Sunday, February 12, 2023
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[08:29:32] <c014> One of my added users says that the time is running one hour off in his irc client, shouldn't this be the same for all users? my time is the correct time, and I don't see anywhere in the control panel where you can change your time settings
[09:20:47] <tituspijean> c014: is your user on the same timezone as your server?
[09:32:26] <pewse> Everything in my system says 10:32 except thelounge in my browser that says 09:32
[10:41:22] <c014> tituspijean: as pewse said
[11:58:18] <pewse> Seems like it has something to do with Firefox, I just tried with Brave, and the time is correct
[12:43:27] <fch> > Hello everyone,
> Sorry but my English is not as good as I would like, so I use a translator.
> I have a RPI4 and would like to install Yunohost, but on an external hard disk (USB). Do you have a document about this?
> Do I have to update the firmware of the RPI4 so that it boots directly on an external USB disk?
> Can I encrypt the disk to avoid this?
> Another question, can I install Yunohost on the SD and configure it so that all data is on an external USB disk. If for example I install Synapse (to have Matrix), can I have the data only on external disk?
> Thanks
you can flash directly from your pc to SSD/HDD and it will boot normally, the same way as from a micro SD, however if you SSH/HDD does not support usfa, you will need to add a line on the kernel in order to boot from the USB3 ports.
[12:47:01] <fch>
[12:49:04] <fch> I installed yunohost following this guide for the lime2: however after configuring all and etc, I ran that command to change the SSH config file as suggest by yuonohst. Now I am locked out of SSH and can't access the web admin page, can this be fixed?
[13:11:26] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> we can't help you without further details ... what do you mean you are "locked out" ... what exactly are you trying, and what happens when you try ... do you see any specific error message ...
[13:11:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> same for you "can't access the web admin page" ...
[13:18:37] <fch> I am trying to access via SSH, but get "connection closed" message. The web admin does not even load. I would give further details, but I can't access it
[13:35:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> then what do you see on the webadmin ? Are you seeing a blank page or is there an error message ?
[13:35:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> >I am trying to access via SSH

Again, there are dozens way to try to log in on ssh ... are you trying using `root`, using `admin`, using another user ? Use the local IP ? The global IP ? The domain name ?
[13:36:34] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> "Connection closed" could be symptomatic of getting banned by Fail2ban
[13:58:33] <fch> > then what do you see on the webadmin ? Are you seeing a blank page or is there an error message ?
blank page
[13:59:19] <fch> > Again, there are dozens way to try to log in on ssh ... are you trying using `root`, using `admin`, using another user ? Use the local IP ? The global IP ? The domain name ?
I tried with admin, root and the user I created, all with lan IP. All failed
[14:07:32] <nachoLIBRE> How do I configure yunohost under for hidden service, so it creates tor based domain name + email + jabber
[14:07:40] <nachoLIBRE> Does nextcloud work OK through tor?
[14:08:18] <nachoLIBRE> I'm not so sure I will use it but I want to learn
[14:08:37] <ninchuka> I dont see why it wouldnt, just quite slow I've heard people use nextcloud through i2p which is similar to Tor but different
[14:09:02] <nachoLIBRE> I read a page about it but they said it may leak some info from yunohost
[14:11:09] <nachoLIBRE> It tells you how to setup and "configure" and then says its not complete and isn't considered hidden
[14:12:40] <nachoLIBRE> I just got my first server, its a thinkCentre i7, wanted to do everything myself manually but found yunohost now its hard not to use it
[14:12:54] <nachoLIBRE> It very propa
[15:49:55] <Kaolo> Bonjour, je souhaite accéder aux applis+SSO Yunohost en local uniquement. J'ai mis des dns override sur mon firewall mais je n'ai pas l'impression que ça marche. Pourriez-vous m'aider?
[15:51:15] <Kaolo> voici quelques infos pour le contexte:
[15:51:58] <Kaolo> Yunohost est installé en tant que VM sur un NAS.
[15:51:59] <Kaolo> Connexion internet établie et j’arrive à enregistrer un domaine
[15:51:59] <Kaolo> Le NAS (avec Yunohost) est derrière mon firewall pfsense qui lui est derrière une box FREE.
[15:52:00] <Kaolo>
[15:52:00] <Kaolo> J’ai essayé de mettre des DNS override dans pfsense comme préconisé ici :
[15:52:00] <Kaolo> Mais je n’ai pas l’impression que ça marche
[15:52:01] <Kaolo> J’ai un Syncloud dans la même configuration pour lequel les DNS override sur pfsense règlent bien le problème de hairpinning.
[18:48:54] <hueso> Syncloud Nexthing
[19:57:32] <eric_G> Is someone here using Libreddit on a Raspberry?
[20:11:15] <mavric34[m]> Hi, I would like to see "Stash" integrated with YunoHost, it will be very easy to integrate and update as it has a very simple tree structure!

[20:11:35] <mavric34[m]> Would it be possible to integrate Stash with YunoHost?
[20:12:59] <eric_G> Very tempting... does it work for anything other than porn? 😶‍🌫️
[20:13:42] <mavric34[m]> > <@ericg[m]> Very tempting... does it work for anything other than porn? 😶‍🌫️

Yes I use it to pin my tinder dates too and rate them!
[20:14:39] <mavric34[m]> It is a very powerful application and very the most advanced in the genre, it is extremely stable!
[20:15:40] <mavric34[m]> It is very simple to use, you just have to launch the executable and the server starts by creating the default configuration file
[20:18:31] <mavric34[m]> A large community maintains the application, it is often updated and has a lot of plugins, scripts, scrappers, themes... It is available on most of the NAS operating systems
[22:02:09] <Jonathankla> Ich kann mich nicht mehr in die Verwaltung einloggen es kommt immer der Fehler: Falsches Passwort für Benutzername
[22:16:49] <eric_G> mavric34[m]:
[22:17:25] <Jonathan Klatt>
[22:17:55] <Jonathan Klatt>
[22:18:31] <mavric34[m]> > <@ericg[m]> mavric34[m]:

It is beautiful, I will install it right away
[22:20:10] <Jonathan Klatt> Unfortunately, I can no longer log into the administration. Does anyone know how to do this? Can someone please help me?
[22:20:45] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Jonathan Klatt: did you read the note about the 11.1 release ? Are you sure that user is in the "admins" group ? Can you try with username "admin" and your usual admin password ?
[22:23:25] <Jonathan Klatt> this is my default admin account
[22:24:22] <Jonathan Klatt> Sorry thanks
[22:24:27] <Jonathan Klatt> Run
[22:25:06] *Aleks (he/him/il/lui) runs away
[22:29:19] <Jonathan Klatt> Mein Englisch ist überhaupt nicht gut habe eine Legasthenie. Aber dennoch danke ❤️ My English is not good at all I have Legasthenie. But thanks anyway
[22:48:39] <mavric34[m]> > <@ericg[m]> mavric34[m]:

I installed it, the application works well, but the following screens do not appear at first launch:
[22:50:00] <mavric34[m]> I guess the configuration was done automatically when the application was packaged!
[22:51:48] <mavric34[m]> Do you think the application can be integrated into the official repository in the coming days?