Tuesday, February 27, 2024
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[07:08:15] <CyBerNetX> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/KQyBpFJGHUeWAdvEbyaBnXJk
[07:08:16] <CyBerNetX> Bonjour je suis allez voir dans les application à installer et je rencontre cette erreur à l acces aux info de l'application castopod
[07:09:06] <CyBerNetX> histoire de vous prévenir, pour info mon instance est sur du raspberry
[07:53:10] <tituspijean> > <@mensoif04:matrix.org> Salut, j'ai eu un problème a l’installation de PeerTube https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/akuxosiwik Comme conseillé j'ai tenté d'installer npm 10.04.0 mais voila ce que ça me dit:

La vraie erreur est un peu plus haut: `EACCES: permission denied, stat '/var/log/peertube/peertube.log'` 😉
[07:57:22] <tituspijean> > <@cybernetx:matrix.org> Bonjour je suis allez voir dans les application à installer et je rencontre cette erreur à l acces aux info de l'application castopod

Je confirme le bug! Mais même la ligne de commande n'est pas explicite sur ce qu'est le problème
[08:03:48] <tituspijean> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> La vraie erreur est un peu plus haut: `EACCES: permission denied, stat '/var/log/peertube/peertube.log'` 😉

mmmh ou pas, il y a une erreur au démarrage du service un peu plus haut
[08:41:06] <CyBerNetX> tituspijean: je pense que c'est un souci de lien vers l applis github
[08:41:25] <CyBerNetX> qu en penses tu ?
[10:17:19] <tituspijean> CyBerNetX: clairement, mais je ne vois pas d'où ça vient. et ça marche en renseignant l'URL: `sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/castopod_ynh -f`
[10:17:29] <tituspijean> mensoif04: peux-tu essayer en installant avec ceci? `sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/peertube_ynh/tree/log -f`
[10:24:49] <tituspijean> mmmh, there's a mismatch between the head commit in the catalog (https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/apahoguxax) and the one in github (https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/castopod_ynh/commit/ca0c2fcd4e696f8b058029128be183e5dad6310a). orhtej2, did you happen to force-push to master branch by any chance? (no finger pointing, the catalog should have updated anyways, I'm trying to understand what's happening)
[10:30:30] <orhtej2> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> mmmh, there's a mismatch between the head commit in the catalog (https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/apahoguxax) and the one in github (https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/castopod_ynh/commit/ca0c2fcd4e696f8b058029128be183e5dad6310a). orhtej2, did you happen to force-push to master branch by any chance? (no finger pointing, the catalog should have updated anyways, I'm trying to understand what's happening)

I accidently squashed a pr
[10:31:27] <tituspijean> oopsie
[10:32:02] <tituspijean> the catalog on git has been updated two hours ago, it should be refreshed soon
[13:03:52] <gredin67> hello, j'ai augmenté la taille du swap via `/etc/fstab`, mais yunohost semble me le reset aux valeurs par défaut à chaque redémarrage. Quelle est la méthode recommandée ?
[13:13:34] <Salamandar> Salut, tu as fait quoi exactement ? fstab ne configure pas de taille, et yunohost n'est pas censé le changer
[13:16:24] <gredin67> j'ai suivi ce tuto https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-on-ubuntu-14-04
[13:16:57] <gredin67> mais avant yunohost ne créait pas de swap par défaut, y'a bien quelque-chose qui a été rajouté concernant le swap ?
[13:26:55] <gredin67> arf, j'ai compris, une sombre histoire de dphys-swapfile pour les fichiers de swap sur raspberry
[13:49:24] <gredin67> > <@gredin67:matrix.fdn.fr> arf, j'ai compris, une sombre histoire de dphys-swapfile pour les fichiers de swap sur raspberry

[14:16:50] <Salamandar> > <@gredin67:matrix.fdn.fr> arf, j'ai compris, une sombre histoire de dphys-swapfile pour les fichiers de swap sur raspberry

ha tiens je ne connaissais pas ce service…
[15:20:05] <radiotea> Hello, I am new to yunohost. Currently I am attempting to try it out by installing the os image on an old laptop, but the checksum of the downloaded image doesn't match the checksum file. My laptop also doesn't recognise it as a bootable image when flashed to a USB drive.
I have tested with several different USB drives and a Debian image that I know works. It is also not a 32/64 bit architecture issue, as I have tried both images just in case (the laptop is 64 bit).
So I can only assume that there is some issue either with the image or the flashing process (tried flashing with balenaEtcher, USB imager and did). Does anyone have any suggestions?
[15:21:40] <radiotea> DD, not did
[15:30:48] <Mateusz Szymański> > <@radiotea:glasgow.social> Hello, I am new to yunohost. Currently I am attempting to try it out by installing the os image on an old laptop, but the checksum of the downloaded image doesn't match the checksum file. My laptop also doesn't recognise it as a bootable image when flashed to a USB drive.
> I have tested with several different USB drives and a Debian image that I know works. It is also not a 32/64 bit architecture issue, as I have tried both images just in case (the laptop is 64 bit).
> So I can only assume that there is some issue either with the image or the flashing process (tried flashing with balenaEtcher, USB imager and did). Does anyone have any suggestions?

Consider installing 'stock' Debian 11 and applying [this method](https://yunohost.org/en/install/hardware:vps_debian#run-the-install-script) which is known to work no matter the hardware
[15:57:49] <Salamandar> > <@radiotea:glasgow.social> Hello, I am new to yunohost. Currently I am attempting to try it out by installing the os image on an old laptop, but the checksum of the downloaded image doesn't match the checksum file. My laptop also doesn't recognise it as a bootable image when flashed to a USB drive.
> I have tested with several different USB drives and a Debian image that I know works. It is also not a 32/64 bit architecture issue, as I have tried both images just in case (the laptop is 64 bit).
> So I can only assume that there is some issue either with the image or the flashing process (tried flashing with balenaEtcher, USB imager and did). Does anyone have any suggestions?

Hi, if the checksum is invalid, you shouldn’t try to use the file. Please try and redownload the file
[15:58:15] <Salamandar> If that doesn’t work, you can install a standard Debian from the official repositories, then install Yunohost on it
[15:58:17] <radiotea> I have the re-downloaded the file several times.
[15:58:20] <Salamandar> it’s not difficult
[15:58:29] <Salamandar> oh, weird. Maybe an issue on our side then
[15:58:43] <radiotea> I am trying the stock Debian route, thanks.
[15:58:53] <Salamandar> then I can only suggest to install an official Debian system
[15:58:55] <Salamandar> okay 🙂
[15:58:57] <Salamandar> sorry for the issue ☹️
[15:59:34] <Salamandar> you’ll just have to run this after the debian install
[15:59:37] <Salamandar> `curl https://install.yunohost.org | bash`
[15:59:41] <Salamandar> then follow the instructions
[18:15:47] <ben> Hello, I was trying to get Nextcloud LDAP also to accept the email address as login information, but it did not work. Anyone got this running that the Nextcloud login accepts the main email and password from Yunohost users?
[20:14:01] <Sandro> Hello everyone,

I need your help.

I'm trying to make my only Synapse user an admin of the instance by entering:

su --command="psql matrix_synapse" postgres <<< "UPDATE users SET admin = 1 WHERE name = '@user_to_be_san:thesan.space'"
I get the response: UPDATE 0

I can't log into Synapse Admin; it kicks me out. What should I do?

Thank you.

#matrix #synapse