Tuesday, February 14, 2023
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[01:25:22] <ynhuser> yeahh im done wasting my time fuck off
[01:25:23] <ynhuser> it is not admin or anything to do with password I tried and no I didn't set one up when installing ...great documentation pos software
[01:39:58] <wayneoutthere> > <cat> yunohost cool and good

This ^ :)
[05:04:53] <nachoLIBRE> Is it cool to run nextcloud + matrix + matrix bridges(FB, Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal
+ xmpp

A question about xmpp, is it already generated and running when yunohost server is running? If so how do I configure and use it
[05:20:32] <badrihippo> Yes, XMPP is usually running. You can use your YunoHost email (user@domain.com) and the password for that user to log in
[05:21:00] <badrihippo> If you're not able to cannect, check in Users -> Groups and Permissions to make sure the user in question has the "XMPP" permission
[06:29:23] <mcint> Are there ways to re-run migrations during upgrades? I've rebooted my server during upgrades. I see some files that should've been updated, php7.3->php7.4 and apparently db migrations that haven't run. Specifically for monica at the moment
[06:29:38] <mcint> But i'd like to know, are app upgrade scripts stored in some central point?
[07:07:49] <c014> which do you prefer? borgbackup archivist or restic?
[09:36:07] <jss1008> I have installed Wordpress but it didn't ask for user name and password. Does anybody know if there is a default login information?
[10:51:06] <joeldebruijn[m]> Just came across thuis also.
Afaik iets handled by SSO.
[10:51:45] <joeldebruijn[m]> * Just came across this also.
Afaik iis handled by SSO.
[10:51:53] <joeldebruijn[m]> * Just came across this also.
Afaik its handled by SSO.
[10:53:07] <joeldebruijn[m]> So Yunohost user which installed WordPress is the admin there also
[10:54:33] <joeldebruijn[m]> After that I created a user in WordPress but instead I've should have created a Yunohost user.
[10:55:17] <joeldebruijn[m]> Otherwise the WP backend kept redirecting to Yunohost portal.
[10:55:34] <joeldebruijn[m]> Could be mistaken tho
[11:39:56] <frederic377> hello
[11:42:23] <frederic377> i have to reinstall my yunohost server. I went to the forum but i was not able to create a topic to ask and remove fred377.nohost.me domain.
[11:43:17] <frederic377> Maybe must i wait for new rigths ?
[11:44:26] <frederic377> #yunohost:libera.chat
[11:47:27] <frederic377> :]
[11:55:11] <Salamandar[m]> Hey guys, I got this warning on multiple unrelated yunohost instances :
[WARNING] There's been a suspiciously high number of authentication failures recently. You may want to make sure that fail2ban is running and is correctly configured, or use a custom port for SSH as explained in https://yunohost.org/security.
[11:55:46] <Salamandar[m]> The fact that I have this on multiple instances makes me think it's not as bad as it suggests…
[11:59:23] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yeah it's not really bad, it's kinda expected, there's just an arbitrary threshold somewhere
[12:00:41] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> though the interesting thing about moving to another SSH port is that it should really reduce the number of failed auth attempt AND the fact that this check also check other auth method, such as sudo I think, hence this allow to detect a malicious user trying to bruteforce some password using sudo, etc
[12:00:52] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (or bruteforcing root from the localnetwork via SSH, that kind of stuff)
[12:05:31] <Salamandar[m]> hmmmm
[12:07:12] <niz___[m]> hello,
I have difficulties to install the synapse-admin package
see https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ivenuyifux
what can I do to make it work ?
[12:09:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git` @_@
[12:09:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> zbfblfngr
[12:10:10] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah it doesnt seem to be the actual issue
[12:10:20] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `The build failed because the process exited too early. This probably means the system ran out of memory or someone called `kill -9` on the process.`
[12:11:12] <niz___[m]> hum ok, maybe memory
[12:12:24] <niz___[m]> I will remove unused app and try again
[12:43:02] <niz___[m]> same behaviour with 560MiB of free RAM
[13:07:50] <westbam> Salut
[13:08:49] <westbam> je viens de voir que j'ai un souci avec Xmpp sur mon serveur Yunohost .... je ne peux pas envoyé de fichier dans une discussion / canal
[13:08:57] <westbam> quelqu'un a une idée ?
[13:10:55] <westbam> cela ne marche que ce soit a partir de movim ou sur mon smartphone avec conversation ..
[13:11:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ça ressemble au truc xmpp-upload etc ... est-ce que lorsque tu avais installer le certif Lets Encrypt tu avais déjà bien configurer les enregistrements xmpp-upload et autres enregistrements líés à XMPP ?
[13:11:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> en tout cas si tu fais "grep -nr xmpp-upload /etc/nginx/conf.d" tu devrais trouver une ligne correspondant à ton domaine
[13:19:23] <westbam> Aleks (he/him/il/lui) Yep oui c'est un souci de zone DNS en fait... je regarde ça
[18:02:29] <mavric34[m]> Is it possible for a user to create a yunohost account from the portal?
[18:04:20] <mavric34[m]> * Is it possible for a visitor to create a yunohost account from the portal?
[18:08:26] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ZRymuYuVOQtzZBgeLsdOQoYj
[19:07:52] <isAAAc> nevermind, install is failing
[19:14:29] <colm> Hello, I'm having an issue with image upload using XMPP on YNH. The error code from my xmpp client indicates that my hostname 'xmpp-upload.domain.tld' is not verified. The Suggested DNS records page in the ynh admin provides a great recommended config, but I am unsure where I should input this info...

My main domain name is registered with gandi.net, but because my ynh install is a home-server with changing IP, I use 'noip' to keep the connection between the two alive. Do I need to enter the Suggested DNS records on Noip or on Gandi?
[19:31:00] <isAAAc> could some mastodon_ynh admin confirm to me mastodon is using postgresql please ?
[19:35:39] <eric_G> isAAAc: yes it is
[19:36:50] <isAAAc> thx eric_G
[19:37:09] <isAAAc> so my masto install is really lost, nothing left
[19:38:21] <isAAAc> i opened a Q&A topic here if someone wants to join: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/discussions/23601
[20:06:46] <LPS_trashserver> Hi, I've been having issues with my CPU on my old PC running excessively since updating to Yunohost 11, as if it were encoding or running heavy processes. Any suggestions to see what could be going on? All updates and apps are up to date and seem to be running fine.
[20:39:06] <isAAAc> LPS_trashserver: what htop is telling ?
[20:39:42] <LPS_trashserver> sorry, I'm not sure what you mean, is that a command I should run?
[20:40:41] <isAAAc> yep
[20:40:51] <isAAAc> apt install htop
[20:40:57] <LPS_trashserver> I see, I will install it thx
[20:40:58] <isAAAc> if you don't have it
[20:41:09] <isAAAc> ;)
[20:44:54] <LPS_trashserver> I do now, but not too sure what to look for as the CPU usage goes up and down
[20:45:36] <LPS_trashserver> I'm ashamed to admit but I put Gnome on my Server to have a DE and it seems it's higher in resources, however it never did this post update
[20:46:33] <LPS_trashserver> I see this gives basic usage instructions https://monovm.com/blog/what-is-htop-and-what-does-it-do/
[20:46:59] <LPS_trashserver> is there a summary command that i could run that could pinpoint the offending process?
[20:49:53] <LPS_trashserver> I've also posted on the forums, but I may actually start a new thread to make it more obvious what i'm asking
[20:49:54] <LPS_trashserver> https://forum.yunohost.org/t/cpu-running-excessively-since-unfinished-peertube-update/23614/4
[20:50:42] <LPS_trashserver> originally it seemed that I had an unfinished install of Peertube, however that has since been resolved and it is not processing anything
[20:52:48] <ynhuser> I am new to self host, and just installed yunohost on a new debian 11 droplet at digital ocean. At the postinstall stage in the browser, I get the error below:
[20:52:48] <ynhuser> Action: "POST" /yunohost/api/postinstall
[20:52:49] <ynhuser> Error: 400
[20:52:52] <ynhuser> the error msg is "YunoHost is already installed"
[20:52:52] <tane> > <LPS_trashserver> https://forum.yunohost.org/t/cpu-running-excessively-since-unfinished-peertube-update/23614/4

I'll have a look at the forum post
[20:55:32] <LPS_trashserver> Thx
[21:03:48] <boucman> But, i got a error. You can find more details in the following link => https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/uhocinegef
[21:03:48] <boucman> Thanks in advance for yout help.
[21:03:48] <boucman> Hi, I'm trying to install Home Assistant application. I'm a linux novice. Python, too ;).
[21:21:57] <cat> is it a security hazard not to update yunohost to it's newest version?
[22:11:18] <eric_G> cat:
[22:13:05] <eric_G> A lot of apps will require the server to be updated
[22:14:36] <eric_G> But I am not really answering your question...
[22:46:15] <tdlf32[m]> Would it be possible to integrate this application "TagSpaces" https://www.tagspaces.org to yunohost?

It's an application that works completely offline and allows to organize files, create ratings and much more!
[22:59:33] <Guest160> postinstall" et ça me répond command not found. Une idée de ce que je peux faire maintenant pour résoudre ce souci? Merci d'avance pour votre aide.
[22:59:34] <Guest160> Bonjour, je viens d'essayer d'installer Yuno Host sur un VPS mais il semble que l'installation n'ai pas fonctionné jusqu'au bout (je suis vraiment novice en SSH et lignes de commandes!). Il est indiqué [FAIL] Installation of Yunohost packages failed dans mon terminal. J'ai ensuite tenté la commande de post installation "yunohost tools
[23:20:11] <LassaadSbiha> Bonjour, j'ai un problème lors de l'installation de libreERP Odoo
[23:46:42] <Guest160> Oubliez mon message sur le souci d'installation ci-dessus, j'ai fait un post sur le forum à la place pour expliquer le souci plus en détails ;-)