Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
19 20

[03:22:28] <rolodondo34> anybody have experience with installing yunohost .iso in QubesOS?
[03:31:25] <rolodondo34> g
[06:43:16] <Lukas> Hi, I mounted a external CIFS/SMB Share on my YunoHost. How I can add my CIFS/SMB share as a 2nd backup location?
[06:56:40] <Chatpitaine Caverne> > <@c1xx:matrix.org> Hi, I mounted a external CIFS/SMB Share on my YunoHost. How I can add my CIFS/SMB share as a 2nd backup location?

Depending on your choice of backup system (Yunohost, Borg, Restic or Archivist).
Borg, Restic, Archivist have this option, but, too me Borg and Restic are still intimidating, I still prefer simple and clear archive even if it's less efficient.
I was using Archivist but the behaviour was not what I wanted.
So I wrote a simple bash script, using the CLI command `sudo yunohost backup create` to automate my backups with cron and this bash copy the archive to my second backup location.
[06:57:39] <Lukas> > <@chatpitaine:cirkau.art> Depending on your choice of backup system (Yunohost, Borg, Restic or Archivist).
> Borg, Restic, Archivist have this option, but, too me Borg and Restic are still intimidating, I still prefer simple and clear archive even if it's less efficient.
> I was using Archivist but the behaviour was not what I wanted.
> So I wrote a simple bash script, using the CLI command `sudo yunohost backup create` to automate my backups with cron and this bash copy the archive to my second backup location.

ok, I'm also a friend of direct ways
[06:57:40] <Lukas> can you show me your script please?
[06:59:29] <Chatpitaine Caverne> #!/bin/bash

# Ce script reçoit l'application à sauvegarder en paramètre
# Aucun contrôle de validité n'est réalisé.

# Sauvegarde l'application
echo "Sauvegarde de $APPLICATION"

BACKUP_NAME="$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S')_$APPLICATION"

yunohost backup create --name $BACKUP_NAME --description "Sauvegarde de $APPLICATION" --methods tar --apps $APPLICATION
echo "Copie de la sauvegarde vers le NAS"


echo "Fin de la sauvegarde de $APPLICATION"

[06:59:48] <Lukas> ah, so simple backup script, great thank you!
[07:00:09] <Lukas> I case of hardware fault, how to restore my YunoHost from backup fully ?
[07:00:12] <Chatpitaine Caverne> I'm a beginner, I can't write complex stuff
[07:00:32] <Chatpitaine Caverne> #!/bin/bash


# Ce script reçoit l'application à sauvegarder en paramètre

# Aucun contrôle de validité n'est réalisé.



# Sauvegarde l'application

echo "Sauvegarde de $APPLICATION"

BACKUP\_NAME="$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S')\_$APPLICATION"

yunohost backup create --name $BACKUP\_NAME --description "Sauvegarde de $APPLICATION" --methods tar --apps $APPLICATION
echo "Copie de la sauvegarde vers le NAS"


echo "Fin de la sauvegarde de $APPLICATION"😸
[07:03:05] <Chatpitaine Caverne> The previous script is for the apps
Don't forget the system parts :
`yunohost backup create --name $BACKUP_NAME --description "Sauvegarde de $SYSTEM" --methods tar --system $SYSTEM`
[07:04:02] <Lukas> ok, I will play with it a bit around
[07:04:17] <Chatpitaine Caverne> yunohost hook list backup


- data\_mail
- conf\_ldap
- data\_multimedia
- data\_home
- conf\_ynh\_settings
- data\_xmpp
- conf\_manually\_modified\_files
- conf\_ynh\_certs
[07:04:57] <Chatpitaine Caverne> And in case of crash. You install a new iso of yunohost and you restore from your archives.
[07:05:11] <Lukas> ok, sounds easy as well
[07:05:35] <Lukas> Thank you for your help
[07:05:38] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Yes Yunohost makes easy complex stuffs.
[09:33:48] <Chatpitaine Caverne> I gonna open a discussion on the Forum about this point.
I plan and apply my strategy for my restore and moving home to a bind mount and write it on the forum. I think it could be useful.
Sadly today is an outside busy day., too.
[09:53:21] <Chatpitaine Caverne> I gonna open a discussion on the Forum about this point.
I plan and apply my strategy for my restore and moving /home's datas to a bind mount and write it on the forum. I think it could be useful.
Sadly today is an outside busy day., too.
[11:58:34] <lapineige> Definetly worth sharing it in the forum, it has both more visibility and archival :)
[12:20:18] <Mateusz Szymański> can someone move https://forum.yunohost.org/t/castopod-won-t-work/28057 out of invalid section? It's actionable in its current state
[12:56:22] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> as you wish x_x
[13:46:16] <Lukas> any chance to run/start shell scritps from YunoHost webgui ?
[13:47:53] <Salamandar> > <@c1xx:matrix.org> any chance to run/start shell scritps from YunoHost webgui ?

No, but maybe you want to use olivetin
[13:47:53] <Mateusz Szymański> > <@c1xx:matrix.org> any chance to run/start shell scritps from YunoHost webgui ?

you can install `ssh in a box` or similar app
[13:48:16] <Lukas> nice, thank you
[13:48:19] <Salamandar> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/vrZQmhprXrprWJyUvyAvjQZX
[13:48:28] <Salamandar> you can configure commands to be run and buttons to be shown
[13:49:03] <Lukas> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> sent an image.

how to install it on YunoHost ?
[13:49:13] <Salamandar> it's an app :)
[13:49:30] <Mateusz Szymański> https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/olivetin_ynh
[13:49:37] <Mateusz Szymański> available in the catalog
[13:49:40] <Salamandar> Oh crap no I did not push it to the app catalog
[13:50:01] <Lukas> just wondered, that I could not find it
[13:52:29] <Salamandar> Yeah maybe I stopped in the middle of packaging it…
[13:52:35] <Salamandar> gotta finish it
[13:52:58] <Lukas> but looks very good
[13:57:29] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hm https://dash.yunohost.org/appsobservatory/unlisted seems broken 🤔
[14:07:52] <Lukas> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> gotta finish it

I can also install it from your github source?
[14:18:45] <Mateusz Szymański> > <@c1xx:matrix.org> I can also install it from your github source?

go to apps->install and just paste github link at the bottom of the page (at your own risk!)
[14:25:21] <Lukas> Ok, i wait better for official app store listing
[15:04:13] <mrflos> hello, i received a PM about some devops that wanted to use apt-mirror to mirror yunohost repo. But when they tried, it seemed that there where 0 files in yuno repo. Any idea if it's feasible? has anybody tried?
[15:06:19] <mrflos> (btw not sure it's a support forum for very technical stuff, but just i case if someone knows something)
[15:26:23] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> can't see any reason why this wouldnt work, but as usual, can't debug without logs 😬
[15:48:47] <mrflos> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> can't see any reason why this wouldnt work, but as usual, can't debug without logs 😬

@devops has joined the room, maybe he can provide more info, can you confirm that the yunohost apt repo only contains the yunohost main programs like ssowat, yunohost and yunohost-admin-ui?
[15:58:28] <devops> Hello, here is the return of the apt-mirror script for the yunohost forge repository

0 bytes will be downloaded into archive.
Downloading 0 archive files using 0 threads...
Begin time: Tue Jan 16 13:38:06 2024
End time: Tue Jan 16 13:38:06 2024

0 bytes in 0 files and 0 directories can be freed.
Run /root/mirror/var/clean.sh for this purpose.

Running the Post Mirror script ...

Post Mirror script has completed. See above output for any possible errors.

Apt-mirror works well with Debien and Ubuntu repositories. But it seems it doesn't accept yunohost repository
[16:02:29] <tituspijean> Can you share the source for this apt-mirror script? Does `ping forge.yunohost.org` work for you.
[16:04:59] <devops> I installed apt-mirror from the official debian bookworm repository. `ping forge.yunohost.org` works fine for me
[16:09:06] <tituspijean> (I'm discovering the thing)
How have you configured it?
[16:11:58] <miro5001> Un voisin à ne pas avoir 😁
[16:21:10] <devops> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> (I'm discovering the thing)
> How have you configured it?

Here are the two lines that I tested with apt-mirror in the configuration files `/etc/apt/mirror.list`

############# YUNOHOST
#deb http://forge.yunohost.org/debian/ bullseye stable
deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/yunohost-archive-keyring.gpg] http://forge.yunohost.org/debian/ bullseye stable

I tried both but it didn't work.

[16:30:52] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> dude i mean
[16:31:24] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you could have at least change your matrix id or something
[16:31:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it's not like you have a couple dozen more in stock
[16:45:07] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> devops: Tu réalises que pour quelqu'un qui accorde "vachement d'importance à sa vie privée" t'es comme l'homme invisible qui réalise pas qu'il a pris un bain de boue ? Tu réalises qu'on a un dossier sur toi qui va finir par arriver chez les keufs si on arrêter d'avoir la flemme de se déplacer au comico ? Tu réalises que les keufs seront beaucoup moins patient que nous une fois qu'ils auront une idée de la teneur de ce qui se trame sur tes serveurs ? C'est pas comme si on écrivait littéralement le code qui tourne en route sur tes serveurs ... À ton avis, ça coute combien et ça prends combien de temps pour des keufs d'avoir l'identité d'une personne derrière une IP (spoiler: pas beaucoup, et pas longtemps). Nous on a tout ce qui faut, on a des éléments à la pelle, on a des thunes pour payer des avocats. Donc c'est le dernier avertissement : soit tu dégages d'ici pour toujours, soit si on a le moindre truc qui montre que t'es revenu, les keufs auront un soudain intérêt pour tes serveurs, est-ce que tu comprends ça ?
[17:07:04] <Benevolens1> Hello,
Does yunohost update the dns if my home ip address changes ?
[17:08:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Not unless you're using a yunohost-provided domain such as nohost.me / noho.st, or if you implement a cron job to autoupdate the DNS assuming you're able to interface with your registrar's API
[17:16:47] <Benevolens1> I use ovh
[17:16:57] <Benevolens1> I think it's a good idea for an app
[17:18:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> then cf `yunohost domain dns push --help` which you may use in a cron script assuming you configured the API tokens inside yunohost
[17:19:06] <Benevolens1> Nice, thanks !
[20:20:33] <Michele Agostinelli> I want to implement a web page for (anonymous) visitors, with all software offered (donationware) hosted on multiple yunohost server, any suggestion? For example I like this page: https://apps.yunohost.org/catalog
[21:16:13] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Aleks (he/him/il/lui): J'ai créé le sujet de discussion à propos des liens symboliques et des bind-mount. Dites moi si j'ai écrit des bêtises et si cela convient.
[21:16:16] <Chatpitaine Caverne> https://forum.yunohost.org/t/use-of-bind-mount-insteed-of-symbolic-link/28078
[21:48:38] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Et du coup, pour les personnes qui n'ont pas assez d'espace sur leur partition système pour restaurer de trop grosses app, y'a moyen de mettre le tmp de yunohost.backup en bind-mount sur un autre disque ou une clé USB même. Non ?
[22:01:39] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes au doigt mouillé ça semble ok
[22:02:01] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Merci.
[22:12:36] <miro5001> When I install an app with a custom label it installs with the default one. On both of my servers (home and vps), yunohost latest. I can change the label after install but changing it before running the install is not working.
[22:37:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> are you doing this from CLI or webadmin
[23:13:17] <miro5001> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> are you doing this from CLI or webadmin

[23:19:25] <thatoo> Bonsoir, J'allais terminer les mises à jour de mes yunohost (3/4 OK) quand la mise à jour de nextcloud de  27.1.4~ynh1 à 28.0.1~ynh1 a planté au milieu.
Voici les logs, https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/rikakamego
Yunohost m'annonce qu'en revanche la restauration s'est bien passé, sauf qu'en vérifiant si Nextcloud s'affiche bien, j'ai un "Internal Server Error" me disant que les logs sont à lire dans le serveur.
`` sudo tail -f /home/yunohost.app/nextcloud/data/nextcloud.log ``
me donne : 
{"reqId":"fyb5jtMRmg7gnXib6diS","level":3,"time":"2024-01-16T23:18:37+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"thatoo","app":"core","method":"GET","url":"/nuage-nextcloud/apps/dashboard/","message":"Exception thrown: OCPFilesGenericFileException","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0","version":"","exception":{"Exception":"OCPFilesGenericFileException","Message":"","Code":0,"Trace":[{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Files/SimpleFS/SimpleFile.php","line":74,"function":"getContent","class":"OCFilesNodeFile","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Template/JSCombiner.php","line":118,"function":"getContent","class":"OCFilesSimpleFSSimpleFile","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Template/JSCombiner.php","line":93,"function":"isCached","class":"OCTemplateJSCombiner","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Template/JSResourceLocator.php","line":145,"function":"process","class":"OCTemplateJSCombiner","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Template/JSResourceLocator.php","line":75,"function":"cacheAndAppendCombineJsonIfExist","class":"OCTemplateJSResourceLocator","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Template/ResourceLocator.php","line":73,"function":"doFind","class":"OCTemplateJSResourceLocator","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/TemplateLayout.php","line":377,"function":"find","class":"OCTemplateResourceLocator","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/TemplateLayout.php","line":222,"function":"findJavascriptFiles","class":"OCTemplateLayout","type":"::"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/legacy/OC_Template.php","line":182,"function":"__construct","class":"OCTemplateLayout","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Template/Base.php","line":132,"function":"fetchPage","class":"OC_Template","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/legacy/OC_Template.php","line":331,"function":"printPage","class":"OCTemplateBase","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/index.php","line":74,"function":"printExceptionErrorPage","class":"OC_Template","type":"::"}],"File":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Files/Node/File.php","Line":56,"CustomMessage":"Exception thrown: OCPFilesGenericFileException"}}

[23:31:00] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmm some yummy json soup
[23:32:12] <Salamandar> 2024-01-16 23:46:30,178: DEBUG - Error: App "Element for Nextcloud" cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled: Server version 27 or lower is required.
[23:32:22] <Salamandar> @thatoo:defis.info :)
[23:32:41] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> :|
[23:32:42] <Salamandar> Soit tu attends que "element for nextcloud" soit devenu compatible 28.x soit tu la désinstalles je suppose
[23:32:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> djeezus christ we really need https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/nextcloud_ynh/pull/647
[23:33:23] <Salamandar> Mais @thatoo:defis.info Element est une appli dispo dans Yunohost, hors de Nextcloud pour info :)