Sunday, June 11, 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[02:29:21] <c> Aleks (he/him/il/lui), i didn't submit "factual information" because i did not request this person to get banned. I said i definitely would on my own chan/server though. I don't want a "witch hunt" or to publish a press release every time a nazi shows up or is banned, but would appreciate a clarification of antifascist politics on the website / charter / code of conduct just to let nazis know people are not gonna provide free work to help their genocidal projects and they are generally not welcome.

If that's really useful, i can provide server logs from XMPP, which you also have because all the PMs were mediated by the MUC. I can also provide my email logs with the follow-up threat email. That's all i will say on this topic: the mods know my JID and can contact me anytime (email available at the same address).

Kick nazis in the face, don't help them avoid "attacks" by selfhosting weird paranoid setups <3
Take care, friends :)
[08:42:46] <Willy> > <> Willy: c'est ce que j'ai fait. Je t'invite à contacter leur support pour confirmer que leur plan gratuit inclue l'accès à l'API.

Effectivement, voici la réponse du support : "Unfortunately, the free plan does not support the APIs. All of our paid plans support the APIs. The APIs request cannot be executed with the free plan."
[08:42:58] <Willy> C'était voué à l'échec mon histoire...
[13:31:52] <mavric34> Is Yunohost compatible with Debian bookworm?
[13:33:27] <mavric34> > <c> Aleks (he/him/il/lui), i didn't submit "factual information" because i did not request this person to get banned. I said i definitely would on my own chan/server though. I don't want a "witch hunt" or to publish a press release every time a nazi shows up or is banned, but would appreciate a clarification of antifascist politics on the website / charter / code of conduct just to let nazis know people are not gonna provide free work to help their genocidal projects and they are generally not welcome.
> If that's really useful, i can provide server logs from XMPP, which you also have because all the PMs were mediated by the MUC. I can also provide my email logs with the follow-up threat email. That's all i will say on this topic: the mods know my JID and can contact me anytime (email available at the same address).
> Kick nazis in the face, don't help them avoid "attacks" by selfhosting weird paranoid setups <3
> Take care, friends :)

If you were straight in your boots, you would have already posted the screenshots!
[13:35:30] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> Is Yunohost compatible with Debian bookworm?

Congratz, you're the first 👍️
[14:06:45] <apelpep0p519> nvm it inexplicably works now
[16:29:06] <win8linux> Has anyone else experienced this issue with Navidrome?
[16:30:01] <win8linux> Client apps will refuse to log in claiming that credentials are incorrect, but logging in through the web (with and without using LDAP) is fine.
[16:43:26] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> is the app set as public / available for visitors ?
[16:43:38] <win8linux> Yes
[16:43:47] <win8linux> More details in the issue.
[17:26:38] <eric_G> win8linux:
[17:27:10] <eric_G> did you try to comment the two lines?
[17:27:19] <eric_G> and restart the service?
[17:28:38] <eric_G>
[17:29:09] <win8linux> Where is that file found in the system?
[17:29:30] <eric_G> in `/var/lib/navidrome/navodrome.toml`
[17:29:47] <eric_G> *navidrome.toml
[19:10:14] <misskoula> Will kbin be available on yuno?
[19:11:06] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it will be if somebody packages it
[19:18:10] <lapineige> An important security update has been released :
Please update your Yunohost 😉
[19:26:59] <Chatpitaine Caverne> J'ai une galère.
Je suis sous Raspi 4B
Suite à des conflits de packages, J'ai désinstallé aujourd'hui Netdata ainsi que le Package Netdata Cloud (installé avec leur ligne de commande en wget).
[19:29:16] <Chatpitaine Caverne> J'ai une galère.
Je suis sous Raspi 4B
Suite à des conflits de packages, J'ai désinstallé aujourd'hui Netdata ainsi que le Package Netdata Cloud (installé avec leur ligne de commande en wget).

J'essaie de mettre à jour le system avec yunohost tools upgrade system. Voici la log :
[19:34:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> can you share the output of `grep 'netdata' /usr/bin/dpkg-statoverride`
[19:36:04] <Chatpitaine Caverne> ```grep 'netdata' /usr/bin/dpkg-statoverride```
returns nothing
[19:41:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> what about `grep 'netdata' /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride`
[19:42:43] <Chatpitaine Caverne> mieux, quelques pistes :

```grep 'netdata' /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride
netdata netdata 755 /var/cache/netdata
netdata netdata 755 /var/lib/netdata
netdata netdata 755 /var/run/netdata
root netdata 775 /var/lib/netdata/registry
netdata adm 2750 /var/log/netdata
root netdata 755 /var/lib/netdata/www
[19:46:59] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Si je place ces répertoires en owner root:root, y'a des chances que ça corrige ce souci. Isn't it ?
[19:49:58] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Ou alors, modifier /var/lib/dpkg/statoveride en enlevant/modifiant ces lignes, mais je crains de foutre la m....e. J'attends conseil avant de toucher.
[19:50:37] <Gofannon> It "works on my server" so I don't really know the issue with them and there is no logs provided so ...
[19:50:58] <Gofannon> Some other packagers already had this in the past ?
[19:51:50] <Gofannon> On my server, I still have php fpm configs so cleanup should be needed. Is there any "helper" to do the cleaning part available ?
[19:52:02] <Gofannon> grep -Hn 'fpm-dokuwiki' /etc/php/*/fpm/pool.d/dokuwiki*
[19:52:28] <Gofannon> /etc/php/7.3/fpm/pool.d/dokuwiki.conf:9:listen = /var/run/php/php7.3-fpm-dokuwiki.sock
[19:52:35] <Gofannon> /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/dokuwiki.conf:9:listen = /var/run/php/php8.1-fpm-dokuwiki.sock
[19:53:00] <Gofannon> Might be a fails somewhere in the previous package
[19:53:25] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Chatpitaine Caverne: du coup apriori faut suivre la meme chose que décrit ici (apriori ton probleme est dans netdata, pas causé par YunoHost :| )
[19:53:34] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> genre `dpkg-statoverride --remove /var/cache/netdata`
[19:53:40] <Gofannon> cat /etc/yunohost/apps/dokuwiki/settings.yml | grep fpm_ser
[19:53:42] <Gofannon> fpm_service: php8.1-fpm
[19:53:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> et pareil pour chaque fichier mentionné dans le retour de `grep 'netdata' /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride`
[19:54:20] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Gofannon: si t'es sur IRC, pour une raison mystérieuse il nous manque tes messages avant "It 'works on my server'
[19:55:00] <Chatpitaine Caverne> > <> Gofannon: si t'es sur IRC, pour une raison mystérieuse il nous manque tes messages avant "It 'works on my server'

faudrait que tu switch en anglais, je crois.
[19:55:17] <Chatpitaine Caverne> > <> et pareil pour chaque fichier mentionné dans le retour de `grep 'netdata' /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride`

Merci, je teste ça.
[19:56:09] <Gofannon> Aleks (he/him/il/lui), arf IRF effectivement... Je reposte le début
[19:56:25] <Gofannon> Hello, I'm working on the dokuwiki package as some people have a problem this the last release (v2 package). I lost track of YunoHost changes and I am in a "best effort" state about this
[19:56:29] <Aleks_on_irc> test
[19:56:41] <Gofannon> the bug report :
[19:56:42] <Gofannon> the "bug" : Another FPM instance seems to already listen on /var/run/php/php8.1-fpm-dokuwiki.sock
[19:57:03] <Gofannon> Aleks (he/him/il/lui), ping test
[19:59:07] <will[m]> Pong
[19:59:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Gofannon: meh, dunno why that happens, I'm guessing a leftover conf file which somehow refers to the same socket ... naively I'd ask people to `grep -nr dokuwiki /etc/php` and expect to find an old file still there
[20:00:41] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> there's no helper to magically clean up that kind of situation, the plan is to have more declarativeness in the future regarding confs such as nginx, php, etc, such that we could check that only one $app.conf exists in the nominal case ...
[20:02:55] <Gofannon> Is doing "rm /etc/php/*/fpm/pool.d/$app.conf" in the upgrade script fine ?
[20:03:21] <Chatpitaine Caverne> > <> Chatpitaine Caverne: du coup apriori faut suivre la meme chose que décrit ici (apriori ton probleme est dans netdata, pas causé par YunoHost :| )

Parfait, merci Aleks (he/him/il/lui)
[20:03:56] <Gofannon> debian 11: php7.4 & debian 10: php 7.3 if I remember correctly
[20:05:11] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> Is doing "rm /etc/php/*/fpm/pool.d/$app.conf" in the upgrade script fine ?

hmmmm it's more complex than that because there's a mechanism that stores the checksum of the file to check if it's manually modified etc ...
[20:05:22] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> if you savagely rm the legit file, it will appear as manually modified
[20:06:45] <Gofannon> pourquoi j'ai du php 8.1 alors dans le paquet ? Ca a été viré du "" pourtant lors du passage en v2 apparement
[20:07:08] <Gofannon> ca aurait du revenir sur la version "php de base" de yunohost
[20:07:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> cf php8.1 ici :
[20:07:54] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Ah ben Gofannon cause français finalement. Désolé, pour le switch inutile.
[20:08:23] <Gofannon> Aleks (he/him/il/lui), alright them. it's always more complicated than expected ...
[20:08:30] <Gofannon> Comme vous voulez :)
[20:09:41] <Gofannon> Aleks (he/him/il/lui), c'est "nouveau pour moi" cette maniere d'indiquer la version de php à utiliser pour le paquet. Ca doit être la v2 du packag
[20:09:45] <Gofannon> Aleks (he/him/il/lui), c'est "nouveau pour moi" cette maniere d'indiquer la version de php à utiliser pour le paquet. Ca doit être la v2 du packaging
[20:11:01] <Gofannon> Comment je peux virer proprement les fichiers "/etc/php/7.3/fpm/pool.d/dokuwiki.conf" ? (en espérant que ça résolve le probleme)
[20:11:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yep
[20:11:55] <Gofannon> La doc est top sur la v2 aparrement (bravo aux contributeurices) et j'avoue n'avoir pas tout parcouru. l'outil de doc a changé aussi
[20:12:11] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> en fsant genre `ynh_secure_remove ` sur le fichier. Genre si t'es vraiment sur qu'il est plus nécessaire (genre oui vu que là c'est php8.1)
[20:12:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> le probleme que je mentionnais c'était de supprimer le fichier "actuel" (genre implicitement en utilisant `rm /etc/php/*/truc/much`) etc
[20:14:35] <Gofannon> ah je comprends mieux. Du coup, ça sera une nouvelle version du pacquet avec des "if" dans le "upgrade" => ynh_secure_remove php7.3 et php7.4
[20:14:51] <Willy> Bonsoir tout le monde
[20:15:01] <Gofannon> pis je verrai ça marche mieux
[20:15:43] <Gofannon> Aleks (he/him/il/lui), merci pour les infos. Je dois filer.
[20:16:01] <Gofannon> y a souvent du monde par ici pour ce genre de questions?
[20:16:17] <Gofannon> ça serait plus "rapide pour moi" de poser ce genre de questions ici que su le forum
[20:16:31] <Willy> J'avais ouvert un sujet sur le forum au sujet des relai smtp ( Depuis l’intégration des options de relai smtp dans yunohost, j'ai toujours le même problème au sujet de l'enregistrement spf; y'a t'il du nouveau pour régler ce soucis?
[20:22:36] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> y a souvent du monde par ici pour ce genre de questions?

l'idéal c'est de venir sur
[20:23:34] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> J'avais ouvert un sujet sur le forum au sujet des relai smtp ( Depuis l’intégration des options de relai smtp dans yunohost, j'ai toujours le même problème au sujet de l'enregistrement spf; y'a t'il du nouveau pour régler ce soucis?

pas spécialement, il faudrait sans doute adapter le comportement de yunohost pour faire une recommendation DNS différente
[20:24:40] <Willy> merci Aleks (he/him/il/lui); j'avais tenté à l'époque grace aux hooks mais sans succès
[21:30:34] <starlord> Greetings, all! If I initialize a new Yunohost on a machine on the same network I have another one running, how will I know which yunohost.local I'm remoting into? Also, if I want to replace one with the other, is it as simple as backing up from the .tar I made on the first one or are there more steps?
[21:31:26] <Willy> j'ai demandé à chatgpt de m'écrire un hook pour modifier l'enregistrement spf, est ce que quelqu'un peut me donner son avis sur ce hook:

# Récupérer le nom de domaine courant

# Vérifier si le nom de domaine se termine par
if [[ $domain == * ]]; then
# Nouvelle valeur de l'enregistrement SPF souhaitée
spf_value="v=spf1 a mx ip4: ~all"

# Mettre à jour l'enregistrement SPF existant
yunohost domain dns-conf set $domain --type SPF --value "$spf_value"

# Mettre à jour les paramètres DNS
yunohost dyndns update $domain

[21:31:55] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> oh god
[21:32:18] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> non mais y'a pas à écrire de hook, c'est juste pas adapté pour cette situation ...
[21:33:33] <Willy> c'est ce qu'avait proposé quelqu'un sur le forum...
[21:33:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[21:33:54] <Willy> ça ne fonctionnerait pas dans mon cas?
[21:34:31] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> le code en l'état n'est pas prévu pour qu'on puisse surcharger les enregistrements DNS recommandés
[21:35:27] <Willy> mais c'est pas justement le principe des hooks de "bidouiller" le fonctionnement de yunohost?
[21:35:53] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> oui et non, tu peux faire des choses mais pas d'autres ...
[21:37:01] <Willy> si je comprends bien, la ligne `yunohost domain dns-conf set $domain --type SPF --value "$spf_value"` ne fonctionnerait pas dans l'état actuel de yunohost?
[21:37:17] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> non, c'est une ligne de commande hallucinée par Chat GPT ...
[21:37:55] *Aleks (he/him/il/lui) se demande combien de fois il va devoir expliquer dans sa vie que ChatGPT est un générateur d'hallucinations et pas une source de vérité automagique ...
[21:38:09] <Willy> :)
[21:38:18] <Willy> il ment avec tellement d'aplomb :°
[21:39:49] <Chatpitaine Caverne> > <> non, c'est une ligne de commande hallucinée par Chat GPT ...

J'ai un copain sous LSD qui m'a donné la recette pour la révolution. Je partage pas, je dépose un brevet 😸
[21:39:59] <Willy> je m'etais inspiré du post de ljf du 19 novembre de ce sujet :
[21:42:16] <Willy> ljf avait écrit :
Du coup pour faire ce que tu veux il faut créer un fichier: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/custom_dns_rules avec quelques choses qui ressemble à ça dedans:


echo '[{"type": "TXT", "name": "@", "value": "\"v=spf1 a mx -all\"", "ttl": 3600 }]' > $YNH_STDRETURN

Note 1: avec ça n’importe qui avec une connexion orange peut envoyer des emails avec ton nom de domaine.

Note 2: j’ai pas testé ce hook, je ne sais pas si ça marche.
[21:43:07] <Willy> mais j'ai peut-être très mal interprété la conversation...
[21:45:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> cf le Note 2
[21:46:25] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> et oui ça va marchouiller, sauf que ça va juste rajouter un enregistrement recommandé en plus de celui déjà proposé, ce qui ne résouds pas le probleme
[21:46:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 'fin après si tu parles couramment Python je peux te faire le tour du proprio et te démontrer par A + B pourquoi ça marchera pas
[21:47:08] <Willy> je te fais pleinement confiance...
[21:47:11] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> si tu veux je te propose même une formation Python à mon tarif habituel, 700€ la journée
[21:47:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> m'enfin là c'est moi qui ai codé le truc et je te dis que ça marchera pas en l'état et j'ai pas spécialement envie de te démontrer en t'expliquant chaque ligne de code
[21:48:34] <Willy> je ne doutais pas que tu aurais raison (c'est d'ailleurs pour ça que je te demande, je cherchais juste à comprendre)
[21:51:23] <Willy> merci
[22:42:51] <c> mavric34, admins and everyone who wants logs from conversation with stupid nazi dude: (i changed my hostname with MONSERVEUR.FR and my client resources with client1 and client2 otherwise the logs are untouched) ; admins can confirm from MUC logs that the messages contents/IDs are legit

Now can we all agree people like this don't have a place here and get back to selfhosting questions for actually decent human beings? We've lost enough braincells engaging him. PS: if you find more alts by this dude for sure make a proper report to get him banned i just don't have more mental energy/space for shit like this right now.
[22:46:33] <c> and the threat email i received right after calling him out: now you know all i know make your own opinion and i don't want to lose more time on this :)
[22:48:32] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> what is see is an unreadable mess and when i read it, i only see the logs of the support channel, not the supposedly private conversation you had with him
[22:50:19] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and the mail screenshot is pretty obnoxious indeed, yet there's no clue that this person is the same than in this chat, for all we know it could be anyone ...
[22:51:08] <nalla22> > <c> and the threat email i received right after calling him out: now you know all i know make your own opinion and i don't want to lose more time on this :)

How can you expect them to know who owns the e-mail address? Why don't you just take a screenshot of the conversation you had with him?
[22:59:00] <mavric34> > <c> mavric34, admins and everyone who wants logs from conversation with stupid nazi dude: (i changed my hostname with MONSERVEUR.FR and my client resources with client1 and client2 otherwise the logs are untouched) ; admins can confirm from MUC logs that the messages contents/IDs are legit
> Now can we all agree people like this don't have a place here and get back to selfhosting questions for actually decent human beings? We've lost enough braincells engaging him. PS: if you find more alts by this dude for sure make a proper report to get him banned i just don't have more mental energy/space for shit like this right now.

All I see is a summary of posts from here, nothing relevant, it's a waste of time!
[23:05:51] <c> Aleks (he/him/il/lui), sorry for the unreadable mess for some reason assumed it was HTML, just open the raw text and you'll see the raw metronome log file from my yunohost server... if you only want private message you can `grep "type='chat'"`
[23:06:12] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes great that's really convenient
[23:06:30] <c> i can do it for you if that's better... if it can help you tell me how you want me to format it i'll do everything
[23:06:41] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> why is it so hard to just take a goddamn screenshot
[23:07:11] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> if you don't have the conversation available anymore, can't you just clearly state "i don't have the conversation opened anymore, i can't take a screenshot ?"
[23:07:13] <c> Aleks (he/him/il/lui), because Gajim has a nice bug the PMs are shown inline in MUC:
[23:07:37] <c> so i can take screenshots but that'll be even less relevant because there won't even be the person's nick displayed :')
[23:07:53] <c> (and it'll be lost in the sea of this room's messages)
[23:08:06] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> riiiight ... whereas instead we are able to read ... this convenient mess of a text wall
[23:08:15] <c> right let me format that for you
[23:08:29] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but hey you're right, after bleeding my eyes out reading this whole text mess, there is indeed some nazi bullshiting at the very end
[23:08:56] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> which for some reason was copypasted along with the boring technical discussion on tailscale which is irrelevant
[23:09:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> AND (the nice bit) it's only *his* messages and not *yours* as well
[23:09:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> which again is very convenient to have a nice clear understanding of the whole thing
[23:09:36] <c> oh yeah right sorry i grepped "from=..." let me fix that
[23:09:39] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> though I'll concedede that the dude sounds pretty nazi-ish to me
[23:09:55] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> right
[23:10:09] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and any way we can have displayed so to not lose 50 points of mental sanity again ?
[23:10:29] <mavric34> > <c> oh yeah right sorry i grepped "from=..." let me fix that

If you can't take a screenshot of the original conversation, then there's no way of proving that what you're saying is true, because in that case you can add any phrase you like to the text! 😐️
[23:11:02] <c> mavric34, that's pure bullshit, forging a screenshot is 0% harder than forging logs
[23:11:10] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> also yeah, thanks for the tip of "admins can cross-check the MUC log", cool, we're not really used to spy on private conversation happening on our server, I don't even know if we have this log in the first place, and again, what the hell is wrong with taking a fucking screenshot
[23:11:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> forging a screenshot like 5 days after the fact is certainly easier than taking a screenshot 2 minutes after the conversation happened, yes
[23:12:21] <mavric34> > <c> mavric34, that's pure bullshit, forging a screenshot is 0% harder than forging logs

I can rewrite the same mess of text you posted without any problem and add my own sentences. There's nothing hard about that!
[23:15:40] <c> hmmm and metronome apparently on yunohost is configured not to log outbound messages *content*, but i still have it in my clients, that's going to be convenient to reconstruct...
[23:16:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 🤦
[23:16:12] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> the gift that keeps on giving ...
[23:16:31] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> just when you think the whole think can't get more ridiculous
[23:16:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> maybe i shall go make some popcorn or something
[23:18:28] <miro5001>
[23:20:18] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> miro5001: cf, upgrade to, possibly fix the /dev/null mess using the command mentionned
[23:21:25] <c> until then i can post gajim screenshots from the messages i sent him
first part:
[23:21:46] <c> second part:
[23:21:59] <c> last part:
[23:22:47] <miro5001> I think the post title should be edited
[23:23:00] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah yes great now we see your messages, but not those of the nazi dude
[23:23:21] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i guess i'll lose another 50 mental sanity points then
[23:23:23] <c> now tomorrow i'll see what i can do to extract relevant parts from client/server logs and put them back together but sorry i'm not doing that at 1am :)
[23:23:46] <mavric34> > <c> until then i can post gajim screenshots from the messages i sent him
> first part:

All messages were written by "C" 🤔
[23:24:00] <c> Aleks (he/him/il/lui), i don't mean to bother you more with this, if you think you've seen enough... should i assemble it tomorrow?
[23:24:16] <c> mavric34, i already said thanks to a nice gajim bug i don't have it in the same window:
[23:25:32] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> honestly i don't even give a shit anymore, this is just ridiculous, i'm stuck somewhere between "endless facepalming", "fascination by how much of a mess this whole story is compared to how simple it could have been", and "never wanting to hear about this ever again"
[23:26:18] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> bonus point for complaining about XMPP when you can't even take a simple screenshot exactly because of XMPP's mess, that's the cherry over the top, but probably unrelated troll i guess
[23:26:40] <c> yeah same for me. i'm ok to just stay at that, i've published both sides of the conversations (although separately *more facepalm*) so that's enough for people to make an opinion
[23:27:14] <c> haha Aleks (he/him/il/lui) that's not exactly a protocol problem that i have a love-hate relationship with a specific client (gajim) :( i should really switch to dino sometime
[23:27:28] <c> sorry for taking your time again with this crazy bullshit
[23:31:16] <c> on the plus side and slightly unrelated to this conversation: i heard some people a few weeks back who wanted to make a migration script from metronome to prosody for yunohost users to get better XMPP support server side... i don't know if that's happening soon but if i have more news i'll post about it ;-)
[23:38:23] <tdlf32[m]> > <@_bifrost_c2fsupport40conferenceyunohostorg[m]> until then i can post gajim screenshots from the messages i sent him
> first part:

I'm shocked to see that you've changed the conversation to suit your speech!
Because some of the sentences in his screenshots are mine, and others are "C", but he changed several things and deleted dozens of sentences that could put him in a bad light.

Why don't you show your messages in full? knowing that it was you who agreed with the NAZI!
The sentence with the quote from the wise men of Zion is mine, as are other sentences. Why did you falsify the conversation? What's in it for you?
[23:39:00] <c> tdlf32[m], glad to see you admit to being the same troll... now post your own logs/screenshots if i faked it all ;-) ;-)
[23:41:34] <c> (then let admins compare with their own MUC logs and be pwned into your own lies)
[23:41:47] <mavric34> What's that got to do with anything? I'm talking about the conversation you posted and the lies you spread!
[23:43:02] <mavric34> > <c> and the threat email i received right after calling him out: now you know all i know make your own opinion and i don't want to lose more time on this :)

This is not my e-mail address. I've never used ProtonMail and I don't know who MARIA4364 is !
[23:43:02] <c> oh now mavric34 is self-doxxing as another Jhon nick?! what interesting times to be around?! who would have guessed? ;-) ;-)
[23:44:29] <tdlf32[m]> > <@_bifrost_c2fsupport40conferenceyunohostorg[m]> and the threat email i received right after calling him out: now you know all i know make your own opinion and i don't want to lose more time on this :)

This is not my email address. I've never used ProtonMail and I don't know who MARIA4364 is !
[23:46:22] <mavric34> > <c> oh now mavric34 is self-doxxing as another Jhon nick?! what interesting times to be around?! who would have guessed? ;-) ;-)

I just got the wrong channel, and posted a message in the wrong channel. What are you talking about?
[23:53:42] <nalla22> Can you just stop with the story?
This is absolutely not the place