Thursday, February 02, 2023
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[10:02:04] <Salamandar[m]> arf
[12:08:26] <Salamandar[m]> I think it's because I re-created the mysql databases…
[12:08:26] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> @_@
[12:08:26] <Salamandar[m]> i reinstalled the whole VPS :D
[12:08:27] <tituspijean> yeah I got the same feeling. tethroar how many messages have you sent?
[12:08:27] <tituspijean> yeah sorry... either that or the bridge with Matrix is acting up.
[12:08:27] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (am I missing half of the messages or something)
[12:08:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> typically PHP apps set `more_set_header REMOTE_USER $remote_user;` inside the nginx conf
[12:08:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (`$remote_user` being an internal var in nginx tied to the basic auth header)
[12:08:28] <tituspijean> centralscrutinizer do you have full log of the restore attempt?
[12:08:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and in fact i don't know what non-php-apps do for SSO :/
[12:08:28] <centralscrutinizer> > Bonjour
I am trying to restore a full backup of my server to a new machine. Followed this thread, but i am stuck at the actual restore command, getting this critical error: ``tools_post install () missing 1 required positional argument: 'password' ``

Bumping this again. Since I cannot get my bios to recognize the yunhost usb image, I have to install debian and then yunohost. When installing debian though it asks me to create the first user. So i created the same username and password of my old server. But I still get the error when trying to restore the backup. Any idea anyone?
[12:08:29] <ynhuser> bonjour
[12:08:29] <nicofrand> ah, webadmin login does not work either with the regular user
[12:08:29] <nicofrand> Hi there! I just upgraded and everything worked fine, nice! Just one question: I am used to connect through ssh with the admin user then do `sudo -s`. With the "regular" user (not "admin") I cannot: I am not allowed to (“USER is not allowed to run sudo on COMPUTER. This incident will be reported.”). Is that expected? Shouldn't the regular user be usable as much as the old admin user?
[12:08:29] <c014> purge admin data when deleting user?
[12:08:29] <nicofrand> I don't remember editing the admin user to allow it
[12:08:30] <centralscrutinizer> > <> centralscrutinizer do you have full log of the restore attempt?

Trying to figure out where to find it in /var/log 🤔
[12:08:30] <centralscrutinizer> > <> centralscrutinizer do you have full log of the restore attempt?

I will send the log as soon as I get back home. Thanks
[12:08:30] <tituspijean> Looks like it :/
[12:08:30] <eric_G> Lucas80: both
[12:08:30] <nicofrand> OK, my real user was not added to the admins group
[12:08:30] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (am i missing again half of the messages ? x_x )
[12:08:30] <tituspijean> nicofrand I was about to ask you this 🙂 Is your current user somehow not the first one created on the server?
[12:08:31] <tituspijean> What about your good old `yunohost log` command?
[12:08:31] <nicofrand> Yup
[12:08:31] <nicofrand> With SSH there is a small issue though: `Could not chdir to home directory /home/nicofrand: Permission denied`
[12:08:31] <tituspijean> Otherwise it's in `/var/log/yunohost/operations`
[12:08:31] <nicofrand> tituspijean: TBH I don't know, I have been using Yunohost for a while now (and migrated from a server to a VPS 2 years ago), maybe I did something weird. How could I check?
[12:08:31] <nicofrand> tituspijean: only "admin" is in the group, so no other user was detected as "first user"
[12:08:31] <nicofrand> (I posted everything on the forum too, just in case)
[12:08:31] <tituspijean> nicofrand I would not worry too much about it, since you found the solution by yourself. 😛 Though we could improve the announcement by suggesting users to make sure they are in the admins group.
[12:08:32] <nicofrand> thx anyway
[12:08:32] <tituspijean> nicofrand I think the users IDs got mixed up when you migrated.
[12:08:32] <nicofrand> `drwxrwxr-x+ 2 debian debian 4096 Oct 14 2021 nicofrand` for `/home/nicofrand`. That's odd right? Could someone check the owner/group for their user please?
[12:08:33] <Andre> no i wanted to anonymize it
[12:08:33] <nicofrand> tituspijean: should I `chown -R nicofrand:nicofrand /home/nicofrand`?
[12:08:33] <tituspijean> Yes.
A backup/restore will rely on the user ID when `chown`ing.
If your user has ID `1001` in the old server, but for some reason the Debian image you used for the new server sets up a new default `debian` user with same ID, then the restored directories will belong to `debian`
[12:08:33] <nicofrand> Great, thanks
[12:08:33] <nicofrand> > <> no i wanted to anonymize it

ah :S !
[12:08:34] <Salamandar[m]> ```
yunohost user group add-mailalias admins root@$MAINDOMAIN admin@$MAINDOMAIN admins@$MAINDOMAIN webmaster@$MAINDOMAIN abuse@$MAINDOMAIN postmaster@$MAINDOMAIN
Info: attribute 'mail' with value '' is not unique
Error: Could not update the group 'admins': LDAP attribute 'mail' already exists with value ''
[12:08:34] <Salamandar[m]> Hey, I'm trying the workaround for the 11.1 release for those that were in testing
[12:08:34] <nicofrand> Lot of nice things in this release, thanks a lot
[12:08:34] <Salamandar[m]> Ah yes I ran the last line of the suggested commands to see if it solved the issue
[12:08:34] <tituspijean> Salamandar[m] What's the output of `yunohost user group info admins` ?
[12:08:34] <Salamandar[m]> mail-aliases:
members: salamandar
[12:08:34] <nicofrand> I'll keep the legacy admin user for a while to be sure but everything looks fine now
[12:08:34] <Salamandar[m]> :|
[12:08:35] <Salamandar[m]> Aaaah yes, good catch
[12:08:35] <Salamandar[m]> now the 3 servers i'm managing (1 i installed YESTERDAY) are upgraded to 11.2 ! Thank you all <3
[12:08:35] <tituspijean> It might be easier to check the webadmin to see if that alias is bound to another group or user (I'm thinking of the legacy admin user)
[12:08:35] <Salamandar[m]> thank you !!
[12:08:35] <Salamandar[m]> but i may have bounded to my user…
[12:08:35] <Salamandar[m]> I deleted this legacy user
[12:08:38] <tethroar> heh, looking at calibreweb that header gets disabled if the app is set to public, which.. is odd
[12:08:38] <tethroar> i can see some prior art where this is used (gitea) but can't see where it is enabled. other apps (calibreweb) don't seem to have the header so i'm wondering if i'm missing a postinstall hook
[12:08:38] <nicofrand> uh, your "user" directory is owned by "black"?
[12:08:39] <tethroar> first was this: dev question: should I be able to rely on a header being set with the authenticated user's username in it for auth automatically, or does this need to be enabled?
[12:08:39] <Lucas80> Hey. Is this channel is in english or french ?
[12:08:39] <tethroar> pretty much the same thing for other apps - gitea will blindly accept that header from a named source (eg
[12:08:39] <tethroar> have i been betrayed by my client? :(
[12:08:39] <tethroar> eg X-REMOTE-USER and the like?
[12:08:39] <tethroar> anyway i solved my problem, too much rtfm, not enough rtfc :D
[12:08:39] <tethroar> my first said "dev question:" and i've sent three
[12:11:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 11.1.5 you mean :D
[12:25:06] <eric_G>
[12:28:24] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> xD
[12:58:04] <tane> > <> sent an image.
[13:02:31] <eric_G> Damn! I want a Bates now
[14:56:05] <mnguiro> bonjour
[15:42:41] <tane> > <> bonjour

[16:24:07] <Salamandar[m]> BTW, i read some of you are going to fosdem ?
[16:25:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> offdem hell yeah
[17:38:48] <bamf> hi, I have set up an smtp relay in yunohost settings, ho do I verify if it's working?
[17:46:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> by trying to send an email to some external address i think
[20:12:53] <shehabalnzelj> Hi
[20:20:15] <tituspijean> 👋
[20:31:34] <bamf> > <> by trying to send an email to some external address i think

how do I do that? with `mail`? it seems nothing is happening
[20:32:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> with your usual mail client
[20:32:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> thunderbird / rainloop / roundcube / ??
[20:33:19] <bamf> oh postfix was not running
[20:36:49] <bamf> I need to setup a mail client to verify the relay setup? I just want to receive status mails from yunohost
[20:42:20] <bamf> I want to use a local mail server running on another machine to be the relay so I can receive status mails from yunohost like update notifications.

this is currently happening when I try to send an email:

Feb 2 20:37:24 Yunohost postfix/qmgr[22128]: 2C6661921F: from=<>, size=2675, nrcpt=3 (queue active)
Feb 2 20:37:24 Yunohost postfix/qmgr[22128]: 6B5DA19068: removed
Feb 2 20:37:25 Yunohost postfix/smtp[23022]: Trusted TLS connection established to[]:587: TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits) key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits)
Feb 2 20:37:25 Yunohost postfix/smtp[23022]: warning: SASL authentication failure: No worthy mechs found
Feb 2 20:37:25 Yunohost postfix/smtp[23022]: 2C6661921F: to=<>, orig_to=<>, relay=[]:587, delay=1.1, delays=0/1/0.05/0, dsn=4.7.0, status=deferred (SASL authentication failed; cannot authenticate to server[]: no mechanism available)
[20:48:04] <bamf> ok it seems package `libsasl2-modules` is missing
[21:06:00] <guilhem451[m]> is yunohost compatible with my amiga500mini ? :P
[21:10:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> if it's one of armhf / arm64 / amd64 / i386 and can run debian, then yes
[22:46:26] <Attica> Hello
[22:55:32] <guilhem451[m]> hello :P