Monday, January 08, 2024
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19 20

[00:48:14] <otemur666> sevgili
[13:28:27] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Hello people,
Is the peertube-cli command compatible with yunohost peertube install ? And can we safely launch the install command ?
`sudo npm install -g @peertube/peertube-cli`
Thank you.
[13:38:50] <Mateusz Szymański> would probably skip `sudo` and `-g`, otherwise should work
and no, `peertube_ynh` does not seem to ship CLI by itself
[14:52:59] <tituspijean> Chatpitaine Caverne: even better, I would try the following:
sudo yunohost app shell peertube
npm install @peertube/peertube-cli
and always run all subsequent peertube-cli commands in the app shell environment
[14:53:39] <tituspijean> that way, you make sure that the `npm` called is always the one in the nodejs environment created for the app
[14:59:07] <Chatpitaine Caverne> tituspijean: gorgeous. Thank you.
At the end it says :
`9 vulnerabilities (1 low, 7 moderate, 1 high)`
Some kind of normal/abnormal situation ?

[15:09:18] <tituspijean> Considering that NodeJS projects "download half of the internet only to make some basic calculations" ((c) Aleks), unfortunately they are bound to rely on outdated dependencies...
you can try to do `npm audit fix` or whatever they suggest, though I would not try the `--force` option, that may break things.
[15:11:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (i don't think i have a copyright on this, it is a widely established fact in the scientific community than the density of node_modules is larger than black holes)
[15:12:18] <tituspijean> I'm sure there's a "yo mama" joke along those lines, but I would not dare say it. 😇
[15:12:34] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (in fact scientists are on the verge of realizing that "string theory" is just related to javascript strings from the beginning)
[15:13:10] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Maybe we found dark mater ?
[15:13:52] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> dark matter is just the sheer weight of node_modules creating additional gravity yes
[15:15:18] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> related tech news:
[15:28:00] <tituspijean> I never did any kind of DnD, but does this guy fall on the "lawful evil" on the alignment chart?
[15:30:45] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes kind of haha
[15:33:34] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or lawful good-but-sometimes-does-big-oopsies-for-fun
[15:33:35] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> loyal goofy?
[15:36:35] <tituspijean> Goofy *is* loyal 🙃
[18:23:01] <parzzix> I am planning on setting up a server, I already have an email server, can I setup yunohost without email?
[18:23:56] <fch> > I am planning on setting up a server, I already have an email server, can I setup yunohost without email?
yes, you can disable it
[18:28:24] <parzzix> > <fch> > I am planning on setting up a server, I already have an email server, can I setup yunohost without email?
> yes, you can disable it

nice, thanks
[19:12:18] <parzzix> Another silly question, my admin user does not exit at the moment, does the change in ssh configuration take place after? Since I am installing over ssh
[19:13:29] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> dunno what you mean exactly, but yunohost may take over the SSH configuration during the postinstallation, depending on what you answered during the initial install (curl | bash etc.)
[19:14:15] <parzzix> I'll just say yes and see what happens... lol
[19:35:23] <lapineige> > <> would probably skip `sudo` and `-g`, otherwise should work
> and no, `peertube_ynh` does not seem to ship CLI by itself

Yes, never use -g, it does a global install, that can mess with other thing in the system
[19:54:34] <Chatpitaine Caverne> lapineige: Thank you. Maybe a little modification in the peertube documentation would be appreciated :
[20:12:15] <Mateusz Szymański> > <> lapineige: Thank you. Maybe a little modification in the peertube documentation would be appreciated :

edit button is on the bottom of the page ;)
[20:15:45] <Chatpitaine Caverne> > <> edit button is on the bottom of the page ;)

I have to learn git. It tells me "You can’t edit files directly in this project. Fork this project and submit a merge request with your changes."
I tried to Fork, but I don't understand anything to what it shows me.
[20:16:31] <Mateusz Szymański> > <> I have to learn git. It tells me "You can’t edit files directly in this project. Fork this project and submit a merge request with your changes."
> I tried to Fork, but I don't understand anything to what it shows me.

They're using Gitlab, right? No clue how to do that there :/
[20:18:22] <Chatpitaine Caverne> It's on Framagit. Don't know what it uses.
[20:20:32] <Mateusz Szymański> > <> It's on Framagit. Don't know what it uses.

`Help` button in bottom-left gives it away ;)
[20:21:05] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Gitlab
[20:28:37] <Mateusz Szymański> On main page there should be in top right Fork button
[20:30:35] <Chatpitaine Caverne>
[20:30:35] <Chatpitaine Caverne> I did try the fork button, but it contain only a include :
[20:32:37] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Will read all of that and come later :
[20:34:16] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Stupid me, it's to contribute to gitlab.
A bit too high for me.
[20:34:16] <Chatpitaine Caverne> So the use gitlab topic gonna be better.
[21:20:35] <clawfire> Good evening everyone. Hope you have all a good Monday (not sure there's quite such thing but hey .. who knows). I'm back on banging my head on the wall with my weird auth. successful issue. So far, no progress. I'm considering reinstalling YNH totally but not quite sure it will help. I'm guessing it's between nginx and YNH.
[22:17:34] <Salamandar> Currently installing a server without Yunohost (not for self hosting). Configuring nextcloud. Nothing works. Copypasting yunohost config. Everything works and is more secure.

Thank you yunohost <3
[22:18:03] <lapineige> > <> lapineige: Thank you. Maybe a little modification in the peertube documentation would be appreciated :

No it's they standard setting, but in Yunohost case we don't think that's a good default.
[22:41:04] <hook> Does XMPP/Metronome in YuNoHost by default implement RTBL?