Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[00:46:34] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> tu peux laisser ta souris sur l'étoile jaune pour connaître sa signification
[08:13:18] <rodinux> bonjour, en voulant restaurer Gitlab après une migration en cours, je tombe sur un soucis... j'ai un paste des logs ici: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ajucuxejav
[08:17:40] <rodinux> apparement l'eurreur semble venir des permissions du fichier `ls -l /var/opt/gitlab/backups/last_gitlab_backup.tar` qui semble apprtenir à `git:git`
[08:19:09] <rodinux> 2023-06-20 07:57:39,956: DEBUG - tar: last_gitlab_backup.tar: Cannot open: Permission denied
2023-06-20 07:57:39,957: DEBUG - tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
[08:19:23] <rodinux> ou bien les droits de ce fichier ??
[08:19:42] <rodinux> -rw------- 1 git git 2897704960 Dec 3 2021 last_gitlab_backup.tar
[08:20:46] <rodinux> Peut-être qu'il suffit de changer les droits de ce fichier pour restaurer ??
[08:37:15] <rodinux> Je vais retenter, vu que sur les issues, parfois en refaisant un backup ça fonctionne...
[13:55:00] <Guest37> anyone?
[13:56:47] <tituspijean> > What is the username for the admin interface.
> earlier there was no username required.

cf. https://forum.yunohost.org/t/yunohost-11-1-release-sortie-de-yunohost-11-1/23378#uk-english-version-1
[14:18:57] <rodinux> One more time this error `Info: DEBUG - + ynh_exec_warn_less gitlab-backup restore force=yes BACKUP=last
Info: DEBUG - + [[ 4 -eq 1 ]]
Info: DEBUG - + gitlab-backup restore force=yes BACKUP=last
Info: DEBUG - 2023-06-20 13:52:15 UTC -- Unpacking backup ...
Info: DEBUG - tar: last_gitlab_backup.tar: Cannot open: Permission denied`
[14:31:05] <Guest37> tituspijean Thanks
[14:31:06] <Guest37> one more thing.
[14:32:00] <Guest37> google is saying that my site is deceptive.
[14:32:41] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> cf https://forum.yunohost.org/t/google-flags-my-sites-as-dangerous-deceptive-site-ahead/20361
[14:33:30] <webmink> > <@Guest37:libera.chat> google is saying that my site is deceptive.

In addition to the forum thread, I have written about this at https://the.webm.ink/dealing-with-googles-malware-robocop
[14:47:35] <Guest37> Thanks, so there is no permanent solution for this.
[14:48:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> the permanent solution is dismantling Google ;P
[14:50:51] <Guest37> :)
[15:06:23] <webmink> > <@Guest37:libera.chat> Thanks, so there is no permanent solution for this.

I have not had any new issues since I persisted with an actual case filed with the webmaster tools support team, so I think there *is* something that can be done as long as you can reach a human
[15:07:40] <webmink> but I still plan to bring it up with the European Commission's competition directorate as a violation of Europe's new Digital Markets Act when I have the time ;-)
[15:15:12] <Bateausurleau> Salut,
Notre Nextcloud, hébergé sur Yunohost "tombe" régulièrement. Je le relance via la commande suivante : systemctl restart php8.1-fpm.servic
Je n'arrive pas à identifier la cause du problème.
J'ai posté sur le forum yunohost [ https://forum.yunohost.org/t/nextcloud-26-0-2-ynh2-down-quand-synchro-client-de-bureau-debian-lineage-win-etc/25225?u=bbateausurleau ].
Mon souci, est que je ne sais pas comment récupérer de l'info pour comprendre d'où vient le plantage... Je pense avoir réussi à identifier que le souci vient d'une synchro du client bureau... Mais, je ne sais comment résoudre ce souci. Je lance donc une bouteille à la mer.
[15:19:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Si c'est le service php8.1-fpm qui crash, alors il faudrait partager les logs du service _avant_ de le redémarrer
[15:20:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> éventuellement je checkerais le diagnostique pour voir si ça râle pas qu'un processus s'est fait kill récemment
[15:23:54] <Bateausurleau> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> éventuellement je checkerais le diagnostique pour voir si ça râle pas qu'un processus s'est fait kill récemment

Voici un log de php8.1-fpm : https://paste.yunohost.org/zuvugunefo
[15:24:31] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> mouai mais du coup là c'est pas clair si c'est avant ou après le restart après le crash, genre on sais pas quand le truc à crash dans ce log
[15:24:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ou bien en tout cas y'a aucun message d'erreur obvious
[15:33:01] <Bateausurleau> Voici le log du diagostic : https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/lawuwikayu
[15:33:48] <zorny> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/wDkwHLBzGMjPQYRMKWzWbEnW
[15:33:50] <zorny> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/XkRAhrKIMniBatVwVidzCaeb
[15:34:29] <zorny> Dear people, I am getting a community housing started on yunohost. I tried a fresh encrypted LVM installation on a regular laptop (so the debian bullseye installation) but it is ending up with this error ^. (A non-encrypted normal installation worked out perfectly) Any ideas why is the case? \[I have not yet checked with `lvs` or `lvscan` if the volumes are set up yet or not.
[15:35:34] <zorny> Dear people, I am getting a community housing started on yunohost. I tried a fresh encrypted LVM installation on a regular laptop (so the debian bullseye installation on a 4GM RAM, 4-core i5 intel CPU, amd64) but it is ending up with this error^ (A non-encrypted normal installation worked out perfectly) Any ideas why is the case? [I have not yet checked with `lvs` or `lvscan` if the volumes are set up yet or not.]
[15:36:49] <Guillaume Bouzige> if I were you, I would install debian first with encrypted LVM and then launch the yunohost install script on it...
[15:38:06] <Guillaume Bouzige> I don't think yunohost is fitted for that specific use-case but I might be wrong...yunohost is more to simplify hosting for common folks, it is not mean to be customised
[15:38:36] <zorny> > if I were you, I would install debian first with encrypted LVM and then launch the yunohost install script on it...

Where can I get the yunihost install script? Also are you saying this because the OS with the yunohost is stuck to an older debian distro and it is better to get a newer version? Or...
[15:39:26] <Guillaume Bouzige> it is in the documentation
[15:39:59] <Guillaume Bouzige> I don't imply anything more than I just said
[15:48:42] <zorny> > I don't think yunohost is fitted for that specific use-case but I might be wrong...yunohost is more to simplify hosting for common folks, it is not mean to be customised

Oh, just I used an option "Guided install with encrypted LVM" inside the OS install procedure among other options like:

- Guided install with entire disk
- Guidede install with LVM
- Guided install with encrypted LVM
- Manual

So I am assuming it was made with that use-case. Also the documentation directly leads to all kinds of iso image files for a installation from scratch. It would be great if you could point me to the install script. Peace.
[15:52:09] <zorny> Dear people, I am getting a community housing started on yunohost. I tried a fresh encrypted LVM installation on a regular laptop (so the debian bullseye installation on a 4GB RAM, 4-core i5 intel CPU, amd64) but it is ending up with this error^ (A non-encrypted normal installation worked out perfectly) Any ideas why is the case? \[I have not yet checked with `lvs` or `lvscan` if the volumes are set up yet or not.\]
[15:52:43] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <@zorny:matrix.org> Oh, just I used an option "Guided install with encrypted LVM" inside the OS install procedure among other options like:
> - Guided install with entire disk
> - Guidede install with LVM
> - Guided install with encrypted LVM
> - Manual
> So I am assuming it was made with that use-case. Also the documentation directly leads to all kinds of iso image files for a installation from scratch. It would be great if you could point me to the install script. Peace.

curl https://install.yunohost.org | bash
[15:52:47] <zorny> Dear people, I am getting a community housing started on yunohost. I tried a fresh encrypted LVM installation on a regular laptop (so the debian bullseye installation on a 4GB RAM, 4-core i5 intel CPU, amd64) but it is ending up with this error^ (A non-encrypted normal installation worked out perfectly) Any ideas why is the case? \[I have not yet checked with `lvs` or `lvscan` if the volumes are set up yet or not.\]

TLDR; `/dev/mapper/system-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell`
[15:52:57] <Guillaume Bouzige> here https://yunohost.org/en/install/hardware:vps_debian
[15:53:38] <zorny> Dear people, I am getting a community housing started on yunohost. I tried a fresh encrypted LVM installation on a regular laptop (so the debian bullseye installation on a 4GB RAM, 4-core i5 intel CPU, amd64) but it is ending up with this error^ (A non-encrypted normal installation worked out perfectly) Any ideas why is the case? \[I have not yet checked with `lvs` or `lvscan` if the volumes are set up yet or not.\]

TLDR; `/dev/mapper/system-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell`
Stuck in `initramfs` shell during boot up.
[15:53:38] <Guillaume Bouzige> in your case it is not a vps but it is an already installed debian 11
[15:56:52] <zorny> Dear people, I am getting a community housing started on yunohost. I tried a fresh encrypted LVM installation on a regular laptop (so the debian bullseye installation on a 4GB RAM, 4-core i5 intel CPU, amd64) but it is ending up with this error^ (A non-encrypted normal installation worked out perfectly) Any ideas why is the case? \[I have not yet checked with `lvs` or `lvscan` if the volumes are set up yet or not.\]

TLDR; `/dev/mapper/system-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell`
Stuck in `initramfs` shell during boot up.

I tried `lvm lvs` and `lvm pvs` and I don't see any output.
[15:58:15] <zorny> Dear people, I am getting a community housing started on yunohost. I tried a fresh encrypted LVM installation on a regular laptop (so the debian bullseye installation on a 4GB RAM, 4-core i5 intel CPU, amd64) but it is ending up with this error^ (A non-encrypted normal installation worked out perfectly) Any ideas why is the case? \[I have not yet checked with `lvs` or `lvscan` if the volumes are set up yet or not.\]

TLDR; `/dev/mapper/system-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell`
Stuck in `initramfs` shell during boot up.

I tried `lvm lvs` and `lvm pvs` and I don't see any output.
I also looked if the root folder is not named `/dev/mapper/system-root` and something else, but the directory `/dev/mapper` does not exist.
[15:58:42] <Guillaume Bouzige> and zorny in case of success you will be kind enough to share your experience on a forum post to benefit the community. 🙏
[16:28:44] <misskoula> Hi there
[16:29:26] <misskoula> Question can lemmy 0.16.7 ynh2 handle images?
[16:31:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> cf corresponding discussion at https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/lemmy_ynh/issues/31
[16:31:52] <tituspijean> nope https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/lemmy_ynh/issues/31
[16:31:56] <tituspijean> 😆 too slow
[16:33:39] <misskoula> Thanks again Titus :)
[17:10:02] <christorson> Has anyone here modified the matrix postgres db from command line before and have good notes / instructions on how to do?
I'm looking at https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/6286 to try and stop ratelimiting some specific accounts and I see you can modify the matrix database with an override but I'm not familiar enough with postgres or the yunohost setup to try to yolo it.
[17:11:18] <christorson> oh I'm a dummy an example is in the github readme! awesome.
`su --command="psql matrix_synapse" postgres <<< "UPDATE users SET admin = 1 WHERE name = '@user_to_be_admin:domain.tld'"`
[17:13:26] <christorson> oh. hrm. well maybe I'm even more of a dummy because not sure how to translate
insert into ratelimit_override values ('@mjolnir:my-homeserver.chat', 0, 0);
into that format.
[17:15:58] <christorson> hm. maybe
`su --command="psql matrix_synapse" postgres <<< insert into ratelimit_override values ('@mjolnir:my-homeserver.chat', 0, 0);`

? gah. friggen databases.
[17:16:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> won't forget the quotes
[17:16:33] <christorson> hrm probably need to add quotes.
[17:16:36] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> should be `command <<< "content"`
[17:17:15] <christorson> `su --command="psql matrix_synapse" postgres <<< "insert into ratelimit_override values ('@mjolnir:my-homeserver.chat', 0, 0);"`

is the `;` at the end nessisary?
[17:17:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> doesn't hurt
[17:19:37] <christorson> cool. well, the backup just finished so I guess I'll give it a go.
[18:41:01] <christorson> > <@christorson:cyberia.club> `su --command="psql matrix_synapse" postgres <<< "insert into ratelimit_override values ('@mjolnir:my-homeserver.chat', 0, 0);"`
> is the `;` at the end nessisary?

looks like its working! neat.
[18:41:52] <christorson> thanks a bunch Aleks (he/him/il/lui). You might not think you did much but just knowing that somone looked at that one liner and did not immedietly say "woah thats dumb dont do that" was helpful.
[19:48:17] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Eh okay haha
[19:59:55] <NiTi> Quelqu’un peut me donner les droits `wxr` du `.env` de Pixelfed svp ? Je pense qu’il est pas bon chez moi : `-rw-------`, ce qui je suppose expliquerait que le `artisan config:cache` ne change rien. 🤔
[20:18:19] <NiTi> (j’ai rien dit, plus besoin)
[23:20:09] <nalla22> Je viens de remarquer que yunohost avait son propre paquet pour la configuration des dossiers partagés avec le protocol SAMBA https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/samba_ynh

SAMBA n'est pas adapté pour Linux, il est bourré de failles et très lent !

Est-ce qu'il serait possible de faire la même chose avec NFS et surtout pour SSHFS ?
[23:45:00] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> oui tu peux faire du SSHFS, il n'y a pas de paquet ou app SSHFS a faire puisqu'il suffit simplement d'utiliser SSH
[23:50:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> l'intérêt d'avoir un truc SAMBA c'est surtout que ça permet de se connecter depuis un windows facilement ...
[23:51:13] <nalla22> D'accord, j'ai également vu qu'il est possible de gérer les dossiers partagés avec NFS en utilisant l'interface WEB de Webmin https://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/nfs-share-webmin-ubuntu-server/
[23:52:00] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> aucune idée pour NFS, j'ai jamais capté comment ça marche