Friday, June 16, 2023
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[02:06:27] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> usually when people find bug they try to share their discoveries to get the upstream fixed rather than patching the code themselves which, as you conclude yourself, quickly becomes cumbersome
[07:04:38] <Bruno> Hi there !
I'm trying to package an app with no official release on github. How can I point to a specific commit in the manifest ?
[07:07:27] <tituspijean[m]> Hi! You are welcome to YunoHost Apps developpers ;)
[07:08:36] <tituspijean[m]> But basically github offers zipballs ans tarballs downloads of the code source for any commit. You can peek into other apps with "tarball" in github search box in the Yunohost-Apps org
[07:16:27] <Bruno> You mean specifying the tarball in app.src ?
[07:16:49] <tituspijean[m]> Yup
[09:20:39] <lapineige> Does anyone know if it's possible (and how) to boot as server (namely a Raspberry Pi) from an external drive that doesn't boot prior to the server, but rather when the server is started ?
It's an external drive with splitted USB and power supply, so it only start running when both the power supply is plugged *and* the usb connection is working (= server as started).
[09:40:17] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> You mean specifying the tarball in app.src ?

(nowadays in packaging v2, the app sources url are in the manifest.toml though ;))
[09:40:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> cf for example
[09:54:00] <Loris> Bonjour tout le monde ! Je viens vous embêter car j'ai mon vpn-client qui est down depuis ce matin et je n'arrive pas à le refaire partir...
[09:54:13] <Loris> Voici quelques log :
[09:54:58] <Loris> Si vous aviez un peu de temps à m'accorder pour essayer de régler ce soucis :)
[09:58:06] <lapineige> I tried to use an SD card to put the /boot partition, but the hard drive is still starting too late apparently
[10:48:18] <anubis> Loris, visiblement il y a un soucis avec ntpd
[10:49:24] <Loris> Salut ! Et merci.
[10:50:14] <Loris> Je ne connais pas ntpd... Tu aurais une idée de comment résoudre ça ?
[11:05:53] <anubis> tu peux voir "systemctl status ntp" si il y a plus de détails; essayer de relancer s'il est arrêté "systemctl restart ntp"
[11:06:44] <anubis> je dois quitter, désolé, mais certainement quelqu'un saura te guider pour la suite 😉
[11:11:17] <Loris> Ca marche. Merci à toi et bonne après-midi.
[11:11:50] <Loris> Donc, "systemctl status ntp" me retourne ceci :
[11:12:43] <Loris> Après avoir redémarrer ntp, la même commande me retourne ceci :
[11:13:48] <Loris> Comme il semblait y avoir moins de message d'erreur, j'ai essayé de relancer ynh-vpnclient mais sans résultat positif
[11:15:22] <Loris> "systemctl status ynh-vpnclient.service" me renvoie ceci :
[11:23:42] <Loris> Via l'interface graphique de l'application vpn-client, lorsque j'essaie de la relancer, j'ai ce retour :
[12:02:35] <pti-jean> Loris: Tu as regardé l'état du réseau de ton service VPN ? Parce que, si tu n'as rien modifié... il se peut que ton service VPN soit down !
[12:07:54] <retiolus> Bonjour, le DNS de ma raspberry (YunoHost) ne semble plus fonctionner...

retiolus@home:~/ $ ping
ping: Temporary failure in name resolution
retiolus@home:~/ $ ping
ping: Temporary failure in name resolution

[12:36:44] <Loris2> pti-jean Comment faire cette vérification ?
[12:36:45] <Loris2> Je suis chez ARN
[12:52:10] <adepetigny> Bonjour ! l'été arrive et je vais avoir un peu de temps pour mettre un jour mon YNST. Là, je suis donc sur un VPN en Debian 10 avec une version YNST - Si je fais une sauvegarde, que je la télécharge en local, que je reinisitalise mon VPS en Debian 11 et que j'installe la dernière version de YNST, est-ce que je pourrais remonter la sauvegarde de ma ? :-) (ou bien la vie n'est-elle pas si simple ?)
[12:52:23] <pti-jean> Loris2: Par exemple... en cherchant sur Internet "ARN état du réseau"...
Cela dépend biensur de ce que propose ARN comme service !
Sinon des fois y a des forums (ARN) ou irc, ou... pour poser la question !
[13:05:09] <Loris2> Apparemment il n'y semble pas y avoir de soucis auprès du service VPN d'ARN
[14:09:22] <Kirk> Hi all, hope it's okay to ask a quick question about backups here. The documentation isn't clear to me on the level of maturity of Borg vs Restic vs Archivist apps. I'm trying to finally enable proper backups on my server (an ARM board in my apartment). Borg seems to be encouraged but it looks harder to set up, and also not ranked as a high quality app.

Also, if I got a basic Hetnzer Storage Box, I'd be able backup using any of those approaches, right?

Thanks in advance - I am contributing a tiny amount on LiberaPay because this is such a cool project! If you receive this message it means my XMPP server is working 😅
[14:52:23] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> I would discourage using Archivist, it's a random project maintained by a single person, in addition to being just a patchwork of bash scripts
[14:53:00] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> I'm more knowledgeable about Borg so personally I would use that (and also it includes stuff such as cron jobs which should warn you if there's no new backup for some reason)
[14:53:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Dunno much about Restic though it's supposed to be pretty serious and more flexible than Borg iirc, but it's a bit fuzzy for me who is maintaining this app exactly and how much it is integrated in YunoHost and has proper monitoring of backups being indeed created
[15:18:58] <pti-jean> Loris2, Apparemment sur les IRC de ARN, ils parlent d'un problème de VPN (actuel!)... Donc, approprie cela ne vient pas de chez toi!
Par défaut, si tu n'as fait aucune modif... regarder du côté du service! ;-)
[15:41:52] <lapineige> > Also, if I got a basic Hetnzer Storage Box, I'd be able backup using any of those approaches, right?

Yes 🙂

> The documentation isn't clear to me on the level of maturity of Borg vs Restic vs Archivist apps.

I can't compare with restic, I don't know it.
For context, I use borg for my desktop and daily drive Archivist for my YNH servers.

Borg is indeed harder to setup as it is right now. Once integrated in Yunohost (it's planned) it will be ideal. Also it's a bit harder to restore backups, you need more knowledge and understanding to manage it.
It is great for incremental backups (not extra space taken, and you keep an history), in particular for random files. It uses its own binary format, so in case it break (unlikely) or without borg installed you can't do anything with these (archivist is just normal files).
It supports well remote storage.
It supports compression, and deduplication (any data that is a double is stored once). Depending on you use case (files to backup, internet connection speed), deduplication might be interresting, or not (that much). Compression matters a lot more.

Archivist is really easy to setup for local storage (just set an install frequency and install it). It's a little more complexe for distant storage, but in you case I guess you could simply mount the storage box (same for borg probably).
It's almost install&forget. You will need to adjust the list of app to backup if you install new apps. Be aware of the extra space needed however :)
It can send you an email to report after a backup if everything went well.
It works mainly with Yunohost archives : random files backups are possible, but less ideal.
It only keeps the latest version, no incremental backups. Also it avoid doing them if they are no new change (same for Borg, which will do it faster).
Also it supports archive compression, which for reasons where removed from Yunohost, while keeping it as simple compressed archive (not a binary format).

Both supports encryption.

Basically borg offers more possibilities for a little added complexity, and archivist is the quick and simple option.
[15:42:26] <lapineige> > Also, if I got a basic Hetnzer Storage Box, I'd be able backup using any of those approaches, right?

Yes 🙂

> The documentation isn't clear to me on the level of maturity of Borg vs Restic vs Archivist apps.

I can't compare with restic, I don't know it.
For context, I use borg for my desktop and daily drive Archivist for my YNH servers.

Borg is indeed harder to setup as it is right now. Once integrated in Yunohost (it's planned) it will be ideal. Also it's a bit harder to restore backups, you need more knowledge and understanding to manage it.
It is great for incremental backups (not extra space taken, and you keep an history), in particular for random files. It uses its own binary format, so in case it break (unlikely) or without borg installed you can't do anything with these (archivist is just normal files).
It supports well remote storage.
It supports compression, and deduplication (any data that is a double is stored once). Depending on you use case (files to backup, internet connection speed), deduplication might be interresting, or not (that much). Compression matters a lot more.

Archivist is really easy to setup for local storage (just set an install frequency and install it). It's a little more complexe for distant storage, but in you case I guess you could simply mount the storage box (same for borg probably).
It's almost install&forget. You will need to adjust the list of app to backup if you install new apps. Be aware of the extra space needed however :)
It can send you an email to report after a backup if everything went well (I think borg as a similar mecanishm).
It works mainly with Yunohost archives : random files backups are possible, but less ideal.
It only keeps the latest version, no incremental backups. Also it avoid doing them if they are no new change (same for Borg, which will do it faster).
Also it supports archive compression, which for reasons where removed from Yunohost, while keeping it as simple compressed archive (not a binary format).

Both supports encryption.

Basically borg offers more possibilities for a little added complexity, and archivist is the quick and simple option.
[15:43:19] <lapineige> > <> I would discourage using Archivist, it's a random project maintained by a single person, in addition to being just a patchwork of bash scripts

Yet it's easier/faster to install and probably better than a random set of scripts you write yourself in most cases. Daily driving it since it exist (almost), it's flawless.
(and anyway, one day borg will be in Yunohost core, isn't it? 😉
[15:44:34] <ynhuser19999> Hello, i've a question. I did download datanet on my yunohost server, but idk how can i access to the graphic interface?
[15:46:40] <lapineige> > Also, if I got a basic Hetnzer Storage Box, I'd be able backup using any of those approaches, right?

Yes 🙂

> The documentation isn't clear to me on the level of maturity of Borg vs Restic vs Archivist apps.

I can't compare with restic, I don't know it.
For context, I use borg for my desktop and daily drive Archivist for my YNH servers.

Borg is indeed harder to setup as it is right now. Once integrated in Yunohost (it's planned) it will be ideal. Also it's a bit harder to restore backups, you need more knowledge and understanding to manage it.
I believe it doesn't do the Yunohost backups (I mean the core feature) for you if that's what you want to backup. In that case, you either have to configure this yourself (or with archivist :D), and backup only files (and this will not lead to an easy&fast way to restore your server).
It is great for incremental backups (not extra space taken, and you keep an history), in particular for random files. It uses its own binary format, so in case it break (unlikely) or without borg installed you can't do anything with these (archivist is just normal files).
It supports well remote storage.
It supports compression, and deduplication (any data that is a double is stored once). Depending on you use case (files to backup, internet connection speed), deduplication might be interresting, or not (that much). Compression matters a lot more.

Archivist is really easy to setup for local storage (just set an install frequency and install it). It's a little more complexe for distant storage, but in you case I guess you could simply mount the storage box (same for borg probably).
It's almost install&forget. You will need to adjust the list of app to backup if you install new apps. *Be aware of the extra space needed however 😉*. Then it's done, it will make the backups for you.
It can send you an email to report after a backup if everything went well (I think borg as a similar mecanishm).
It works mainly with Yunohost archives : random files backups are possible, but less ideal.
It only keeps the latest version, no incremental backups. Also it avoid doing them if they are no new change (same for Borg, which will do it faster).
Also it supports archive compression, which for reasons where removed from Yunohost, while keeping it as simple compressed archive (not a binary format).

Both supports encryption.

Basically borg offers more possibilities for a little added complexity, and archivist is the quick and simple option.
[15:47:35] <lapineige> > Also, if I got a basic Hetnzer Storage Box, I'd be able backup using any of those approaches, right?

Yes 🙂

> The documentation isn't clear to me on the level of maturity of Borg vs Restic vs Archivist apps.

I can't compare with restic, I don't know it.
For context, I use borg for my desktop and daily drive Archivist for my YNH servers.

Borg is indeed harder to setup as it is right now. Once integrated in Yunohost (it's planned) it will be ideal. Also it's a bit harder to restore backups, you need more knowledge and understanding to manage it.
I believe it doesn't do the Yunohost backups (I mean the core feature) for you if that's what you want to backup. In that case, you either have to configure this yourself (or with archivist :D), and backup only files (and this will not lead to an easy&fast way to restore your server).
It is great for incremental backups (not extra space taken, and you keep an history), in particular for random files. It uses its own binary format, so in case it break (unlikely) or without borg installed you can't do anything with these (archivist is just normal files).
It supports well remote storage.
It supports compression, and deduplication (any data that is a double is stored once). Depending on you use case (files to backup, internet connection speed), deduplication might be interresting, or not (that much). Compression matters a lot more.

Archivist is really easy to setup for local storage (just set an install frequency and install it). It's a little more complexe for distant storage, but in you case I guess you could simply mount the storage box (same for borg probably).
It's almost install&forget. You will need to adjust the list of app to backup if you install new apps. _Be aware of the extra space needed however 😉_. Then it's done, it will make the backups for you.
It can send you an email to report after a backup if everything went well (I think borg as a similar mecanishm).
It works mainly with Yunohost archives : random files backups are possible, but less ideal.
It only keeps the latest version, no incremental backups. Also it avoid doing them if they are no new change (same for Borg, which will do it faster).
Also it supports archive compression, which for reasons where removed from Yunohost, while keeping it as simple compressed archive (not a binary format).

Both supports encryption.

Basically borg offers more possibilities for a little to significant added complexity (depending on the use case), and archivist is the quick and simple option.
[15:53:40] <lapineige> Kirk: one way to become familiar with borg would be to use it on your desktop with a GUI such as Vorta for your desktop backups. And then setup it on the server (with Yunohost + CLI) once you're ready 🙂

For my part that's why I wouldn't use restic, because I know borg as a use it regularly, I don't have to learn another system and adapt my mindset depending on what I'm working with.
[18:41:01] <lapineige> > I tried to use an SD card to put the /boot partition, but the hard drive is still starting too late apparently

Sounds like the `_netdev` option is the way to go (dirty hack ?) : it makes it wait for network to be working before trying to mount the partition.
Doesn't work for root, but for another mountpoint such as /home, it works
[20:58:06] <lapineige> Wait, for Raspberry users, there is a boot option that can solve things :\_txt.html#boot\_delay
edit: not working sadly, the drive wait for the delay to pass…