Tuesday, February 13, 2024
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[00:43:29] <Paprika> Hello, I've recently noticed another warning appear that I am not familiar with.

The configuration file '/etc/systemd/system/ntp.service.d/ynh-override.conf' has been manually modified and will not be updated

Any information how could that have happened and how to go around fixing that?
I assume might have been a remnant of an update somewhere down the line recently, but no idea how it could've happened.
[00:45:03] <Paprika> Running `yunohost tools regen-conf --with-diff --dry-run` nets the following regarding that warning:
diff: @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
status: modified

I assume I could just run `yunohost tools regen-conf yunohost`.
[00:53:05] <Paprika> Yep, running that seems good. I did notice that Matrix decided to modify itself at some point as well though in `/var/www/.well-known/<redacteddomain>/autoconfig/mail/config-v1.1.xml`. No idea how do I fix that warning exactly, since I'd have to do `yunohost tools regen-conf nginx`, which would mean I'd have to redo some nginx configs manually again.
[05:40:05] <Anmol> Hi, what is the difference between the options Configuration, Data, Data multimedia for the Borg backup? And if I have external hdd attached to my system, will Borg write to the this hdd location directly or it will first make a copy on my live hdd and then copy it to the external hdd location?
[08:36:34] <Justinas> Hi dears, could you help me understand a little this reoccuring Ruby version problem? I wanted to update Discourse, update failed, but then even backup restoring failed (I added an issue about that on forums, so that the solution could be helpful to others).

Looks like this happened due to Ruby version being 2.7 instead of 3.0. How could that even happen, if I had Discourse working just an hour ago? And if this is a real problem, do I have to somehow try manually upgrading Ruby?
[09:09:01] <Guillaume Bouzige> discourse app is somehow in broken state I am afraid
[09:12:20] <Justinas> > discourse app is somehow in broken state I am afraid

discourse was marked as broken a couple months ago, but today I saw an update proposal.. so happily took the chance and broke it
[10:05:15] <ic> Question about Yunohost 12 , Am I right to assume domains and letsencrypt certs will be handled the same way as now but Prosody ( or metronome) will need to be installed and then configured by editing their config files.
[11:32:37] <Paprika> Sonarr seems to still be doing some weird stuff. It now seems to work after becoming stable, but refuses to connect to Prowlarr.
[11:36:24] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <ic> Question about Yunohost 12 , Am I right to assume domains and letsencrypt certs will be handled the same way as now but Prosody ( or metronome) will need to be installed and then configured by editing their config files.

You will just need to explicitly install the metronome package, either from apt in cli, or an option in the webadmin, everything else remains unchanged
[11:52:40] <ic> With current set up there is no requirement to edit any xmpp server files (Metronome) will this change since Metronome is no longer going to be integrated.
[11:55:15] <Marc> Hi folks, i have a problem with mail redir and group mail-alias. If i send a msg to a user with mail redir, it works (goes into mailebox + external redir). if send a mail to mail group to which the user is a member the mail goes properly into the user mailbox but IS NOT forwarded to the redir.
[13:22:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <ic> With current set up there is no requirement to edit any xmpp server files (Metronome) will this change since Metronome is no longer going to be integrated.

yunohost will still automagically configure metronome when metronome is installed
[13:49:01] <ic> What about Prosody will one have a choice
[13:58:00] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you'll be able to uninstall metronome and install the prosody app like you can already
[14:11:23] <ic> Sorry to labour the point Aleks but thought at the moment it is not possible to uninstall Metronome because of the integration
[16:13:28] <Ilario> Bonjour, jais un problème avec xmpp je n’arrive pas a envoyer des images. Le diagnostic dns est tout vert pour xmpp le certificat est installé les portes 5222 et5269 sont ouvertes.
J’oublie quelque choses?
[18:21:12] <Paprika> I have tried running Sonarr/Radarr and adding SABnzb as a download client on both. However, since there is no SABnzb package for Yunohost, I've decided to spin up a container on another machine within the same network. Everything is great except for this:
No files found are eligible for import in /root/Downloads/complete/abc.mkv/
2024-02-13 20:06:29.2|Error|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /root/Downloads/complete/abc.mkv/. Ensure the path exists and the user running Sonarr has the correct permissions to access this file/folder

I understand the issue - Sonarr doesn't have enough permissions to access the files that are on the other machine. I have a difficult time comprehending how to approach this. Any help would be appreciated.
[20:29:13] <freddewitt> Bonjour à tous :)
[21:39:01] <freddewitt> I have a beginner question, is it a fine thing to point yunohost backup folder on a webdav folder mounted ? Or should i try to make cron action to copy on it ? thx
[21:43:30] <hook> freddewitt, you would like to a) “mount” the backup folder (with)in Nextcloud, so it show there and through WebDAV, or b) use actual `mount` (perhaps with `--bind`) to achieve this?
[21:44:52] <hook> I think a) should be fine. For b) I wouldn’t (but am not knowledgable enough to say why, it just feels like something might go wrong if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing with the b) option)
[21:46:29] <freddewitt> I created a webdav folder (from cloud services - infomaniak), and i was not sure if it's cool to point this folder as yunohost.backup/ or should i create an independant folder, then make a Rsync with cron job.
[21:46:37] <freddewitt> I don't know if i'am clear
[21:50:04] <hook> How do you make sure the backups end up in that folder?
[21:51:08] <hook> Ah, OK, I think I get it now.
[21:51:23] <freddewitt> Well i was planing to use davfs2 to mount yunohost.backup on fstab
[21:51:40] <freddewitt> but i guess this is not very sure way
[21:52:01] <hook> Hmmm, good question. I _think_ it should be OK, but I wouldn’t trust myself (even for my own stuff) with this, so please wait for someone who knows more about this than I do.
[21:52:41] <hook> …as in, if I were you with the same question, I’d also be asking here and waiting for someone else to tell me 😅️
[21:53:11] <hook> Sorry…
[21:53:16] <freddewitt> Ahah for now i think i would use davfs2 + rsync + cron
[21:53:31] <freddewitt> no no, i appreciate you took time to answer
[21:53:49] <freddewitt> and i prefer to read doubt than false information :D
[22:21:25] <lapineige> freddewitt: is WebDAV mounts POSIX-compatible ?