Wednesday, January 17, 2024
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19 20

[00:05:48] <rolodondo34> it is possible to install yunohost on QubesOS?
[00:13:18] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yunohost installs on top of debian, period
[00:20:06] <rolodondo34> that might be simpler, just morph the debian installation
[03:36:29] <thatoo> Donc, je ne me préoccupe pas du problème "Internal Server error" suite à la restauration, je désinstalle  Element en cli avec occ et je relance la maj?
[05:23:33] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Just to let you know, my peertube is back 🎉❤️
[05:24:58] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Not yet fully ok, but, I think this gonna be good.
[07:04:39] <Ilario> > Just to let you know, my peertube is back 🎉❤️
[07:19:03] <Lukas> last log files via webgui readable?
[07:22:32] <Lukas> seems like synapse-coturn doensn't like to be behind a non static wan ip
[07:23:47] <Lukas> any experience?
[07:40:24] <lapineige> > <> Et du coup, pour les personnes qui n'ont pas assez d'espace sur leur partition système pour restaurer de trop grosses app, y'a moyen de mettre le tmp de yunohost.backup en bind-mount sur un autre disque ou une clé USB même. Non ?

Hum ça permet de résoudre quel problème du coup ?
[07:52:40] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Ben, je me disais que pour qqn ayant une partition système de 32Go qui veut restaurer une app de 100Go, y'a p'tet moyen en bind-mount temporaire sur les répertoires tampons utilisés par la restauration.
[08:20:45] <lapineige> Tu veux dire que l'archive est décompressée dans ce dossier tmp ?
[08:23:58] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Ben, il semblerait.
[08:24:20] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Pas sûr.
[09:07:01] <Salamandar> > <> Donc, je ne me préoccupe pas du problème "Internal Server error" suite à la restauration, je désinstalle  Element en cli avec occ et je relance la maj?

Tu peux le tenter :)
[09:07:14] <thatoo> ok, merci
[09:50:57] <Lukas> Jan 17 08:21:43 turnserver[11872]: error resolving '\n' hostname: Name or service not known

means Matrix Coturn is bound to WAN/external IP ?
[09:58:22] <Mateusz Szymański> > <> Jan 17 08:21:43 turnserver[11872]: error resolving '\n' hostname: Name or service not known
> means Matrix Coturn is bound to WAN/external IP ?

what are the contents of `/etc/matrix-synapse/coturn.conf`? This [seems to be filled wrongly](
[10:14:25] <thatoo> > <> Tu peux le tenter :)

C'est fait et ça fonctionne
[10:14:34] <thatoo> merci
[10:15:58] <Salamandar> top :D
[10:15:59] <Salamandar> Avec plaisir
[10:20:53] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Bon, maintenant, faut que je m'occupe de mon Nextcloud. Parce que jouer avec les data_dir, c'est vraiment, mais alors vraiment pas une bonne idée. Surtout si tu t’emmêles les pinceaux et que tu te retrouves avec les dossiers users en partie au bonne endroit, et en autre partie dans un répertoire où ils sont pas censés être. On peut merger des répertoires ?
[10:21:25] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Promis, la prochaine fois, je demande avant de "corriger" un problème.
[10:44:12] <Chatpitaine Caverne> `diff -qr /répertoire /autre répertoire` va m'aider.
[10:47:36] <Lukas> > <> what are the contents of `/etc/matrix-synapse/coturn.conf`? This [seems to be filled wrongly](

realm=matrix.mydomain.tld is pointing via ALIAS entry to my dnydns domain which points to my WAN IP which changes every 24h
[10:53:23] <Lukas> why is there a % behind $public_ip4 ? --> turn_external_ip+="external-ip="$public_ip4%"\n"
[10:57:41] <Mateusz Szymański> IMO that's a mistake, can you edit the file to just say `external_ip="x.x.x.x"` ?
[10:57:55] <Mateusz Szymański> that `%\n` is a mistake
[10:58:26] <Mateusz Szymański> aside from that if your IP is dynamic this file should be regenerated by cron :/
[10:59:11] <Mateusz Szymański> interestingly 'proper' coturn package already does so:
[11:01:16] <Lukas> > <> IMO that's a mistake, can you edit the file to just say `external_ip="x.x.x.x"` ?

you mean coturn.conf ?
[11:02:02] <orhtej2> > <> you mean coturn.conf ?

[11:02:14] <Lukas> > Yes

ok, let me try
[11:02:31] <orhtej2> And restart service ofc
[11:02:42] <orhtej2> And make sure its your current ip
[11:04:10] <Lukas> Jan 17 12:03:55 systemd[1]: Stopping Coturn...
Jan 17 12:03:55 systemd[1]: coturn-synapse.service: Succeeded.
Jan 17 12:03:55 systemd[1]: Stopped Coturn.
Jan 17 12:03:55 systemd[1]: Started Coturn.
[11:04:31] <Lukas> looks good, so the %\n is faulty
[11:06:24] <Mateusz Szymański> > <> looks good, so the %\n is faulty

report an issue on Github I guess, there's an ongoing large effort to update the packaging there
[11:06:40] <Mateusz Szymański>
[11:07:02] <Lukas> > <> interestingly 'proper' coturn package already does so:

where is this file located?
[11:08:00] <Mateusz Szymański> > <> where is this file located? but it's from `coturn_ynh`, not the one shipped with `synapse`
[11:09:50] <Lukas> > <> but it's from `coturn_ynh`, not the one shipped with `synapse`

root@yhost:/# find . | grep -i "conf_coturn"

[11:11:14] <Lukas> Just wan to know how the external-ip=x.x.x.x is written to my /etc/matrix-synapse/coturn.conf
[11:11:48] <Mateusz Szymański>
[11:12:20] <Lukas> means just one-time via installation script?
[11:12:38] <Mateusz Szymański> yes
[11:13:06] <Lukas> ok, my IP changes every 24, so I can use my dyndns for external-ip= value?
[11:16:02] <Mateusz Szymański> > <> ok, my IP changes every 24, so I can use my dyndns for external-ip= value?

no, it's meant to be an actual IP. I think this should be reported in synapse, if you need TURN capability perhaps remove/disable this synapse-coturn service, use `coturn_ynh` and patch the configs?
[11:18:23] <Mateusz Szymański> interestingly `coturn_ynh` leaves this entry blank:
[11:18:23] <Lukas> added my dyndns, restarted service, now errors
[11:18:36] <Mateusz Szymański> do you actually need a working TURN server? Are you using audio calls?
[11:20:22] <Lukas>

This can help maybe
[11:21:00] <Mateusz Szymański> > <>
> This can help maybe

that's for FreeBSD
[11:21:27] <Lukas> yes, should work on debian (ofc modified for debian) too ?
[11:22:58] <Lukas> something is here: but not merged :-(
[11:26:04] <orhtej2> I think what you're facing is not an upstream issue
[11:26:22] <Lukas> > I think what you're facing is not an upstream issue

[11:26:55] <Lukas> i create a simple shell script, which puts my current external IP to my coturn.conf
[14:12:42] <tao> hi there, having issues with upgrading nextcloud to latest. whatever i try i keep on getting this error: Index name "ts" for table "oc_social_stream_dest" collides. thanks in advance for your help
[14:53:25] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> searching on the internet with "nextcloud oc_social_stream_dest" i find many similar issues
[14:53:45] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> naively this seems like some specific app, maybe "social something" or microblog/activitypub(?) being problematic
[14:54:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and many people reported that they were able to fix the issue by manually deleting some indexes in their sql db
[14:54:11] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but i don't know enough about sql
[14:54:18] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> naively i'd try disabling the culprit app
[14:55:45] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (in a way it's kind of reassuring seeing the Nextcloud forum with so many people complaining about upgrade, truly shows how hard of a problem app upgrade is and even "pro"s don't get it right easily 😅)
[16:09:39] <Chatpitaine Caverne> > <> Bon, maintenant, faut que je m'occupe de mon Nextcloud. Parce que jouer avec les data_dir, c'est vraiment, mais alors vraiment pas une bonne idée. Surtout si tu t’emmêles les pinceaux et que tu te retrouves avec les dossiers users en partie au bonne endroit, et en autre partie dans un répertoire où ils sont pas censés être. On peut merger des répertoires ?

Can someone tell me which is the right data folder for users data in nextcloud. Is it in /yoursystem/nextcloud/theuser or /yoursystem/nextcloud/data/theuser. ? Can anybody check on it's nextcloud.
[16:13:09] <Chatpitaine Caverne> I think you undestood what mistake I have done, some day with the data_dir parameter.
[18:22:06] <lapineige> > <> Can someone tell me which is the right data folder for users data in nextcloud. Is it in /yoursystem/nextcloud/theuser or /yoursystem/nextcloud/data/theuser. ? Can anybody check on it's nextcloud.

It's in the config.php
[19:09:33] <Chatpitaine Caverne> lapineige: Thank you for the answer, and maybe it looked so obvious, that nobody had the idea to check, so thank you again.
This means that the users folder should be in the /data/ directory. I suppose, cause, playing with the value of the data_dir (or it's equivalent) was a kind of specialty, so I don't know what's correct, at the end.
[19:25:14] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Sorry people, I'm so f....g tired. Had some kind of over stress and no sleep enough with all that. Found it. Definitely it's in /data/myuser