Monday, June 26, 2023
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[07:56:08] <csavelief> While looking at the journal, I found this error "Caused by: Failed to bind to"
[07:56:34] <csavelief> Do you have any idea of how to fix it the YunoHost way ?
[07:57:57] <tituspijean[m]> for Matrix users, we are missing their first message:

> I tried to install jenkins on my YunoHost instance but I get an error during the "Installing Jenkins..." phase
[07:59:24] <csavelief> I will try to clarify it below :
[07:59:24] <csavelief> I tried to install jenkins on my YunoHost instance but I get an error during the "Installing Jenkins..." phase
[07:59:56] <csavelief> While looking at the journal, I found this error "Caused by: Failed to bind to"
[07:59:56] <csavelief> Do you have any idea of how to fix it the YunoHost way ?
[07:59:56] <csavelief> The paste is
[08:11:28] <tituspijean[m]> > <> While looking at the journal, I found this error "Caused by: Failed to bind to"

Was this error around 2023-06-26 07:33:22?
[08:12:18] <csavelief> yes 07:33 and repeated a few time until 07:34
[08:12:47] <tituspijean[m]> It looks like a bug in the installation script. It lets Jenkins install itself with its .deb package, but it tries to directly start it up, while its default port is 8080. In the case it is already used by another app, it will fail with no chance for us to fix it beforehand.
[08:13:01] <tituspijean[m]> I'll register this as a bug in the app repo
[08:22:16] <csavelief> Super! Thank you :-)
[08:23:24] <tituspijean[m]> FYI:
[09:23:43] <lapineige> > In fact I don't know if that is a parameter that is supposed to be changed.
> I don't know how Nextcloud connects to the local mail server

Some more tries in my Nextcloud email issue:
- if I try to share to an email, I have this error in Nextcloud log : `Le partage de [Dossier] a échoué, impossible de trouver [email], le serveur est peut-être momentanément injoignable ou utilise un certificat auto-signé.`
- And if I try to remove a previously non working share : `Error deleting the share: ID de partage erroné, ce partage n'existe pas`
[09:51:31] <Westbam> Salut, vous avez déjà eu des soucis avec matrix ? j'ai beau faire la verification, la récupération des clés ne semble pas se faire, les messages restent chiffrés. je teste avec un autre client web idem
[09:52:10] <Westbam> je poste ici, mais le problème n'est pas lié à Yunohost désolé
[09:53:18] <Westbam> mais si vous avez une idée je suis preneur
[09:54:11] <Chatpitaine Caverne> > <> Salut, vous avez déjà eu des soucis avec matrix ? j'ai beau faire la verification, la récupération des clés ne semble pas se faire, les messages restent chiffrés. je teste avec un autre client web idem

Tu n'as rien de causant dans les logs de matrix ?
[09:56:53] <Westbam> @[Chatpitaine Caverne] non j'ai pas accès au log ( mon compte est sur ) et que je prenne Element que j'héberge ou un autre client web comme ou autre j'ai la même chose, les messages reste chiffré.
[09:58:30] <Westbam> Apres je peux poser la question sur un autre canal si vous le souhaitez. il existe un canal francophone dédiéà Matrix ?
[09:59:47] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Désolé, je pensais que tu hébergeais ton matrix.
Désolé, je ne vois pas. Peut-être avec d'autres.
Mais si pas d'info ici, en effet, tu auras peut-être plus de succès sur un canal spécialisé.
[10:26:11] <mrflos> Hello, does anyone have trouble for upgrading discourse\_ynh from 2.8.13~ynh1 to 2.8.14~ynh1 ?
i got `ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError: unknown attribute 'default_enabled' for Badge.` cf.
i can reproduce it when lauching `sudo -i -u discourse RAILS_ENV=production bin/rake db:migrate --trace` on the server
I suppose something is wrong with my database table, but i'm not sure how to "bidouille" things in rails..
[10:26:53] <mrflos> Hello, does anyone have trouble for upgrading discourse\_ynh from 2.8.13~ynh1 to 2.8.14~ynh1 ?
i got `ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError: unknown attribute 'default_enabled' for Badge.` cf.
i can reproduce it when lauching `sudo -i -u discourse RAILS_ENV=production bin/rake db:migrate --trace` on the server
I suppose something is wrong with my database migrations, but i'm not sure how to "bidouille" things in rails..
[10:39:08] <christainK> hallo ich lebe in deutschland und spreche deutsch
[10:39:19] <christainK> ich nutze als IT Admin ISP config und Synology
[10:39:49] <christainK> habe hier von euch gelesen und es bisher nicht gewusst:
[10:40:04] <christainK> ist euer system kostenlos oder was kostet es
[10:40:57] <christainK> ist euer system als ISO file installierbar oder benötige ich erstmals Debian und muss es händisch installieren
[10:42:18] <mrflos> christainK: hi, do you speak english? i can read german but not write it
[10:43:51] <mrflos> yunohost ist 100% free software, no freemium bullshit, but works on a donation economic model
[10:44:37] <mrflos> you can install it with a script from a minimal debian bullseye (11) base, or download an ISO
[10:51:22] <mrflos> Yunohost is not exactly the same intention than plesk or ispconfig, that are web hosting panels, made for handling customers, where yunohost is more designed for selfhosting
[13:43:24] <picman15> use
[15:43:50] <tituspijean[m]> > <> use

Can you clarify your message? 🙂
[17:10:15] <NiTi> Hello. Je reviens à la charge pour Lychee (une piste vue sur le forum) :
`drwxr-s--- 2 lychee www-data 4096 May 19 08:23 cache`
C’est normal le `r-s` sur les permissions du dossier `cache` ?
[17:19:40] <outerreg> I am attempting to install nextcloud, and it's failing every time. It's trying to set permissions on a folder it's not creating.
[18:16:34] <Elzen> Hi there! Got DNS errors on my server (Temporary failure in name resolution) that prevent the VPN to connect. Weird things are: 1/ another computer on the same network has no such errors, and 2/ the VPN server's IP is in /etc/hosts, so it should be found anyway. What can I do?
[18:28:45] <Elzen> Looks like.
[18:28:45] <tituspijean[m]> Is your dnsmasq service running?
[18:32:00] <Elzen> Both `service dnsmasq status` and `yunohost service status dnsmasq` are saying it's running.
[18:35:44] <tituspijean[m]> Do `dig` and `dig @` both work? (You may replace by another open resolver)
[18:35:44] <tituspijean[m]> Do
dig and dig @ both work? (You may replace by another open resolver)
[18:35:45] <Elzen> timeout for the first one, works for the second. I did manage to connect the VPN by forcing the IP directly in the /etc/openvpn/client.conf
[18:37:16] <Elzen> But there's still a problem with DNS when I try to ping another domain name.
[18:43:51] <tituspijean[m]> So it is indeed an issue with your local resolver
[18:43:52] <Elzen> some commented lines, then "nameserver", and that's all.
[18:43:52] <tituspijean[m]> what about `dig @` ?
[18:43:52] <tituspijean[m]> What's the output of `cat /etc/resolv.conf` ?
[18:43:52] <tituspijean[m]> *confusion increases*
[18:43:54] <Elzen> connection timed out; no servers could be reached.
[18:45:53] <tituspijean[m]> Anything interesting in `journalctl -xe --unit=dnsmasq`? (you may then quit the journal with Q)
[19:39:12] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Elzen: are you using ARN's VPN or something
[20:27:07] <rodinux> Hello, I am using a Illyse's VPN and today I can't connect since I reboot the server, First I found a message by mail `[ERROR] La résolution du nom de domaine semble bloquée ou interrompue pour une raison quelconque ... Un pare-feu bloque-t-il les requêtes DNS ?`
[20:28:22] <rodinux> I try to see from a ssh conexion the diagnosis, all was on the red line !! I have try reboot and since I can't connect to the server anymore !!
[20:29:12] <rodinux> I can only add a sreen and a keyboard to try debug...
[20:31:22] <rodinux> I don't understand because I can ping the ip local adress but I can't access with a web browser or by ssh
[20:36:48] <rodinux> I try `systemctl stop ynh-vpnclient` and `openvpn /etc/openvpn/client.conf`
[20:38:53] <rodinux> got `Note: option tun-ipv6 is ignored because modern operating systems do not need special iPv6 tun handling anymore`
[20:39:49] <rodinux> and `usb 2-1-port2: disabled by hub (EMI?), re-enabling`
[20:42:04] <rodinux> I suspect perhaps the upgrade today of bind and bind9...
[20:54:44] <rodinux> In the yunohost log I can see an operation 20230625-144757-tools-upgrade at 16:47:57
[20:56:02] <rodinux> and a backup 20230625-14817-backup-create at 16:48:17
[20:56:26] <rodinux> Can I try restore this backup ??
[21:09:03] <rodinux> it's very strange, if I do hostname -I I see a local IP address, but I can't access by this address and another address like `` ???
[21:19:58] <rodinux> > <> and a backup 20230625-14817-backup-create at 16:48:17

this backup is not visible on the archives/backups/
[21:25:08] <rodinux> Is it a good idea try remove vpnclient and hotspot ? reboot and try to reinstall vpnclient and the .cube ??
[21:31:06] <rodinux> nginx is failed also
[21:38:02] <rodinux> If I try restart nginx it failed... `systemctl status nginx.service` show `nginx: [warn] "ssl_stapling" ignored, host not found in OSCP responder "" in the certificate "/etc/yunohost/certs/domain.tld/crt.pem"`
[21:38:41] <rodinux> `Failed to start A high performance web server and reverse proxy server`
[21:40:30] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[21:45:38] <rodinux> Ok, it is difficult because I can only use the keyboard and screen connected to the server... So looking to the service running, it seems nginx failed and vpnclient also.
[21:48:16] <rodinux> Perhaps I could first remove vpnclient to see if rebooting I can have nginx working ?
[21:49:22] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[21:51:40] <rodinux> I think it is since an upgrade system this afternoon...
[21:57:04] <rodinux> Now I have also torelay app, perhaps it is better remove it ?? perhaps also hotspot ??
[22:00:10] <rodinux> I don't know why I can't debug nginx
[22:07:49] <rodinux> well removing torrelay end with `cette action semble avoir cassé des services importants: nginx (failed)` but nginx was broken yet
[22:42:29] <rodinux> why I have error `ntpd[3313] error resolving pool 1.debian.ntp.oprg: Temporary failure in name resolution (-3)` is it normal ?
[22:49:11] <rodinux> or in `/var/log/nginx/error.log` `Using 131072KiB of shared memory for nchan in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61`
[23:06:06] <rodinux> Ok, so I have now ynh-vpnclient working, but not nginx
[23:10:50] <traps1077> Hello everyone!
[23:11:10] <traps1077> Is it possible to have more apps available for yunohost?
[23:11:56] <traps1077> Or what if I want to install docker can I manage it using the yunohost web interface?
[23:14:59] <rodinux> > <> Or what if I want to install docker can I manage it using the yunohost web interface?

I think you need read how packaging
[23:16:24] <traps1077> Thank you I will read it
[23:45:35] <aaron> Hey,
I do have a question about friendica...
I just created an issue on github that I have:\_ynh/issues/96 - if anyone could help with it, I would appreciate that a lot!
[23:58:33] <Granite T. Rock> > <> I think you need read how packaging

I did see docker was in the wish list. I'm curious if it would end up playing nicely alongside yunohost or if complications would occur setting stuff up inside docker.
[23:59:21] <Granite T. Rock> (in otherwords, is it a reasonable request?)