Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[00:12:13] <rodinux> I think it will be a source of complications... but perhaps you can better ask to the devs #yunohost-dev:matrix.org
[06:59:26] <Kavelach> I have another problem with YH; I got an email that a cert on one of my domains can't be renewed, because there is no diagnosis result for that domain. I went into the admin panel, run the diagnosis, everything went fine (there are two DNS issues with `CAA` records I have, because I configure my DNS with cloudflare, and it also adds some records there, but all the other domains work fine). After that I went into the domain and tried to renew the certificate, and it shown me the information that there is no diagnosis result for that domain.
[06:59:58] <Kavelach> I then SSHed into my VPS and tried doing it through `yunohost` command:
kavelach@yuno:~$ sudo yunohost diagnosis run dnsrecords --force
Success! Everything looks OK for DNS records! (+ 2 ignored issue(s))
Warning: To see the issues found, you can go to the Diagnosis section of the webadmin, or run 'yunohost diagnosis show --issues --human-readable' from the command-line.
kavelach@yuno:~$ sudo yunohost domain cert renew matrix.yuno.kavela.ch
Error: There is no diagnosis result for domain matrix.yuno.kavela.ch yet. Please re-run a diagnosis for categories 'DNS records' and 'Web' in the diagnosis section to check if the domain is ready for Let's Encrypt. (Or if you know what you are doing, use '--no-checks' to turn off these checks.)
[07:00:09] <Kavelach> Any ideas why this might be the case?
[07:00:44] <Kavelach> This is how my domain list looks like
[07:00:45] <Kavelach> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.yuno.kavela.ch/fSzjUwHhihfgQPYXbBMrovZQ
[07:50:30] <tituspijean[m]> Can you re-run the domain cert command with --debug?
[07:50:31] <Kavelach> ```
kavelach@yuno:~$ sudo yunohost domain cert renew matrix.yuno.kavela.ch --debug
164 DEBUG initializing base actions map parser for cli
165 DEBUG loading actions map
167 DEBUG building parser...
177 DEBUG building parser took 0.010s
178 DEBUG acquiring lock...
190 DEBUG lock has been acquired
206 DEBUG loading python module yunohost.domain took 0.015s
206 DEBUG processing action [3288456.1]: yunohost.domain.cert.renew with args={'domain_list': ['matrix.yuno.kavela.ch'], 'force': False, 'email': False, 'no_checks': False}
260 DEBUG initializing ldap interface
1588 ERROR There is no diagnosis result for domain matrix.yuno.kavela.ch yet. Please re-run a diagnosis for categories 'DNS records' and 'Web' in the diagnosis section to check if the domain is ready for Let's Encrypt. (Or if you know what you are doing, use '--no-checks' to turn off these checks.)
1589 DEBUG action [3288456.1] executed in 1.382s
1589 DEBUG lock has been released
[08:23:58] <tituspijean[m]> That's most unhelpful, bad `--debug`, bad !
[08:50:44] <rodinux> hello, I have some trouble with the resolv host on my server with a vpn as explained here https://forum.yunohost.org/t/probleme-vpn-client-cube/25307
[08:55:14] <rodinux> I don't understand why the `ynh-vpnclient.service` seems failed, but in fact the server seems working with the Vpn IPs ??
[10:14:17] <rodinux> > <@rodinux07:matrix.org> I don't understand why the `ynh-vpnclient.service` seems failed, but in fact the server seems working with the Vpn IPs ??

Ok it is solved, thanks tituspijean
[11:15:44] <lautre> Hi! For Let's Encrypt on domain, can we choose another way than DNS?
Because my DNS server isn't in the Yunohost server, and I'm a litle lazzy to édit records (I can, it's really easy).
I have a load balancer in front of the connexion, where there is stream for ssl (80 and 443 are redirected withe the server after read the SNI domain, works fine with Let's Encrypt, but not with DNS method)
[11:30:27] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> I'm not sure what you mean ... Yunohost uses the HTTP challenge, not the DNS based challenge ..
[11:44:22] <lautre> But I have an error because DNS.
May be it's the resolution DNS, and may be I need wait more time after created the server in the DNS server. Thnkas for the confirmation
[11:44:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> "an error because DNS" can mean anything ...
[11:45:10] <lautre> Mainly, HTTP challenge works fine. There is another Yunohost in the lan, without problem. So, it's works fine.
[11:46:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> so there's no problem ? ... 😬
[11:48:00] <lautre> On the DNS server, I missed one letter in the domaine name. Sorry for the noise (and thanks to confirmed me that Yunoshost use HTTP challenge)
[11:48:31] <lautre> C'est ma faute... mea culpa
[13:12:41] <lautre> Without misspelling, the Let's Encrypt creating certificat works fine... :D
[18:57:45] <Leny BERNARD> Hello
I have a "little" problem for a few days, I no longer receive emails on my ynh instance. I have a somewhat special configuration but it has worked well so far, the interface is accessible with a URL like portal.my-domaine.fr and my emails are on the other hand just on my-domaine.fr, for ex. leny@my-domaine.fr.

In the admin / Diagnostics, I have this warning message:

> The following DNS record does not seem to follow the recommended configuration:
> Type: MX
> Name: @
> Current value: 10 portal.mon-domaine.fr.
> Expected value: 10 mon-domaine.fr.

Any clue ?
Thank you
[18:58:07] <Leny BERNARD> Hello
I have a "little" problem for a few days, I no longer receive emails on my ynh instance. I have a somewhat special configuration but it has worked well so far, the interface is accessible with a URL like portal.my-domain.fr and my emails are on the other hand just on my-domain.fr, for ex. leny@my-domain.fr.

In the admin / Diagnostics, I have this warning message:

> The following DNS record does not seem to follow the recommended configuration:
> Type: MX
> Name: @
> Current value: 10 portal.my-domain.fr.
> Expected value: 10 my-domain.fr.

Any clue ?
Thank you
[20:29:09] <M1k3> Bonsoir à tous. J'ai un soucis depuis quelque jour, je ne reçois plus aucun mail sur mon serveur, et les personne qui m'envoient un mail reçoivent un mail "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" mentionnant :
[20:29:19] <M1k3> <mon@adresse.mail>: host mon-domaine.tld[adresse_ip_du_serveur] said: 554 5.7.1
Service unavailable; Client host [adresse_ip_du_serveur_envoi] blocked using
cbl.abuseat.org; Error: open resolver;
https://www.spamhaus.org/returnc/pub/adresse_ip (in reply to RCPT TO
[20:29:59] <M1k3> Est-ce que cette situation parle à quelqu'un ?
[20:30:37] <Leny BERNARD> je suis dans le même cas, voir message juste au dessus, mais peut-être dans une configuration différente
[20:32:12] <M1k3> > <@lenybernard:matrix.org> je suis dans le même cas, voir message juste au dessus, mais peut-être dans une configuration différente

Le soucis, c'est que moi je n'ai aucun message d'erreur sur mon serveur...
[21:45:52] <tituspijean[m]> M1k3 cf. sur le forum: https://forum.yunohost.org/t/trouble-with-spamhaus-marking-any-mail-as-spam/23814
[21:46:23] <tituspijean[m]> perso je suis pas encore convaincu de la solution de Maniack, j'ai solutionné autrement
[21:47:17] <M1k3> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> perso je suis pas encore convaincu de la solution de Maniack, j'ai solutionné autrement

Tu as solutionné comment ?
[21:48:19] <tituspijean[m]> Je l'ai indiqué dans le fil du forum, en gros OVH avait poussé ses propres DNS dans son auto-config des interfaces réseau de mon serveur. En enlevant ça je n'ai plus eu de problème
[21:52:24] <Leny BERNARD> en effet, je viens de commenter les 3 lignes dans le fichier /etc/postfix/main.cf et ça fonctionne, je recommence à recevoir des mails...
[21:52:24] <tituspijean[m]> (quoique je découvre à l'instant que leur config est revenue, et je n'ai aucun problème avec SpamHaus... 😱)
[21:53:42] <Leny BERNARD> mais oui c'est dommage car ça risque de revenir en effet... relou là ovh
[21:57:56] <M1k3> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> Je l'ai indiqué dans le fil du forum, en gros OVH avait poussé ses propres DNS dans son auto-config des interfaces réseau de mon serveur. En enlevant ça je n'ai plus eu de problème

Ouais, je viens de lire ton post sur le fil du forum.
[21:59:34] <M1k3> Du coup, si j'ai bien compris tu as supprimer le nameserver mis pas OVH dans ton VPS dans /etc/resolv.conf et le fichier présent dans /etc/network/interfaces.d/ ?
[22:01:38] <M1k3> Et tu nas pas remplacé par un autre nameserver ?
[22:14:00] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> Bonsoir
[22:14:07] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> content d'etre ici
[22:14:26] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> j'ai un petit souci avec mon Yuunohost
[22:15:17] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> en essayant de me faire la mail j'ai installer jitsi depuis l'app store Yunohots pour voir comment le truc marche et baaaaam
[22:15:55] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> en entrant le lien vers mon domaine il y avait plus ceci
[22:16:04] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/QPmmTQZCnBSYQqrZipuJwuNt
[22:16:58] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> je me suis donc connecter via ssh et j'ai shifter le dossier jitsi-meet dans /var/ et now, j'ai ...
[22:17:03] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/bnyDBZHqHOViTMjUxuLxCvSl
[22:17:55] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> impossible donc pour moi d'atteindre la page d'admin pour reverse ou faire quoi que ce soit ... bref je suis dans la "chose" et un peu d'aide me ferai du bien
[22:21:21] <tituspijean[m]> The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬 ooof sacré bug de l'app là... supprime-la carrément avec `yunohost app remove jitsi`
[22:21:35] <tituspijean[m]> > <@theunclemez:matrix.org> je me suis donc connecter via ssh et j'ai shifter le dossier jitsi-meet dans /var/ et now, j'ai ...

ouais, euh, évite ce genre de manip de bourrin ^^
[22:22:03] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> ouais, euh, évite ce genre de manip de bourrin ^^

okay ... je l'ai compris tout de suite
[22:22:31] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> sinon, avant de faire quoi que ce soit, j'ai mis a jour puis fait un backup
[22:24:52] <tituspijean[m]> Je viens de regarder la config NGINX l'app et elle me fait un peu bondir, je vais en discuter avec les packagers. A vue de nez c'est pas étonnant qu'elle se soit accaparé même le chemin de la webadmin de yunohost
[22:26:18] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> j'ai cet output

# yunohost app remove jitsi
Info: Removing jitsi...
Info: [+...................] > Loading settings...
Info: [#+..................] > Removing jitsi-videobridge service...
Info: [##++................] > Removing jitsi-jicofo service...
Info: [####+...............] > Stopping and removing the systemd service...
Info: [#####++.............] > Removing logrotate configuration...
Info: [#######+............] > Reconfiguring Prosody...
Info: '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/auth.theunclemez.pro.crt' wasn't deleted because it doesn't exist.
Warning: rehash: warning: skipping yunohost_crt.pem,it does not contain exactly one certificate or CRL
Info: [########++..........] > Removing app main directory...
Info: '/var/www/jitsi' wasn't deleted because it doesn't exist.
Info: [##########+.........] > Removing NGINX web server configuration...
Info: [###########+........] > Removing dependencies...
Info: Removing of prosody
Info: [############++......] > Closing port 4443...
Info: [##############+.....] > Closing port 10000...
Info: [###############++...] > Removing various files...
Info: [#################+..] > Removing the dedicated system user...
Info: [####################] > Removal of jitsi completed
Success! jitsi uninstalled
[22:26:36] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> donc je pense que Jitsi ets parti
[22:26:40] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> now je fait quoi, je reboot le srv ?
[22:28:12] <tituspijean[m]> pas besoin
[22:29:38] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> de retour ...
[22:29:45] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/AePfDnfgUZXkpFElbkDtAHHe
[22:29:47] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> merci, merci
[22:30:16] <tituspijean[m]> bon pour sa défense, l'app mentionne "Jitsi requires a dedicated root domain, eg. jitsi.domain.tld"
[22:30:35] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> okay, j'avais pas vus
[22:30:50] <tituspijean[m]> de mémoire elle avait été un enfer à coder, d'où peut-être ce compromis
[22:31:23] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> la prochaine etape pour moi c'est mettre en place l'app pour gerer mes mails
[22:32:32] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> vus que ni mail.mondomaine.pro et ni webmail.mondomaine.pro ne semble fonctionner du coup je me dit, il y' a un truc qui manque forcement
[22:34:33] <tituspijean[m]> il va falloir préciser ce que tu entends par "fonctionner", et ce que tu as fait pour l'instant; mais je vais me coucher là.
[22:38:15] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> no probleme, on peut en discutter demain
[22:38:26] <The Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬> on est pas à 10min pret si tu vois!
[23:05:00] <pink> > <@csolisr:azkware.net> So far I tried installing Lemmy and Hubzilla

Is lemmy able to handle image uploading? Avatars etc...

[23:05:37] <Carlos Solís> > <@menoise:matrix.org> Is lemmy able to handle image uploading? Avatars etc...
> ???

It would, but the YNH package currently doesn't build pict-rs, the dependency Lemmy uses to actually upload images.
[23:05:56] <Carlos Solís> https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/lemmy_ynh/tree/pictrs
[23:05:58] <Carlos Solís> Very WIP