Monday, February 06, 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[00:02:11] <Guest46> I updated a while back (made the mistake of updating via ssh and not via webadmin) I think my server is running fine, without any problems. But I'm always getting this warning.
[00:02:12] <Guest46>
[00:02:15] <Guest46> Should I do something about it?
[00:06:07] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> >If you already ran the Buster->Bullseye migration, then this error is symptomatic of the fact that the migration procedure was not 100% succesful (otherwise YunoHost would have flagged it as completed). It is recommended to investigate what happened with the support team, who will need the **full** log of the `migration, which can be found in Tools > Logs in the webadmin.
[00:06:30] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but if this was a while back, you wont find that log easily in the webadmin
[00:07:32] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> maybeeeeee `ls /var/log/yunohost/categories/operation/20* | grep migrate`
[00:14:50] <Guest46>
[00:15:26] <Guest46> This is what I see when I do ls operation/20* | grep migrate
[00:17:39] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> are you the one from this thread ?
[00:17:47] <Guest46> No.
[00:20:50] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> then let's rerun `ls -l /var/log/yunohost/categories/operation/20* | grep migrate` (this time with `-l` to help seeing the size which will help to know what's the actual migration that ran)
[00:26:36] <Guest46>
[00:26:41] <Guest46> Here's the logs
[05:43:34] <c014> Mathieu: alright thanks.. will try out seafile :)
[11:34:39] <eric_G> Guillaume Bouzige:
[11:35:06] <Anubhav Majumder> Any workaround for this?
[11:35:24] <Guillaume Bouzige> Thanks eric
[11:35:37] <Anubhav Majumder> > <> Any workaround for this?

[11:37:14] <tituspijean> Anubhav Majumder can you try using the command line interface to perform the post install? it is weird that there is no error message in the red box. Do you have non-latin characters in your username, password, main domain?
[11:56:41] <Guillaume Bouzige> after creatin a hook, I need to run `yunohost tools regen-config dovecot fail2ban` right ?
[11:56:46] <Guillaume Bouzige> found myself the answer, yes I do...sorry for the noise
[11:56:54] <Guillaume Bouzige> in fact `yunohost tools regen-config dovecot` gives me the same error that there is a conf modified...I shall `--force` but would it qpply my hook ?
[11:56:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> You can check what it will do with --with-diff
[13:20:24] <Guillaume Bouzige> hum not really, I am trying to apply a hook so I don't have issue with my modif of dovecot conf...I did `yunohost tools regen-conf dovecot -f` but my hook seems not to have worked
[13:22:45] <c014> anyone having problems installing pi-hole?
[13:22:46] <c014> after I installed it dnsmasq isn't working
[13:22:58] <Guillaume Bouzige> no idea about pi-hole, I use adguardhome...
[13:23:55] <c014> will try that one instead
[13:24:37] <Guillaume Bouzige> > hum not really, I am trying to apply a hook so I don't have issue with my modif of dovecot conf...I did `yunohost tools regen-conf dovecot -f` but my hook seems not to have worked

I have created a hook file here `/etc/yunohost/hooks.d/conf_regen/01_dovecot_max_ip` so I guess it shall be launched by conf_regen
[13:31:22] <Guillaume Bouzige> I have followed the documentation and adapted the content of the example provided to add this parameter `mail_max_userip_connections = 50`
[13:34:19] <Guillaume Bouzige> I launch `yunohost tools regen-conf dovecot` but the hook doesnt apply my param
[13:34:19] <Guillaume Bouzige> but yet it seems like the hook doesn't work...
[13:36:50] <tituspijean> c014 please check our guidelines ( Namely, it's better to share your logs if you have issues while installing an app.
[13:37:35] <c014> I googled and it seems like it's broken so I installed adguardhome instead
[13:38:40] <tituspijean> So there's no chance we know what is _your_ issue? ☹️
[13:38:49] <c014>
[13:40:00] <c014> that was the problem I had
[13:40:14] <tituspijean> OK thanks! and do you confirm having specifically the same errors reported by the services?
[13:40:37] <tituspijean> Meanwhile enjoy adguardhome 😉
[13:43:57] <c014> The logs are gone now since I uninstalled pi-hole, so I cant confirm that it was the exact same errors
[13:44:24] <c014> But the end result was the same
[13:49:04] <tituspijean> OK thanks!
[13:49:14] <Guillaume Bouzige> me I have no logs to show for my hook issue, since there is no errors, just the hook seems not to be effective...sad
[13:49:28] <Guillaume Bouzige> I hope I have provided enough context tho
[14:00:43] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> Meanwhile enjoy adguardhome 😉

well, adguardhome has it own issues unsolved too like the renewal of certificates that MUST be done manually...
[14:06:01] <tituspijean> It looks like a simple issue of giving read access to the certificates directory to the app (for reference:
[14:06:55] <Guillaume Bouzige> I wish it was that simple, I opened that issue and created a post on forum about it too but yet can't find neither help or a solution...
[14:07:58] <Guillaume Bouzige> read rights are for root or group ssl-cert, maybe adding adguardhome user group ssl-cert can do the trick
[14:09:53] <tituspijean> this might to broad of a permission. but we can use ACLs too.
[14:10:04] <Guillaume Bouzige> sure ACLs...I just don't know how
[14:12:17] <Guillaume Bouzige> and yet I came here about my hooks with dovecot issues, but yeah since I am here, I am more than happy to solve that certificate adguardhome thing if we might...
[14:20:18] <Guillaume Bouzige> this ACLs ? or you mean the yunohost web admin `manage users and group`
[14:23:52] <Guillaume Bouzige> ok `addgroup adguardhome ssl-cert` and then `service adguardhome restart` did solved the issue...still not sure which ACLs you were referring to
[14:35:09] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > I have created a hook file here `/etc/yunohost/hooks.d/conf_regen/01_dovecot_max_ip` so I guess it shall be launched by conf_regen

hmmm maybe the issue lies in the priority being 01
[14:36:31] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i would use somthing like 99 instead
[14:36:56] <M1k3> Hello. Petite question, quel est le login et mot de passe lors de la première connexion sur Raspberry Pi ?
[14:37:50] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> root / yunohost
[14:41:29] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> i would use somthing like 99 instead

ok, to test it I just launch the regen command and it shall apply my modif ?
[14:41:36] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yup
[14:41:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `yunohost tools regen-conf dovecot`
[14:42:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and if you want to see actually what happens inside the bash snippet you can run it with `--debug`
[14:42:23] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (though you gotta be familiar with bash debugging logs)
[14:48:27] <Guillaume Bouzige> hum it seems like `yunohost tools regen-conf` works but `yunohost tools regen-conf dovecot` don't
[14:52:12] <Guillaume Bouzige> aleks, regarding the ACLs for adguardhome to access `/etc/yunohost/certs/` it is fine to do just `ynh_system_user_create --username=$app --home_dir="$final_path" --groups="ssl-cert"` in the install script ? I am about to PR and I have tested validated on my install...
[14:54:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Yes i think that's the right way to express that the user needs access to certs
[14:56:27] <Guillaume Bouzige> ok thanks, PR done
[14:56:45] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (But i can encourage you to chat about this kind of stuff on the app packaging room instead 😛👍)
[14:58:19] <Guillaume Bouzige> (yeah sure I woul but the topic slipped away...from hooks to adguardhome, please accept my deep apologies for this behavior)
[14:59:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (you shall walk the walk of shame ! 🔔)
[15:01:20] <Guillaume Bouzige> (lol)
[15:02:27] <Guillaume Bouzige> but yeah the hooks, when I have an existing conf modified, I need to first force it back and then re-run so it catch the hooks ?
[15:10:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> no, it should catch the hook you define as long as it's ... defined
[15:10:45] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but if you manually modified the conf in the past, the conf regen will complain
[15:10:46] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and you have to `--force` it
[15:11:18] <Guillaume Bouzige> I see I see
[15:11:59] <Guillaume Bouzige> for dovecot it is solved but for fail2ban I am using a helper in the hook script in order to update the value of `ignoreip` parameter
[15:12:24] <Guillaume Bouzige> and it does not work
[15:14:54] <Guillaume Bouzige> like this `ynh_write_var_in_file --file=$fail2ban_conf --key=ignoreip --value=",,"`
[15:15:55] <Guillaume Bouzige> [I am not proficient with sed and got no example to follow...]
[15:16:46] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> uuuuuuh
[15:17:45] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> so like did you try it as a standalone command ?
[15:18:05] <Guillaume Bouzige> no I didnt,can we do that ?
[15:18:27] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmyeah if you source the app helpers
[15:18:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> wiiiith
[15:18:35] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers` I think
[15:18:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and then try running the command manually, though you gotta replace `$fail2ban_conf` with some actual value
[15:19:16] <Guillaume Bouzige> that would be the only way ?
[15:21:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> eeeeeh, i dunno, what do you mean that would be the only way ?
[15:23:30] <Guillaume Bouzige> I mean their must be a `sed` way to do it
[15:24:15] <Guillaume Bouzige> like those `sed -i -e '/ignoreip =/ s/= .*/= new_value/' /path/to/file`
[15:28:27] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah yeah there's totally a way to do it in sed :P
[15:29:33] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> something like `sed -i 's@^\s*ignoreip =.*@ignoreip =,,' /path/to/fail2ban` I think
[15:29:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> not 100% sure about the syntax, didnt test it
[15:30:29] <Guillaume Bouzige> yeah but this I can test easily, thanks !
[15:45:52] <Guillaume Bouzige> the sed command works outside of the hook when I try but not from within the hook, my dovecot hook and fail2ban hook both start with 99 now, is that an issue ?
[15:50:15] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> nope
[15:50:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> this is just to make sure they run after the base hook from yunohost core, not before
[15:53:16] <Guillaume Bouzige> hum ok
[15:55:53] <Guillaume Bouzige> not sure why it doesnt apply tho
[15:57:12] <tituspijean> > I have created a hook file here `/etc/yunohost/hooks.d/conf_regen/01_dovecot_max_ip` so I guess it shall be launched by conf_regen

Sorry to bring back this message, isn't the format `01-dovecot_max_ip`, with an hyphen instead of an undercore (I don't have access to my CLI right now to check that). maybe it doesn't matter.
[15:58:24] <Guillaume Bouzige> right, true...they both have `_` actually
[16:00:01] <tituspijean> ha! maybe it does matter:
[16:01:00] <Guillaume Bouzige> yeah well it kind of does matter
[16:01:45] <Guillaume Bouzige> it is more safe to have `-` everywhere
[16:02:09] <Guillaume Bouzige> it does work now, I have a great red error message on my sed command
[16:02:33] <Guillaume Bouzige> `Warning: sed: -e expression #1, char 69: unterminated `s' command
Error: Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/conf_regen/99-fail2ban-whitelist` while that same command works outside of hooks
[16:03:03] <Guillaume Bouzige> I might need to escape some char...I have a feeling
[16:03:21] <Guillaume Bouzige> or change quote by doble quote ?
[16:03:40] <tituspijean> Can you share the line of code?
[16:03:51] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> something like `sed -i 's@^\s*ignoreip =.*@ignoreip =,,' /path/to/fail2ban` I think

this is the one
[16:08:41] <Guillaume Bouzige> just the path is changed to the correct var in the hook script
[16:08:42] <tituspijean> yeah, hum, I am no expert and I don't see the issue sorry 😅
[16:08:43] <Guillaume Bouzige> yep I feel so hopeless to with sed, it hurts like regexp
[16:08:52] <tituspijean> well... it is. 😆
[16:09:06] <Guillaume Bouzige> I know.... :(
[16:09:50] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> are you sure this is exactly this line that is being run
[16:10:21] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> can you share the actual debug log, running th regenconf with `--debug`
[16:14:18] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> are you sure this is exactly this line that is being run

yes, I just use the a var for the path since it is relative to pending dir
[16:15:22] <Guillaume Bouzige> i would need to redirect output of command with debug option to a file right or is there a yunopaste way of doing
[16:15:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmmm
[16:16:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i think there should be a message like "Regen conf failed, please share the log with "yunohost log share ..." something"
[16:17:11] <Guillaume Bouzige> not sure about that, the debug is quite hard to read / follow
[16:18:39] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it should be at the very end
[16:18:40] <Guillaume Bouzige> yup i have something like `yunohost log show 20230206-161632-regen_conf-all`
[16:19:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> sooo let's run `yunohost log share 20230206-161632-regen_conf-all` (not the share instead of show)
[16:20:28] <Guillaume Bouzige> [this yunopaste functionnality is sooo great by the way]
[16:20:51] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> cheers ;P
[16:21:38] <Guillaume Bouzige> there is more than one sed in there...
[16:21:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > this is the one

so it looks like you didnt include the `@g` at the end of the sed stuff
[16:22:39] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hence the "unterminated sed command"
[16:22:56] <Guillaume Bouzige> woah you are really really good
[16:23:12] <Guillaume Bouzige> yep I must have deleted it when changing IP to the real one
[16:23:19] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i do this shit all day
[16:23:45] <Guillaume Bouzige> what does `@g` stands for in regex ?
[16:23:47] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and i lost thousand of hours on stupid typo like this :P
[16:24:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (everybody in the dev team can testimony 👀)
[16:24:13] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i do this shit all day

yeah but you do it great, I know some does it all day but still....
[16:25:11] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> and i lost thousand of hours on stupid typo like this :P

yeah I experienced that too, in one past life
[16:25:17] <tituspijean>
[16:25:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> the classic search and replace syntax is `'s@pattern@replacement@g'`, the `s` at the beginning is for 'search and replace', `@` is an arbitrary separation char, you can pick whichever you like, such as `/` (classic) or `|` (classic though somewhat less used), or even any non-special char, and `g` is for global like "replace all occurences" or something (not sure exactly, but i just always include it)
[16:25:53] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> sent an image.

you think they mean it in that sense ?
[16:25:57] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you can in fact omit the "g" at the end, but you still need to have the separator, eg `s@pattern@replacement@`
[16:27:29] <Guillaume Bouzige> I see...gosh sometime I wish I got to understand and practice regexp more an earlier
[16:27:31] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> sent an image.

saving this shit for later use 👀
[16:27:52] <tituspijean> Unfortunately it's a made-up quote 😕
[16:28:25] <tituspijean> Closest one would be "My Log Does Not Judge"
[16:28:53] <Guillaume Bouzige> yeah I remember that, she always speak so random in a way
[16:29:29] <tituspijean> (I actually never watched the series, but it's on my to-do-list ^^)
[16:29:55] <Guillaume Bouzige> (oh man you have to)
[16:30:49] <Guillaume Bouzige> so yeah the hook works on fail2ban but I have a LOTS of commented parts in it, like literraly every line is doble with a #before thing
[16:33:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> what serie is this ? 👀
[16:33:44] <tituspijean> I don't understand what's the issue?
[16:33:48] <tituspijean> > <> what serie is this ? 👀

Twin Peaks
[16:33:49] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> what serie is this ? 👀

twin peaks
[16:34:04] <tituspijean> oldie but goodie
[16:36:34] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> I don't understand what's the issue?

it is fine, I thought the debug have written some stuff in the conf but I was mistaken. my bad
[16:37:54] <Guillaume Bouzige> thanks for your great help again Aleks (he/him/il/lui) and tituspijean this hook thing is real great, I am happy to know it better now
[19:53:54] <Sissel> Alright, hey yall, I'm looking for help, is this the right channel ?
[19:58:17] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yup
[20:01:28] <Sissel> Nice ! I've had a working instance of Yunohost on a 3'5 hdd drive connected to a RPI 3B+ for a while (around 1.5 year). My problem right now is that I can't boot at all. I'm using a powered usb Hub (even bought a new one a few days ago thinking that was the issue) but on startup the RPi seem to not recognize the hub at all even though it work well
[20:01:29] <Sissel> on my computer.
[20:02:17] <Sissel> I've tried the bootcode.bin methode to no avail, I'm currently checking if the disk is bootable at all
[20:07:26] <Sissel> Doesn't seem like I can boot from the drive at all, that may be the problem
[20:08:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> uuuh wokay, not sure i can help with that, that sounds unrelated to YunoHost x_x ... what happens exactly, do you see an error message or something
[20:09:50] <Sissel> Nah I can't access any interface since I can't boot at all. I thought that it was maybe a problem with yunohost since, from what I could gather, raspbian should have been able to be boot from usb with no issue
[20:10:36] <Sissel> I've had some electrical issue in the past, I hope my RPi is not damaged but I dont know how I could investigate that
[20:11:29] <Sissel> Do you know if and how I can separate the boot and root partition so I can boot from an sd card and have my app on my drive ?
[20:11:36] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yunohost ain't really involve in the boot or anything "low level"
[20:11:53] <Sissel> The tutorial I've seen are ancient or unclear at best (or am bad at looking things up, may be a possibility too)
[20:12:12] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmmm yeah i know the boot partition can (and should?) be on the SD card yeah
[20:12:22] <Sissel> Its completely Raspberry pi OS at the low level then ?
[20:12:31] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yup
[20:12:45] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or even debian/linux
[20:12:58] <Sissel> Ok I see !
[21:07:32] <phinero> Guys, I lost the connection to the webadmin after I tried to check for updates via the webadmin page. Now I'm getting **PR\_CONNECT\_RESET\_ERROR** every time I try to connect the webadmin. Also can't connect SSO. Have connection only via SSH. Checked nginx status
[21:12:10] <phinero> Guys, I lost the connection to the webadmin after I tried to check for updates via the webadmin page. Now I'm getting **PR\_CONNECT\_RESET\_ERROR** every time I try to connect the webadmin. Also can't connect SSO. Have connection only via SSH. Checked nginx status
repo: stable
repo: stable
version: 11.1.4
repo: stable
version: 11.1.4
repo: stable
version: 11.1.4

[21:20:45] <phinero> Guys, I lost the connection to the webadmin after I tried to check for updates via the webadmin page. Now I'm getting **PR\_CONNECT\_RESET\_ERROR** every time I try to connect the webadmin. Also can't connect SSO. Have connection only via SSH. Checked nginx status
[21:24:00] <phinero> Guys, I lost the connection to the webadmin after I tried to check for updates via the webadmin page. Now I'm getting **PR\_CONNECT\_RESET\_ERROR** every time I try to connect the webadmin. Also can't connect SSO. Have connection only via SSH. Checked nginx status
[23:06:13] <KingPimpCommand> phinero - Have you tried a reboot?