Thursday, February 23, 2023
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[00:29:30] <ynhuser|blahbop9> I've removed FileBrowser and mygpodder but still getting the same error
[06:04:14] <tituspijean> ynhuser|blahbop9: please share the full logs of the Nextcloud installation attempt.
[06:34:13] <g5w>
[06:34:42] <g5w> tituspijean: logged into my matrix account
[07:27:59] <gunther-inn> anyone else having this problem? it seems this might be impossible to achieve... any info would help
[08:03:45] <badrihippo> I came across this once and ran some kind of manual apt command on the forum. I forget what it was, but I think something like `sudo apt install php8.1-fpm php7.9-fpm-`
[08:04:58] <badrihippo> ~Oh wait, old message~ never mind, it is new
[08:05:59] <badrihippo> ynhuser|blahbop9: note the `-` at the end of the second package; basically this removes php7.9 and installs php8.1 at the same time (sort of swapping out one for the other)
[08:06:31] <badrihippo> but you'll have to change the command depending on your exact packages; all I remember was it was of that form
[09:42:05] <elif> hello! when i try and access the my_webapp application on yunohost (of which i have installed and have running), it comes up with Error: "500" Internal Server Error. the action it failed on was "GET" /yunohost/api/apps/my_webapp/config?full&locale=en
[09:42:20] <elif> the error message is Config panel question 'fpm_free_footprint' should be initialized with a value during install or upgrade.
[09:42:51] <elif> does anybody know a reasoning and/or fix?
[09:50:08] <tane> I had a similar problem ( and the command in the thread fixed it. But, yours may not be the same as I believe that fix was merged. All my webapps updated last week, presumably with the fix. Are you fully updated?
[10:16:45] <hercut> bonjour
[10:26:43] <hercut> Des utilisateurs de ethercalc ?
[10:26:58] <hercut> Je n'arrives pas a faire de formulaire et je ne trouve pas d'info sur le net :/
[10:41:17] <err404> hercut: je vais tester ça
[10:41:34] <hercut> > <> hercut: je vais tester ça

Merci ;)
[10:49:54] <err404> hercut: il y a bien un bouton "form", qui mène à "live form" mais je ne vois pas non plus comment s'en servir ensuite
[11:05:30] <hercut> Je voulais installé Yakform mais impossible, ca ne foncitonne pas non plus :/
[11:05:30] <hercut> Si je savais parlé anglais ^^
[11:05:30] <hercut> Non rien sur cette fonction ou qui va dans le sens que je pensais
[11:05:30] <hercut> > <> hercut: peut être que tu aura plus de réponses en posant la question en anglais

Merci en tout cas d'avoir regardé c'est sympa :)
[11:05:31] <err404> hercut: peut être que tu aura plus de réponses en posant la question en anglais
[11:05:31] <err404> et en effet je ne vois pas d'infos sur le net...
[11:05:31] <err404> en tous cas j'ai bien la même chose que sur
[11:32:46] <FredJ> hercut: Hello,
Je ne sais pas à quoi vont te servir les formulaires que tu veux faire, mais il y a limesurvey qui permet de faire des formulaires, de les publier, et d'exporter les réponses. Notions de formulaires uniques, réponse modifiable ou non, scénario conditionel en fonction des réponses précédentes....
[11:41:23] <alwi> Hello,
After the post-install operation, I can no longer access the yunohost server as a user.
'Permission denied, please try again.'
Port 22 is open. With the password for the user I can log on to the server but not from the desktop.
[11:46:45] <rodinux> > <> Hello,
> After the post-install operation, I can no longer access the yunohost server as a user.
> 'Permission denied, please try again.'
> Port 22 is open. With the password for the user I can log on to the server but not from the desktop.

and within the webadmin, can you access
[11:48:41] <alwi> o, i see, yes
[11:57:16] <alwi> But why does it not work with the user?
[11:58:16] <Chatpitaine Caverne> > <> But why does it not work with the user?

This is a big modification of the admin :
[12:00:09] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Sorry, I think I misunderstood and was a bit out of scope.
[12:06:02] <alwi> Do I now understand that I have to add the user to the admins group in order to be able to access him via ssh?
[12:08:56] <rodinux> yes, the group admins is use to ssh and sudo users, also they will take advantage of aliases for system notifications. When all is ready with a user in group admins, if you still have a user admin_legacy, you should remove this one
[12:41:02] <alwi> Thanks! it works
[13:50:03] <alwi> If I can synchronize 150 GB of data from the desktop to the server using the nextcloud client with only 300 MB/s, it takes a very long time. With an upload speed of 7 GB/s it should be faster if the provider didn't throttle.
If the server is next to the desktop, can I shorten the time, and how?
[13:53:11] <Maranda> > <> If I can synchronize 150 GB of data from the desktop to the server using the nextcloud client with only 300 MB/s, it takes a very long time. With an upload speed of 7 GB/s it should be faster if the provider didn't throttle.
> If the server is next to the desktop, can I shorten the time, and how?

You mean 300Mb/s and 7Gb/s
[13:54:12] <Maranda> because if your connection has a 7 Gigabit rated upstream, 300MB/s is the actual consistent speed for the connection.
[13:55:32] <alwi> häää - actual 300 kb/s and possible 7 MB7s upstream
[13:58:46] <alwi> häää - actual 300 kb/s and possible 7 MB/s upstream
[14:17:15] <alwi> With the actual speed I must wait 138 hours
[15:32:41] <g5w> Got NextCloud to install finally. Wallabag was blocking imagemagik. Was able to reinstall Wallabag after installing NextCloud.
[16:27:18] <hercut> > hercut: Hello,
> Je ne sais pas à quoi vont te servir les formulaires que tu veux faire, mais il y a limesurvey qui permet de faire des formulaires, de les publier, et d'exporter les réponses. Notions de formulaires uniques, réponse modifiable ou non, scénario conditionel en fonction des réponses précédentes....

Merci de ton retour, mais Limesurvey est une cata, pas intuitif pour un clou, pas ergonomique et ultra-complexe (à mon gout !) Pour faire un questionnaire simple, c'est tellement long (quand on ne maitrise pas). Juste faire des conditions est impossible pour un novice :'(
Yakform etait vriament simple, rapid et efficace :(
[16:52:43] <err404> je vois qu'il y a un framaform, ça irait?
[16:54:02] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Il y a Forms dans Nextcloud, mais faut avoir Nextcloud.
[18:42:50] <Guillaume Bouzige> cryptpad gere les formulaires