Thursday, September 21, 2023
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13 14

[08:32:03] <ChriChri> Just looked through the application list for something like teamviewer. Is there some service I didn't find that allows a user to connect to my ynh in a way that they can share their desktop with me?
[08:41:16] <ChriChri> Just looked at Jitsi Meet, but didn't find anything about how much ressources it'd need. I'd expect screen sharing and voice to work for a maximum of 4 participants. It'd need to run on a RockPro64 (4GB, Rockchip RK3399 Hexa-Core (dual ARM Cortex A72 and quad ARM Cortex A53). Realistic?
[09:03:00] <Westbam> Salut, j'ai un petit souci d'envoi d'email lorsque j'éxécute un script à partir de la crontab. dans ce script je m'envoi une notif ntfy donc pas besoin de recevoir un e-mail ne plus ... comment le désactiver ??
[09:03:24] <Westbam> A quel niveau sont géré les e-mails admin dans yunohost ?
[09:05:01] <guyoua> Hello, I can't connect via my domain name ( I got an error : PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR.
What do I look for to pin from where comes the error ?
[09:10:47] <orhtej2> > <> Just looked at Jitsi Meet, but didn't find anything about how much ressources it'd need. I'd expect screen sharing and voice to work for a maximum of 4 participants. It'd need to run on a RockPro64 (4GB, Rockchip RK3399 Hexa-Core (dual ARM Cortex A72 and quad ARM Cortex A53). Realistic?

I would assume Jitsi server itself is not really involved in anything once the session is established,but that's just my guess
[09:16:25] <tituspijean> > <> Salut, j'ai un petit souci d'envoi d'email lorsque j'éxécute un script à partir de la crontab. dans ce script je m'envoi une notif ntfy donc pas besoin de recevoir un e-mail ne plus ... comment le désactiver ??

De mémoire un email est envoyé si la commande envoie quelque chose vers STDOUT. Tu peux rediriger le STDOUT vers /dev/null avec la commande habituelle mais pas du tout naturelle dont je me rappelle jamais ^^
[09:21:47] <tituspijean> `commande 2>&1 /dev/null` a priori
[09:23:58] <tituspijean> > <> Hello, I can't connect via my domain name ( I got an error : PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR.
> What do I look for to pin from where comes the error ?

If you can reach it with your IP address, is your diagnosis complaining about anything? Can you give more info on your setup?
[09:24:37] <guyoua> > > <> Hello, I can't connect via my domain name ( I got an error : PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR.
> > What do I look for to pin from where comes the error ?
> If you can reach it with your IP address, is your diagnosis complaining about anything? Can you give more info on your setup?

[09:24:56] <ChriChri> > I would assume Jitsi server itself is not really involved in anything once the session is established,but that's just my guess

I'll give it a try these days. First I'll finish my howto migrate from RockPro64 eMMC to sata software raid level 1 and u-boot in SPI (which is really just a preparation to migrate my yunohost to boot from sata software raid remotely).
[09:26:30] <guyoua> I can reach with my IP adress, on the diagnosis part: every external port are block from the internet, do I need to open some as I only use it locally.
[09:29:06] <Daniel> Not sure if it is an off-topic, but does anybody have experience with using owncast on ynh?
[09:34:37] <Daniel> I haven't done any work yet, but I would have a question regarding "upgrading" the instance (it runs in datacenter) when the livestream is up and "downgrading" when it is gone.

I think it is a bit off-topic in the context of yunohost, but this is the only place that I think I might find somebody who tried to get that set up.
[09:47:53] <ChriChri> > <> I can reach with my IP adress, on the diagnosis part: every external port are block from the internet, do I need to open some as I only use it locally.

How exactly do you reach it? Like this:
someuser@pureos:~$ ping -c1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=27.0 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 27.021/27.021/27.021/0.000 ms
[09:48:36] <Westbam> > <> `commande 2>&1 /dev/null` a priori Merci
[09:55:11] <guyoua> > > <> I can reach with my IP adress, on the diagnosis part: every external port are block from the internet, do I need to open some as I only use it locally.
> How exactly do you reach it? Like this:
> ```
> someuser@pureos:~$ ping -c1
> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=27.0 ms
> --- ping statistics ---
> 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
> rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 27.021/27.021/27.021/0.000 ms
> ```

Silly me, I don't need the domain if I only want to connect to my local server. I install one application that is link to my domain, and I can't reach it via the IP do I need to reinstall or I'm forgetting something.
[10:01:53] <ChriChri> Some services (mainly http) rely on the fqdn being part of the request send to the IP of the fqdn.

If I understand you correctly: you installed a local ynh server like, some domain in ynh and on that domain some application. Then you tried http(s):// ?
[10:08:58] <orhtej2> > <> I haven't done any work yet, but I would have a question regarding "upgrading" the instance (it runs in datacenter) when the livestream is up and "downgrading" when it is gone.
> I think it is a bit off-topic in the context of yunohost, but this is the only place that I think I might find somebody who tried to get that set up.

you mean install/restore from backup to get it running then roll it back once you're done streaming? Should work, never tried that
[10:09:12] <guyoua> > Some services (mainly http) rely on the fqdn being part of the request send to the IP of the fqdn.
> If I understand you correctly: you installed a local ynh server like, some domain in ynh and on that domain some application. Then you tried http(s):// ?

[10:10:23] <guyoua> ah silly enter key !! I can acess yunohost with https//192... and I can't do it for example https//192.../nexcloud.
[10:11:08] <guyoua> it just push me back on yunohost admin part.
[10:11:33] <tituspijean> `` will not work with YunoHost. You need to use the domain, even for a local access.
[10:12:16] <guyoua> ok but I can acess my domain :p
[10:13:58] <guyoua> Where should I look to find the source of problem ? Do I need open port on the internet from my router?
[10:14:54] <tituspijean> Yes, follow the documentation for installing YunoHost:
[10:16:11] <guyoua> But I can't use the yunohost without acess from internet I mean only locally ?
[10:17:29] <guyoua> yunohost app
[10:18:23] <Paprika> If you have a domain and cannot access it locally, you need to set up a static DNS entry in your router. If that is not possible, you will need to setup Hairpin NAT.
[10:19:09] <guyoua> But I need to remove the current domain and create a new one .local ?
[10:19:41] <guyoua> And just add a dns entry to my router.
[10:20:06] <Paprika> It isn’t necessarily needed to remove the, but you can if you have no use for it. You can have several domains set up within YNH.
[10:20:50] <Daniel> > you mean install/restore from backup to get it running then roll it back once you're done streaming? Should work, never tried that

No no, I think I will try it first via ssh.
Generally - when stream is live I want to trigger an api request to linode to upgrade my small instance to one that could handle stuff like stream retransmission in lower bitrates.
[10:20:50] <Paprika> If you want to access your domain from outside the network, you need to have your DNS records point to your public IP address (or dynamic DNS).
If you want to access your domain locally and don’t need external access outside the network, you can setup a .local domain in yunohost, set up a static DNS entry in your router and access all your services that way.
In your local network, you do not need to open ports. If you want access outside the network, you’ll need to open various ports depending what you need access to. Or you could have a VPN setup to mitigate the issue.
[10:21:06] <guyoua> Ok thanks I'll try it out
[10:22:56] <Daniel> > <> No no, I think I will try it first via ssh.
> Generally - when stream is live I want to trigger an api request to linode to upgrade my small instance to one that could handle stuff like stream retransmission in lower bitrates.

So most likely curl and watcher magic, I am kinda scared that "scale down" will work incorrectly and I will have to sell my kidney after the next bill xD
[10:31:21] <orhtej2> > <> No no, I think I will try it first via ssh.
> Generally - when stream is live I want to trigger an api request to linode to upgrade my small instance to one that could handle stuff like stream retransmission in lower bitrates.

ahhh, not sure, does owncast itself provide such API that triggers when stream is live? Does not seem really like YNH-specific thing
[10:36:10] <ChriChri> > <> But I need to remove the current domain and create a new one .local ?

If you'll run into problems making your current dns (router?) resolve your choosen domain for your private network, you could install pihole on your ynh. There's a nice webinterface that lets you add entries to its dns manually. Though you might not be able to access it via http://IP neither, but you could probably work around that by setting a local entry in the hosts file of your client computer.
[16:27:51] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Hello, since some app update of Matrix-Synapse, I got the following warning :

ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
setuptools-rust 1.7.0 requires setuptools>=62.4, but you have setuptools 60.8.2 which is incompatible.

When I go in the Python env of Synapse:

/opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/bin # source activate
(matrix-synapse) root@cirkau:/opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/bin # pip list | grep setuptools
setuptools 68.2.2
setuptools-rust 1.7.0

It says I'm in 68.2.2 version of setuptools.

There seems to have no incidence, but that's strange.
[16:29:54] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Hello, since some app update of Matrix-Synapse, I got the following warning :

ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
setuptools-rust 1.7.0 requires setuptools>=62.4, but you have setuptools 60.8.2 which is incompatible.

When I go in the Python env of Synapse:

/opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/bin # source activate
(matrix-synapse) root@DOMAIN:/opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/bin # pip list | grep setuptools
setuptools 68.2.2
setuptools-rust 1.7.0

It says I'm in 68.2.2 version of setuptools.

There seems to have no incidence, but that's strange.
[16:34:20] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Hello, since some app update of Matrix-Synapse, I got the following warning :

ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
setuptools-rust 1.7.0 requires setuptools>=62.4, but you have setuptools 60.8.2 which is incompatible.

When I go in the Python env of Synapse:

/opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/bin # source activate
(matrix-synapse) root@DOMAIN:/opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/bin # pip list | grep setuptools
setuptools 68.2.2
setuptools-rust 1.7.0

It says I'm in 68.2.2 version of setuptools.

On the general Python I'm on 52.0.0 :
pip list | grep setuptools
setuptools 52.0.0

There seems to have no incidence, but that's strange.
[16:34:59] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Hello, since some app update of Matrix-Synapse, I got the following warning :

ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
setuptools-rust 1.7.0 requires setuptools>=62.4, but you have setuptools 60.8.2 which is incompatible.

When I go in the Python env of Synapse:

/opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/bin # source activate
(matrix-synapse) root@DOMAIN:/opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/bin # pip list | grep setuptools
setuptools 68.2.2
setuptools-rust 1.7.0

It says I'm in 68.2.2 version of setuptools.

On the general (not in any env) Python I'm on 52.0.0 :

pip list | grep setuptools
setuptools 52.0.0

There seems to have no incidence, but that's strange.
[16:38:37] <Red>
[21:10:08] <lapineige> > <> Hello, since some app update of Matrix-Synapse, I got the following warning :
> ```
> ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
> setuptools-rust 1.7.0 requires setuptools>=62.4, but you have setuptools 60.8.2 which is incompatible.
> ```
> When I go in the Python env of Synapse:
> ```
> /opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/bin # source activate
> (matrix-synapse) root@DOMAIN:/opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/bin # pip list | grep setuptools
> setuptools 68.2.2
> setuptools-rust 1.7.0
> ```
> It says I'm in 68.2.2 version of setuptools.
> On the general (not in any env) Python I'm on 52.0.0 :
> ```
> pip list | grep setuptools
> setuptools 52.0.0
> ```
> There seems to have no incidence, but that's strange.

I had this error, I think I documented the solution somewhere in the forum…
[21:10:27] <lapineige> Or in a Synapse issue 🤔 (on github)
[21:42:48] <> and by matrix i was thinking synapse
[21:45:33] <Paprika> > <> Hello, since some app update of Matrix-Synapse, I got the following warning :
> ```
> ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
> setuptools-rust 1.7.0 requires setuptools>=62.4, but you have setuptools 60.8.2 which is incompatible.
> ```
> When I go in the Python env of Synapse:
> ```
> /opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/bin # source activate
> (matrix-synapse) root@DOMAIN:/opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/bin # pip list | grep setuptools
> setuptools 68.2.2
> setuptools-rust 1.7.0
> ```
> It says I'm in 68.2.2 version of setuptools.
> On the general (not in any env) Python I'm on 52.0.0 :
> ```
> pip list | grep setuptools
> setuptools 52.0.0
> ```
> There seems to have no incidence, but that's strange.

I saw that pop up for me as well, but everything works as it should. Does that have any impact later on?
[21:48:29] <Chatpitaine Caverne> > <> I saw that pop up for me as well, but everything works as it should. Does that have any impact later on?

Same for me, no impact, but that's rarely a good idea to completely ignore errors.
[22:09:21] <Chatpitaine Caverne> lapineige: Should be this one. But a superior version is already installed, so I don't see the point.
[22:16:53] <Tag> This warning is ageing well\_ynh/issues/367#issuecomment-1700588414
[22:19:22] <Tag> the culprit :
[23:37:35] <Solrac> Hello. Is there a way to automate some service restarts once the server has interenet or on a timer?