Friday, February 03, 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[04:54:46] <wraidd> Anyone know how to force yunohost to use a particular PHP version when running an upgrade script? Upgrades to nextcloud 25 break using php 8.1 so I want to see if it'll work if I make it use 8.0 or 7.4
[05:38:29] <yunohelper> Hello! It looks like you are asking for help. Make sure to read our guidelines: 💕
[05:39:55] <tituspijean> wraidd: there's a high risk of XY problem with your question, so please share the logs showing your "nextcloud 25 breaking". If you want to tweak the php version, you will need to fork the nextcloud_ynh repository to change its code.
[09:09:21] <Salamandar[m]> Pffff slapd seems like a badly managed project
salamandar@salamandar:~$ chsh.ldap
LDAP password for salamandar:
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/chsh.ldap", line 80, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/chsh.ldap", line 69, in main
shell = ask_shell(
File "/usr/bin/chsh.ldap", line 50, in ask_shell
shell = input(' Login Shell [%s]: ' % oldshell)
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'input' referenced before assignment
[09:09:26] <Salamandar[m]> * Pffff slapd seems like a badly managed project

salamandar@salamandar:~\$ chsh.ldap
LDAP password for salamandar:
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/chsh.ldap", line 80, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/chsh.ldap", line 69, in main
shell = ask\_shell(
File "/usr/bin/chsh.ldap", line 50, in ask\_shell
shell = input(' Login Shell \[%s]: ' % oldshell)
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'input' referenced before assignment
[09:10:34] <Salamandar[m]> ```
salamandar@salamandar:~$ chsh.ldap -s /usr/bin/zsh
/usr/bin/chsh.ldap: /usr/bin/zsh is an invalid shell
[09:10:37] <Salamandar[m]> wtf…
[09:10:37] <Salamandar[m]> ```
salamandar@salamandar:~$ chsh.ldap -l
[09:10:44] <Salamandar[m]> not slapd, nslcd-utils
[09:25:48] <Salamandar[m]> my bug was reported… almost 3 years ago…
[09:26:09] <Salamandar[m]> looks like the usual xkcd
[10:30:14] <Guillaume Bouzige> Hello, I had to modify some param of dovecot and fail2ban on my yunohost server, but when updating is always trouble "The configuration file '/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf' has been manually modified and will not be updated" is there any way to make my modif more permanents ?

[10:32:42] <tituspijean> With a hook?
[10:33:58] <Guillaume Bouzige> a hook?

[10:34:28] <Guillaume Bouzige> I know a captain with a hook but not relevant....

[10:35:20] <tituspijean>
[10:36:29] <tituspijean> Guillaume Bouzige Have a good read, it's advanced use case but perfectly fits your need 😉
[10:36:46] <Guillaume Bouzige> thanks @tituspijean that seems to be what I am looking for...

[10:39:28] <tituspijean> olivier what do you mean by can't? Wrong username/password? another error?
[10:40:09] <Guillaume Bouzige> Woah 11.1 update went like a charm for me and all those features some are the ones I have been dreaming off...great thanks for the great great works done !!
[10:41:10] <tituspijean> olivier let's check that indeed there is a user in the admins group, share the output of`sudo yunohost user group list`
[10:41:31] <tituspijean> (a migration might have failed)
[10:42:06] <tituspijean> `[...]`?
[10:43:33] <tituspijean> ah yeah, I wanted to check that the admins group was present, but your pending migrations proves that it isn't 🙂
[10:43:37] <tituspijean> let's try it again, and share the logs if it fails:
[10:43:41] <tituspijean> (looking for the command...)
[10:44:25] <tituspijean> `sudo yunohost tools migrations run`
[10:48:26] <tituspijean> OK, did you put that alias onto another user?
[10:49:11] <tituspijean> to check so: `sudo yunohost user list --fields mail-alias`
[10:50:41] <tituspijean> yes, let's delete it for the time being: `sudo yunohost user update <first_user> --remove-mailalias <postmaster@mydomain.tld>`
[10:51:06] <tituspijean> to be repeated for each `Info: attribute 'mail' with value...` you might encounter
[10:53:41] <tituspijean> Great, enjoy the new features!
[11:03:21] <rodinux> Thanks ! This help me also !!
[11:22:35] <rc36> Hello, is it a french or engish salon ?
[11:25:40] <eric_G> rc36: both
[11:27:16] <rc36> J'ai passe mon nom de domaine en certificat letsencrypt,
[11:28:08] <rc36> Et l'option pour repasser en auto-signé n'apparait plus
[11:28:09] <rc36> Existe'til une astuce pour faire réapparaitre cette possibilité ?
[11:30:11] <tituspijean> Il me semble que non 😕
[11:32:43] <rc36> M....; après avoir migré sur la nouvelle version de yunohost le bandeau a effectivement disparu et n'existe plus :-(
[11:34:58] <tituspijean> Pourquoi aurais-tu besoin de faire ça?
[11:36:04] <rc36> mes ports 80 et 443 sont utilisés par une autre VM (nextcloud);
[11:36:41] <rc36> je les avais provisoirement basculés vers yunohost "pour tester
[11:37:16] <rc36> mais comme habituellement ils ne sont pas reliés à yunohost, le certificat letsencrypt ne pourras jamais etre renouvelé en automatique
[11:46:11] <lucidogen> weird behaviour after upgrading to ynh11.1 - cannot connect to sso using username/password. After 1 failed attempt all web connexions to any app are rejected. Still have SSH access, yunohost diagnosis shows everything running fine. Any hint ?
[11:51:07] <tituspijean> Do you have access to the chat history and can you see my conversation earlier with olivier?
[11:51:43] <tituspijean> erf, I misread, you are talking about the SSO, not the webadmin
[11:54:05] <lucidogen> stopped fail2ban, apps are back and I can log in, but not to ynh webadmin. How can I check my user belongs to the admins group ?
[11:56:42] <tituspijean> > <> Do you have access to the chat history and can you see my conversation earlier with olivier?

[11:56:47] <lucidogen> sorry cannot retrive your convesation with olivier
[11:57:14] <tituspijean> let's check that indeed there is a user in the admins group, share the output of `sudo yunohost user group list`
[11:58:08] <rc36> J'ai pu "contourner " le problème, mais la solution n'est pas des plus orthodoxe
[11:58:32] <rc36> 1 : ajout d'un nouveau domaine
[11:59:25] <rc36> 2 : affectation des applis et Co sur ce nouveau domaine, et suppression de l'ancien domaine
[11:59:36] <rc36> recreation du nouveau domaine
[12:00:56] <lucidogen> no group admins was created, I only have 2 users in the all-users group
[12:01:52] <tituspijean> let's apply the migration for admins group: `sudo yunohost tools migrations run`
[12:02:53] <rc36> Qu'en pensez-vous ?
[12:03:01] <lucidogen> Error: Migration 0026_new_admins_group did not complete, aborting. Error: Could not update the group 'admins': LDAP attribute 'mail' already exists with value 'webmaster@...
[12:03:07] <tituspijean> it might complain about already existing aliases, find out the culprits with `sudo yunohost user list --fields mail-alias` then delete them: `sudo yunohost user update <the_user> --remove-mailalias <the_alias@yourdomain.tld>`
[12:03:35] <tituspijean> rc36 c'est ce que j'aurais suggéré sans te faire bidouiller les certificats à la main.
[12:04:47] <lucidogen> I pretty need all those aliases... Can i reassign them afterwards ?
[12:05:16] <tituspijean> yes.
[12:05:36] <tituspijean> they will be assigned to the admins group, I guess you can change them afterwards.
[12:05:53] <rc36> Merci, A+
[12:17:36] <lucidogen> Thanks Titus , admins group created, I can log in. But what a pain, I had dozens of aliases to remove...
[12:24:39] <tituspijean> you only had to remove the ones the migrations was complaining about 🙂
if you had put them user per user, you should instead use the admins group now, or if you do not one the users receiving those emails to be admin, then create a dedicated group.
[13:04:30] <westbam> Salut, histoire de faire un dashboard un peu plus ... sympa. vous pensez que c'est possible de rajouter dashy comme app dans Yunohost ?
[13:07:46] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> possible, oui, en informatique beaucoup de choses sont possibles ;P
[13:11:14] <westbam> ;-)
[13:17:16] <wraidd> @tituspjean: there's an active ticket detailing the problem at, it has my log dump and some commentary
[13:33:27] <lucidogen> Still cannot find a way to alias webmaster@mydomain, postmaster@mydomain and abuse@mydomain to any of my admins users, am I missing something ?
[13:35:25] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> aren't they automatically added to the admins group ...?
[13:35:33] <lucidogen> mail sent to one of these is rejected
[13:36:09] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> then can we get exactly the error message of the "rejection" and what happens when you try to add the alias to your user
[13:38:25] <lucidogen> when I try to add the alias : this address is reserved to the admins group. When I try to send mail : address doesnt exist
[13:40:06] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> could it be that `yunohost tools regen-conf postfix` complains that some file got manually modified ?
[13:40:53] <lucidogen> yes my is modified. I'm using a relay
[13:41:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> not sure why using a relay implies modifying the conf manually, yunohost is supposed to be able to handle this too, but anyway you may want to look at the diff with `yunohost tools regen-conf postfix --with-diff`, there's some new stuff that is needed for the group aliases to work
[14:12:44] <lucidogen> bingo. I forced regen postfix conf and now delivery occurs. Thanks alot for your help
[18:07:43] <M1k3> Hello. Une question concernant le dossier `/home/yunohost.multimedia`, si j'intègre dans ce dossier un dossier media qui est un lien symbolique pointant sur un autre DD (comprenant 1To de vidéos & musiques), est-ce que lors des backup (via borg) ce dossier sera sauvegardé ? Mon objectif, que borg ne sauvegarde pas le dossier de films et musiques (dossier de médias qui serait utilisé par jellyfin).
[19:42:07] <luppiter> Hi, after upgrading my server I cannot longer login to the admin interface, watching the logs I found "Error: Migration 0026_new_admins_group did not complete, aborting. Error: Could not update the group 'admins': LDAP attribute 'mail' already exists with value 'admin@mydomain.tld'"
[19:42:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> sounds like you should find the corresponding account using that mail alias and remove it
[19:44:23] <luppiter> done but now, how can I login into the admin panel?
[19:44:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you should rerun the migration
[19:44:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> with `yunohost migrations run` if you're in CLI
[19:45:10] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (could be that there are similar problematic aliases)
[19:46:26] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> in which case it would be nice to have more detalls ... eg did you do some manipulation historically in your YunoHost with e.g. changing the main domain maybe
[19:50:35] <luppiter> yeah had some alias (admin, webadmin, abuse, etc) already deleted them. I havent changed the main domain. When I try to run "yunohost migrations run". I get "yunohost: error: argument {user,domain,app,backup,settings,service,firewall,dyndns,tools,hook,log,diagnosis}: invalid choice: 'migrations' (choose from 'user', 'domain', 'app', 'backup',
[19:50:37] <luppiter> 'settings', 'service', 'firewall', 'dyndns', 'tools', 'hook', 'log', 'diagnosis')"
[19:54:39] <luppiter> nvm the correct command is yunohost tools migrations run. Still thanks Aleks for the help =D
[19:54:41] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah yes
[19:54:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmkay that alias story is weird, i'm confused why this happens ...
[19:54:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> was your "first" user correctly added to the admins group after the migration ?
[19:55:58] <luppiter> nope, theres a new user "admin" with the description of admin_legacy
[19:56:04] <luppiter> but already added it manually
[19:58:08] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmkay
[21:50:54] <tane> tituspijean: I can speak English and would like to help with the docs but am unsure of the workflow. For instance, in the Yunohost docs ( I would like to change the Title from "Équivalence avec les applications Framasoft" to "Equivalent Framasoft Applications". Having never used github, should i fork the file, rename it to and then submit a merge request (It's a new file though so maybe not a merge request).

Alternatively, would you like to point me at a doc to work on?
[22:06:00] <tane> I don't know if I did it right, but it is done...maybe. :) Tell me where to go next and i will try and do one every couple of days.
[22:13:15] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> I don't know if I did it right, but it is done...maybe. :) Tell me where to go next and i will try and do one every couple of days.

Hmmm it sounds like you didnt create a PR though 😅
[22:13:17] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (But Im om my phone, not 100℅sure and not easy to write a tutorial on how to make a PR)
[22:13:18] <tane> What is the workflow?
[22:14:10] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> You should go toooo Yunohost/doc repo on github, Pull request tab, maybe theres a green button 'New pull request'
[22:14:19] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Or from your fork maybe
[22:14:22] <tane> Ahh, OK, it is alright. We have all the time in the world and I can always look it up myself. I just thought it might be easier than everyone having to put up with my mistakes.
[22:14:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> And the you need to select your repo/branch at some point
[22:15:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Usually when you git push, there's a link displayed to easily create a PR ... But that's when using the terminal
[22:16:20] <tane> Ok, I can see the pull request. I'll do that, and then see how far i get. Thank you.