again to debug my own setup 😅
[09:26:04] <Berker> > <> > failed to load names from /etc/pihole/custom.list: No such file or directory
> This folder/file was created on my setup. Can you try force-upgrading the app? `sudo yunohost app upgrade pihole -f`

usage: yunohost app upgrade [app ...] [-h] [-u URL] [-f FILE] [-F] [-b] [-c]
yunohost app upgrade: error: argument -f/--file: expected one argument

[09:27:03] <Berker> --force worked
[09:27:51] <Berker> upgrading
[09:30:17] <tituspijean> > <> oops yeah sorry

I'm always mixing up `install -f`=`install --force` and (`upgrade -f`=`upgrade --file`) != (`upgrade -F` = `upgrade --force`)
[09:30:18] <tituspijean> oops yeah sorry
[09:30:18] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yeah the `--file` was here first :|
[09:36:13] <Berker> tituspijean: Upgrade completed
[09:36:30] <Berker> ftl is still offline
[09:42:45] <Berker> In the pihole > tools > network i see the as well now
[09:43:30] <tituspijean> what's the output of `ls /etc/pihole`? try `sudo touch /etc/pihole/{custom,local}.list`
[09:43:31] <Berker> nothing happens
[09:43:34] <Berker> no output
[09:44:26] <tituspijean> even for `ls /etc/pihole` ? 😲
[09:44:26] <Berker> yes
[09:44:48] <Berker> adlists.list
dns-servers.conf localbranches
GitHubVersions local.list
gravity.db localversions
gravity_old.db logrotate migration_backup pihole-FTL.conf pihole-FTL.db setupVars.conf

[09:44:55] <Berker> ls /etc/pihole
[09:46:16] <tituspijean> try restarting the service now
[09:46:16] <Berker> I tried already
[09:46:21] <Berker> It restarts successfully
[09:46:29] <Berker> but status shows exited
[09:49:07] <Berker>
[09:49:07] <tituspijean> can you share its log again ?
[09:50:11] <Berker> I'll reboot
[09:54:51] <tituspijean> Do you have internet access with WireGuard on?
[09:58:21] <Berker> I just connected to the server with my phone via wireguard and I do have internet access
[09:58:35] <Berker> but pihole doesn't seem to block adds there as well
[10:15:06] <tituspijean> Have you got something like `AllowedIPs=,::/0` in the wireguard clients configs?
[10:15:06] <tituspijean> Check `sudo tail /var/log/pihole/pihole.log -n 50` to see if there's a reason why the service stopped
[10:15:08] <Berker> > <> Have you got something like `AllowedIPs=,::/0` in the wireguard clients configs?

I do
[10:15:59] <Berker>
[10:17:04] <Berker>
[10:20:38] <Berker> > <> Check `sudo tail /var/log/pihole/pihole.log -n 50` to see if there's a reason why the service stopped
[11:10:51] <tituspijean> > <>

Based on that, the service should be running. 🤨
[11:10:51] <tituspijean> > <> sent an image.

I'm not sure it's related, but try adding `::/0` to the allowed IPs too. Apply the config and re-download it.
[11:10:52] <Berker> now wireguard doesn't work either
[11:16:07] <Berker>
[11:49:14] <tituspijean> > <> now wireguard doesn't work either

if an app/service "does not work", we really need its log 😉
[11:49:14] <Berker> Sorry.. 😅
[11:49:18] <Berker> Will send you the logs when I'm front of the comp again
[12:01:23] <orhtej2> > <> Will send you the logs when I'm front of the comp again

FYI These are accessible via webui as well
[12:23:40] <Berker> Wireguard is probably working as expected but because the pihole ftl is offline, addresses don't resolve
[12:23:54] <Berker> is my guess
[12:39:12] <Berker> orhtej2: from tools > services you mean ?
[12:39:58] <orhtej2> > <> orhtej2: from tools > services you mean ?

yes, there's button `share logs with yunopaste` to make these available
[12:45:53] <Berker> tituspijean: here is the wireguard log but as I mentioned its probably working properly but because of the pihole, requests dont resolve:
[12:45:56] <Berker>
[12:49:54] <Berker> Pi-hole ftl log:
[13:30:25] <Thomas> Hello, does anyone have a similar problem?
I can no longer connect my clients (Element) on Android or on my PC
[13:31:18] <Thomas> This happened after the last update : 1.92.3~ynh1
[13:41:48] <isAAAc> > <> Hello, does anyone have a similar problem?
> I can no longer connect my clients (Element) on Android or on my PC

works here, from android and ffox,
Installed version: 1.92.3~ynh1
[15:40:35] <Thomas> Thank you but the operation of the working identification still goes away
[15:57:08] <Professor Nope>
[18:23:15] <fch> >
Are they going to comply with EU and add some backdoor?
[18:33:44] <tituspijean> > <fch> >
> Are they going to comply with EU and add some backdoor?

What are you talking about? DMA?
[19:39:53] <fch> > > <fch> >
> > Are they going to comply with EU and add some backdoor?
> What are you talking about? DMA?
yes, how does it affect matrix, and yunohost in general?
[19:43:11] <tituspijean> IIRC was actually a promoter of DMA regarding interoperability :
[19:45:21] <tituspijean> Will it affect YunoHost? I have not read the regulation (I'd like to keep my sanity please), but I don't think self-hosted applications fall in the definition of gatekeeping, on the contrary.
[19:47:16] <tituspijean> As to how you concluded that DMA will force companies, gatekeepers, Matrix and YunoHost to implement backdoors... let's just say that tinfoil-hat discussions are not welcome here. :)
[21:11:45] <Maranda> (And DMA has nothing to do with the kind of "backdoors" that's implied here)
[21:15:10] <Maranda> (too.. you probably were seeking for DSA and DPA and good luck applying those to "not for profit initiatives" and related software)
[21:15:59] <Maranda> (and / or services)
[22:25:24] <Professor Nope>
[22:28:17] <tituspijean> Japanese sewer systems, when you think you've seen all kinds of messages...